Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


It had been the perfect day for flying, and the four children, their parents, and siblings had thoroughly enjoyed seeing the city they called home from high overhead.

I’d given them a bird’s eye view of Manhattan, Central Park, Times Square, the Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge and so much more. I’d followed the route used by the tourist helicopters. The companies had graciously given me one hour of clean air on the days I planned with the children. Learning about what I was doing, a few of the companies were now granting wishes by taking children up in their choppers.

With everyone back on the tarmac, I accepted thanks from both guardians and children. While they crossed to the administrative building to head home, Carl and I secured my plane in its private hangar. We then headed to the airport manager’s office, where we shared a coffee with the manager–Kyle while chewing the fat.

A little before three, being anxious to get home to Melissa, I said goodbye to both of them and some of the other airport staff. Climbing into my car, I buckled my seatbelt and started the engine. I hadn’t cleared the parking area before my phone began ringing. I pushed a button on the steering wheel, connecting the call via Bluetooth, and the call came through on speaker.

“Gary, talk to me.”

“We have a problem. A big one.”

“I’m not following.”

“Melissa said Lincoln was powerful?”

“Yes. Did you find him?”

“Oh, I found him; he’s our problem.” Gary sucked in an audible sigh. Whatever he had to say wasn’t good and I found every hair on my body standing on end. “Melissa’s captor is Lincoln Jamison- the US Senator for Illinois.”

“Fuck. No wonder she’s terrified and refused to mention his name.”

“I called the station down there to speak to a detective I know, and as soon as I mentioned Jamison’s name, he put me straight onto their captain who demanded I explain why I was asking about the senator. Before you go ballistic, I told the captain about her being held prisoner but didn’t mention her name. He told me a few things you both need to hear. Can we meet at your place?”

“Sure. I’m on my way home. I’ll meet you there in about forty minutes.”

“Will do.” Gary disconnected the call, and I spent the drive home worrying about what he’d found out and why he wanted to speak with us both.

My biggest worry was how Melissa would react when she was informed we knew about Lincoln. It was a fucked-up situation, and I was struggling to see any positive resolution.

I couldn’t help wondering where the cocky flyboy, who had vowed to beat the shit out of Melissa’s assailant, had disappeared to so suddenly. I had to admit, I was now bordering on being a little afraid for the beautiful woman I had taken into my home.


The apartment was quiet when the elevator doors opened, and I stepped inside. Surely Melissa wasn’t still out somewhere? The aroma of fresh coffee had me heading to the kitchen and I smiled at the two mugs on the countertop. I assumed she must be in her suite.

Starting down the hallway, I called out her name, not wanting to alarm her. She met me at the door to her suite, a smile lighting up her sun-affected face. She was looking much better, happy, but I couldn’t help wondering for how long. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that whatever Gary had to say would upset her.

When a bell dinged, indicating the elevator had arrived, Melissa gave me a confused look, and I explained.

“That will be my friend, Gary. He called me earlier and asked if he could come over. He has the code to the elevator.”

She stepped back into her room. “I can stay here while he visits. There’s a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen.”

Reaching out and taking her hand, I pulled her toward me. “He’s here to speak with both of us.”


“I’m sure he’ll explain, come through to the living room.” Keeping a firm hold on her hand, I led her through to where Gary stood waiting and introduced them.

“Gary Arkness, this is Melissa Hansen. She’s just joined us at National as crew. She’s taken over Kendall’s roster.”

Stepping forward, his hand outstretched and a smile on his face put Melissa at ease as they shook hands.

“Nice to meet you, Melissa.”

“Have a seat and I’ll fetch the coffee,” I offered.

I heard Gary and Melissa quietly speaking while I pottered in the kitchen. Melissa was telling him about spending the day in Central Park taking photos with the camera app on her phone.

I carried the tray I’d prepared through to where they sat, placed it onto the coffee table, and handed them a mug of coffee, which was made how they preferred. I then dropped onto the couch beside Melissa. Gary sat in a chair opposite.

Gathering Melissa’s hand, I held it on my thigh. I was afraid she would bolt from the apartment when she heard what Gary had to say. I had a bad feeling whatever he wanted to tell us wouldn’t be good. She picked up on the tension coursing through my body and turned her eyes up to mine.

“Tim, talk to me, please.”

“Gary has something he needs you to hear, but first, I need to tell you what I know. Please try not to get too upset.”

“You’re scaring me.”

“I promise you don’t need to be scared. Gary and I will take care of you.”

“Okay, I’m listening.”

Gary nodded and I spoke. “Do you remember having a nightmare last night?”

“A little.”

“When I came into your room, I found you cowering in a corner and begging someone called Lincoln to leave you alone.”

The fear and tension at the mention of Lincoln’s name were palpable. I squeezed her hand in reassurance and continued.

“Knowing how you have suffered, I needed him to be held to account.”

“I told you no, Tim. He’s far too powerful.”

“I know.”

“You know?” She looked at me in surprise. “How?”

I indicated the man opposite, who sat quietly watching Melissa. “Gary is a long-time friend; he’s a detective here in New York. I’ve known him since grade school. On the way to the airport this morning, I called him and asked him to see what he could find out about a powerful man by the name of Lincoln.”

Gary took over the explanation. I suspected there was a great deal I hadn’t yet been told about.

“The man who beat you was Lincoln Jamison–the US Senator for Illinois. Am I correct?”

Tears burst free from Melissa’s eyes as she nodded, and I was pleased to note she made no attempt to run. It seemed she was resigned to the fact we’d found out about the man in her past.

“When I called a detective friend in Springfield this morning to make inquiries, I was immediately put through to his captain who wanted to know why I was asking about Lincoln. I told him about you without mentioning your name, and he transferred me to an FBI agent–Alejandro Ramirez.”

“I don’t understand.” Melissa was confused, and I could relate to her confusion.

“Alejandro told me Lincoln’s last name and wanted to know why I was asking questions. I again explained about your situation without mentioning your name.”

“I still don’t understand why the FBI would be interested.”

None of it made any sense to me either. Obviously, there was something about Lincoln which had drawn their interest.

“Alejandro said you were a lucky victim.”

“Lucky?” Melissa glanced at me. “I don’t feel very lucky.”

“Over the past two years, the FBI has been investigating Lincoln, his campaign manager, and two of his colleagues for sex trafficking. The investigation was sparked after three girls were found dead with similar injuries to each other. From what they have been able to find through investigation, one of Lincoln’s men- either Cross or Findlay, picks up girls like you off the streets and take them to an apartment where he and Justin Beaufort are waiting. From there, they think Lincoln negotiates to sell them to powerful men who were sexual deviants. They believe some have been given to Beaufort for his own use. The girls were brutally tortured sexually, and in other ways, until they were dead. There have been eighteen girls found dead in back alleys over the past two years, and they suspect there could be many more they don’t know about. Especially after now knowing you were taken off the streets eight years ago. They realize the two years they are aware of may only the tip of the iceberg.”

“Fuck.” The fact Melissa could have been killed hit me like a ton of bricks.

I glanced at Melissa, who was as white as a sheet and appeared to be in shock.

“The FBI knows Lincoln, Justin, and their two closest associates are at the top of the chain, but so far, they’ve been unable to prove anything. And, if they have been doing this for the past eight years, or even longer as the FBI now suspects, why have the girls only been found dead during the past two years? What happened to those taken earlier? Why did their method of disposal change? The other question is, why did Lincoln keep you for himself instead of selling you off?”

Melissa shuddered. I suspected she was thinking about how she could have been one of those unfortunate girls. “Why don’t they put a tail, or whatever they do, on the men? Surely they could catch them red-handed picking up the young girls?”

“They have put tails on them, but the girls all go willingly. There is no law against a man talking with a girl and taking her home. The apartment building where they meet is like Fort Knox, and every girl has been seen leaving with Lincoln after a few hours. He somehow manages to evade the FBI and seemingly disappears into thin air. The next time he is seen by the FBI, he’s leaving the apartment building again. Alone. Alejandro said they have no idea where he goes or how he gets back into the apartment building without being seen. Some of the girls that have been seen speaking with the associate have been found dead a couple of months later. Others have disappeared, never to be seen again. Questioning the associate has gotten them nowhere.”

“What makes them think the cases are related? I mean, it sounds pretty obvious to me, but they must have evidence.”

“All their injuries are identical. Since the FBI has been investigating, they have found that all of the girls who spoke with one of the associates within a two-block radius in downtown Springfield, and accompanied them to the apartment building, have disappeared or been found dead shortly after. Jamison, Beaufort, Findlay, and Cross have all been seen with the victims at some point.”

“Then why hasn’t the FBI arrested them?”

I was curious as to why the four men weren’t already in jail since it seemed the FBI was confident they were the perpetrators.

“All four have been spoken with. The two men who pick the girls up off the streets-Cross and Findlay, don’t deny having met the girls and taking them to an apartment in the building for a quick fuck, but said after they are done with, they take them back downtown. The FBI can’t prove otherwise. Seeing men with girls isn’t enough proof that they were somehow involved in their demise especially as they have seen Lincoln leaving the apartment block with the victims, and they appeared fine. What they have is circumstantial, not enough for a warrant.” Gary fixed his stare on Melissa and my stomach flip-flopped. I had a sickening feeling as to where all this was leading. “Until now.”

Melissa spun to face me, her hand gripping mine like a vice. Abject fear shone in her eyes as tears bubbled forth. She shook her head frantically.

“No… no… NO! I can’t. It would be my word against his and I would never be believed. He would be free to come after me or send someone. NO!”

Gary leaned forward and placed his hand on her arm. “Alejandro only wants to come here and speak with you. He won’t make you do anything you don’t feel comfortable with, I promise. Something you tell him might lead them in a direction they haven’t previously explored.”

I turned Melissa’s head until she was forced to lock her eyes onto mine. “No one will make you do anything you don’t want to, and I will hire someone to protect you around the clock. I give you my word; you’ll be safe. No one will get near you. I know you’re scared. Hell, I’d be terrified, but will you at least consider what Alejandro has to say? It may save a young girl’s life.”

Turmoil raged in Melissa’s eyes and she was trembling all over. Eventually, she breathed out a sigh of resignation.

“Tell Alejandro I’ll speak with him, but I’m not promising anything more.”

Gary patted Melissa’s arm. “Thank you. I’ll call Alejandro and let Tim know when he’ll be arriving.”

With business taken care of, and a somber atmosphere in the apartment, I invited Gary to stay for dinner, which he accepted, and I ordered Chinese.


Melissa picked at her food; obviously, her mind was elsewhere. The moment Gary said goodnight and left, she headed straight to her suite with barely a word before disappearing.

I cleaned up the dishes, disposed of the trash, and after switching off the lights, padded down the hallway. When I paused outside Melissa’s open door, there was no mistaking the sound of crying. The lady was falling apart, and I understood why.

I knocked softly on the door frame and entered, knowing she probably wouldn’t have heard to respond. The crying I heard was coming from the bedroom and I found her lying face down on her bed sobbing her heart out. I had never felt so helpless and wanted the power to make everything right in her world. To wipe out the past eight years of the suffering she’d endured. Somehow, I was determined to make everything better.

Not wanting to alarm her by my sudden presence, I lowered myself to the bed and placed a hand on her arm. She lifted her head and peered at me through red, watery eyes.

Scooping her into my arms, I positioned her on my lap and held her close. She buried her head against my chest. After placing a kiss on her hair, I quietly sat until she had settled.

“Stay with me, Tim.”

Her request was mumbled into my chest and I wasn’t completely sure of what she was asking.

“Tonight? In your bed?”

She lifted her head, tilted back, and nodded. I couldn’t have refused her anything at that moment.

“How about you wash your face and get changed, then come down to my suite where I have a larger bed.”

She agreed, and while she readied for bed, I headed to my suite and straight to the bathroom. While I washed up and changed, I ran through what I needed to take care of when I woke. I was rostered off the following day but would call National and request another two weeks’ leave. I didn’t want to leave Melissa while she was feeling so vulnerable. I would also place a call myself to Roslyn at Atlantis Security and organize around-the-clock protection for Melissa. I had complete faith one of their staff would keep her safe.

Once ready for bed, I switched on a lamp, which stood on the nightstand, and switched off the overhead lights. After pulling back the covers, I sat on the bed and waited for Melissa. My dick flinched, knowing the woman would be in my arms again, but I warned my over-enthusiastic dick, there would be no action in the foreseeable future.