Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 49

“Icould ask you the same thing,” Freda’s long-time boyfriend said mildly. The young people had all moved off of the dance floor and formed a circle—Ash to support Erik and prevent any loud argument, and Sassy, who felt she should stay close to Freda until further notice.

“When you didn’t come home this weekend or answer my calls, I came to see if you were okay,” James Timothy said evenly. “But I see you’re just fine tonight, Freda.” His eyes softened as he gazed at her admiringly. “So fine. Beautiful, in fact.”

Freda swallowed hard.

“Looks like you’re having fun and I’m glad,” James Timothy said, looking around and acknowledging the little group. “I haven’t been a lot of fun this summer, what with studying for the bar, and sending out resumes. Becoming a lawyer is one thing, but accepting the right first job is another. This decision will determine the trajectory of my career, and my ability to take care of my… family… if I’m blessed with one, someday.”

James Timothy reached for Freda’s hand when he said this, but lost his confidence and dropped it again, looking at her with all the love and longing of a homesick puppy, Sassy thought.

“I feel ya, man,” Erik said to him.

Freda sighed heavily and turned to Erik.

“James Timothy, this is Erik Olsen, Ash West’s friend from Michigan. We’ve been showing him around West Gorge.” James Timothy shook hands with Erik, and then Ash and Sassy as Freda continued the introductions.

“How do you do,” he said to everyone. “I’ve heard a lot about y’all, especially you, Sassy. Freda tells me what a good friend you’ve become.”

Sassy smiled. She couldn’t help but like the tall, handsome Jim Tim, who only had eyes for Freda Lang. With his humble, unassuming mannerisms, it was hard to see him as the villain Freda painted him out to be. Sassy thought him a perfectly grounded counterpoint to her more spirited friend.

“Hey, I see someone I know,” the unflappable Erik said to a surprised group. “Excuse me.”

Ash and Sassy watched as Erik walked over to Amber and asked her to dance. Moments later, the two were smiling and laughing on the parquet floor while Freda had quietly slipped her hand into James Timothy’s own.

Sassy imagined it fit like a glove.

“Sorry I’ve been so aloof these past few weeks, Freda. You deserve so much better. I’ll go back home if you want, but… well, you know I’ve loved you since I was fifteen. You’re the motivation behind everything I do. I only want to work hard and be worthy of you.”

Bolstered by her simple gesture, he reached up and took a few strands of her hair and tucked it behind her ear. Then he let his thumb gently travel down her jawline. The touch was so intimate, Sassy thought she should look away.

“Have you eaten?” Freda asked tenderly as she stepped closer to her beau, leading him to the food trucks.

After Freda and James Timothy were out of earshot, Sassy looked up at Ash, who had been holding her hand, and the two broke into laughter.

“Did that just really happen?” Sassy asked through her smile.

“See, Wyoming has everything you could want, Sassy,” Ash said through his own smile, while reaching up and brushing away an undried tear from her face, “dancing and drama…”

“Jealousy and intrigue…” she added.

“And tacos… did I mention tacos?”

He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

“Have you eaten?” Sassy asked, taking Ash’s arm and walking towards the food. “You know how punchy you get, and how bad your jokes get when you’re tired and hungry.”

“Then let’s go eat,” he said, putting his arm around Sassy. “You can finish telling me what you started to say on the dance floor. Something I should know?”

“Oh yeah, that…” Sassy took a deep breath, summoning the courage to tell Ash her secret. She was saved by a sweet little voice.

“Uncle Ash! Uncle Ash,” Willow West came running up with Sun and Ford close behind. “I’m back from Yellowstone, Uncle Ash,” she said, “and I can’t wait to tell you about the geysers and the bison. And we saw a bear!”

“A bear,” little Ford echoed in awe.

“Wow!” Ash bent down to be closer to the three children in front of him. I can’t wait to hear all about it, but it might have to wait until tomorrow. You see, I’m as hungry as a bear,” he said, with a theatrical raising of his “claws” and a roar.

The kids all laughed with glee and ran away in pretend fear. When Ash and Sassy looked up again, Kat West was standing in front of them, staring at Sassy.

“Hey Kat,” Ash said tentatively, unable to gauge Kat’s mood.

“Ash,” she said with a cool nod. “Gunnar is by the taco truck, looking for you. If you don’t mind, I’d like to speak with Sassy for a minute.”

Ash looked at Sassy as though he didn’t want to let go of her hand. He felt protective, and something definitely seemed off, but he didn’t know what.

“It’s okay,” Sassy smiled up at him. “I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.”

He looked at Kat again and then gave Sassy a kiss on the cheek before wandering away.

The two women sized each other up silently. Each with their invisible shield and armor, protecting themselves from the pain they knew each other could cause.

Sassy fully expected Kat to raise a pointed finger and send her away at any moment; she pictured two cowboy body guards with guns in their holsters taking her by the arms, and carrying her out of West Ranch forever—barring her from re-entry.

Instead, Sassy watched Kat’s steely appraisal of her slowly go from anger and denial to self-preservation, then to curiosity. Maybe even compassion. When at last she detected a slight softening in Kat’s eyes, Sassy spoke.

“You know who I am, don’t you?”

Kat was silent.

“I’m your sister, Kat.”