Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 50


Sassy studied Kat’s face in the light coming off the dance floor. The two stood near a tall pine tree, in relative privacy considering the hundreds of party guests dancing, laughing and eating in the vicinity.

The younger girl had no idea how the older had discovered the truth, but judging from the look on her face, there was no doubt she’d somehow put the pieces together.

“You’re my half-sister,” Kat said, as Sassy stood mutely in front of her.

Sassy’s face broke into a tired laugh at the unkind comment.

This was not her first encounter with Kat West, but the first time they faced each other as equals. Sassy felt relief wash over her that the truth was out, knowing she was close to being done with her father’s thankless task. Soon, she could walk away from Kat, and West Gorge, forever.

“Whatever gets you through the night, sister,” Sassy remarked, “or half-sister… I don’t care. I don’t have a horse in this race, Kat. I’m just Jack’s messenger.”

Kat’s mouth squeezed tight, tersely, Sassy observed. Her big-bad-wolf of a half-sister didn’t enjoy not being in control, she could see.

“So, what’s Jack’s message, Sassy?”

Me. I’m the message.

Sassy had a sudden urge to shake Kat by the shoulders and wake her up to the realization that they were blood relatives—kin, in a nearly kinless world. Kat was surrounded by Wests, but her only blood family was her mother, her daughter, and now a sister. Half-sister. Wasn’t something so rare worth nurturing and protecting?

Give her more time,she thought. The same thing she herself had wanted from Ash.

“I couldn’t tell you what his message is, Kat,” Sassy said at last. “He gave me a package for you, but obviously I don’t have it with me.”

Kat considered this and nodded.

Sassy watched with interest as Kat’s face reflected the battle warring within her. The hard shell wasn’t sustainable, and eventually melted into a softer expression, with glimmers of both hope and hopelessness. Sassy felt compassion and pity for the abandoned child Kat used to be, and the conflicted adult she’d become.

“Sassy…” Kat said tentatively, “I know I can be… I haven’t made this easy for you, I know. I’m trying to remember that you are not the one I’m mad at. You’re not my enemy.”

Haltingly, Kat lifted her arm up, and Sassy felt a childlike happiness that her sister wanted to take her hand. But just as quickly, she saw that Kat was handing her a small card.

Taking it, she smirked and gave her head a slight shake at Kat’s tough exterior.

Can I ever break through?