Cocky Flyboy by Susan Horsnell


After cleaning up the kitchen and starting the dishwasher, I settled back at the table to check business emails that would have come in over the past couple of days. Anything urgent was always taken care of by my lawyer–Dominic Arya, and then he would copy me the decision he’d made. The man looked after my business very well, and I had complete confidence in his decisions and those of my management team.

Although I found almost forty emails in my inbox, there was nothing that needed my urgent attention. Most were from managers giving me updates.

Satisfied my business was in good hands, I moved onto checking the bank accounts. It seemed I was making money a hell of a lot faster than I could spend it, and my accounts were looking healthier by the day. I figured it might be time to invest in more property. Once things with Melissa settled, I’d call a board meeting and discuss the possibility.

I was surfing the net, checking out the latest news stories, when Melissa’s scent from close by tickled my nose. I lifted my head and found her standing in the opening to the kitchen. With rays of the sun capturing her, she looked almost ethereal.

“Can I get you anything?” Melissa approached where I sat.

“A bottle of water would be good; help yourself to one too. Or juice if you prefer.”

“Water will be fine.” Melissa grabbed two bottles from the refrigerator, placed them on the table, and sat down.

“Are you busy?”

“No, I just finished checking emails that pertain to my businesses and have been checking the latest news. I was about to log off and shut down. Our visitors will be here shortly.”

Melissa dropped her eyes and her shoulders stiffened. Reaching out, I gathered her hand.

“You have me, Gary, and soon a bodyguard to watch over you. There is nothing for you to fear.”

“You say that, but you don’t know Lincoln. I’m beginning to think the only way I’ll be free from him is when one of us is dead.”

Blood as cold as ice ran through my veins on thinking of Melissa being killed. The possibility was totally unacceptable. “Please don’t think that way. I hate the mere thought of you not being around.”

She gave me a cheeky smile. “Don’t tell me I have gotten under the cocky pilot’s skin.”

“Very much so, I’m afraid.”

“You don’t like the fact that I affect you?”

“It confuses me. I have no idea how to act, or not act, on the feelings I have.”

“I understand what you are saying. I made a vow when I escaped that no man would ever have control of me again. Yet here I am having thoughts about being with you.”

“You are?”

Melissa nodded. “I don’t want to, but my heart appears to have differing ideas to my head. I like you a lot, Tim, but I’m not ready for anything serious.”

“I would never ask you to give more of yourself than you were able. IF we move forward after sorting out this mess with Lincoln, I will never attempt to control you.”

“I know you wouldn’t, but let’s take things slow.”

I had no problem with taking things slow if it meant I would eventually have Melissa in my life and my bed. I stood and offered my hand.

“Let’s go and sit on the couch where it’s more comfortable.”

Melissa joined me, and before we’d left the kitchen, an alarm on the elevator alerted me that someone had entered the code and were on their way upstairs. Melissa stared at me with what looked like alarm on her face. I squeezed her hand and brushed my lips over hers.

“I’ll be with you every minute; there is no reason to be afraid.”

When the elevator doors whooshed open and Gary stepped out with two others at his side, Melissa and I moved toward them. I kept a tight hold on her hand.

“Come through to the living room where we can sit and talk.” I led the way, and before we all sat, Gary made the introductions.

“Melissa, Tim, please meet Alejandro Ramirez and Hayly Rogers from the FBI.”

Melissa reached forward and shook hands while I took the opportunity to rake my eyes over the pair.

Alejandro was medium height, solidly built, and I suspected it was all muscle. His hair was jet black like a crow’s feathers, his eyes like liquid oil. When he shook my hand, his grip was firm. His smile, which was genuine, produced a large dimple on his left cheek.

Hayly was around the same height as her partner–I estimated around five feet ten inches. She was lean, her brown hair streaked with gold. I wasn’t sure if it was the result of being in the sun or from a bottle. Her eyes were the color of whiskey and her smile was warm.

The pair were probably around my age–late twenties. I liked Alejandro immediately, but something about Hayly bothered me. I shrugged off the feeling, and after having my offer of a drink denied, I invited them all to sit. I took the seat beside Melissa, again gathering her hand in mine. I wanted her to know I was there for her. Alejandro took the lead in the conversation, directing his words to Melissa.

“Thank you for agreeing to speak with us, Melissa. First of all, let me explain a little about us. Hayly and I have been partners at the FBI for almost five years, and our major investigations are into sex trafficking, child pornography and paedophilia. Gary said he explained about what triggered our investigation into Lincoln Jamison, Justin Beaufort, Aaron Findlay, and Ellis Cross. We would like to ask you a few questions if you don’t mind.”

“Yes, Gary did explain. I’ll answer your questions.” Melissa sounded defeated as if she had no choice. I hated knowing that she felt like she’d been backed into a corner.

Hayly poised a pen over the page of a small notebook, ready to write down the answers to Alejandro’s questions.

“What is your real name?”

“Rachel Anne Kerrigan. I changed it to Melissa Hansen about three/four months ago.”

“How old are you?”


“How old were you when you were picked up off the streets by Jamison’s man?”


“Did you go willingly?”

“Yes. After almost a year, I was tired of being homeless and having to steal just to feed myself. When I was offered somewhere safe to sleep and food to eat, I jumped at the opportunity. I was naïve and stupid.”

“You were young and trusted someone who offered to care for you. Do you know where you were taken?”

“To an apartment block on Seventh, between Second and Fourth. I can’t remember if there was a name on the building.”

Alejandro turned to Hayly for a moment. “That’s the building we’ve had our eyes on–the Apollo.”

Melissa seemed thoughtful. “I think I vaguely remember a sign by the front door with that name.”

Alejandro wore a hopeful expression. “Did you ever leave the building by a back door?”

She shook her head. “After I was taken there on the first day, it was forbidden for me to leave the apartment. The door was kept locked.”

“Damn. I was hoping you’d know how they were returning to the building without being seen.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, it’s not your fault. Did you see anyone else other than Jamison, Beaufort, Findlay, and Cross?”

“No. Justin came to the apartment with Lincoln now and again but never stayed for long. Occasionally, Findlay joined them, but I never saw the man you call Cross.”

Hayly took up the questioning. “Did Lincoln say why he wanted you?”

“Not really, He used to say I was his, that I belonged to him.”

“Did he force himself on you?”

Tears tracked down Melissa’s cheeks as she nodded.

“I’m sorry to ask these questions, I know it must be difficult for you.”

Melissa said it was okay, but I knew it was not.

“Did he force sex often?”

“Every time he was at the apartment. Repeatedly. He liked to tie me up, use a whip, and put things in my anal passage while his dick was inside me. I would prefer not to go into any more detail.”

“I understand and I don’t need to know details. Were you ever attacked by Beaufort or Findlay?”

“No. Lincoln would have killed them if he’d touched me. I heard him threaten them on numerous occasions about what he would do if they laid a hand on my body.”

Hayly tackled the elephant in the room and all eyes turned to Melissa. “Would you be willing to sign a brief statement so we can issue a warrant for their arrest?”

“Will I have to testify?”

Alejandro nodded.

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, and she turned her watery-eyed gaze my way.

“It has to be your decision, honey. No one will make you do something you don’t feel comfortable with or able to handle.”

She turned back to Alejandro and Hayly. “I’m scared.” Her whispered admission broke my heart.

“We know you must be, but without your help, we have no idea how many young girls will die before we catch another break. As Tim said, no one will force you to give a statement, but it will help us accomplish the first step toward locking Lincoln away for the rest of his life. You’re all we have, Melissa.”

After a few tense moments of silence, Melissa nodded. “I’ll sign the statement and testify.”

“Thank you. We’re staying until tomorrow morning. Alejandro and I will type up the statement this afternoon and send it through. Do you have an email address?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Send the statement through to me and I’ll go over it with Melissa.” I gave Hayly the details.

When the agents said they had everything they needed, for now, we all stood. We shook hands with the pair and Gary advised he would meet them at their hotel for lunch to discuss the case further.

I escorted both agents to the lift, assuring them I would return the statement as soon as it was signed by Melissa. After I keyed in the code, the doors slid shut and the car descended. I returned to the living room and dropped back onto the couch. Gary was seated in his usual chair opposite.

“How dangerous is Lincoln, Gary? Do you believe he has men who could come after Melissa?”

“I spoke with Alejandro and Hayly about the same thing. They believe Jamison, Beaufort, Findlay, and Cross are the main players. Neither agent believes the men who are suspected of buying the girls would be prepared to commit murder for Lincoln. Unfortunately, there are other identical networks where the men can source their girls, so they won’t hesitate to distance themselves from Jamison and his cohorts. Honestly, I believe once the four men are locked up in jail, Melissa will be safe.”

“I hope you’re right.”

Gary rose. “I’ll keep you updated on what happens after the statement is signed. Try not to be concerned.”

When I started to stand, Gary waved me off, insisting he would see himself out. After he left, I gathered Melissa into my arms.

“You okay?”

“I guess.” She leaned back until her gaze met mine. “Do you think I’m doing the right thing?”

“Yes, I do. I think without you, there would be many more girls abused and killed.”

“That’s why I agreed.”

“How about lunch before Roslyn arrives?”

“Sounds good. I’ll help.”

I placed Melissa onto her feet and we both headed for the kitchen.