Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


I watch Mae walk toward me where I’m waiting for her under our tree. This tree has so many memories for us. It’s where I used to chase her when we were kids, and she pretty much hated me until we were in high school.

This is the place I asked her to be my girlfriend, where we had so many dates, where I told her I loved her for the first time.

It’s our spot where we can escape from the realities we face back home. Here, under our tree, is a place we created for each other where we can feel safe and loved.

When Mae gets to me, she slowly sits down on the ground next to me. I’m lying against my backpack while I watch her.

Her face looks puffy and red, I know she’s been crying. It’s hard to see the girl you love hurt, it’s a different type of pain.

I place my finger under her chin and turn her face toward me. The right side of her face has a deep, purplish bruise forming on her skin. I know it’s from her dad, and I would give anything to lay him on his ass for the amount of pain he inflicts on her, but I know I’m nothing but a puppet in this town too.

“My lady Mae,” I whisper and lean over to kiss her bare shoulder.

She’s wearing one of her favorite summer dresses and she looks so much like an angel in this one.

“I’m sorry, I’m late.”

I shake my head at her. “Don’t be. I know,” I say, looking at the bruise on her face.

“I wish he would stop.” Her words are so quiet that the wind always drifts them away.

“I know, baby. We’re almost done. I sign tomorrow.” She gives me a small smile.

“It’s easy for you to say, you get to go once you graduate.” I sit up and grab her beautiful face in my hands.

“I’m not leaving you, Mae. With the money they give me, we can emancipate you and you can homeschool wherever I’m working.”

Tears form in her eyes, and it creates a deep ache inside of me.

“You really mean that?”

I give her a goofy smile. “Of course, darlin’. I would give you the world.”

“Oh, yeah? What else would you give me?”

I pull her toward me, and she falls against my chest. Her baby blues stare at me with so much trust.

“Mae, one day I’ll make you my wife and make you the home you’ve always dreamed of.”

“And don’t forget babies.” She smiles brightly at me.

“Of course not. All the babies you want.” She giggles against me. Her face lighting up.

“What do you think we’ll have first? A boy or a girl?” she asks.

“A boy. Definitely a boy. He’ll have your softness.”

“One day,” she simply says. A phrase we have been saying to each other as long as I can think of.

“One day,” I whisper against her lips and kiss her silly.

Tomorrow will be the day we’re finally free.



As I watch Mae walk away, all I can do is feel lighter. After everything I did to her. After becoming the monster I became, she still forgave me. She still allowed me to have glimpses of my son’s life that I don’t deserve.

God has given me a second chance at life, and I won’t take it for granted. I will spend my time making sure I never feed my addictions once again.

I will never be the evil I once was. I will never dance with the devil again. God has me.

I turn to walk away when I bump into a petite frame and catch her before she falls down. Her warm brown eyes look up at me in a calming way.

“I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going.” She chuckles.

I’m in awe of her beauty and how soft she feels in my hands. I let go of her after I remember what I was when I last touched a girl. My therapist says it will take some time till I overcome that, but I don’t deserve it.

“It’s okay,” I say simply and her eyes flutter as she watches me. There’s this peacefulness her aura gives that I just want to get lost in.

“I’m Camila,” she says with a smile that brings me to my knees. What a twisted world to show me such a beautiful creature knowing the monster I need to overcome.