Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




It feels so good to put my uniform back on, and get ready for my first shift back at the fire station. Dani’s spread out on her stomach on the bed, her hair flowing over the pillow while she peacefully sleeps. I want to wake her, but I know she’s been working hard going between both jobs. The Narrow Table has offered her more dinner shifts, and she feels like she needs to take them.

I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for Dani. Going from living in a trailer where your parents left you and likely feeling completely alone, to moving in with your new boyfriend and inheriting his extended family. But I have to say, she’s pretty perfect. We’ve only been together for six weeks, and we’ve made everything work seamlessly. Life couldn’t get any better.

With my coffee cup in my hand, I lean against the door frame, watching my girl sleep. A faint scent of her citrus shampoo wafts through the air of our bedroom. I adore everything about Dani.

I finish my coffee, and quietly head out to the kitchen. It’s stupid o’clock, and I don’t want to wake her, so I make sure to be extra quiet.

A sense of excitement takes over, and I can’t wait to get back to the station. I thought I wanted something else, as it turns out, everything I needed was right under my nose.

I grab my backpack, and head out to the station.

The drive to the station is short. Dean, Alec, and I all live within a few miles of the station, making it convenient for so many reasons. Other than the fact we were born and bred in Mulberry Point, so leaving is a moot subject.

I park my car and head inside.

“Shit,” Hugo moans as he kicks the tire of the truck when he sees me. “Here I thought you were gone for good.” Wiseass.

“Good to see you, man.”

He walks up to me, grips my hand and pulls me in for a brotherly hug.

“I heard the rumors and I prayed they weren’t true,” Pen calls from upstairs. “The loser’s back!” she shouts for everyone to hear. “We’re running drills in ten.”

Dean walks out to the floor after his handover meeting, and approaches me. “All good?” he asks.

“Yeah, why?”

“Are you all good?”

I turn my back on everyone and drop my voice. “I made a mistake leaving, and I’m grateful to be back.”

Dean claps a hand to my back. “It wasn’t a mistake. You needed to know this is where you belong.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

“Be prepared, they’re all going to kick your ass at drills. That’s all they’ve been talking about.”

“I deserve it.”

“Consider it your hazing.” He laughs. “Drills in ten. Where the hell is Alec?”

“I’m here!” He rushes in from outside, and walks straight over to his locker. When he returns, he rolls his eyes and huffs. “Good to have you back.” Alec offers me a curt nod before heading out to the drill tower.

It feels so good to be back. Whatever hazing they’ve got in store for me, I certainly deserve it.

Thisis what makes me feel alive.

By three in the afternoon, we’ve run drills twice, Pen, Alec, and I have worked out, and we’ve run inventory on the trucks. “When’s our next community cookout,” I ask Dean while we’re sitting upstairs in the kitchen.

“We don’t have one set. Why’s that?”

“Call it curiosity.”

“Well, hang on.” Dean stands, and heads down into the shared office, then returns with the planner. “Um.” He sits, and lifts his feet to place on the chair in front of him. “We can do a cookout, not this weekend, but next.”

“Sounds good.” My vibe is amping up, and I’m excited about everything in my life. I take my phone out of my pocket and send Dani a message. How awesome is today! I’m having the best day. How about you?

Her reply is nearly instant, which surprises me, because normally she’s closing Elle’s about now. That’s good. She’s busy, I guess.

Anything interesting happen?


I miss you so much. I can’t wait until I see you in the morning. Be prepared, I’m so jumping you when I get home.


Something doesn’t feel right. I’m in two minds about going out to Hope River to see if she’s alright. What time does your shift start at the restaurant?


I look at the time. By the time I get out to Hope River, she’ll be finished at the café, and likely heading back home so she can have a quick shower then make her way over to her next job. But I can’t leave here, because if an emergency comes in, we need to be ready to go. Text me when you’re at the restaurant.


Not even a full word reply. I stare down at my phone, worried. “What’s wrong?” Dean asks.

“Something’s not right with Dani. I’m sending her texts, and her replies are short. Like one or two words.”

“She works twelve-, fourteen-, fifteen-hour days. What do you expect? A novel?”

I laugh. “No, not a novel, but she’s not usually so short in her replies.”

“Maybe she’s busy, I wouldn’t worry about it.”

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I don’t know, though. Something tells me there’s a problem. It’s eating away at me so I send her another text. What’s wrong?

Tired. That’s all.Wow, that’s the most she’s said. What could’ve happened from last night until now? Shit, have her parents gotten in contact with her?

“Fuck,” I murmur under my breath.

“Is there a problem?” Dean asks.

“I think her parents may have gotten in touch with her.”

“Ouch.” He winces as if I’ve said she’s fallen into an active beehive. “Does she want to hear from them?”

“I think she’s resigned to her life never having them in it. I tell you what, if they’re back, I have a few choice words I’ll be sharing with them.”

“Yeah, what a tricky situation. In-laws, whoa. My father-in-law tried to pay me off to leave Joanne and Thomas, when I refused, he transferred the money to my account.”

“I remember you telling us. You guys are good now, right?” I ask.

“Yeah, but it’s different for me. Joanne’s parents were borderline overprotective. Dani’s, they’ve never given a shit about her. If you wanna talk to them, Alec and I are with you. Because what they did to her, that’s not acceptable.”

“What have I got whose back on?” Alec asks as he plonks his ass down next to me.

“Dani’s acting weird. I have a gut feeling her parents are back and likely trying to latch themselves onto her.”

“That’s not on,” Alec adamantly says.

“No, it’s not. And if they’re back, I’ll have words to say.”

“Oh yeah, Dean and I have your back, brother. They’re fucking scum and don’t deserve a place in Dani’s life.”

“Dani has a family now, and I’m not going to let them try to convince her I’m not her family.”

“You meant to say, we’re her family,” Dean says as he points to Alec and himself. I clear my throat, and turn to the both of them. “Are you going to make her a Morgan?”

My answer is instant. “One day.”

“Then she’s a Morgan now, regardless of the fact you’re not married yet. Just like Serena’s a Morgan, Dani will be too. Which means, we’re a family,” Alec says.

I pause for a moment, grateful for my brothers. “I’m not going to let them fill her head with whatever bullshit they’re spouting.”

Dean stands, and places his hand on my shoulder. “You’ve got this, and whatever you do, don’t let your girl forget she’s our family now.”


Dean heads back to the office, and I sit staring at my phone. Alec’s talking about some shit, but I’m not really paying attention. I’m too caught up in what’s happening with Dani.

The worry is going to eat at me until I’m home tomorrow morning to talk to her about it before she leaves for work. My poor girl, I can’t even be with her to support her. Her parents better back the fuck off her, because I’m not afraid to burn this world to keep my girl safe and happy.

The drive home feels like it’s taking hours, even though we live roughly ten minutes from the station. Dani’s car is home, which means she’ll likely be asleep. Her text messages became more infrequent as the night progressed, which gave me hope that she’s asleep and her thoughts aren’t with her asshole parents.

Quietly, I head into the bedroom, but see the bed’s empty. The covers are strewn as if she’s had a restless night. “Dani?” I call.

“In here,” she says from the bathroom.

I try the handle, and find it’s locked. “Let me in.”

“I’ll be out in a minute,” she replies with a shaky voice. Has she been crying?

I’ll make her some breakfast, then we can sit and talk about it while we eat. The fridge is well stocked with an array of different things. But I choose to make scrambled eggs, which are quick and easy. By the time the toast is ready, the eggs are only a few seconds behind. I divide them onto two plates, and place them on the dining table. I pour two juices into glasses, and get the flatware ready.

Dani walks out in her uniform, ready for work. There are dark rings under her red eyes, and she’s barely making eye contact with me. Shit, this is bad. “Morning, beautiful,” I say as I approach her to give her a kiss. She turns her head and my kiss lands on her cheek.

“Morning.” She looks at the set table. “What’s this?”

“I was hungry, so I made us scrambled eggs.”

“Oh.” Her shoulders are hunched in a stooped posture, her skin looks blotchy and pale. “Thank you.” Dani pulls the chair out, and sits in front of the plate of food.

Something is clearly bothering her. She hasn’t once looked at me. “What’s happening?” I ask as I begin to eat.

She picks her fork up, and pushes her food around on the plate. “Um, not much,” her voice trembles.

“Is it your parents?” I ask, trying to pry information out from her. She’s tight-lipped and refuses to give me anything. Dani crinkles her brow and keeps pushing her food around on her plate, not eating anything. I reach for her hand, and she pulls it back sliding it under her thigh. Her food is now abandoned. “Whatever’s going on, we’ll get through it.”

She covers her face with her hands and bursts into tears.

What the fuck is happening? If it’s not her parents, then what could it be? My right leg bounces beneath the table as I look around, trying to find some hint as to what the hell is going on.

“Dani,” I say calmly. “What is it?”

Dani lowers her hands from her face, and sucks in a breath before sobbing uncontrollably. “I... um...” Finally, she’s going to say something. “I... ahh...” she stutters.

What can be so bad that she’s this much of a mess and can barely speak? “You’re scaring me, sweetheart. Talk to me.”

She looks up toward the ceiling, blinking rapidly while breathing heavily. “Dr. Allard’s receptionist called me yesterday, and told me I needed to go see him immediately.”

Oh shit. Dread covers my body. “Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together.” Shit, shit, shit. Fuck. I prepare for the worst possible news anyone can hear from their loved one. I have cancer. I’ll marry her tomorrow and she can go on my insurance, then I’ll know she’s covered for whatever treatment she needs.

“I’m pregnant.”

My world just stops. Time stands still as I play those words over and over again. I sit staring at Dani, who still hasn’t lifted her gaze to look at me. She’s pregnant? I stand with so much force the chair tips over, causing Dani to startle. I pace back and forth, and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me you hooked up with someone before us, Dani?” I yell, unable to control my emotions.

Dani yelps as she turns her head to look at me, her mouth falls open. “Rhett...”

“Fuck, Dani! What the fuck? You’re fucking pregnant? And you expect me to step up and be the father to another fucking man’s baby?” My arms are flailing wildly, as my heart rate increases so much I can hear it pounding in my ears.

She wraps her arms around her torso, crying even more.

“What the fuck?!” I yell again. I keep pacing, trying to calm myself. My pulse is racing as I try and contain my murderous thoughts. “Who the fuck is he? I’m gonna fucking kill him.” I stop pacing, and stand beside Dani who’s shaking her head. “Who the fuck is he?” I shout.

Dani stands, looks me straight in the eyes and pokes my shoulder. “You, you fucking jackass. I’m five weeks pregnant.” Her eyes are red and full of tears, her breath shaky and strained.

“Wh-what? We used protection,” I counter. “You’re fucking lying to trap me, aren’t you? We used protection! How could it be mine?”

Dani scoffs and wraps her arms tighter around her body. “You fucking douche, apparently, condoms are between eighty-five and ninety-eight percent effective. Congratulations, dickhead, we fall in that small percentage. But, don’t worry, I won’t be trapping you to raise someone else’s baby.” She shakes her head at me, looks me up and down and scowls. “You’re a prick.”

“It’s not mine,” I say adamantly. “How could it be?” I cross my arms in front of my chest. “You were screwing around before me. Wouldn’t surprise me if you’re still screwing around on me.” Dani’s eyes widen. She slaps me across the face, hard. The moment I say those horrible words, I regret them. Dani heads into the bedroom, and I’m left trying to figure out what the hell just happened. I haven’t moved a muscle in what feels like forever. Dani tears past me, her suitcase in her hand. “Dani!” I chase after her.

Dani pivots around on the spot and charges at me. “Don’t you dare.” She waves her finger in my face. “Don’t you fucking dare open your mouth to say one more word. You’ve done enough damage as it is. Don’t worry, I’m not taking anything but my clothes, unless of course you don’t believe me and you want to search through my bag.” She waits for an answer, but I don’t respond. She begins to walk away, stops and turns again. “This isn’t what I wanted either, Rhett. But to say I cheated on you?” She looks me up and down again. “You’re not the man I thought you were. Don’t worry, you won’t hear from me again.” She takes the handle of her bag, and rolls it down the hallway toward the front door.

Dani gives me one more look of disgust before walking out.

I sink to my knees; covering my head with my hands. What the fuck just happened?