Dragon Hunter by Charlene Hartnady

Chapter 15

The next day…

Melina wrappeda towel around her head. “All washed and rinsed.”

“I forgot how nice it was to be pampered.”

“Let’s get you back to the chair. I’ll brush out your hair, and we can talk about what we’re going to do today. You have amazing hair. I would kill for naturally straight, thick hair like this.”

Riley stood up, walked over to the chair in question, and took a seat. “The secret is that I don’t color it, and I don’t own a blow-dryer.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s also great genetics. And then, how the heck do you survive without a blow-dryer?” Melina unwrapped the towel, using it to rub her scalp.

Riley smiled. “I wash my hair at night and just let it dry on its own.” She shrugged. “I have healthy hair as a direct result.”

“It’s such a beautiful golden color. I know women who would kill for hair like this. Heck, I know a couple of men who would, too.” She laughed and squirted some or other product into her hands before massaging it into Riley’s hair.

Whatever the product was, it smelled incredible. Melina slowly started to brush her hair out. “Firstly, any news on your friend?”

Riley shook her head. Nothing, nothing, and more nothing. Ashlyn’s mother had contacted Riley earlier this morning. Ashlyn had been officially reported as missing. It was hard having to pretend she knew nothing about where her friend was.

“Has a rescue team been sent?” From the reflection in the mirror, Riley could see that Melina was frowning.

“Not that I know of.”

Melina’s eyes narrowed in concern. “I thought that they would have sent in a whole army of dragons by now. You said you didn’t get a good look at the creatures who took you?”

Riley shook her head. She hated lying. It wasn’t her at all. Why were the royals insisting on omitting this information? Of course, she knew that the tribe would be angry if they knew what was going on. That’s why the royals were lying. It didn’t make sense, though. Were they afraid of these cave-dwelling dragons? Or was it something else?

“Earth to Riley,” Melina said in a singsong voice. “Sorry! I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“No, it’s fine. I wish I had more of an answer for you, but I don’t. I also wish I knew that Ashlyn was safe and well. I wish they would just let her go.”

“That’s probably not going to happen. They must have taken her for a reason.” Melina’s eyes clouded.

“I hate to think about what that reason could be.” They were both silent for a while. Melina kept brushing Riley’s hair, being careful not to hurt her.

“So, how are things going with Fog?” Melina changed the subject, her broad smile back in place.

“Great. He’s great.” That was a seriously lame response.

“You’re going to have to tell me more.”

“Um…don’t cut my hair too much; he loves it long.” Riley touched the ends. “I also prefer it long because it’s easier to work with.”

“You’re a wash-and-go kind of gal.” Melina lifted her brows.


“So, what is it that you like about Fog?” She continued to brush her hair.

“His ass!” Riley blurted. “And his eyes. He also has really great hair.” She really needed to shut her mouth already. It was still sounding lame.

Melina laughed. “That’s all great. All very important. So, you do find him attractive then?” She put the brush down.

“I have eyes, and so, yes.” Riley nodded. “Very.”

“Why do you look like it’s a bad thing?” Melina picked up a comb and scissors and continued brushing her hair out with the comb. “We’ll give you a trim and possibly feather the edges?”

“Sounds good.”

Melina cocked her head, looking at Riley in the mirror. “Why is your attraction to Fog a bad thing? I saw it clear as day, written all over your face, that you’re not happy about it.”

“It’s not a bad thing. Why would finding someone attractive be bad?” Then her shoulders sagged, and Riley sighed. “Okay, I have this list. I call it the no-go list.” Why was she telling Melina this? Maybe because she trusted her. Just like she had needed a friend all those years ago, she needed one now, too. Riley continued. “If a guy has three or more items on the list, I won’t date them. Fog ticks just about every box on the damn thing.”

Melina stopped working, and they locked eyes in the mirror. “A no-go list? Well, that’s a little weird.”

“Not really. Most people have things they won’t accept in a partner. It’s not weird.”

“I guess, but to have a whole list?” Her eyes widened, and she carried on combing and cutting, combing and cutting.

“It’s not that long…not really.”

“What kinds of things are on this list of yours?”

“Attractive is one of the items. If a guy is really attractive, it’s a problem for me.”

Mel stopped what she was doing. Her eyes just about bugged right out of her skull. “You won’t date a guy if you find him attractive? Is that what you’re saying?”

Riley nodded.

“That’s crazy. You can’t have had such a good time in the bedroom if you’ve never found a man attractive.”

“There are plenty of things that can turn a woman on, and they need not be looks.”

“O-kay. If you say so.” Melina didn’t look convinced. “I have to disagree with you right there. I think being attracted to each other is of major importance. It’s not everything, but it’s right up there. What is the next thing on this list of yours? I take it you know these points by heart.”

“I do. The next thing…” Riley swallowed thickly. “You won’t agree with this one either. Not if you didn’t like the last one.”

“Out with it!” She lifted her eyes for a second before snipping Riley’s hair.

“Um…sexy. They shouldn’t be sexy.” Riley cringed.

“Okay! Now that’s going too far. Sexy is an absolute must. Good-looking, I can overlook…maybe…just, maybe. But sexy has to be there at the forefront.”

“So, you do agree that there’s a difference between good-looking and sexy?” Riley laughed.


“My best friend has always argued that one…” She pulled in a breath. Ashlyn would love Melina. She would love all of this. She was the one who was the adventurous type, not Riley.

“Nope, there’s definitely a difference, and any man you date has to be sexy to you, or it won’t ever work. Just my opinion. Next on the list.”

“Charming. Followed by sweet. I normally find that men who are sweet and charming normally have hidden agendas.”

“So, all sexy, sweet guys who are charming are out?” Melina’s mouth hung open. “Who the hell have you been dating?”

“I don’t date much.”

“I’ll bet. I wouldn’t date anyone either if I followed your list. So far, they’d be ugly douchebags.”

“Not ugly…no…” Riley made a face. “Just not super-hot either.”

“Bland types, then?” Mel laughed.

“I have my reasons. I guess I don’t want to get hurt. That’s why I don’t particularly want to get married either.”

“You said that last time. That’s fine, as long as your partner feels the same. I don’t think a dragon would agree.” Melina looked like she was thinking it through for a few seconds. “In fact, I know it for sure.”

Yet Fog had mentioned he wasn’t interested in marriage. She didn’t say anything since he’d told her that in confidence.

“I have to hear another list item.” Melina grinned. “I can’t wait.”

“You’re teasing me.”

“Damn straight, but I still want to hear all about it.”

“I won’t date a guy who travels for work. That’s a big no-go. I work as a flight attendant, and you should see what goes on when we’re away from home. It’s appalling. All the bed-swapping. People don’t give a shit about cheating on their spouse.”

“Not everyone.”

“No, but it happens more often than you would think.”

“It sounds like you’ve had a bad experience or two along the way. Fog is a good guy, though. Dragons are wired differently than human men. You should know that. When a dragon shifter decides he wants to be with someone – that they are ‘the one’ – they give themselves to you, heart and soul. A part of them would die if their mate ever left them. Thankfully, we’ve never had that happen in the tribe. If Fog decided he wanted to mate you, it would be for life. Don’t lead him on if you’re not serious.”

“It’s not like that. I’ve been nothing but open and honest with him.”

“That’s the thing. They will hear you but still feel like they can convince you otherwise. He might get hurt.”

“He won’t!” Melina had this all wrong.

“You can’t be sure, Riley. I think you mean well, but—”

“I know for sure! I’m here because I can’t leave without Ashlyn,” she blurted. It was out, and it felt good. She may as well spill the rest while she was at it. “It wouldn’t be right if I just went home as if nothing happened. Storm wanted to send me packing. Fog and I devised a plan to help keep me here. Thank you for the lingerie, but I’m not here to test compatibility. I’m here for Ashlyn. Fog knows that. We’re just friends. He’s helping me as a friend. That’s it. Done!”

Melina looked at her as if she was crazy. “You keep telling yourself that. Just friends.” She snorted. “Make no mistake, I have no doubt you don’t want to leave your friend, but I think you’re fooling yourself if you think Fog has nothing to do with your decision to stay on dragon soil.”

“He doesn’t have anything to do with it.” Riley shook her head, feeling irritation well inside her. “He’s not my type at all.”

“Why? Because he ticks a few boxes on a list that, quite frankly, is keeping you from finding someone amazing to spend your life with?”

“No, he’s just not my type. Full stop! I’m not his type either.”

“Please! I’ve seen how he looks at you. I saw the two of you the other day and again when he dropped you off earlier. I know those looks.”

“He’s faking! We both are.”

“Sorry to have to tell you, hon’, but you can’t fake what I saw between you.”

“What did you see between us?” Riley was getting flustered. Melina was dead wrong. “Whatever it was, you misread it.”

“I didn’t misread anything. I saw chemistry. I told you before, and I’ll tell you again, Fog is into you. There’s a reason he’s helping you.”

“No, I don’t think that’s the case. He might be attractive and sexy and all of those things, but he’s ultimately a good guy. I don’t think he has ulterior motives.”

“That’s not what I’m saying. He’s helping you because he’s a sweetheart. But I’m also saying that the two of you are into each other. You might be neck-deep in this situation, but I think there might be something there. Something more. Something that could get one or both of you hurt if you’re not careful. I’m probably overstepping right now, but I also like to say it like it is. I told Azure as much when it came to Ice. Now I’m telling you, the two of you have vibes.”

Riley wanted to tell Melina that she was overstepping and that she was wrong, but she kept quiet. “Please don’t tell anyone what I just told you. I mean about why I’m really here.”

“I think you’re here for more than one reason, but I will be keeping my lips firmly sealed. I promise.”

That was good news, even if the other woman was wrong.

One thing bothered her about what Melina had told her. “There’s a chance we might have to sleep together. It would be so that Storm doesn’t send me home. He’s suspicious. He thinks I’m here for Ashlyn and not for Fog, which is true.” She waited for Melina to disagree, but it didn’t happen. “I’m worried, based on what you’ve said, that Fog might develop feelings for me…” She felt stupid saying it. A guy like him wasn’t going to fall for her. It was stupid. With all her quirks and all her hang-ups? No way! “Listen, forget I said anything.” She waved a hand.

“I won’t forget you said that because you’re right. You’re lovely, Riley. Fog has noticed that. He might be feeling a little tender after Azure, possibly a little vulnerable, but he’ll get over himself soon enough. Trust me on that. Fog becoming hung up on you is a definite possibility. He might end up as collateral damage. Be careful how you progress.” Melina got this almost evil smile.

“What? You’re thinking something. What is it?”

“I’m thinking that the two of you would make a great couple. That Fog is perfect for you because he ticks almost every box on that list. You’re afraid of a guy like him. Why? Because you know you’ll fall hard.”

It felt like her throat was closing up. Riley took a couple of deep breaths.

“Are you having a panic attack?”

“Nope. I’m feeling just fine.” She shook her head. “I don’t want Fog, and I don’t want marriage. No way! It’s not for me!”

“There are two types of men. Those who are losers and then the guys who are keepers. Fog is a keeper. That’s the last I’m going to say on it.” Melina smiled. “Actually, that’s not true. There’s one more thing. Smell the roses, wear the lingerie, have great sex…life is short, Riley. If there’s one thing you should have learned in all this, it’s that life is short.”

“That’s exactly what Ashlyn said just before we were abducted.”

“Your friend is right! I’m assuming you’ve dated mediocre guys who leave no impression on anyone or anything. Take a chance for once. At the very least, you should allow yourself a couple of orgasms with a guy who actually makes your palms sweaty and your heart beat faster. Once they rescue your friend, you can go home with a couple of amazing memories. Maybe it will change your outlook. Maybe, just maybe, it’ll make you brave enough to ditch that list of yours and actually start living.”

“I have a life. I do live!” What did her list have to do with any of it? “I’m desperate to get back to my life,” she added. “I love my life.” The words sounded hollow. Why was that? She did love her life…didn’t she?

“Live in the here and the now. That’s all.”

“I should live. Smell the roses and have sex with Fog, but I should also be careful of hurting him. I must say that I’m confused. I would rather go home and go back to how things were before.”

“Back to mediocre?” Melina lifted her brows.

Had her life been mediocre before? Did her list prevent her from falling hard for a great guy? It was more important for her to remember that there were good reasons for her list. Reasons she needed to keep reminding herself of. If she did that, she’d be A-okay.