King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 10



Everything about Julieta was breathtaking, yanking me from my comfort zone. The last thing I needed was to feel any emotional attachment to her, especially since there was no way to trust her, but that was starting not to matter any longer.

I was the kind of man who took what he wanted.

Just like the rest of my family.

The irony wasn’t lost, especially tonight. Just watching the way in which she’d reacted to my commands had added gasoline to the flames. I had to consume her. I craved fucking her.

And I would fill her with my seed.

I stroked her hair as she caught her breath, adoring the way her scent remained in my nostrils, also covering every inch of my skin. The taste of her was incredible, only driving the beast inside of me to another level of hunger.

As I wrapped my hand around my shaft, pushing the tip up and down her pussy lips, she took ragged breaths. Her eyes never left my reflection, her mouth twisting as she studied what I was doing.

My breathing scattered, I slipped my cockhead just past her swollen folds. As I dug my fingers into her hips, I locked my eyes with hers. The smile curling on her upper lip was mischievous, enticing.

Even more inviting than before.

I thrust every inch deep inside, throwing my head back as her muscles clamped down on the thick invasion, pulling me even deeper. I heard the series of growls roaring up from my throat, the rumble in my chest matching my thudding heartbeat. No woman had ever caused this reaction in me.

She pushed back against me, grinding her hips. The friction was amazing, forcing my cock to throb, tightening my balls to the point of utter pain. I took several deep breaths before pulling out until just the tip was inside, slamming into her again.

And again.

Squealing, she dropped her head, panting as she slapped her hands on the glass.

“Do you want more?” I huffed, lowering my head and nipping her neck.

“Yes. Fuck me. Just… fuck me.”

The combustion we shared exploded into an entirely different level. I was nothing more than the monster she claimed me to be, hungering to devour my prey. Her entire body shimmered in the festive glow of the street lighting, adding to the fire burning deep within. I drove my cock brutally inside, rolling onto the balls of my feet, the force tossing her against the window.

Her squeals were like food to my soul, jazzing every muscle. Every sound I made was animalistic, every hard plunge only driving me to wanting more. I could no longer see clearly, but it didn’t matter in the least. This was all about coupling, taking what rightfully belonged to me. I threw my hands on hers against the window, jutting my hips forward. We were as one.

One body.

One soul.

One heart.

There was nothing more powerful than taking her. She pushed hard against me, undulating her hips, soft moans pushing past her lips. The heat of our combined bodies was intense, electricity surging to the point I had difficulty breathing.

And still I fucked her long and hard.

The sounds were incredible.

Skin slapping against skin.

Ragged breathing.

Growls and moans.

Being lost in the moment of pure ecstasy allowed me to soar to another place, if only for a few precious moments.

As her breathing intensified, I could tell she was close to climaxing again. I wanted to feel her muscles clamping down. I craved hearing her jagged cries.

“Come for me, princess. Come.” I nuzzled against her neck, nipping her earlobe and allowing my husky whisper to reverberate around us.

She tried to keep her eyes open, to obey my former commands but as her body tensed, she lost the battle. As she tipped her head back, her lips forming a perfect O, her body began to shake.

“Oh. Oh. Oh!” Her scream was high pitched, floating to the rafters in the ceiling.

I released a series of growls as my cock swelled, my balls aching until my heartbeat became erratic. A single climax shifted into a second, every sound she made becoming more barbaric. All I could do was smile as beads of sweat slipped down from my forehead and into my eyes, making it impossible to see.

Julieta shook violently as the wave continued, ripping away all sounds erupting from her throat.

“Oh, yes… I…” When she dragged her tongue across her lips, sagging against me, I thrust harder and faster. Her body went limp, moving with my brutal actions as my balls began to swell, filling with cum.

Panting, I tipped my head back, allowing my needs to take over. Within seconds, there was no way of holding back the almost violent orgasm. The second I issued a keening roar, she squeezed her muscles and I lost it, spilling into her.

Filling her with my seed.

We both continued shaking for a full minute, each gasping for air as we struggled to control our breathing.

She lifted her head, a sly smile crossing her face but as she blew across the glass, the fog increased, shadowing our reflections. I no longer needed a reminder of just how shockingly gorgeous she was or how she looked when she came. It would be permanently indexed in my mind, making it impossible to think about anything else for hours.

Even days.

I heard her slight laugh, the sound riddled with a nervous lilt. I sensed she was embarrassed by enjoying our coupling, as if fucking me meant she’d lost all control, surrendering totally. That would come with time, but it would happen.

Her total submission would be a requirement.

There was no way I could ever let her go. The realization was troubling.

I kissed the side of her neck then pulled away completely. I’d never been a romantic guy. I wasn’t the type to walk hand in hand on a beach or even enjoy a candlelit dinner at a fine restaurant. I preferred hiking in the mountains and hot, juicy burgers on a grill. For all the fine dining experiences I’d shared with my family, they’d meant little other than learning how to play politics, a requirement in the King empire.

Damn it. Maybe Michael was right. I deserved a chance to find out everything I’d been missing.

She kept her hands on the glass, barely moving when I walked away, but I continued to listen to the sounds of her mews and scattered breathing. That was the best music in the entire world, the aftermath of hard fucking. Sighing, I grabbed my jeans, struggling into them. There was far too much business to contend with to enjoy but so many moments. The pull on my emotions shocked me.

They could make me even weaker, clouding my decisions. That wouldn’t bode well for the entire family, and potentially for my life as well as hers. Jesus. I was pathetic.

I yanked on the shirt, not bothering to tuck it in. Then I headed for my glass. A drink was definitely in order. When I turned around, I could see her scrutinizing me. I certainly didn’t need to have an internal light to know she was hurt or angry by the fact I’d pulled away so quickly. What the hell was I supposed to say to her? This wasn’t about love. This was about a contrived marriage that served the best interest of the family.

It was time to plan how to dispose of Morales once and for all. It was also time to plan the wedding. What was needed would be the wedding of the year. Yes, I had several rather unscrupulous thoughts in mind.

I moved toward the bar, grabbing a second glass. The least I could do was offer her a drink.

She huffed as she stormed toward her dress, cursing in Spanish under her breath, but I heard every word. She’d resorted once again to calling me every slanderous name in her vocabulary. I also smiled at the realization. That was her mechanism. That was her safety.

That was her protection from actually starting to care.

Good. I didn’t want her to give a damn, other than to honor the deal. That was the only thing that mattered. I also didn’t want to hurt her, no matter what kind of asshole I’d turned into.

“Would you like a drink?” I finally asked.

“You mean I’d actually have a choice?”

“Of course. What would you like?”

“Champagne,” she said in a snarky tone.

Her challenge was meant to piss me off. It only created another moment of full arousal. I poured my drink then reached into the small refrigerator. I’d learned a long time ago to fully stock a bar, another training moment that had been provided by my mother, the illustrious hostess who’d never missed a beat.

I shot a look over my shoulder, grinning like the terrible person I was. She’d fully dressed and didn’t seem inclined to want to turn toward me. This was our little game. Hate and desire. Anger and longing. At some point, it would grow old. Then what would we have? Silence?

The thought was troubling as fuck.

While I knew perfectly well how to expertly open a bottle of champagne, I allowed the cork to pop. She jerked around to face me, a slight look of shock on her face before she masked it, folding her arms.

“You do have everything right at your fingertips, don’t you?” she hissed, shaking her head but she did walk closer.

I gazed down the length of her before grabbing a crystal flute, carefully pouring a glass. “I do consider myself lucky, Julieta. My mother was particularly fond of exposing me to some of the best things in life, including education on fine wines. That was one of her few passions.” I grabbed my drink and moved toward her, feeling the increasing tension. Damn if the woman didn’t look even more enticing with her disheveled hair and bare feet. Her look was exotic and just fucked, more seductive than the majority of women could carry off.

Julieta glanced at my outstretched hand before accepting my offer, being very careful to avoid touching my fingers. She was prepared to remain angry for an extended period of time. Backing away, she shifted her attention to the champagne, half smiling before bringing the rim to her lips.

I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off her as she closed her eyes just seconds before taking a sip. Her long, dark eyelashes skimmed her cheeks and the shimmer dancing across her gorgeous skin made my cock twitch all over again. I forced myself to take a gulp of my drink. She certainly had a way of keeping my mind preoccupied.

“This is very good. If this is something your mother selected, she has amazing tastes.”

Her words were stilted, just another challenge to me. “Actually, I selected the champagne based on a recommendation from my sister.”

“You have a living sister?” As soon as she asked the question, she took a deep breath. “I’m so sorry, Dante. That was just shitty of me. I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“None taken, Julieta. You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me, at least not about that. Angelique is a spitfire of a woman, refusing to take crap from anyone, including her brothers. You’d like her. She’s mouthy, just like you are.”

She laughed, the sound entirely different. “Then I look forward to meeting her. Will there be an occasion to do so prior to the wedding? Or is everyone just showing up at the Justice of the Peace to make this happen?”

“I already told you, I will honor your Catholic upbringing.”

“And what about yours?”

“My mother is the devout Catholic in the family. I fear that if I walk into a church, the building will burn to the ground.” I couldn’t hold back another grin. I had no idea why I thought my statement was so funny.

But it was obvious Julieta did as well. “I appreciate that you actually care about what I’d prefer, but I don’t see this as a white dress event with the flower girls and frilly bullshit. That’s not the kind of woman I am, although I will honor my promise to Isabella.”

“Interesting. I would have thought otherwise. Isabella won’t allow you to forget. Trust me.”

“I might surprise you on several levels. Then again, I doubt you want to get to know me at all.”

Sighing, I walked closer. “That’s not true. I do want to learn about you, but given the call with your father, it’s vital that decisions are made.”

“On how to murder my father. Are you going to at least protect my mother? I can tell you where she normally stays. Granted, my father owns several compounds, but I guess you already knew that.”

She didn’t seem concerned that her father might be eliminated. “Actually, I’m not certain we know all his locations. As far as your mother goes, we will do everything in our power to protect her.”

I wasn’t prepared to tell her my thoughts on how the brothers and I would handle the situation. The less she knew the better.

“Then maybe I can provide something of use.”

A part of me didn’t want the night to end with this kind of discussion. “That will be appreciated.”

“Not required?”

“Let it go for tonight, Julieta. You should get some rest.”

“You’re sending me up to my room? You’re treating me like a child.”

“I’m telling you that you’ve had a difficult ordeal and should get your rest. If you’re not a child, I suggest you don’t act like one. We have a big day tomorrow.”

She stood rigid for a few seconds then took another sip of champagne, licking around the rim afterwards. It was just her way of reminding me that she did have some level of control over me. “A big day. Fine. If it’s all right with you, I’d like to finish this upstairs. Is that allowed?”

“Of course. You have free access to the condominium as long as you remember the rules.”

“Never leave the prison without your permission. Trust me, I know those kinds of rules cold. I won’t bother trying. I really don’t want the thugs you hired to touch me.”

The yin and yang of our… relationship. I shook my head as she walked stiffly toward the stairs, taking her time. When she reached the second floor, she turned around, leaning over.

“For a few minutes, you allowed me to enjoy the other man. I like that guy better. This one is nothing more than an asshole.”

* * *

“What do you want us to do, boss?” Paolo asked. He seemed as antsy as Jarvis, which I certainly couldn’t blame them for. We’d not only lost good men in South America, we’d likely lost a shipment costing us close to two million dollars. The loss would need to be made up on the other end of the spectrum.

It was also vital to have a group return to South America to re-stake our claim. However, given the Zoom call with Morales, it was doubtful the trip would be easily accepted. I had a decision to make and one I couldn’t take lightly. I placed the cup of coffee on my desk. It had left a bitter taste in my mouth, which was unusual. It was more likely from my continued hatred of Morales versus the actual drink itself.

There was no easy answer; however, Morales couldn’t feel as if he’d gotten the upper hand by issuing the raid. “Put together a team of men to return to Brazil. Keep it quiet. Not only do I need confirmation our product was taken, but I need the locals rattled. If they purposely gave up our position, they need to be taught a lesson.” As soon as I issued the command, I could see consternation growing on Jarvis’ face. “Do I have a problem?”

I glanced from one to the other as I leaned over my desk. I’d spent the early morning on the phone, conducting both needed and regular business. At this point, I was in no mood to be questioned about any decision I’d made.

Jarvis stepped forward. “No, sir. It’s just that Morales is likely to disapprove of our plans.”

“I don’t give a shit about Morales. We have business to deal with and product to push. We can’t allow our customers to think that we’ve gone soft. Just be prepared to do whatever is necessary.”

Jarvis glanced at Paolo, taking a deep breath. “Yes, boss.”

“I’ll make the arrangements,” Paolo added.

“Good. Now, did you bring Daniel with you?” I already knew the answer.

“I’ll get him.” Paolo seemed glad to be taken away from the conversation. I’d known my men had questioned my return, uncertain I was ready to lead a significant portion of the business. At this point and even facing the possibility of losing more good men, providing Morales with a firm understanding that fucking with us wasn’t in his best interest was important.

As Paolo led Daniel into the room, I studied the young man’s face. He looked beaten and exhausted, his face ashen.

“You can leave us now. Keep me informed as to the final plans.” My statement was a dismissal. They left without saying another word. I took my time studying Daniel’s face. Ordinarily, one strike against the King Empire meant either being ousted or dealt with in another manner. However, given the circumstances, I had a distinct feeling the man would be an extremely loyal member of the operation.

“Boss. You wanted to see me?” Daniel finally managed.

“I did.” I moved to the other side of my desk, sitting on the edge. “How’s the family?”

He offered a slight smile, nodding before speaking. “They’re really happy I’m home and safe. Thank you for asking.”

“And how are you feeling?”

Daniel shifted from one foot to the other, obviously uncomfortable as hell. “Actually, much better than yesterday.”

“A plane crash is certainly a jarring event.” I offered a smile of my own, noticing that he almost immediately exhaled in an exaggerated manner.

“Yes, sir. How’s your lady friend?”

“She’s doing quite well. So am I, thanks in part to your help the other day. I very much appreciate what you did.”

“Thank you, sir. I couldn’t allow a beautiful woman to die.”

“You have my gratitude.” I waited for a few seconds, never blinking as I looked into his eyes. While I could see fear in his, there was also an interesting resignation to the fact he might lose his life because of his treachery. He’d already accepted his fate. If I had to guess, I’d say he’d spent time getting his affairs in order. That took significant courage. “By all rights, Daniel, because of your betrayal to this organization, I should issue the harshest punishment.”

“Yes, boss. I know that. I’d like to say I’m sorry again, but I know words mean nothing, only actions.”

Chuckling, I shook my head. “For the most part. I’m not usually a generous man. In truth, the majority of people who know me will tell you I’m far too black and white. But in this case, I think you’ve learned your lesson. That being said, there can be no other fuckups. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

A look of relief flooded his face. “God, yes, boss. I promise you that it will never happen again.”

“Excellent. I suggest you go take a couple days with your lovely family. I know they’ve missed you.”

“Thank you, boss. I won’t let you down.”

“Somehow, I know you won’t.”

As soon as he walked out of the room, I exhaled, rubbing my eyes.

“So you allowed someone who betrayed you to live. Maybe you do have a few good bones left in your body.”

While there was a lilt in her voice, I could also hear a slight edge. She was being deadly serious.

“I make difficult decisions every day. That’s part of my job.”

“A job. You make it sound normal. The lives we’re both involved in are anything but normal.”

“You’re right.”

“Remember, I’m always right.”

“Are you ready to go?” I refused to play the game with her, sparring another round, but damn if she didn’t make me smile.

“Why not? It’s not every day a girl gets to plan her own unwanted wedding.”

Her piss poor attitude from the night before remained.

“Then let’s go.” I grabbed my keys, immediately heading for the door.

“At least you’re dressed for a lovely afternoon instead of in a dark suit.” She breezed past me, stopping when she noticed the blinking light on the security panel.

I’d selected light trousers and a polo. Granted, it wasn’t my normal attire.

Her haughty attitude almost made me laugh. I pressed the code, not bothering to tell her that I changed it often. I could tell she was watching intently, memorizing the numbers. As we walked into the garage, she seemed surprised when I headed for my favorite vehicle, the older model Jeep Wrangler my first purchase after returning home.

“You drive this?”

“I drive this,” I repeated, unlocking the doors.

“No thugs to drive us?”

“First of all, they are highly trained soldiers who work as a team. Second of all, I don’t need them with me at all times.”

She opened the door, giving me a stern look. “Interesting.”

She remained quiet as I headed onto the main street. Stoic at first, as soon as I drove through the French Quarter, she became more enthused, leaning up in her seat.

“Where are we going?” Julieta asked more in passing than if she had actual interest.

“We’re starting the wedding plans. I mentioned that last night.” I donned my sunglasses, the bright sun and warmth of the day invigorating.

“This should be good.”

A genuine smile crossed my face as I headed for Jackson Square, enjoying the fresh air coming in through the open windows.

“I’m surprised. No fancy sports car,” she said a few minutes later.

“Oh, I have two.”

She laughed, the beautiful sound filtering into my ears. “I’m sure you do.”

As I pulled down the street, she craned her neck, finally noticing the triple steeples. “You were really serious about getting married in a church.”

“I was serious.”

“Huh.” She sat back as I shifted gears, slowing down so she could get a good look at the grand location. “This is incredible.”

“The Basilica of Saint Louis is one of the oldest landmarks in New Orleans. The church has seen its share of disasters, including several fires.” I found a parking spot, immediately cutting the engine.

As she stepped out, lifting her head and shielding her eyes to the sun, she took a deep breath. “Exquisite.”

“A revered location and my mother’s favorite place on Earth.” I removed my shades, studying the beautiful architecture. I’d made a promise to myself that I’d never set foot on the property again and hadn’t since Bella’s funeral. Just standing there gave me a series of cold chills.

“But not yours.”

“I used to love it as a boy, but things change.”

She moved around the back of the Jeep, crowding my space. “Bella won’t mind that you’ve returned, even for a special event.”

Her words held more of a special meaning that I would have imagined. She placed her hand on my arm, squeezing in an attempt to give me comfort.

“Yeah, well, if I catch on fire, try and remember the exit.” I offered a short laugh after issuing the words, although I wasn’t certain I was wrong about the possibility.

“I’ve tried to live my life by the word of God, but it’s been just as difficult for me as I imagine it’s been for you, Dante. Remember that we are all sinners. What horrible things we’ve done don’t mean that we can’t be redeemed.”

“I’m not certain about that.” I shoved an earpiece of my sunglasses in my shirt before heading for the door. Perhaps my mother would be proud that I’d returned.

As we moved inside, I navigated to the main cathedral. I’d made an appointment, which had been difficult. Maybe this was the wrong choice, but I’d given Julieta a promise.

I watched as she made the sign of the cross before heading further inside. She seemed in reverence of the gorgeous location, delicately brushing the tips of her fingers across the edges of the pews as she walked closer to the altar. I remained standing where I was, finding it difficult to move any closer let alone gazing up at the magnificent ceiling.

When she knelt in prayer, I realized I’d never felt more uncomfortable being inside a church before. My stomach was in knots, my heart racing.

“It’s good to see you, son.”

The voice was one I’d easily recognize, the deep baritone always comforting, especially during times of crisis. As I turned to face him, I was surprised to see how little he’d changed over the years other than more white in his full head of hair. “Your Grace.”

A twinkle formed in his eye. “We’ve known each other a long time, Dante. Please, just call me Gregory. I don’t think we need all the formalities today. I understand from my secretary that this is a return based on celebration.”

“Yes. I’m getting married.” Just telling the Archbishop that I was in love seemed even more blasphemous. I motioned toward Julieta.

“That’s fantastic to hear. I remember the last time I saw you. You were still wet behind the ears. Look at the man you’ve become. I assure you that I’ve heard stories about you. You’re quite the hero.”

My jaw immediately clenched, and I was forced to take a deep breath. “I’m no hero, Gregory. I’m simply a man who is uncertain if he lost his way.”

“You do know that you can talk to me if you so desire.”

“I appreciate that, but I don’t think providing you with nightmares is something I want to do.”

He cocked his head, keeping his gaze locked on mine. “Understood, Dante, but sometimes when the darkness seems oppressive to the point light is no longer able to stream in, that’s when you need to rely on others to help pull you through. That’s something for you to think about.”

“I will.” He’d never criticized our family or cared any less about who we were and what we did for a living. He’d always been there, comforting every member of the family when Bella had been taken from us and Michael’s first wife, Cassandra. He’d christened Isabella and Alessandro, welcoming them into the Kingdom of God. And he’d cheered when he heard I’d enlisted in the Marines.

“Tell me, how’s your mother?” he asked. He’d also been very fond of my mother, much to my father’s chagrin.

Sadly, I hadn’t realized she hadn’t attended services in a while. “She’s doing well. Just as feisty as ever. Keeping my father on his toes. They’re enjoying a well-deserved vacation in Italy.”

“Good for them. Please let her know that I am always here for her. I know how much she’s suffered over the years. The loss of a child can mean lifelong devastation.”

“I certainly will.” There was such a look of sadness on his face, as if he hadn’t been able to pull my mother out of the blackness she’d fallen into after Bella’s murder. “I’m certain she would love for you to call upon her, if that’s something you actually do.”

“I would be honored. Just let me know when your parents are back in town.” Gregory smiled, patting me on the shoulder. “I took the liberty of asking our wedding director to join us in a few minutes. If it would be all right, I’d love to meet your lovely bride to be.”

“Of course.” I walked by his side as he moved down the checkerboard tile, taking his time as if enjoying the scenery.

“My dear, I understand you are marrying this fine young man.” Gregory immediately took her hand.

“Your Grace,” she half whispered.

“This is Julieta Morales,” I managed, although I realized my voice was somewhat strangled.

“Just Gregory. I’ll tell you the same thing I mentioned to Dante. There is no need to be formal. I’ve known the King family from the day I moved to this beautiful city. The King brothers are like sons to me, Angelique a lovely daughter, as you will become, Julieta. You have such a lovely name.”

“Thank you.” Julieta gave me a quick glance, obviously unnerved. “You have a beautiful church. It will be such an honor to take our vows.”

I heard the sound of footsteps and sighed. Other people were walking into the church. It was time to leave. This wasn’t anything like what I’d imagined my life would come to. The act of faking such a lifetime commitment was perhaps the evilest deed I’d been involved in.

“Yes, this old building has served many well during these centuries.” He continued to hold her hand as he turned his head to gaze into my eyes. “If I may be so bold.”

“Of course, Your Grace. I mean Gregory,” Julieta said, allowing her sweet laughter to fill the air around us.

“As you might imagine, I am well aware of certain aspects regarding the King family. I also might be getting on in years, but I’m well versed in certain arrangements. They happen more often than you could imagine. However, I see something in the two of you. Call it intuition. Call it an old man who at heart is still a romantic, but I feel a strength inside both of you that will allow your love to flourish. Plus, I believe you two complement each other.”

I gave him a kind smile, realizing that she hadn’t taken her eyes off me. “Maybe so, Gregory. Time will tell.”

“Live together. Find out all the little things that can make the other happy,” he continued. “You’d be surprised what knowing the other person’s favorite color can do.”

Chuckling, I gave him a nod of respect. “I will try and remember that.”

“Just do yourselves a favor. Don’t hide anything from each other. Don’t lie. And learn that respect does go both ways. With that, you can live a long and happy life filled with joys and sorrows. Learn from them as you grow.” He squeezed her hand before letting it go. “Well, unfortunately, I have another appointment. I will leave you in the capable hands of Kevin Carpenter. I’ll look forward to your special day as well as to visiting with your mother.”

Special day. What worried me was that the special day would also turn into another tragic moment. This time, I wasn’t certain the family would be able to survive it.