King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 13


“I can’t believe you asked the chef to prepare hamburgers,” I mused as I nibbled on another French fry.

Dante finished off his burger, taking his time to chew it thoroughly. After wiping his mouth, he turned his head ever so slowly in my direction. We’d remained sitting on the edge of the bubbly water, only both of us had crossed our legs. The chef had directed one of his staff to place a blanket between us before serving the food, even taking the time to position flameless candles in several locations.

As if this was a romantic setting.

As if Chef Charles was presenting the finest food to the happy couple in love.

“Correction,” he muttered before dragging the last of his fries through a copious volume of ketchup then stuffing them into his mouth.

I cocked my head, biting back a giggle as a glop of the sauce trickled past his lips.

“A cheeseburger, a true delicacy I might add.”

Where had this man come from? He certainly wasn’t the gruff, arrogant man I’d met only days before.

“Oh, I see. I’m glad you corrected me.” When I dared to reach out, collecting the dribbles of ketchup, he grabbed my hand, immediately sliding my fingers into his mouth. Another shudder boosted the electricity that had been flowing the entire time we’d been eating. I was finding it more and more difficult to resist his charms.

The scintillating sensations created a warm buzzing feeling in my stomach.

He never took his eyes off me as he performed the task, but when he pulled my fingers out of his mouth, he gave me the kind of smile that would melt any woman. But I wasn’t just any woman. I was his… captive.

The thought was never far from my mind no matter how charming he could be.

I tugged my hand away, suddenly embarrassed that I was falling for his magnetism. “I guess we should clean up.”

Dante didn’t utter a word. He simply rose to his feet, grabbing the plates and utensils, moving slowly until he could place them on one of the tables. As he returned, he yanked his shirt over his head, tossing it aside. His expression had changed. He was now the savage and very hungry beast I’d known him to be. He remained silent as he removed his shorts, sliding them over his carved hips in a far too provocative manner.

My mouth watered as he freed his cock. He was already hard and throbbing, but his cravings were even more evident in his eyes as they gazed down at me. I realized my heart was pitter-pattering, my nipples aching to have his lips around them.

Keeping his distance, he eased into the hot tub, moving to the other side and near the controls. He cocked his head, his eyes narrowing. “Join me.”

“I don’t have a swimsuit.”

He shook his head. “Undress.”

“What if I don’t?” I asked playfully.

“I don’t think you want to find out.”

I bit my lip, tossing a glance over my shoulder. While I couldn’t see a single member of the crew, that didn’t mean they weren’t able to see us clearly from their perch. I was tingling all over, the rush of excitement building. This was dirty and delicious, although I remained more embarrassed than I ever thought I’d be.

But I did as I was commanded, quickly removing my clothes then slipping into the heated water. Almost instantly the warmth was soothing, the bubbles creating a relaxing atmosphere, but I could tell he had no intentions of making this a serene moment.

This was about carnal passion, another moment of his need to dominate.

I remained on the other side, sliding my arms over the edge.

He studied me intently before shifting his attention to the control panel, pressing several buttons. When jets created turbulence, water splashing up to my chin, I sank further in, never allowing my eyes to leave him. Every cell in my body remained on fire, the heat of the tub only adding to my difficulty in controlling my breathing.

Neither one of us made a single sound for well over two minutes, simply enjoying the moment.

Even in the shadowed light, I could see the predator had returned, his eyes piercing the darkness. I was far too drawn to him, incapable of breaking the hold he had over me. I’d never felt so helpless or so aroused.

A growl interrupting the serenity of the night, he beckoned me with a single finger, his upper lip curling.

A part of me wanted to disobey him, but like a moth to a flame, he was impossible to resist. I came closer, taking my time as a series of lights flashed in front of my eyes. My heartbeat echoed in my ears, my entire body shaking despite the excessive heat. When I was only a few inches away, he snagged my hand, yanking me closer, forcing me to straddle his legs.

“Do you think you can deny me?” he asked as he slid a stray strand of hair from my face.

“I don’t know. Can I?”

He issued a guttural sound as he allowed his fingers to trail down the side of my face. “Not if you know what’s good for you. You don’t seem to understand how much I want you. Crave you.”

“You do?” I eased my arms around him, squeezing my legs against his hips.

He rolled his fingers over my shoulders, taking his time to brush them down my back. “You’re difficult to get out of my mind.”

“I thought you didn’t like anything taking control of you.”

“That’s not always the case.”

“What about your heart?” I could immediately see I’d pushed too far by the way his jaw clenched. I refused to allow him to get away with shutting down. I cupped his chin, rubbing my thumb back and forth across his soft lips. “Don’t do that, Dante.”

“Don’t do what?” He absently caressed the small of my back, only adding to the tingles jetting through my body.

“Don’t shut down. I know you will never love anyone, but maybe you can actually care about someone other than yourself.”

“You don’t get it, lady. I don’t give a shit about myself, but I do care about you. Whether or not you can believe me or if it’s even a good idea, you managed to crawl all the way under my skin. And I have a feeling you’re never going to let me go.”

“Do you want me to?”

He shifted his eyes back and forth as he continued stroking me, allowing me to explore his face with the tips of my fingers. How could anyone be so gorgeous yet so aloof?

The moment he fisted my hair, yanking me down until our lips were centimeters apart, I clawed his shoulders. “If you dared to try, I would hunt you down. I’m never going to let you go.” He captured my mouth, growling into the kiss.

He had such a way of spinning me out of control, removing all my inhibitions. It didn’t matter where we were or who could possibly see us. This was the only thing that mattered, the time we spent together. Mewing, I shifted back and forth on his lap, more electrified than ever from the feel of his throbbing cock pressing against my slickened pussy. I purposely tormented him, undulating my hips as the kiss turned into a manic need.

Two people desperate for each other.

Two lost souls longing to connect.

The second he thrust his tongue all the way inside my mouth, a burst of electricity seared every nerve ending. Breathless, I rocked against him, wanting nothing more than to have him inside of me.

He dominated my tongue, driving me to the point of madness as the intimate embrace became more savage. Lightheaded, I heard our combined guttural sounds, the primal aspect more powerful than any concerto or rock song. I suddenly couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think clearly on any level. I was his for the taking, the taming.

There was no chance to get away from the predatory man. Not that I wanted to. As the kiss continued, he sucked on my tongue, constantly brushing the tips of his fingers up and down my back.

I’d never been a patient girl and there was no way I was going to start now. I pushed my knees against the seat, lifting away from his body then sliding my hand into the water.

My captor was having none of my attempts at taking control. He pushed me back, breaking the kiss and issuing a tsking sound.

“You’ll never be in charge, bad girl. You need to keep that in mind.” With ease, he dragged me out of the water, forcing me onto my back then opening my legs wide.

Gasping, I blinked several times in an effort to focus as I stared up at the moon and stars. I was so open, exposed to anyone who glanced out one of the windows of the boat. “Oh, you’re so mean. So…” I heard curse words erupting from my mouth in a whispered voice. As he rubbed his finger along the insides of my thighs, I covered my face with my hand, as if that would protect me from any further embarrassment.

I was wrong, a warm flush rushing from my chest to my face, tingles spreading down my arms and legs. I pointed my toes, tossing my head from side to side as he blew across my pussy. Quivers built to the point I started to buck against the deck in some crazy effort to scoot out of his touch.

Dante yanked my bottom just off the edge, smacking my inner thigh in rapid succession. “Do not move, sweet Julieta.”

“Yes, sir.” I bit back a series of whimpers as he continued toying with me, rubbing my legs and pressing kisses against my heated skin. Then he darted his tongue around my clit but only once. I jerked up, my moan bedraggled and pitiful sounding.

He chuckled and repeated the move, making more guttural, savage sounds as if warning me there was more to come. When he finally dragged his tongue up the entire length of my pussy, I opened my legs even wider in some crazy invitation.

Then he pulled away, confusing the hell out of me.

“What… What are you doing?” I managed.

“Tell me what you want.” His voice was absolutely authoritative, the tone dark and ominous.


He smacked two fingers against my pussy lips, startling the hell out of me. “Not good enough.”

“Your tongue?”

Another series of hard cracks was given, making me cry out in shock, the sting shifting into a hint of pain.

“Try again, lady.”

I swallowed hard then was unable to hold back my own carnal needs. “Eat me. Lick me. I need your tongue shoved into my wetness.”

“Mmmm… That’s my girl.” He wasted no time, burying his head.

Jerking up, I pounded my fists against the deck as a wave of pleasure replaced any hint of anguish. I tried to concentrate on the gorgeous stars as he feasted, but everything became blurry within seconds. “Oh… My… God.” While my words were clipped, I could swear I was screaming them to the heavens above.

As he slipped his tongue inside, adding a finger then a second and third, I fell back, no longer able to process the extreme pleasure.

“Hot and wet. Delicious. I could eat you for days,” he muttered, thrusting his fingers deep inside.

“Uh-huh. Okay.” I tried to hold back a laugh, but it was no use. I was thrown into the very sublime moment of utter bliss, an orgasm already threatening to take over my entire body.

He continued to lap my cream, every sound barbaric as the man took what he wanted.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” I had no control over my body, every inch of me spasming as another burst of electricity shot through me like wildfire. “I’m going to… come.” I was breathless, almost incoherent. There was no way he could have heard me.

But he did, reminding me that he was in charge by smacking my pussy lips again. The combination of pain and pleasure was incredible, pushing me to the outer limits. How could anything feel so exquisite, pushing me straight into ecstasy?

“Not yet,” he stated in his booming voice, flexing his fingers open as he finger-fucked me.

I made garbled sounds, laughing softly as I rolled my fingers down my face to my neck, finally to my breasts. Then I twirled the tip of my finger around my nipple, jerking from the additional sensations. My actions weren’t lost on him, another command issued.

“Pinch your buds for me, Julieta. Make them ache.”

Biting my lower lip, I obeyed him, squeezing then twisting my hardened bud until the pain brought tears to my eyes. I didn’t need to be told to move to my other breast, making certain both nipples were aching with need. I fought the orgasms, thumping my hand against the deck, refusing to disappoint him.

But I wouldn’t be able to hold back for long.

“Good girl. Come for me. Come…”

No sooner than he issued the words did a tidal wave of pleasure sweep over me, pushing a full scream from my mouth. “Yes. Yes. Yes!” I couldn’t give a shit if any member of the crew heard me, the release far too delicious.

He continued to lick up and down, plunging his fingers in as deep as they could go. The force was enough to jar my body, shifting my back up and down as he gathered his fill. A single orgasm morphed into another, pushing me to the precipice of sanity.

I could no longer control my body’s actions, my feet slowly sliding off the edge of the hot tub. What did I care? I laughed softly, rubbing my face as my body continued to convulse. This was insanely amazing.

Seconds later, I became vaguely aware that he’d left the water, slow drips flowing down my chest. I didn’t care. I was in the land of euphoria.

“We’re not finished yet,” he growled then gathered me into his arms, cradling me, his eyes drilling into mine. He took long strides away across the deck, moving down the set of stairs with purpose. When he unlatched the stateroom door, kicking it open, I licked my lips. He slammed the door shut, moving immediately into the bedroom portion of the cabin then out onto the private deck where he eased me to my feet.

“What are you doing?” I cooed, trying to entice him.

“Place your hands on the railing.”


He laughed in his dark and evil manner before placing my hands on the iron post. “Do not move.”

“Yes, sir.” I knew he was walking away and was unable to hold back from darting a glance over my shoulder.

Dante had entered the darkness of the room, disappearing from sight. I chewed on my inner cheek, still wobbly from the delicious experience. Even trying to take a deep breath of the salt air was difficult. I wanted to laugh and cry, the swiftly changing emotions running through me keeping me on edge.

Because of a man.

A powerful man.

A… monster.

Sighing, I closed my eyes, uncertain of how long he would keep me this way. Perhaps it was nothing more than a test of my obedience. Maybe he was watching me from inside, standing like the predator he was in the darkened room.

Maybe he was actually waiting for me to disobey him.

I didn’t have to wait long to find out, the larger than life man returning. In his hands were two ropes.

“I…” There were no words to say.

He remained quiet as he wound the thick strand around first one then the other wrist, securing me to the iron posts.

I held my breath as he moved behind me, further tormenting me by simply standing behinds me like a statue. What the hell was he trying to do? I couldn’t take it any longer, issuing a growl of my own. “What are you doing?”

He responded by lowering his head, biting down on my shoulder. “Testing your resolve.”

“You bastard.”

“Yes, but I thought you knew that already.”

“I will get you for this.”

“I’m certain you’re going to try. You will fail.” His laugh was meant to taunt me, pushing me past my limits. When he finally crawled his fingers all the way down my back, I was shocked at the new level of vibrations dancing through me.

“You don’t know me very well,” I managed, although I was falling once again into that magic moment of raw pleasure.

“I think I’m getting to know you very well.” Even the sensations of his hot breath across my neck made me tremble. He continued caressing me, taking his time to explore almost every inch of my body until I was ready to beg him to fuck me.

I closed my eyes, allowing the wind and delicious scents to surge into my system. When he pulled my legs further apart, I struggled with the bindings, twisting my arms.

“There’s no way you can get away from me,” he huffed as he pressed the tip of his cock against my slickened and aching folds.

“Maybe I don’t want to.”

I took him in further. He took his time, finally thrusting the entire length inside.

The force shoved me against the railing, and I tipped my head back as electricity erupted into a firestorm.

His body shook violently before he gripped my hips, shifting back and forth. “I love being inside of you.” As he pulled out, plunging inside once again, I rose onto my tiptoes. Then I met every savage drive, pushing hard against him. Within seconds, the rhythm was almost perfect, my muscles straining to accept.

Every thrust was harder than the one before, the man becoming more brutal with each passing second. Our combined ragged breathing floated out to sea. This was carnal and filthy, a perfect moment of rapture.

He fucked me long and hard until I was pitched into another rapid release, unable to hold back a climax.

“I… Yes. Oh…”

Whether or not I’d been a bad girl didn’t seem to matter. He was lost in his own needs, driving into me like a wild man.

The powerful orgasm kept me on my toes until another one almost shattered my system. I was thrown by the intensity, fighting the ropes as they held me in place.

Dante continued plunging deep inside for a full minute then pulled all the way out, pressing kisses against the side of my neck. There was no announcement of what he was going to do next. He simply slid his cockhead along the crack of my ass, pushing between my cheeks until he found my dark hole.

I tensed, but only for a few seconds as he pushed the tip inside, taking his time as he moved past the thick ring of muscle.

“Tight. Hot. Just the way I like it,” he murmured before shoving the remainder inside.

“Ooohhh…” I lowered my head, taking shallow breaths as a burst of pain swept through me. When he pulled out, driving into me again, I was shocked how quickly the anguish subsided, leaving me tingling before a wash of pleasure rolled through me.

I moved with him, arching my back as he fucked me, gripping the railing with enough pressure my knuckles were white. We were an amazing combination of gasoline and fire, the reaction consuming both of us.

Every sound he made was animalistic, every breath I took more ragged than the one before. There was no way of knowing how long he continued to drive his cock deep inside and in truth, I didn’t care. These moments were precious, ones I hoped to remember, even though danger lurked in the shadows.

I could tell he was close to coming, his body stiffening. As I squeezed my muscles, the sound of his roar filtered into my ears. When he erupted deep inside, I stared up at the moon.

Star light, star bright. I wish upon the stars tonight.

Only I had to remind myself that this wasn’t real. These were stolen seconds shared. Soon, there was a good chance they’d be stripped away.


Dante continued shaking as he pulled me against him, his cock remaining inside. The silence was almost too much to bear. Even the heat of his body did little to relieve my fears.

Minutes later, he untied my wrists, tossing the rope onto the deck before taking my hand and leading me inside. We stood by the bed, allowing the breeze to flow over us. Then he ripped down the covers, pushing me onto the soft sheets gently.

I expected him to tuck me in and leave, preferring to spend the night alone, but as he crawled in beside me, tugging the covers over both our heated bodies, I shivered all over again. He held me close, stroking my arm as he cradled me and for some reason, a single tear slipped past my lashes.

I was falling in love with him and I hated myself for it. He could never love a woman like me. I would always be his enemy, a reminder of the tragedies his family had gone through.

And that alone was capable of breaking my heart.