Sassy Cowgirl Kisses by Kathy Fawcett

Chapter 55

Ash watched Sassy retreat to her little bungalow next door to his own. The way she closed the door left no doubt that he was not welcome to come in, or even to call her phone to continue their conversation. He would have to wait a few days.

Had he been wrong to accuse her so vehemently? He didn’t think so. But driving back to the ranch, after his own anger and self-righteousness had cooled, Ash began to see things from Sassy’s perspective.

“How could I tell you before I told Kat?”

Of course she’d been right about that. And maybe she was right about him being wrong, expecting her to be completely transparent from the get go—people needed time and space to unfold. He certainly did. Hardly anyone back at Michigan State University knew his deepest secrets and fears, or his insecurities.

Only Erik Olsen knew his history, which is why they were true friends. But Ash had not disclosed these things as freshman roomies, or sophomore frat brothers. Only going into their final year of school did Ash feel that Erik could be confided in.

But what about his own character?

“To lead Amber on, well it’s wrong.”

Sassy had been right about that, too. He had gone running to Amber when things got tough. She was always glad to see him, and Amber did boost his confidence.

“And what do I do for Amber, except send her mixed signals?” Ash rebuked himself.

Back at the ranch office, Rowdy and Gunnar took him in wordlessly. They had told him about Sassy and Kat, thinking he had a right to know if he didn’t already. Tightly wound secrets were unravelling fast, and they didn’t want him to feel like a fool.

He took the news hard. And from the look on his face, Ash’s encounter with Sassy only made things worse. Only time would tell where the dust would settle.

“I’m heading up by the pass,” Ash scowled at the men, “to check on the new calves.”

They could hear an ATV engine revving angrily, as gravel flew under tires during the impatient acceleration.

The next morning,Ash padded into the ranch house kitchen to find Ridge drinking his sunrise coffee.

“Thought I heard you come in,” Ridge said. “Haven’t seen you much these past weeks, what with you living in town. And your busy social calendar.”

Ash nodded glumly as he poured his coffee and sat down with his dad.

“Sorry,” Ash said.

“No need,” Ridge chuckled, “it’s healthy and normal for a boy your age to spend more time with young’uns than with your old man.”

When Ash looked up, Ridge could see tears pooling in the boy’s eyes, and he reached over to pull him in for a bear hug. Ash did not resist.

“I’ve messed everything up with Sassy. I fell for her… hard.”

Ridge nodded and listened.

“I got scared, and I wanted her to commit to staying. She said it was too soon. Of course it was too soon,” Ash moaned. “I’m such an idiot.”

“Probably,” Ridge said to his son’s surprise. “Sassy had a lot going on this summer. More than you or I could ever guess.” Ridge said slowly. “The girl deserved a healthy dose of grace, wouldn’t you say?”

“Yes, but…”

“But nothing, Ash.”

Ridge’s tone was even, but there was no nonsense in it.

Ash scowled and pouted.

He thought for sure his dad would be on his side, and not Sassy’s.

“Ash, you can’t put conditions on love. You can’t tell somebody you’ll love them if they stay where you want. You just love ‘em and work things out,” Ridge said. “None of us knows the future. For all we know, Kat might get a chance to be a hospital director back in Chicago. She and Gunnar will cross that bridge if and when it comes. Paislee might want to live in Denver with her family, and she and Pike may or may not move. Casey has a family home in Phoenix, and I go with her because I love her.”

“But… the ranch,” Ash’s justifications didn’t have any momentum.

“Yes, it’s a ranch. Not a prison,” Ridge said.