Kite In The Snow by Karla Lopez


My head feels heavy, and I can barely open my eyes. The light blinds me as I open my eyes slowly, and it makes my head pound even more. I look around me and see a beeping machine and an IV in my arm.

I’m in a hospital.

I try to remember why I would be here. The last thing I can recall from my fuzzy mind is being in the bathtub after getting home from the party Travis ditched me at.

I remember the slap I got from both my dad and Travis that I touch my cheek to see if it’s there. I wince feeling the sting from the cut on my cheek.

The nurse walks in and smiles. “Oh, you’re up. Let me get the doctor.”

A few seconds later, the doctor walks in with a kind smile, but I know more than anyone that it’s just a mask because Travis’s dad—the sheriff—and my dad walk in behind him.

There’s no way I can tell them the truth now. They’re making sure of it.

“I’m so happy you’re awake sweetie.” I look at my dad and know that his endearment is all for show. He’s never treated me well in private.

“Hi, Mae, I’m doctor Hue and I just have a few questions to ask you if you’re feeling up to it.”

I nod, scared of the two other men in the room. Why couldn’t I have gotten a female doctor, maybe she could have helped me. I doubt it, though, with Travis’s dad in the room. Everyone fears his family in this town.

“Do you remember what happened?” All three pair of eyes stare at me, and I look at the doctor’s name tag, keeping my eyes there. I shiver, feeling the anxiety run through me.

“No. All I remember is being in the bath and now waking up here,” I whisper. From the corner of my eye, I can see the men share stares and they must like what they hear.

“Do you remember how you got the cut on your cheek?” Chills run through my veins, and my heart beats rapidly in my ear.

I can feel their piercing eyes grow more intense, and I know I have to lie. “I fell,” I whisper so softly I’m sure they can barely hear it.

“Okay.” Okay? A doctor would know that the cut on my cheek was inflicted from a hand and not from falling, but this average doctor won’t save me either.

“It seems you fell asleep in the tub, and you drowned. The paramedics were able to resuscitate you.” The memory flashes through my head, and I see it, me going under the water to make the pain stop. They’re lying and making me believe it was an accident, but all I have in me is to nod.

“One more thing.” The way he pauses makes me look up at him. “We ran some tests when you first got here, and it showed that you’re pregnant. Eight weeks to be exact.” All the air leaves my lungs and I find it hard to breathe. The beeping on the machines becomes louder and louder as I try to breathe.

“Mae, I need you to calm down. You’re having a panic attack. Look at me. Look at me.” I stare into his blue eyes, and I can see it there, the guilt and the apology. “You’re okay,” he whispers in a raspy voice.

“Can you excuse us, gentlemen?” Dr. Hue says and something passes between the three men before I can make it out.

I don’t dare look at my dad because I might as well be dead. “You’re okay, Mae.”

I shake my head at him with tears in my eyes. “I’m not. I wanted to die.”

“I know,” he whispers.

“But I can’t now. I need to be alive for my baby. Please, help me.” I choke on my sob as I plead for help.

“I’m so sorry, Mae. I-I have a family that I need to protect.” I shut my eyes, feeling the agony spread throughout my chest.

“Mae.” He stares at me for few seconds before he continues, “Run. Run away with you and your baby and don’t come back. I know Travis did this to you.” He points to my cheek.

“The only way out is if you run.”

Running away seems like heaven.

With those last words, he leaves my room. An hour passes before Travis makes it into my room. Fear slithers through me, but I try to calm down by counting.

1… 2… 3…

“I’m so sorry, Mae.” I look at him, shocked that he apologized. He’s never done that before.

“I want us to be a family. They told me you were pregnant. We can have that family you’ve always wanted. The one we’ve always wanted.” As the words leave his mouth, it feels like the old Travis talking, and my heart yearns for every word.

What if this is what he needed to change? The wakeup call. I pray that it is.

“You promise?” I ask, watching him closely. He sits down and grabs my hand.

“I promise, baby.” He kisses me softly, and my heart is sobbing with relief.




I’m startled awake by screams and it takes me a while to realize that they’re coming from my room where Mae is staying. I jump up and head to my room, but when I try to open the door, it doesn’t open. It’s locked.

Why would she lock the door?


She’s scared that I’ll hurt her. The screaming stops, and I hear her move around and then her silent sobs. My heart is in my throat trying to contain the pain I feel from hearing her sobs through the door.

The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. She’s been hurt before, that’s why she’s so scared of my touch. The reason why she locked the door and why she’s having nightmares.

I hate that someone could have hurt such a precious human. It makes my blood boil underneath my skin. I have this urge to protect her. No one should be hurt that way.

I sit outside the door until I hear her sobs fade out and I’m greeted with silence. What has happened to you, Mae? Who hurt you?

The sickening thought that the father of her child hurt her and that’s why she’s running away pregnant hits me. I shake my head at the thought, trying to calm myself down.

I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, and I should wait until Mae opens up about it. I lie myself back on the couch, knowing I have to be up in a couple of hours. I lie there staring at the ceiling as I think of a way to make her more comfortable around me.

I want her to feel safe here and there’s no way I’m letting her go now that I know something has happened to her. Now that I know for certain she’s running from something.