Tame Me by Jayda Marx

Chapter Three


My heart skipped a beat when the doorknob turned. My breath seized in my chest as I stood up on shaking legs. In mere moments, I would lay eyes on my eternal mate for the first time.

The bathroom door eased open and my jaw dropped when my mate stepped into the living room with me. Fiery curls cascaded over one of his pretty green eyes and his plush lips begged to be touched. He was a head shorter than me and thin, and the clothing he wore bagged off of his body; because they were mine. Smelling my scent on his body drove me wild.

I stepped closer to him and his lips parted with a rush of air when I brushed his hair from his forehead so that I could see both of his emerald eyes. “You are so beautiful.”

His eyes widened and the tip of his tongue peeked out to moisten his lips. He stared at me in silence and I wondered if he was unable to speak. It didn’t matter. I would find a way to communicate with him; the heart knew a language of all its own.

But before I could ask what he needed, my mate replied in a sweet, quiet voice, “So are you.”

A smile spread across my face and my heart flipped. I only wanted to make him happy, so I was thrilled knowing that he was pleased with my appearance. I couldn’t go a moment longer without knowing, “What’s your name, wee one?”

I first used the nickname because of his animal form; he was small and quick as a fox, but it fit him well as a human too. He was of small build and appeared precious; almost fragile, though I knew he’d have great strength since he was a shifter. Perhaps he wasn’t as strong as a vampire, but it didn’t matter. I would protect him for all time.

"Archie," he replied. It was cute and suited him well.

"I'm Evan. It's so nice to meet you. I've been waiting for you for so long."

Archie's eyes narrowed as he cocked his head. "What do you mean? And how did you know that I could shift; that I wasn't just a fox?"

My brain spun. Did he not feel our connection? Did he not know who I was? "I know because I am also a paranormal creature and I scented that you were a shifter."

"Are you a shifter too? I thought my skulk was the only one around here. What kind of animal are you?"

"I'm not a shifter. I'm a vampire."

"Vampire?" Archie stepped closer and sniffed my chest as I gulped. "Vampires smell really good."

I smiled at his sweetness before realizing that Archie must not have ever been around my kind; perhaps he'd never been around anyone except his own family. If he'd been near humans, he would've known that I wasn't one. I wanted to delve into everything about him, but first there was something very important to discuss.

"There's another reason why I smell so good to you," I explained. "It's the same reason I found you in the foliage even though you were hiding and why I've been so anxious to meet you. We're mates, Archie."

He blinked his wide eyes and stood in silence for several long moments before shaking his head. "You must be mistaken."

My heart shattered. Fate's pairings were perfect and absolute. Why didn't my sweet mate want me? "I...I don't understand," I managed to whisper.

Archie hung his head and replied, "I'm an omega." He appeared so ashamed and the pieces of my broken heart turned to dust. He had no reason to be embarrassed; being an omega was simply a matter of how Fate designed him. In the shifter world, Alphas were the largest and strongest, and were drawn to lead their own packs. Betas were enforcers who protected the pack and their leader at any cost. Omegas were typically smaller and less dominant. A good Alpha made each of his/her pack members feel valuable, but it seemed that Archie didn't get that respect.

I wanted to scoop him into my arms and comfort him, but I was still confused about what was happening between us. Thankfully, he explained, “Omegas don’t get mates. Mates are only for Alphas and betas.”

Wait, what? "Archie, who told you that?"

"Alpha Torrence. He’s the leader of my skulk.”

“Then he is the one mistaken.” Archie snapped his gaze up to mine; his eyes were full of confusion and hope. “Please come sit down with me so we can talk.”

He followed me to the sofa and settled onto a cushion next to me. “This is comfy.” My smile returned, though I wondered if Archie had creature comforts where he lived. I wanted to know everything about him, but there was a very important matter we needed to discuss first.

“What do you know about mates?” He obviously knew of them, but I was curious to hear what he’d been told.

“I know that they are matches created and hand-picked by Fate. The pair are perfect for each other in every way; they’re soulmates. They get to spend forever loving each other and being happy.”

“That’s right.” Archie’s breath caught when I brushed his curls off of his forehead again. “Do you know how mates find each other?”

He nodded and I smiled when his coiled hair fell back into his face. “When they smell each other’s scent they get all tingly and their hearts just...know.”

I loved my mate’s sweet take on the world. “That’s how I felt when I first saw you in the treeline. I caught your scent and knew that you were a shifter, and that you were mine. My soul craved its match and my heart filled with joy.”

Archie gave me a beautiful shy smile. “What do I smell like?”

“Like pine and earth.” He embodied the woods where he called his home.

“You smell crisp and clean; like the sparkling stream where I like to fish and...wait a minute.” Archie’s eyes widened again and I leaned forward, worried that something was wrong. “When I smelled you, I wanted to get closer. Even though I was scared, I had to see you again. My gut instinct told me that I could trust you. I didn’t understand because I didn’t think it was possible, but it all makes sense now. You’re my mate! I get to have a mate!”

Archie lunged at me and wrapped his arms around my neck. I chuckled from pure joy as I hugged him around the middle. Holding his slim body against mine was the best feeling imaginable. I held my future in my arms.

I buried my nose into his neck and inhaled deeply, drawing his scent into my lungs, smiling when I noticed him doing the same. “I was so worried that you didn’t want me,” I admitted. Archie gasped and unfortunately let me loose to back away and look into my eyes.

“How could I not want you? Look at you! You’re so handsome.” He trailed his fingers through my scruffy beard before blushing and pulling his hand away. The innocent touch sent my pulse racing, but I would never push him into anything he wasn’t ready for. He’d just had his entire belief system turned upside down and I wanted to give him all the time he needed to adjust.

“And you’re so kind,” Archie continued. “I appreciate the sweeties you gave me. I really liked the chocolate; I’d never tasted it before.” I smiled and nodded my agreement; chocolate was one of my favorite foods. “So of course I want you and I’m honored to have you as my mate. I just didn’t think it was possible.”

“I’m honored to be mated to you too,” I told him as I placed my hand over his, receiving another pretty smile. “Eternity is a very long time to be alone, and we’ve been given the gift of a perfect match to share that time and everything life has in store for us, together. Mates are Fate’s gift to all of her creatures and no one gets left behind. I’m so sorry that you were told differently.”

I couldn’t imagine how isolated he must have felt, believing that everyone else got to experience true and perfect love while he was destined to be alone. I would make sure that he never felt alone again.

“It’s okay,” Archie replied quietly. “I understood Alpha Torrence’s reasons.”

I assumed that the Alpha just wasn’t fully informed on mates, even though it seemed far-fetched. All paranormal beings knew of mates - especially those in charge - but I was trying to give Torrence the benefit of the doubt. The fact that he had reasons for why my sweet Archie deserved to be alone put me on edge. “What do you mean?”

“I’m the only male omega in our whole skulk. The females can bear children, but I can’t. He said that shifters are supposed to be strong and tough; built to protect their kind and to provide for their mates. I’m not built that way. He said that since I wasn’t a proper shifter, nobody would want me for a mate.”

My blood boiled. I was normally a peaceful, easy-going man, but I couldn’t stand the thought of my mate being made to feel inferior to anyone. Especially by his Alpha; Torrence should have encouraged and supported Archie, not tear him down. As angry as I was, I kept an easy outward appearance so that I didn't frighten Archie.

I squeezed his hand and insisted, “There is no ‘proper’ shifter, just like there’s not one type of vampire, human, or any other beings. You’re special, and just as deserving of love and happiness as anyone else.”

Archie’s plump lips curled into a smile as he ducked his head. “Thank you.”

“Do you have any family in your skulk?” I hoped that he had someone to support him against his Alpha’s hurtful words, but my mate shook his head.

“My parents left a couple of years ago when my brother came of age. He was an Alpha and answered the call to lead his own pack. They went with him. I wanted to go too, but he said that he had no use for me.”

“Archie…” I didn’t have the words to console him; his very own family turned their backs on him and made him feel worthless.

“I was afraid that Alpha Torrence would kick me out of my skulk once my family left, but since I was born into it, he let me stay. But...he said that I had to earn my keep.”

That one sentence was enough to light my blood on fire again, but Archie needed to feel my support and comfort, not my anger, even if it was on his behalf. I gnashed my teeth together and tried to keep my voice even when I asked, “Meaning?”

“He said that my only use would be to serve the strong, valuable members. At first, that meant cleaning up after them or gathering food if they didn’t feel like it; simple stuff. But then things changed and they wanted more and…”

His voice faded away, but I heard the words he didn’t speak. “Did they touch you?” Archie didn’t answer. His gaze drifted to the floor and his breathing quickened. Have mercy on their souls. I’ll march my ass into the woods and take the head of every fox I see. A deep, menacing growl escaped me as I plotted my revenge, and Archie looked up at me with terror and tears in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry! I didn’t want it and I didn’t enjoy it. I was just so afraid of being homeless. No other skulk would take me in and I’m too scared and know too little of the human world to try and fit in. If I’d known I had a mate I never would have disrespected you. Please don’t turn me away. I-”

He stopped speaking when I pulled him into a tight hug. Archie sniffled into my shoulder as I ran my hands up and down his back in soothing strokes. “I will never turn you away. And please don’t apologize. I’m not upset with you; my anger is towards your Alpha and skulk. No one has the right to touch you without your permission, Archie; not Torrence, not other shifters, not me.”

I realized that was exactly what I was doing; holding his body against me without having asked if I could. I tried to pull away, but Archie captured me around the neck and squeezed even tighter. “No, please; I love when you touch me like this.” He nuzzled his face against my shoulder and added, “No one ever has.”

My poor, sweet mate. He’d been used and taken advantage of, but never shown love or affection. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you again,” I promised, and Archie nodded, sniffling some more as I held him.

We were silent for several long minutes. I wanted to comfort him without pushing him. I knew he’d talk when he was ready and until then, I was happy to feel him in my arms. I’d waited so long for this and wouldn’t take a moment for granted.

Without letting loose, Archie picked up the conversation by asking, “Do you have any family here?”

“Not in this coven.”

“Coven...that’s what your pack is called?”

I smiled into his hair. “Yes. This coven has over one hundred members and is led by our Coven Master, who is similar to your Alpha. My parents, brothers and sisters are spread out over the globe in different covens because they followed the Coven Master they felt drawn to. We’re all on good terms though and we talk often.”

“That’s really nice. I’m glad you have them.” It was sweet that Archie wanted me to be close to my family even when his own tossed him aside.

“Is there anything else you want to know about my coven or vampires in general?” I wasn’t sure what he knew about my kind and would tell him anything he was curious about.

“Hmm…” Archie backed away from me and tapped his chin as he thought. “I knew that there were vampires living close to the forest, but none of the skulk members were allowed to get close. Alpha Torrence told us all that if we left you alone, you’d leave us alone too.”

“Did he give a reason why you should not get near us?” I wanted to know if his Alpha was spreading hateful lies about us.

“Just that vampires could be territorial,” Archie answered with a shrug. I appreciated his open honesty.

“I suppose that’s true. If anyone threatens our mates or property, we get very protective. But we would never start a fight; we’re a peaceful coven.”

“Are there non-peaceful covens?”

“Not so much anymore. Over the years there have been bloodthirsty groups who wanted power and control, but they have all been eradicated.” I would be nothing but honest with my mate as well.

“Speaking of bloodthirsty...is it true that you drink blood?”

“It is. Vampires need to drink blood to fuel their life source. It is what allows us to live beyond mortal years and gives us our great strength and speed.”

Archie nodded his understanding. I was lucky that my mate was a paranormal being and therefore unsurprised by what I was telling him. My human friend Lennox was terrified when he first found out about his mate Lachlan’s needs, but my mate wasn’t shocked in the slightest.

“I don’t need to drink blood, but I don’t mind the taste of it,” Archie replied. “I hunt rabbits and birds and sometimes I eat the meat raw.”

I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little shocked; my Archie had a bigger wild streak in him than I imagined. But I didn’t mind; he was perfect no matter what. “Do you hunt often?” 

He nodded. “My whole skulk stays in fox form most of the time. We live off the land; hunting or fishing for meat and gathering fruit and berries from the plants. My favorite is raspberries.” 

“My friend Lachlan makes delicious raspberry pie. He owns a bakery here in town and makes all kinds of sweeties.”

“Did he make the rolls you gave me?” I nodded. “I think I’ll like Lachlan.”

I laughed at my sweet mate until I noticed his worried expression. “What’s wrong?”

“What if Lachlan doesn’t like me? Or worse, what if your Coven Master doesn’t want me hanging around? Alpha Torrence doesn’t want us to socialize with any other creatures or especially bring them to our den. What if your Master tells me to stay away? What if-”

“Easy,” I soothed, taking his hand again. “I already told my Coven Master and all of my friends that I'd found my mate and that you're a fox shifter. They're excited to meet you."

"You told them about me? And...they want to meet me?" he asked, sounding surprised. I nodded with a smile and he added, "But they're probably expecting something different. I’m not like most shifters. What happens when they see what I really am?"

Oh, Archie. "What will happen is that they'll see what a sweet and kind man you are, and they'll welcome you into our group. They want to be your friends."

He ducked his head again but I could still make out his smile. "It would be nice to have friends." My heart ached for him, but it was also full of hope for the future. “Will you tell me about them?”

“Of course.” He had no idea how much his desire to know about the people I was close to meant to me. “My Coven Master’s name is Callum. He is fair and just, and respected by all of his people. His mate Brodie is sweet and humble, and a friend to all he meets. He loves music and is learning how to play the wooden flute.”

“He can play music?” Archie repeated in awe. “That’s amazing.”

“He’s getting pretty good,” I replied with a smile. “Then there’s Lachlan, who I already mentioned owns the bakery. Lachlan is kind and hardworking; I never knew him to take time away from his work until he met his mate Lennox. Lennox has brought my friend so much happiness and freedom; they love to play football and go fishing together.”

“Those four men are my closest friends. I have several others whom I’m blessed to know, but they live far away, in a coven in America.” They were also harder to describe; that group had big, bold personalities - especially Sam and his mates Flynn and Fletcher. 

“They all sound so wonderful,” Archie answered with a dreamy smile, which quickly morphed into panic. “Och! I asked about them before I asked more about you. I’m so sorry, Evan. I really do want to know everything about you. I just got excited about friends. Not that I’m not thrilled for a mate!” he added quickly, looking even more stressed. “It’s just...I’m not so great at talking to people. Not many people talk to me. I hope you’re not upset with me.”  

“My sweet Archie.” I soothed him by combing my fingers through his untamed hair and pushing peace and love through our bond. His shoulders relaxed and his expression softened. “Please don’t worry. I’m enjoying our time together and want to talk to you about everything. Our lives are intertwined now and I want to share it all with you, so ask anything you like.”

“I’m so lucky,” he said in a whisper. “You make me feel…good. No, that’s not right; it’s better than good.” Archie tucked in his eyebrows as he thought. “It’s hard to explain because it’s something I’ve never felt before.” He placed his hand on his chest and added, “You make me feel warm. In here.”

My heart flipped and fluttered. Even though Archie couldn’t express the feeling, I understood it. As fated mates, we had the ability to immediately form love bonds with one another which would only strengthen and deepen over time.

I moved his hand from his chest onto mine. “Let me show you how you make me feel.” I let my emotions of love, gratitude and wonder bloom in my chest before pushing them into my mate.

Archie gasped as his eyes widened. “That’s how you feel about me? How are you showing me? You’ve been doing this, haven’t you? You’ve calmed me down and made me feel safe.”

I smiled at his questions and explained, “We have an empathic bond. I can share my emotions with you or use them to help you when you’re in need.”

“Can...can I do that too?” Archie knew of mates, but no one had taken the time to fully explain to him what it all meant.

“I can feel your emotions as well,” I replied with a nod. “I’ll know when you’re scared or angry and I can help you feel better.”

“What if I’m really, really happy?” As he asked, a wave of his joy washed over me and my pulse raced. He was happy that he met me; that he had a future with me, and I was forever in Fate’s debt.

“Then I’ll do everything in my power to keep you that way,” I promised, and received a beautiful smile in return. I had an undeniable craving for another way to show Archie just how deeply I cared about him, so I brushed his hair from his face and leaned in slowly until my lips touched his forehead.

I kissed him softly and when I pulled back, Archie’s eyes were as wide as saucers. I would have worried that I went too far, but I felt his delight and desire clouding the air around us.

Archie didn’t say a word as he shifted on the sofa and tucked his legs onto the cushion. He lifted onto his knees so that his face was level with mine before leaning in slowly, just as I’d done. My heart beat wildly in my chest when his lips pressed against my forehead. Never before had such an innocent, simple gesture affected me so greatly. But every moment was profound when it was spent with my mate.

When Archie retreated, his gaze was full of nervousness and hope. I smiled at him and whispered, “Thank you, wee one,” and his expression relaxed. I draped my arm across his shoulders and my mate nuzzled close to me, hiding his nose in the folds of my jumper. Even in human form, he had several characteristics of his animal side; he liked to burrow, and he was friendly and curious, but a little shy. And he was perfect.

I stroked my fingers across the soft skin of his hand and breathed in his scent as I held him. Nothing could compare to the feeling of finally having my beautiful mate in my arms.

“Will you tell me about you now?” Archie asked quietly. “I want to know everything.” I gave him another kiss to the top of his head and he nestled in closer, rubbing his cheek against my chest.

“Well then, I suppose I should start at the beginning. I mentioned that I have siblings; I have four sisters and two brothers, all of whom are scattered across the United Kingdom. I was born in Ireland, but I moved here in my thirties, after I became friends with Callum and was drawn to follow his leadership.”

Archie lifted his head from my chest to look up at me. “You’re Irish? But you sound so...Scottish.”

I laughed and nodded. “I suppose a few hundred years in the country has worn off on me. I seem to have adopted my friends’ accent.”

“A few hundred years,” Archie repeated in a whisper. “Some of the elders in my skulk are centuries old too.”

“How old are you?”

My mate scrunched up his brows again as he bobbed his head back and forth. “I’m not sure.”

I didn’t want him to feel ashamed or embarrassed, but I was surprised at his admission. “Does your skulk not celebrate birthdays?”

“No, they do,” he replied with a shrug. “But they don’t celebrate mine.”

Anger burned inside me towards his family and the other shifters. They didn’t treat him with the respect he deserved. Instead, they used him while making him feel worthless, all because of his stature and birth class. Fate made him exactly the way he was meant to be, but the ones who were meant to support and encourage him only tore him down. Because of them, he didn’t know the joys of family and friends.

Before I could console him or explain his worth, Archie continued, “I was very young when my brother was born, and he came of age and left the skulk two winters ago. So I must be around...twenty two? Maybe twenty three.”

I wished I could help him know for certain, but there was one thing I could ensure. “Archie, you are so special to me and you deserve to be celebrated. I want you to pick whatever day you like and I promise I will give you the best damn birthday you can imagine every year.”

My mate beamed from ear to ear before replying, “I choose this day.” I thought he was just excited about the idea of a celebration, but he added, “This has been the best day of my life and a birthday can only make it better. I’ll never forget the day I met you, so I know I’ll never forget my birthday.”

His sweet words were about to make a grown man cry. I blinked my eyes hard and cleared my throat before insisting, “Well then, I better give you your gift.”

Archie watched with an even bigger grin as I stood up from the sofa and made my way to a bookshelf along the wall. I retrieved a small box and returned to sit next to my mate once more. I passed over the package and told him, “I made this after I first saw you a couple of days ago and I’ve been excited to give it to you. I hope you like it.”

Archie’s hands trembled as he opened the cardboard box and he gasped when he pulled out a delicate glass fox figurine. I patterned it after his animal form, choosing the same exact shade of red as his fur.

He carefully traced his fingers along the curves of the animal before looking up at me with watery eyes. “This is so beautiful. Thank you, Evan.”

“You’re most welcome.” My chest warmed when my mate propped up on his knees again to give me another forehead kiss.

“How did you make it?” he asked once he was settled next to me and admiring his gift again.

“I’m a glassblower. I design and shape glass into all sorts of figures. It’s my favorite hobby that has turned into a career; I own a glass shop here in town where I sell all sorts of items.”

“Wow, that sounds amazing.” Archie turned the little fox over in his hands a few more times before asking, “Will you show it to me one day?”

“Absolutely.” It was sweet that he was interested in my work, and I wanted to show him everything. “We can go now if you like.” The evening hour meant that we’d be alone and I could give Archie all of my attention without worrying about customers.

“I’d love to, but it’s getting late and...Shite!” Archie leapt from the sofa, appearing distressed. “It’s so late! I have to get back to the den. We have to check in every night and when Alpha Torrence sees that I’m not there, I’m going to be in so much trouble!”

I pushed soothing vibes into him as I stood up as well. “It’s okay, wee one. All of Fate’s creatures know the importance of mates. Once they hear that you and I have met, your skulk will understand your absence.” I didn’t believe my own words; I doubted his fellow shifters were capable of compassion or congratulations when it came to Archie.

He only shook his head as he hustled towards the back door. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”

“Then I’ll go with you. We can explain our meeting and-”

“No!” Archie shouted, making me flinch. “He can’t know that I left skulk lands, and you can’t enter skulk lands. If Alpha Torrence sniffs you out, he’ll attack first and ask questions later. He’s not small like me; he’s huge and strong. He’ll hurt you.”

“Archie, I’m not afraid,” I tried to soothe, but his eyes went glassy with moisture.

“I am.” His admission lit a fire of hatred in my gut. No one should have to fear their leader. I knew that the other shifters mistreated him, and I got the feeling that his Alpha was the worst of all.

“Then don’t go,” I pleaded. “Stay here with me. You are my fated one and we’re meant to be together. I’ll make sure you have everything you want and need.”

“Mates protect each other,” he decided after a moment, and I smiled as I let out a relieved sigh. Thank god, he’s staying.

“That’s right. I’ll protect you, Archie.”

“I have to protect you too.” He threw open the door and in a blink, a small red fox climbed out of the pile of clothing on the floor. My mate gently clasped his teeth around his glass figure and took off in a sprint.

“Archie!” I yelled as I chased after him, but he didn’t stop or even slow down. He disappeared into the tree line and my feet came to a halt. “Dammit,” I grumbled, scrubbing my hand through my hair. I wanted to follow him all the way to his den, but it was obvious that my mate didn’t want me there. He was scared but selfless and protective. I wouldn’t do anything to make his life more difficult.

And so, I paced along the trees, praying that my sweet little fox reappeared soon.