King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 11


“You didn’t have to buy me lunch.” Julieta toyed with her glass of wine as she stared out at the water.

“I’m not allowed to enjoy a meal with my fiancée?” I asked as I sat back in the chair. The day couldn’t be more perfect. While there was the usual humidity in the air, being so close to the water as well as the light breeze made the moment more enjoyable than any I’d remembered in a hell of a long time.

She had a smile on her face, more serene than before. Her long legs were crossed, the dress I’d purchased another perfect outfit for her voluptuous figure. As she tapped her foot to the music of the live band, I continued to think about the Archbishop’s words.

“I think possession is the appropriate term. Don’t you?” she asked coyly.

“You don’t believe there’s a chance at love?”

After turning her head in my direction, she gave me a hard look. “Forgive me, Dante, but whether or not you think I’m a princess, I wasn’t the girl who believed in fairytales.” She narrowed her eyes after studying my face. “I’m not trying to upset you. I think love at first sight can happen. Maybe. I also believe that love can form after a long friendship, but in our case, you’re not the kind of man who desires to fall in love. I can see that easily.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Are you honestly challenging me?” She took a sip of her wine before leaning over the table. “Okay, I can tell you are. You don’t talk about yourself at all. I have no idea what you like. What you hate. Nothing. You also don’t ask me anything. Not a single question about what I wanted to do in my life or even my favorite color. That doesn’t make for a solid friendship and it certainly doesn’t bode well for a romantic relationship. Correction, a perfunctory relationship. You don’t do romance.”

“Did you ever stop to think I might have my reasons?”

“Sure you do,” she huffed. “The real reason is that you can have any beautiful woman any time you beckon with your finger. I mean, you’re that gorgeous and all.” A warm flush crept up her cheeks.

I swirled my drink, unable to keep a grin off my face. “You think I’m gorgeous, huh?”

Julieta whisked her hand through her windblown hair. “Okay. So? You are and you know it.”

“You should meet my brothers. They are the lookers in the family.”

“Oh, come on. I met Michael. Yes, he’s very good looking but you’re rugged and fierce, like a true warrior.”

I leaned over the table until we were only inches apart. “Well, I appreciate the compliment. You are also something special yourself. Beautiful. Beguiling.”

“Mouthy,” she added, laughing again.

“Yes, nothing that a solid over the knee spanking wouldn’t cure.” I kept the grin on my face, enjoying her mixture of emotions.

“You are such a mean man.”

“Yes, I am.” I lifted my glass, waiting until she did as well. “See, we’re becoming friends.”

“Uh-huh. Nice try.” She took a sip then resumed her earlier position, staring at the water as if it was a lifeline.

I took a deep breath, hating the fact she was right. “Okay. What’s your favorite color?”

“Red,” she shot off. “Yours?”

“Orange. Favorite food?”

“Ice cream. You?”

“A juicy hamburger on the grill.”

My answer seemed to surprise her. As she glanced over her shoulder, her smile seemed entirely different. “Favorite movie?”

“Don’t laugh.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

The Terminator.”

Given she’d just taken a sip of wine, the moment I gave her a true answer, she spit out a portion, alternating between coughing and laughing as she reached for her napkin. “Really? Seriously?”

“Yes. I told you not to laugh. Geez. Okay, hotshot. What’s your favorite movie, and don’t you dare lie to me because I will catch it like a hot potato. Then you know what will happen.”

“Yes, I know. Sir,” she teased, giving me a coy look. “Die Hard.”

It was my turn to laugh. “We’re a couple of old movie lovers. Perfect. See?”

She pointed her finger at me, wagging it several times. “Okay, buster. Then we’re going to have a movie marathon one night, complete with buttered popcorn. Lots of butter.”

“As long as we can have a margarita instead of a Coke, that works for me.”

“Deal. Margaritas? Wow, maybe I will learn something about you every day.”

“Maybe you will.” The laughter we shared was genuine, the electricity soaring between us.

Then there was a moment of awkward silence. At least the waiter brought our bill, allowing me to hide the fact I was suddenly uncomfortable. After tossing my credit card on the plastic tray, I finished off my drink.

“I loved what the Archbishop said. For some crazy reason, I like knowing your favorite color. That makes me feel closer to you, even though I don’t think you really want me to get too close.”

“That’s where you might be wrong, Julieta. I’m just not certain you’re going to like what you find. We have another stop to make.”

“Ugh. If you make me select a damn wedding dress, I’m going to pick red. I mean it.”

She had a way of making me smile unlike I’d done for a number of years. “I think red is perfect, but that’s not where we’re going.”

“Then where are we going?”

“If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

“Why do I have a terrible feeling you’re going to some kink shop to purchase additional implements.”

As I signed the receipt, I shook my head. “Not a bad idea.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

* * *

“You are a man full of surprises.” Julieta backed away, her expression one I couldn’t read. “The King family owns everything. Don’t they?”

“I already told you that we have several legitimate businesses. That’s the future of our empire.”

“King’s Diamonds.”

“Come on. You might enjoy this.”

“I don’t think so. It’s not real. Remember?”

I took her by the hand, pulling her closer. “While I want this to be a beautiful experience for you, there are certain rules. We have to appear as a happy couple.”

She palmed my chest, fiddling with my shirt. “Well, one of the things I’m very good at is being an excellent actress. Fine. I’ll play along.”

As expected, one of the two brokers headed to a back room. Within seconds, my brother appeared, quickly glancing at Julieta. He approached with a slight smile on his face, which was surprising given the fact we weren’t that close.

“I was just about to head home,” Lucian said. “You must be Julieta Morales. I’m Lucian.”

“You could pass for twins,” she said as she looked him over.

“I’m older and wiser.” He gave me a sly smile. “I have some things for you to look at.”

“You prepared this little event?” she asked under her breath.

“There are perks to being in the King family.” I took her arm, leading her to one of the posh back rooms, the area complete with an ornate table and chairs, a leather seating area, specialized lighting, and gorgeous works of art.

She immediately shook her head. “All of you live like the rich and famous. Amazing.”

“We have very special clients, Julieta,” Lucian stated as he moved to a case. “Some even fly in from other countries given the quality of our pieces.”

“You’re really into precious gems.”

He shifted his gaze in her direction. “Very much so. I understand your father is as well.”

Her defiance kicked in and she backed against one of the walls. “What is this about? I don’t have anything else to give you. I doubt my father would kindly take to me stealing another bag of opals.”

Lucian laughed. “I like this girl. That’s not what I’m suggesting. If there is another vein in South America, I would be very interested in the mining possibilities. Imagine the glorious pieces that could be made. However, that’s not why you’re here.”

“Of course not. It’s to find a bobble so I can further pretend that I’m happily marrying into a crime syndicate.”

I slowly turned my head, giving her an authoritative look. “As you can imagine, brother, I have my hands full with this spicy Spanish beauty.”

“I can see that.” Lucian began to lay out several trays, presenting them as he would to any other wealthy client searching for the right diamond for a spectacular proposal.

This was nothing more than a business transaction. While I wanted Julieta to have a stunning example of our supposed love, I could tell how angry she’d become again.

Just another possession.

Just another fancy commodity in my house.

Sighing, I tried to guide her to one of the chairs, but she refused to sit down.

Just another business arrangement.

I’d spent very little time in the diamond brokerage. In fact, I’d thought the entire business proposition had been ridiculous. However, because of Lucian’s hard work, including his presence in the diamond district in New York, diamonds and other precious gems had become one of our most profitable sectors.

I knew Lucian could tell how uncomfortable the situation was. He’d warned me just to select a ring, but I’d refused.

“I’m going to leave you two alone. Keep in mind, I’ll need to leave in about thirty minutes.” Lucian gave her another nod before walking toward the door.

“Do you know how the babies are?” Julieta asked.

I could see the look of surprise when he turned around. “The little boy is doing very well. Unfortunately, the little girl is still in surgery.” He darted his eyes in my direction. “There were some issues with her heart valve.”

“I’m so sorry. I can tell how important family is to you.” Julieta finally eased into a seat. Perhaps hearing the heartbreak that Cristiano was still going through was giving her an excuse to allow her guard to drop.

“I think both Dante and I appreciate that.” He took a deep breath. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

“We’ll drop by the hospital after we leave.” I don’t know why I was offering that information. Maybe I felt it was important for all of us.

“You’re a good brother, even if you are a little rough around the edges.” Lucian laughed, the sound clipped. I’d never thought of my brother as anything but hard and cold, incapable of feeling for anyone. Maybe I was wrong.

About a lot of things.

After he left, I sat in the chair beside her. “I know this isn’t what you’d want, but in this particular case, I thought you’d prefer to have something you’d enjoy wearing.”

“Very practical. Another reminder that you can’t be romantic, which is fine. And you’re right. I would prefer to actually like the piece. Just give me a few minutes and I’ll pick one. I assume given it’s your family business you won’t have to spend any money on me. That’s another bonus.”

As she pulled two of the trays over, she dropped her head. I was surprised she was studying them so intently. I closed my eyes, still trying to think of the right words to say to her. I honestly had no idea. For all the different countries I’d been fortunate to visit, all the niceties that I’d been afforded because of my family’s wealth, and the amazing education I’d been provided, I couldn’t put a damn thought together that would mean a thing to her. I did everything I could to keep from laughing. That certainly wasn’t going to ease the disgust she must be feeling.

“This isn’t going to work,” I said quietly after a full five minutes of her silence. When she didn’t lift her head in my direction, I gently touched her arm. That’s the moment I sensed she was crying and doing everything in her power to hide it from me. “Julieta. I’m very sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”

She sniffed and wiped her eyes, barely turning her head in my direction. “You know what? Maybe I did lie to you when I said I didn’t believe in fairytales. I think somewhere deep inside, I honestly believed some amazing hero would come and rescue me from my evil father. I just never figured it would be a man equally as dangerous.”

“Or as callous.”

Laughing, although the sound was more like sobbing, she nodded a couple of times. “I’m sorry. You’re right.”

I shifted her chair, dragging it until I could take both her hands into mine. She dropped her head again, embarrassed that she was showing anything other than anger or defiance in front of me. When I pulled her fingers to my mouth, pressing my lips across her knuckles, another few tears slipped past her long lashes. “Don’t be sorry when you tell me the truth, no matter how much I might not like to hear it. I’m an asshole right now. I can admit that. Does that make you feel any better?”

Another laugh bubbled to the surface and she nodded more vehemently, finally managing to look me in the eyes. “Yes. Actually, it does. I know that makes me equally as horrible.”

I watched as the tears trickled down her face, a stab slicing into my heart. If only I could be her knight in shining armor. I rubbed my thumb across her cheek, gathering the salty beads. As I slid my thumb into my mouth, I sensed her breathing change.

She blinked furiously, the light finally returning to her eyes. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t we get out of here?”

“Okay. Can I go to the hospital with you? I know I’m not family, but I can tell it’s hard on you too.”

Her offer was so genuine, so caring. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips against hers, the desire entirely different than I’d felt the night before. Maybe my need to hold her had absolutely nothing to do with hunger, but an entirely distinctive kind of need.

She slid her arms around my neck, tangling her fingers in my hair. The moment shared was quiet and gentle, breathtaking.

I eased her lips open, enjoying the way she darted her tongue inside, taking her time exploring the depth of my mouth. While the kiss was just as passionate as any time before, I was forced to recognize the difference.

As I pulled away, she rubbed her thumb across my lips. “Of course you can come with me,” I whispered then rose to my feet.

“What about the rings?” she asked.

“We’ll figure it out later.” I led her to the main showroom then back to Lucian’s office. “We’re not picking one out, at least not today.”

Lucian rose from his desk, a smile curling on his lips. “I think that’s a good choice.”

“Can I ask you a question?” She flanked my side, staring at Lucian.


“Are you married?”

“Yes, I am. I have a wonderful wife,” he said, beaming with pride and joy. I’d never seen him so happy.

“Did you fall in love with each other?” Her tone had gotten more demanding.

He appeared as uncomfortable as I’d ever seen him. “Honestly, no. It was arranged, my decision. My requirement.”

“For a business transaction.”

“Yes. Why?”

Julieta inched closer to his desk. “Do you love her?”

“More than I should be allowed.”

“Would you die for her?”

“Without a second’s worth of hesitation.”

She seemed to mull over his answer. “Okay. I appreciate you being honest with me.”

I wasn’t certain what she’d gained by the information, but if it gave her some kind of comfort, I was grateful that Lucian hadn’t pulled any punches. “We’re going to the hospital.”

“Good. I’ll be there shortly. I’ll walk you out.”

While returning to the hospital under these circumstances wasn’t something I was looking forward to, there was no doubt I’d offer my support to my family.

As well as my love for them.

After all, blood was thicker than water.

“Have you finalized the remaining details for the wedding?” Lucian asked quietly as we walked through the main showroom.

“I have some ideas. I took Julieta to visit the church.”

Lucian shook his head. “I’m actually glad to hear that’s where you’re getting married. I don’t think a single one of the family has set foot in the place since…”

“She knows about Bella.”

Sighing, Lucian stopped just outside of the door. “Well, she would learn all the ugly secrets sooner or later.” He turned his full attention toward Julieta. “He’s not such a bad guy, if you can look past his military gruffness.”

“It’s funny how members of your family keep telling me that. The jury is still out.”

Groaning, I took her by the hand, the move so unexpected for her that she almost pulled away. “Let’s get out of here before he tries to share stories about when I was a dorky kid.”

“Who says you’re not still the same way?” Lucian teased as he opened the door.

As we walked outside, the sun forcing me to squint, I squeezed her hand.

Until I heard a noise, one that had been drilled into me during years of training.

“Get down,” I hissed, immediately reaching for my weapon then pushing her to the sidewalk as I took aim.

Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!

The sound of shattering glass was first, a series of startled screams immediately after.

“Fuck!” Lucian hissed, jumping over me as the sound of a car speeding away, tires screeching pulsated in my ears.

I heard him firing twice, immediately pulling back. Gasping, I snapped my head, gazing down at her. She was covered in glass. “Goddamn it. Are you all right?”

She shuddered then opened her eyes, trying to sit up. “Fine. I just… Was that about my father?”

“Yeah, that’s what I’m going to guess. Come on. Let’s get you back inside,” Lucian grumbled as he helped us both to our feet, chunks of glass falling everywhere.

At least the high-impact glass Lucian had installed had prevented any of us from getting hurt, but the fact the bullets had penetrated meant the assailant had used a high-powered assault rifle. That also meant the shooter was either an amateur or the shots had been nothing more than a warning.

I pulled away, scanning the street as the car in question careened around the corner. “Bastards.”

The people of New Orleans had experienced gunfire before. As usual, they continued walking, staying clear of our side of the street. Only the few tourists who’d ventured to this area of the city seemed terrified. I slipped my weapon behind my back, issuing an intense growl. I glared at the demolished window, realizing the police would be called on the daylight attack. The last thing we needed was more questions.

“Yes, Detective Travis Myers, please.” Lucian was already trying to head them off. He shifted in our direction, shaking his head, ready to hunt the bastards down. He’d have to get in line. “Yeah, I’ll wait,” he hissed into the phone. “Are you two okay?”

“We’re fine, but that shit isn’t going to happen again,” I snarled as I took her into my arms. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m fine. Really. I’ve been through something like this more than once. I’m a tough girl, remember?” She tried to push me away. “I can’t believe my father sent someone to kill us.”

I shook my head, brushing the tips of my fingers across her face. “Those weren’t kill shots.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Just a reminder that he’s playing a game.”


“Thank you, Detective. I appreciate your help.” Lucian ended the call, slipping his phone into his pocket. “At least we won’t be bothered. You know that was just a warning.”

“Obviously. That means Morales is pissed.”

“You must have had one hell of a phone call with the man.” Lucian grinned. “Go to the hospital and talk with Cristiano. I think you need to consider getting out of town for a while.”

“Not a chance in hell.”

“Just for a couple days. Take the target off your back. Morales needs to understand what he’s dealing with.”

I glanced at the broken window, thinking about his idea. “Understood. I’ll consider it.” While he was likely right, the last thing I wanted to do was get out of town. To me, that was the ultimate weakness, one I wasn’t prepared to show.

If the bastard wanted to play games, then he picked the wrong guy to go up against. Things just shot to a new level. The great Carlos Morales had no idea what was in store for him.

I almost smiled at the thought.

* * *

The myriad ugly emotions rolling through me were more gut wrenching than I was prepared for. While I’d yet to meet my new niece and nephew, I couldn’t imagine life without them. They were a part of our family, beautiful children that would bring light and joy into all our lives.

I was no longer surprised at anything Julieta did. She was an innocent creature who’d been dropped in a pit of snakes, but as she held my hand tightly as we walked down the hospital corridor, I didn’t think I could enjoy being close to someone during a crisis as much as I was with her. As we rounded the corner, I noticed Cristiano leaning against a wall. His head was down, one hand over his eyes.

“Dante. It doesn’t look good,” she whispered as I pulled her to a stop.

“Damn it.”

“I’ll stay right here. Go. Cristiano needs his brother.” She pulled away, pushing me slightly.

I gave her a partial smile before walking toward him. He didn’t move as I drew closer, although his soldiers acknowledged my presence. “Cris. What happened?”

He made an agonizing sound before lifting his head, tears in his eyes.

“I’m so sorry. I have no words.”

Cristiano nodded over and over again before dragging me into a bearhug. “She’s alive, brother. She made it through. The surgeon says my little girl will live a normal life.”

As tears rushed into my eyes, I held him more tightly than I had since Bella died. “I’m so glad. Dear God, I am so happy for you.” I slapped him on the back several times before pulling away. “And your baby boy and Emily?”

“They’re doing just fine. I’ll take you to see them if you’d like.”

“I mean… Is that okay? Should I…” I sputtered nervously, raking my hand through my hair.

He wiped his eyes, laughing softly. “It’s okay, brother. It’s an emotional day. Yes, my little baby boy is doing so well. He’s in a crib right by her bed. Anyway, I know what you’re going through and I agree with Lucian. You need to get out of town.”

“Whoa. He called you? Are you freaking kidding me?” I sensed Julieta walking closer. “That was a shitty thing for him to do.”

“That’s family. He’s worried about you and he should be. I’m fine. Life is amazing. I’m happy. Now, we’re going to keep you safe. That’s…” He stopped, a grin popping on his face. “Julieta?”

“Yes.” I motioned her closer, giving her a stern look when she hesitated. “It’s okay. The baby girl made it through surgery.”

Just when I thought Julieta couldn’t surprise me any longer, she threw her arms around his neck, both Cristiano and I in shock.

“I’m so glad. I know how worried you must have been.” Her voice was muffled. When she jerked away, scarlet creeping up on her cheeks, she threw her hand over her mouth. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. I can use all the hugs I can get. I was just telling your… fiancé that you’re going on a trip,” Cristiano stated with just as much dominating authority as usual. “Why don’t you use my boat?”

“The yacht? I don’t know if that’s the best idea given the crash.” I huffed, studying her reaction. “The one the asshole caused. Remember?”

“Yeah, I remember, but you’ll be more protected, especially if you head to the Keys. You can fly back if everything is stabilized. You know it’s the right thing. We can handle the shit from here. That’ll keep Morales on edge.” While he was careful with his words, he wasn’t going to mince them even with Julieta standing close.

“Look, it might be a good idea but…”

“Yeah, I know. You never give up. Trust me for once, brother. Just do it. Besides, what’s the harm in enjoying some time away?”

I could sense the adrenaline he’d been on for days was starting to wane. “Fine. We’ll leave tomorrow. You need some rest. It’s time to stop talking business.”

“And I’m going to get some, but not until I know my entire family is safe. Hear me?” While he grinned, I could easily tell the exhaustion was settling in.

“Okay. Fine. We’ll take the damn boat,” I said, half laughing.

“Good. I’ll make sure the crew is ready. Make certain you have extra guards at your place tonight. Whether or not the shots fired were more for show doesn’t mean he won’t try again. You know that, right?” Cristiano gave Julieta another look.

“He’s right, Dante. My father is enjoying torturing us. It will only get worse.”

Her words were an honest admittance and one I appreciated. “I already agreed. Now what about these gorgeous babies?”

“Come on. You can say hello to Emily first.” There was a spring in my brother’s steps as he led us down the hall, moving to a room and knocking lightly before entering.

“Hi there,” Emily said, a bright smile on her face. In her arms was a little bundle and whether I liked it or not, it brought tears to my eyes. “Would you like to meet your nephew?”

“I believe I would.” My voice was little more than a choking sound as I approached, waiting as Emily pulled the blanket away. “Do you mind if I ask his name?”

She laughed. “His daddy didn’t tell you?”

“Well, he had other things on his mind.” I reached down, brushing my knuckles across the little tyke’s face.

“His name is Michael Dante King.”

I froze, taking several deep breaths. “What a great name, little guy. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Are you going to introduce me to your friend?” she asked as she pushed her finger against my arm.

“Emily King, this is my fiancée, Julieta.”

“So formal all of a sudden,” Julieta huffed. “I’m the new arrangement.”

“I can already tell she’s perfect for you. She’ll drag away that darkness surrounding you.” Emily had tears in her eyes. “It’s great to meet you, Julieta. I’m sorry it’s under such lousy circumstances.”

“I’m so happy about the twins,” Julieta managed, her voice breaking.

Darkness. Even my sister-in-law could tell.

“I won’t stay. I know you need your rest. I’m… relieved,” I said, giving Cristiano a nod. He was beaming as he looked at Michael, the little tyke smiling the way newborns could.

“Come on. I’ll take you to intensive care.” Cristiano led the way, moving down the corridor. I could tell he remained tense, the weight of the world still placed on his shoulders. As he moved in front of the window, his face lit up.

I flanked his side, unable to keep a smile from my face. “Where is she?” I found it both cathartic as well as odd that Julieta remained by my side. The King family had always been private, refusing to allow anyone into our world that wasn’t a close friend of family.

The strangest part was that having her here felt almost normal, if anything about our lives could be considered normal.

“Right there where she’ll remain for a week or so, depending on how she’s doing.” He sighed, flexing his fingers then placing them on the glass.

“You still haven’t told me her name?” Although in my heart, I already knew. There was no other choice, no real reason to question.

But as he stated the little girl’s name, he did so with joy, although there were tears falling from his eyes. “Her name is Bella.”