Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 53

“Yes, I am. I’m Kat’s sister.”

“That’s why you came to West Ranch. To find her.”

Sassy could only nod.

“You knew all along, but you didn’t tell me.”

“How could I tell you before I told Kat?”

“You didn’t trust me.”

“I hardly knew you.”

Ash regarded her while he continued to piece together the events of the past few weeks.

“You used me to get to my family,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

“I didn’t…” Sassy began to protest, but knew he was right. Her shoulders slumped in defeat. “Everything I told you was true, Ash. I just left out my last name.”

“So you’re claiming a technicality? You deceived me, and I’m supposed to be okay because of a technicality?”

“I didn’t deceive, exactly. I omitted.”

As Sassy said this, she cringed with the realization that her father could claim the same thing, and it really didn’t cut it.

She sat down on the stoop next to Ash, whose anger made him rigid. There wasn’t much room, but she squeezed in anyway, close to his leg and shoulder.

“Think about it Ash. Rowdy never would have hired me if he knew that I came to meet Kat. And Kat, tucked away in her fortress, wouldn’t let me anywhere near her because of her anger towards Jack… our dad. I had to come and figure things out for myself.”

Ash listened as Sassy continued.

“Tell me the truth,” he said. “Were you using me?”

“At first,” Sassy whispered.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ash hang his head and drop his shoulders. He was hurting, but there was no stopping her now.

“After you started paying attention to me, I figured you were going to be my foot in the door,” Sassy continued, “but then you got lodged somewhere between my heart and my head and messed everything up.”

“Wait, I messed everything up?” Ash was angry, she knew.

“No, I did,” she said. “I know I did. I messed up big time, stringing you along. You have every right to be mad.”

“Gee Sassy, thanks for the validation.”

“Stow the sarcasm, Ash. It’s not a good look on you.”

“Well, what do you suggest I do? How can I trust…”

“Stop, Ash. Stop right there.” Sassy stood and faced Ash. When she spoke, there was an edge in her voice. “Thanks to my father, you’re not the only one with trust issues. Yours and mine, they cancel each other out.”

“Sassy, I…”

“And going forward, I suggest you do what I’m going to do—pretend none of this ever happened.”

“That’s your plan?”

“Yes, Ash. Finally, I’m revealing my master plan. I plan on going back home and pretending my dad didn’t have another family.”

And pretending I didn’t fall in love with you, Ash.

She knew she handled the situation badly where Ash was concerned, yet an anger welled up inside her too—anger that Jack had put her in this situation. What was the right way to introduce yourself to a sister you never knew existed?

Sassy was angry that Ash couldn’t see how hard it had all been for her—he couldn’t see past his own pain to admit somebody else might be struggling, too.

“You’re better off with Amber,” Sassy said, her voice escalating in frustration. “She’ll never leave you, and she’ll never leave Wyoming. Check, and check—numbers one and two on Ash West’s list of life goals.”

“It’s not like that. Amber is my friend,” Ash protested.

“She wants to be more than a friend. Anyone can see that except you. Every time something doesn’t go your way, you expect Amber to bolster your ego; to be someone you can bring around to make me jealous.”

Sassy walked up the stairs and around Ash on her way to her front door, which she was about ready to slam and lock. Just as soon as she got in a parting shot.

“To lead Amber on is the same as me using you to get to Kat,” Sassy said. “Think about that before you go placing yourself on a pedestal, Ash.”