King’s Demands by Piper Stone

Chapter 12

“In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past, the bridge to our future.”—Alex Haley



I’d known my entire life that I’d been jaded with regard to my thoughts on family. Perhaps because at an early age I’d been made aware we were different. Special, as my father called our entity. We’d moved from one estate to another as my father’s wealth had increased, but I’d only learned the real reason for the opulence in which we lived around the age of ten.

That’s when I’d first seen my father killing another man in cold blood.

I would never forget that day, the horror of witnessing the man’s bloodied body crumpling to the floor in my father’s office. He’d cursed at me at first, berating me for daring to enter his private space. Then he’d softened, pulling me further into his office and explaining why he’d taken the man’s life.

Because he’d stolen from my father. It didn’t matter what it was or the dollar amount. Disrespecting my father on any level brought instant severe punishment. My father had acted as if he’d been teaching me to ride a bicycle, not explaining the reason for a man’s murder.

I’d done nothing more than race into his forbidden realm to share my joy in a special honor I’d received. Sadly, the horrible moment had remained with me to this day. That’s when I realized that all the whispers coming from the other children as well as the majority of my teachers had been true.

We were considered monsters.

That’s exactly the way I’d thought of Dante and his family. After seeing the touching moment at the hospital the day before, I honestly had no idea what to believe any longer. Maybe I hadn’t wanted to picture Dante as anything but a beast. What I’d witnessed had been beautiful and serene, heartwarming and picturesque.

As if they were nothing but a regular family. However, I knew better. The shooting at the diamond brokerage had my father’s signature all over it. He’d sent a crude warning. What Dante didn’t seem to understand was that the shot issued from a highly trained assassin employed in my father’s elite group of soldiers had merely been a warning.

The assassin would return, only next time he wouldn’t miss.

My father enjoyed the game, toying with his prey, watching them squirm as they tried to figure out what he was going to do next. I knew enough to remain sick inside. Whatever was going to occur would be bloody and violent.

We’d talked late into the night, Dante acting as if he’d believed me finally regarding the stories I’d told him. Maybe he truly had begun to understand the horrors I’d lived through.

I’d given Dante as much information as I knew about my father’s organization, although as my husband to be quickly found out, it wasn’t much. Then he’d made a half dozen phone calls, none of which I’d been allowed to listen into.

Now, here we were, leaving town on an expensive yacht, as if we were already honeymooning. Inhaling, I stared at the buildings as the driver headed toward the marina, realizing I was sliding my thumb across my ring finger. Why was I lamenting something that still remained fake? I wasn’t certain, but I felt pangs of anxiety the closer we came to the water.

Did I actually care about Dante? Was that even possible? Or was I fooling myself after having seen the two adorable little babies? I closed my eyes until I felt Dante’s hand on my knee.

“Are you all right?” His question was actually laced with concern. Maybe the day before had affected him as well. It was hard to tell given he’d once again returned to his shell before conducting business. The awkwardness had remained well into the night until he’d sent me to bed like he’d done the night before.

Dismissing me.

Just like my father.

“I’m fine. You don’t have to worry about me. You have other issues to contend with.” I heard the edge in my voice and grimaced. I wasn’t in the mood for another argument. I could tell the driver was glancing in the rearview mirror, his eyes narrowing. I knew the man didn’t like me very much.


“Why did we need to have our picture taken together?” I asked more in passing.

“Because it’s being announced in several papers.”

“You want my father to see it. Don’t you?”

“That would be ideal,” he answered without even bothering to glance in my direction.

“Why? What are you trying to do?”

“There are certain aspects of our plans that you don’t need to burden yourself with.”

I hissed under my breath. “Of course not. I’m only going to be your wife.”

“I would like to think we can enjoy some time together, Julieta, even though the circumstances are unusual.”

“Unusual,” I snorted. “Is that what you call being hunted down by a killer?” I turned my attention in his direction, unable to see anything behind his dark shades. As if he needed them sitting in the back of an oversized SUV with tinted windows, the body of the vehicle likely bulletproof just like the glass. “Or are you so used to the possibility that you dismiss the circumstances yet stand ready to pull your weapon into your hand at any time?”

He remained expressionless, but I knew without a doubt he was studying me, trying to figure out why I continued to remain argumentative. I couldn’t stand the tension between us or the distinct chill. I returned my attention to the window, taking shallow breaths.

The day was picture perfect, the blue skies and fluffy white clouds in direct contrast to the muggy and horrible conditions felt close to the Amazon. I’d loathed being dragged to the old plantation-style home that had once been a part of another elite society from two decades before. My father had purchased several of the estates for no other reason than to keep his privacy and security. Sadly, the entire area had made a strong attempt to return to its natural state, making access all but impossible.

I’d ventured into the jungle, finding an old trail that had led to the mine.

That had been the only reason I’d been able to escape.

“I am well versed in what we could be facing, Julieta; however, you continue to underestimate what my family is capable of. The small yacht is fully equipped with a formidable amount of weaponry, the boat capable of going off the radar if necessary. In addition, the crew of eight are highly skilled in several areas, including being able to defend the ship against almost any enemy. And Paolo will be joining us, ensuring our protection. If your father makes an attempt, he will have a fight on his hands, one that he will not win.”

“I’m happy to hear your confidence, Dante, but you don’t know what my father is capable of.”

“I think I do.” With that, he said nothing else as the driver continued. Minutes later, the soldier pulled the SUV into the marina, the small parking area devoid of all other vehicles. I had to wonder if Dante had sent soldiers ahead to clear the area with his own threats of punishment should the request be ignored.

A smile crossed my lips at the thought. “What about clothing?”

Dante laughed as he unfastened his seatbelt. “I assure you that you’ll have everything you need.”

As I climbed out of the back of the SUV, staring at the calm ocean and incredible yachts lining the docks, I’d never felt so out of place. My father owned a fleet of boats, but this was entirely different, and I couldn’t explain why.

He didn’t bother taking my hand and I found myself longing for him to do so. The intimate connection we’d experienced the day before had been some of the best times I’d had in my life.

I recognized Cristiano’s boat immediately by the name of his wife etched in scarlet and gold on the stern.

“Come on, boss. I have your suitcases. I’ll put them in your cabin,” Paolo said as he moved onto the boat.

“At least he’s efficient,” I said, still hating the biting tone.

“Paolo is a trusted man, someone I can count on. He will protect you with his life if necessary.” He turned to face me, finally removing his dark shades. “What you’ve had to go through over a short period of time is unfortunate and terrifying, but I won’t take disrespect for my men any more than I will for me. If necessary, I will have no issue reminding you of the rules.”

The man would forever be dominating. “Te obedecere, señor.”

His eyes shifted back and forth before he laughed. “You will forever be a handful and yes, you will obey me. Don’t forget, sweet Julieta. You’ve met your match.” This time, he took my hand, helping me onto the deck of the boat.

“Welcome, sir. I’m Captain John Wells. We’re ready to take off when you are. We have everything in order.”

“Thank you for getting everything ready so quickly,” Dante answered as he shook the man’s hand. “This is Julieta.”

The captain nodded, giving me a kind smile. He wasn’t what I would have expected. The men on my father’s boat were nothing more than burly soldiers with some capability for navigating through the murky waters as they escorted drugs to their massive warehouses.

“Not a problem, sir. Make yourselves comfortable. I believe you know your way, but if not, your master cabin is right through those doors. Brian will be your personal steward should you need anything.”

Dante nodded, giving me a guarded look before guiding me up the stairs and onto the top deck. The view of the marina was spectacular, the various smaller yachts all pristine and gorgeous. The deck itself was equipped with wooden chairs, a hot tub, and a small bar capable of seating at least six. However, there was obviously more that I hadn’t seen.

As I walked toward the railing, I took a deep breath of the ocean breezes. I knew he was watching me, as he always did. A part of me was tired of being dissected. A part of me wanted to enjoy the trip, allowing myself to pretend we could simply sail away to a tropical island.

He flanked my side, sweeping his gaze from right to left. I knew he was keeping a close eye on the other boats. I was surprised that we were standing out in the open. That’s how brazen and certain of himself Dante was.

“You seem tense,” he said after a full minute.

“And you aren’t? We’re standing here in the open, yet we’re trying to hide. From what I heard, we’re headed into the very waters my father sends his boats all the time.”

The chuckle he issued almost pissed me off, his arrogance capable of getting him killed. “The area was swept this morning. Take a look to your right. Do you see the two men in the distance?”

I shielded my eyes from the sun, locating the men he mentioned within seconds. “Your soldiers.”

“Two of several. They are under strict orders to take matters into their hands as they deem necessary. The boat is registered under a fictitious name allowing us anonymity. As I tried to explain before, the systems on this boat are exceptional and equipped in a way that will prevent anyone from sneaking up on us.”

As I felt a slight pull on the ship as it was ready to set sail, I gripped the railing, hating the way my stomach was doing flipflops. I had a very bad feeling that refused to go away. “Okay. You obviously know what you’re doing.”

“You’re really afraid of your father, aren’t you?”

“It’s not about being afraid of him. It’s about knowing what he’s capable of. The man is unhinged, drunk on power and wealth. He’s not just ruthless. He’s sadistic.”

He moved closer, taking the time to ease a strand of hair behind my ear. “You don’t need to worry, Julieta. You’re safe. He will never hurt you again.”

“If only I knew you could keep that promise. You can’t, Dante, no more than anyone from your family could.”

“Don’t sell me short, lady. I just might surprise you one day.” He shifted away, giving me some space, once again staring out at the ocean water as the captain steered the yacht away from the dock.

I studied him from the side, admiring his chiseled jaw and the way his jeans hugged his rugged form as if they’d been made exclusively for him. Sighing, I moved away, stopping long enough to glance over my shoulder. “You already have several times.”

* * *

Dante had left me alone for a good portion of the day while he handled more business in one of the staterooms. I’d been left to explore the ship, marveling in the accommodations, just like everything else in his world. The day had continued to be gorgeous, the water slowly deepening in color the further out we sailed. While I’d taken in some sun, even attempting to read a book, he hadn’t been far from my mind.

Now, as evening set in, the sky giving way to a gorgeous display of colors as the sun drifted below the water, I stood on the balcony of our stateroom, enjoying the warm breeze and delicate scent of the ocean. I should be content, but in the back of my mind was the continual sense that at any time my father’s ships could arrive. No matter how well equipped Miss Emily truly was, there would never be a match for my father’s well-trained soldiers.

Since the night in Brazil, I’d always been able to sense Dante’s approach, my body tingling all over from his presence. I knew he was standing right behind me, studying the way I stood against the railing in his usual attempt to figure out what to say. I wished conversation wasn’t so difficult but what could we really say to each other?

“There is something magical about staring out at the ocean,” he said a few seconds later as he flanked my side, remaining several inches away.

“Yes, the water is peaceful.”

He took an exaggerated breath as he gripped the railing, staring up at the gorgeous full moon. “Dinner is almost ready. You must be hungry. I think the chef has prepared an incredible four-course meal.”

“I am hungry. No hamburgers?” I teased.

“I didn’t even think about it. I guess we can have anything we want. Can’t we?”

“You can always have anything that you want, Dante. Food. Women. Wine. The choice is all yours.”

“Not always, Julieta. Sometimes things get in the way.”

“Meaning?” I asked as I inched closer. “Did you have a special someone you lost?” I could feel the same tension pulsing in his body. “Don’t shut down. I’m not trying to bring up bad memories. I’m curious.”

He tipped his head, scanning the sky. “I had a girl I adored just before I entered the Marines.”

“She didn’t like that you’d signed up?”

“I’ll tell you a secret. I signed up because I wasn’t allowed to be with her.” When he turned to look at me, only the light of the moon and the last vestiges of sun highlighting his face, I could easily tell what had occurred still haunted him.

“Your parents?”

“My mother specifically, which isn’t like her. She’d never interfered with any relationship before. Suddenly, Katrina wasn’t good enough for me. I don’t know. Maybe she wasn’t, but I couldn’t stand being told I couldn’t have her. I’d been thinking about joining the Marines and after that, I signed on the dotted line.”

“You mother never told you why?”

“No.” He chuckled. “I guess mothers have their reasons.”

“Maybe, but I think someday you need to ask her.”

He nodded several times. “You’re right. I think I will. Now, why don’t we have some dinner.”

“Only if we can have it outside by the hot tub.” I laughed, uncertain why I was actually nervous around him. That was nuts.

“Hmm… If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to seduce me.”

“Think again, buddy. Oh, and you are way overdressed.”

I’d grown used to Dante’s sexy laugh, but as the deep baritone floated over me, a series of shivers trickled down my spine. He seemed more relaxed, even capable of having a good time. We would see.

“Why don’t you go enjoy for a few minutes while I talk to the chef?”

“You know what? I think I will.” Before I could move away, he grabbed my arm, pulling me against him. Inhaling, the deep whiff of his cologne filtered into my system in such a way my panties were instantly damp. The way he held me, so possessive and dominating, was more of a thrill than any kind of threat.

“Not too much, however. I’ll want your full attention when I arrive.” His eyes were twinkling as he issued the words, his breath skipping as his nostrils flared.

I rubbed my hand up and down his chest, digging my fingers in. When I lifted my head oh-so slowly until our lips were almost touching, I wanted the quiet moment to last forever. “Don’t worry,” I whispered in a sultry voice. “There’s no way I could avoid such a magnificent man.”

The slight growl erupting from his mouth fueled the fire. He lowered his head a centimeter at a time until our lips were pressed together. I darted my tongue just inside his mouth, enjoying the taste as well as the dazzling sensations. The man had such a powerful effect on me.

He held me close for a few seconds, the shared passion gentle yet more intimate than usual. Then he let me go, taking a step back, the sly smirk on his face telling of the plans he had for the night.

As I walked into the stateroom, I took a deep breath, holding it then darting a quick glance over my shoulder. His entire demeanor had changed in the few seconds, the tension returning.

And the concern.

The man was a walking timebomb.

I’d already come to love the time on the yacht and as I walked up the stairs, the light breeze hitting my face, I could almost imagine living in the posh environment, traveling from one exotic location to the other, never staying in the same place for longer than a few days. Would that be considered running?

Sighing, I shouldn’t have been surprised at seeing the beautiful lights streaming across the deck, the colorful yet subtle vibrancy adding to the marvelous atmosphere. There was soft music coming from unseen speakers. Caribbean music. I giggled like some little girl as I inched forward, almost immediately approached by one of the stewards.

“Would the lady like a drink?” he asked, giving me a respectful yet appreciative nod.

I slid my index finger back and forth across my lips. “Margarita on ice with light salt. Make it top shelf.”

“That’s the only kind of frosty beverage we’ll provide. Only the best.” As he smiled and started to turn away, I couldn’t help but add one last order.

“Make that two and if you have those little festive drink umbrellas, that would be wonderful.”

“I think that can be arranged.”

I shook my head as he walked away. There was no reason for me to be lighthearted at a time like this, but it seemed right. I moved toward the hot tub, peering down at the shimmering water that only lightly bubbled. When I bent down, sliding my hand through the heated surface, I thought about the last few days.

And for the most part, they made me smile.

I was losing my mind.

I remained where I was for a few seconds before shifting my attention toward the moonlight and the last strings of color dancing across the sky as twilight settled in. After a few seconds, I saw movement in the water and instantly backed away, fear creeping into the peaceful moment.

“Oh, no. Please, no.”

“What’s wrong?” Dante’s husky voice was right behind me, the tone carrying the same concern I’d heard before.

“There’s something out there.”

He immediately rushed to the railing, leaning over as he scanned the perimeter. I moved closer, daring to do the same.

“You’re right. There is,” he stated.

“We need to get out of here.”

“No. Take another look and listen.”

I held my breath, doing what he asked. Within a few seconds, I heard chirps and clicks as well as splashes of water.

Playful splashes.

The sounds seemed to be coming closer.

“What is that?” The answer was provided as three massive forms leapt from the water, the squeals of happiness and joy permeating the air.

“Dolphins. I hoped we’d managed to see one or two,” Dante quipped as he chuckled under his breath. “Nothing to fear.”

I was mesmerized, trying to watch them closely given the waning light. They were magnificent creatures as they frolicked. “What are they doing? Aren’t they getting too close to the boat?”

“They’ve been known to play in the waves made by the boat. They know when to keep their distance. Just watch.”

I felt the heat of his body as he inched closer, both of us watching and enjoying the beautiful show that they displayed for at least five minutes.

“They are so amazing. I adore dolphins,” I managed.

“Have you ever seen them up close?”

“No. We certainly didn’t go on tropical vacations as a family together. When I was a little girl, I used to ask for dolphins for Christmas and my birthday. I had an entire collection of stuffed animals.” I couldn’t believe I was telling him something so personal.

And childish.

“That sounds wonderful. The closer we get to Florida, the more I think we’ll see.”

“Ma’am, your drinks.”

As I started to turn toward the steward, I noticed that Dante had changed into shorts and what could be described as an island shirt. I burst into laughter, backing away then placing my hand over my mouth.

“What’s so funny?” Dante asked as he held out his arms, glancing down at his attire.

“Nothing. It’s just… I mean you look…” I couldn’t even finish the sentence. Heat crested along my jaw, creeping up my cheeks from embarrassment as well as a wave of desire. “You look perfect.”

When I turned my attention toward the steward, I could see he was trying to hold back a smile. Somehow, he’d found the most adorable umbrellas as well as bright pink straws. “Please call me Julieta.”

“As you wish, ma’am.” He held out the tray, waiting until we grabbed our drinks then moved into the shadows as if he was intruding.

“You ordered this, huh?” Dante asked as he leaned against the railing, holding the drink closer to his face.

“I couldn’t help myself. We are traveling to a tropical destination.”

“Yes, we are.” As he took a sip, avoiding the straw, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Why would he go to the trouble of trying to make me feel more comfortable? The man was a dichotomy of just about everything.

When he lowered the glass, I noticed the dollop of salt remaining on his lip.

He seemed to notice my stare, lifting a single eyebrow. “Okay. Is there something wrong?”

I inched closer, gently swiping my finger through the residue then bringing the tip to my mouth.

Within seconds, his breathing was more rapid, his gaze falling to my mouth as I slipped my finger past my lips, sucking the tangy substance. Exhaling, he took my wrist seconds later, pulling my arm toward him. When he captured the same finger, pulling it deeply inside, a single moan gave away my excitement.

And my hunger.

Everything seemed to fade around us as he continued sucking, swirling his tongue back and forth. When he released me, he dragged his tongue across his lips before winking.

“An excellent choice in drinks. Why don’t we go sit down?”

“I’d like that.” I allowed him to go first. Then I moved immediately to the hot tub, easing down on the deck then yanking off my sandals. As I slipped my legs inside, I had a feeling he was staring at me in disgust.

I was wrong.

Another surprise. He’d removed his shoes, crowding down beside me, sliding his muscular feet and legs under the water. “This is different.”

“You’ve never done this before?”

“I haven’t spent much time relaxing lately. While there’s a hot tub on the top floor of the condo, I’ve never even seen it,” he said as he took another sip.

“You don’t want a giant house with a pool and tennis courts?”

He laughed genuinely. “Maybe one day. I’m happy where I am.”

“In a cold environment.”

“It’s not cold,” he snarked, acting as if he was incensed.

“Yes, it is. No plants. Barely any pictures. No throw pillows. Everything has a perfect place. There isn’t even a stack of mail on your counter.”

“Is that the way a house is supposed to be, messy?” he asked innocently enough.

“Yes, at least sometimes. That means it’s lived in and loved. You see a house has a soul, whether you want to believe me or not. It’s a living creature and she knows if you love her or if you don’t and I assure you that just like a woman, she will respond in kind.”

As he shook his head, he kicked his feet out in the water. “Just like a woman indeed. I didn’t know a house was a she. Maybe that’s why women control the home.”

“As they should,” I huffed.

“I will keep that in mind. So what’s your ideal house?”

I thought about his question. “I don’t have one. Oh, I could tell you what I like from glossy magazines, but I don’t need huge or fancy. Just beautiful. The kind of place you can’t wait to get home to every day.” I gazed through the railings, wishing I could see the dolphins again.

“That sounds amazing.”

“Something you’ve never had.”

“My mother tried to decorate in a down to earth way, but the estate was meant for adults, not children. Don’t get me wrong. We had a huge playroom and all the toys you could imagine, but certain locations were off limits.”

“That’s not the way to live. No offense to your mother.”

He took a gulp and leaned back. “None taken. She did what she could to tolerate the life she’d been forced to live.”

“Forced?” That surprised me.

“I found out recently that my mother and father were forced to get married. I guess the behavior runs in the family.” He eased his drink beside him then placed his hands on the deck, leaning back and gazing at the moon and stars.

“She hated it.”

“No, they fell in love, but from what I understand, that took a while. Still, she loathed the life my father led, the violence. Her mission in life was to show her children that there was no need for violence. Isn’t that fascinating?”

“That’s very sad, Dante.”

“I guess you’re right, but I do remember everything she taught me. Maybe it will come to good use one day.”

I shifted closer, brushing my arm against his on purpose. “I think it already has.”

He gave me a slow, fiery look. “You amaze me, sweet Julieta.”


“Because you have a lust for life, which is something I hope to achieve at some point.”

“Don’t let the world or your past knock you down. The man I know exists inside is the person you should be.” I wasn’t certain whether my thought would be taken seriously, but I could tell by the haze forming over his eyes that he’d been reflecting on his life for a long time. I only hoped he could make peace with his demons.

“Sir, your dinner is served.”

The new voice forced our attention away.

Dante didn’t respond for almost a full minute. Then a smile broke across his face. “If you don’t mind, Charles, would it be possible to serve our dinner here?” He looked up at the man standing over him and even from where I was sitting, I was able to see a mischievous glint in his expression.

“I think that would be lovely, sir. Allow me to prepare a picnic.”

I’d spent my entire world in a beautiful yet dangerous glass house, a place where I knew the walls could come crashing down at any time. My dreams had been filled with beautiful destinations, images of what life could be like if I hadn’t been born into the Morales family.

Sadly, my nightmares had been filled with the reality of my situation. There were no saviors prepared to rescue me, no one I’d be able to trust with any aspect of my life.


Perhaps everything had changed whether by chance or design.

The worst part was I could feel myself falling for the brutal, unforgiving, dangerous man.

And I had no idea how to protect myself, including my heart.