Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


After Tim left the room, I dragged myself into the bathroom, brushed my teeth, took care of personal requirements, and dressed in a pair of cotton sleep shorts and tank top.

I stood staring at myself in the mirror. I was an ungodly mess. My face was covered in black, purple, yellow and green bruises. There was still some swelling, and my eyes were red-rimmed from crying. I hated the position I found myself in; why couldn’t everyone leave me in peace to get on with my life?

I had always considered myself a strong person; I’d had to be to get through the past eight years. So why was I falling apart now and becoming more and more reliant on Tim? Just the thought of the handsome pilot sent shivers careening through my body. Pleasant shivers.

I glared at myself in the mirror. “Pull up your big girl panties and do what you know is right. Have a little faith and trust for the first time in your life.”

After giving myself a severe talking to, I left the room and padded along the hall, stopping at the open door to Tim’s suite. I quietly knocked on the door frame, and he stepped into the living room from what I suspected was his bedroom.

His smile was an invitation for me to enter. He opened his arms, and I didn’t hesitate to walk into them. Folding his arms around me, he held me close. One arm wrapped around my waist, the other rested at the back of my head, which was pushed against his bare chest. Tim’s chest was broad, with only a dusting of hair and acres of defined muscle. A pair of sweats sat low on his slim hips. Despite the fact I was an emotional mess, my body still reacted, and I felt a pleasant twinge deep in my core.

Tim guided me to the bed, and I climbed on; he’d already pulled back the covers. Crawling on beside me, he drew the covers over both of us and pulled me against him. My back was to his front; an arm draped over my thigh. I stiffened slightly on feeling his erection against my butt and was grateful when he pulled back.

“Are you all right, honey?”

“Not really.” I turned over to face him. “I know that helping the FBI is the right thing to do, but you have no idea how powerful Lincoln, and his men are. They will not take kindly to being hauled in and thinking of what Lincoln might do terrifies me.”

“I know you’re scared. I’m going to speak with National tomorrow and tell them I have an emergency and need two weeks’ leave, so I can stay with you. I’ll also call a security company and have someone protect you around the clock.”

“I already owe you so much, Tim. It’s going to take me the rest of my life to pay you back.” My eyes burned. Again, with the damn tears. I had cried more in the last couple of days than I had in the past year. I swiped them away, annoyed with what I thought of as a weakness.

Tim rubbed a hand over my arm. Didn’t that have my libido firing off like fireworks on the Fourth of July?

“Hey, it’s okay. You don’t need to pay me back. I’m happy to help.” Tim paused for a moment. “I like you, Melissa, more than I should, considering we have only just met. I have an overwhelming desire… no need, to protect you.”

“You probably say that to all the women you bring here.”

He placed a hand to the side of my face, and I gazed into his eyes. “I’ve never brought anyone here. You’re the first.”

His confession surprised me, but I didn’t doubt his words.



“Can I kiss you now?”

This wonderful man wanted to kiss me, even though he knew I was damaged goods?

“Yes,” I whispered. Just one taste to hopefully last me a lifetime.

Tim lowered his head and brushed his lips over mine. Softly at first before becoming more insistent. His warm tongue pushed with insistence and I opened my mouth to give it entrance. With our arms and legs intertwined, our tongues tussled and dueled. Every nerve in my body tingled with want, but anything more than a kiss was out of the question.

I liked Tim… a lot. But after being held hostage by one man, demanding I bow to his every whim, I wasn’t about to become involved with another. No matter how good he seemed. I had fought too hard and for too long to gain my freedom.

I knew it was unfair to even suggest Tim was remotely like Lincoln. They were poles apart with how they treated women, but I needed time.

When our kiss ended, Tim hauled me against him, reached out, and switched off the lamp on the nightstand. After placing a soft kiss on my forehead, he told me I was safe and to sleep.


After a restless night, finding myself being held in Tim’s arms and soothed when a nightmare began to descend, I awoke to find the space in the bed beside me empty.

The sound of a shower running could be heard from behind the closed door, which led into the bathroom. I rolled onto my back and stretched like a contented cat, wincing when a twinge of pain ricocheted through my ribs.

While waiting for Tim to appear, I closed my eyes and pondered our kiss the previous night. There was no denying I was attracted to the man. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. Add to those the fact he was drop-dead sexy, had a caring, protective nature, and I would have to be a fool not to think he was damn near perfect. The question bothering me, and being asked on a loop in my mind, was why the hell was he seemingly attracted to me? He was so far out of my class; I couldn’t count in how many ways.

“What’s going through that pretty little head of yours and causing such a deep frown?”

I startled at the sound of Tim’s voice and my eyes flew open. When I caught sight of his slightly damp body dressed in only a pair of tight-fitting boxer briefs, I damn near swallowed my tongue.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he protested as he stepped closer.

“Like what?” I managed to squeak out.

“Like you want to devour me… slowly.”

I smiled before saying, “Well, you shouldn’t walk around dressed like that.”

“Hmm, but I think you might like me dressed this way. Or would you rather I wore nothing at all?”

My face heated when he reached for the waistband of his briefs, hooking his thumbs in as if to push them down. I held up my hand and squeezed my eyes shut. “Nooo.”

He laughed, and I felt his weight hit the bed but wasn’t brave enough to open my eyes to check what he was, or wasn’t, wearing.

“I’m not naked; it’s safe to open your eyes.”

I peeled my eyelids back to find him seated beside me, a grin on his face and briefs in place.

I slapped his arm. “You were teasing.”

He held both hands up, palms facing out. “Guilty.”

Leaning forward, he placed a hand to each side of my face and captured my lips in a soft kiss. When he pulled back, I gazed into his eyes and nodded, giving him permission to take my mouth in the way he seemed to want. And take it he did, he didn’t need to be told twice. His tongue delved into my mouth. Teeth clashed. Tongues tangled and danced. Wetness pooled in the crotch of my panties. This man had the ability to turn me inside out. I was in trouble. So much for not wanting to get involved with another man after Lincoln. I wanted this sexy pilot more than I had ever wanted anything.


Tim disconnected the call that had come in during breakfast. I had only heard one side of the conversation, but it was enough to suspect that Gary had been in touch with the FBI agent. Tim confirmed I was right.

“That was Gary. He’s spoken with Alejandro, who said he is keen to speak with you. He’ll arrive just after lunch with his partner–Hayly Rogers, and Gary will bring them here.

I placed the toast I’d been eating back on the plate, my appetite now gone. I had less than three hours before the agents arrived. I stood from the table. The urge to run was strong.

Tim grabbed me around the waist when I attempted to pass, and I found myself swung around and into his lap. He placed a hand on the side of my face.

“I know you’re scared, honey, but there are a lot of good people on your side. Roslyn, a good friend who owns a security company, will be here later this afternoon with your bodyguard. We are not going to allow Lincoln to get anywhere near you. How about you go and relax in a bath for a while, and I’ll take care of the dishes?”

Gathering his face between my hands, I placed a soft kiss on his mouth. “You’re a good man Mr. Reisher, despite what some might think. I am incredibly grateful for all you are doing to help me stay safe.”

He kissed the tip of my nose and set me onto my feet. I made my way to the suite, hoping a soak in the bath would help alleviate some of my nervousness.