Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




Walking into Elle’s Café, I see my girl serving. I head in and sit toward the back, just watching her. Dani flutters around, not lifting her head once to even notice me. “Hey, Rhett, right?” the other girl asks.

“Sarah, right?” She smiles broadly and nods. “I’ll have a coffee for now.”

“Oh, just a coffee? Nothing to eat?” She hovers for a moment, and bites on her lower lip. Her cheeks blush pink as she looks down at her hands. Is that what she calls flirting? Doesn’t she know Dani and I are together?

“Just coffee for now, thank you.” I take my phone out of my pocket, and pretend I’m busy.

She stays for a few seconds before lowering her chin and heading over behind the counter, where Dani looks over and smiles widely when she sees me. She says something to the cook, Walter, and flitters out from behind the counter to approach me. “I didn’t know you were coming in this morning. You’ve still got today and next week of your trial.” She leans down, and gives me a small kiss. Absentmindedly, she pushes her fingers through my hair, and starts scraping her nails against my head. “Why aren’t you at work?”

God, that feels so good. Instantly, I feel myself becoming complacent and relaxed. “I called them today and told them I had something come up. Dean and Alec should be here soon.”

“Oh, okay. Everything alright?”

“Yeah, I think it’s best if I let them know I’m not happy there.”

“Ah, I see. Well, good idea. I don’t like you coming home grumpy and irritable. I like happy Rhett, not moody Rhett.”

“I’m not moody,” I snap. Grabbing her hand, I pull her down to sit on my lap. Dani laughs and wraps her arms around my neck. She leans in for a small PG-rated kiss. “Okay, maybe a little moody.”

“Oh, for the love of God, really?” Alec mumbles as he sits opposite me and rolls his eyes. Dani stands, and straightens her shirt. “Hi, Dani.”

“Alec.” She smiles. “Hi, Dean.”

Dean leans down and gives Dani a kiss on the cheek. “How are things going living with this asswipe?”

“They’re living it up in my house, they’re having the time of their lives,” Alec scoffs like an ass.

I notice Dani’s mouth flattens as she peers down to the floor. “Hey, what the fuck, man?” I say.

Alec’s chuckling, but when he sees Dani’s nervous reaction, he quickly apologizes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for it to come across like I’m an asshole. I just meant, being young and in love.”

Dani lifts her chin and crinkles her forehead. “As opposed to old and bitter?” she uncaringly snaps.

Dean throws his head back and laughs, while I grab my girl around the waist, and pull her down for another kiss. “Good one, babe.”

“Three coffees? One with extra milk so he lightens up, right?” Dani keeps going.

“Alright, I said I was sorry,” Alec sulks. Dani winks at me, and walks away with a huge smile on her face, proud of herself. “I fucking really like her.”

“So, why have you summoned us here, little brother?” Dean asks as he leans his arms on the table.

Both Dean and Alec are sitting opposite me, eagerly waiting for me to tell them why I’ve called this family breakfast. “Can’t I just hang out with my brothers?”

“Did you call us here to tell us you’re loving being a paramedic and you’re quitting?” Alec asks as he folds his arms on the table between us.

I turn to avoid their hard gazes, and slowly shake my head. “The opposite,” I admit.

“What? What are you talking about, Rhett?” Dean’s voice is dripping with concern. “What’s going on?”

“This is my third week, and I’m not loving it.”

“What’s going on?” Alec asks. “Why?”

Dani walks back with the three mugs, and places them on the table. “Are we eating?” she asks.

“Pancakes, side of bacon, and hash browns, pretty please, beautiful Dani,” Alec says as he smiles sweetly at her.

She starts laughing and rolls her eyes.

“Make it three, sweetheart,” I say.

“Okay.” She walks away, and I watch as her hips sway from side to side, and her butt has a tiny little jiggle to it.

“Hey, stop eye fucking your girl and talk to us.” Dean snaps his fingers in my face.

“You know, I um...” I slowly shrug. “It’s not what I thought it was going to be, and I’m not really enjoying it. I’ll see next week through, but I’m not leaving the fire department.” I run my hand through my hair, and shake my head. “I think I was questioning being a firefighter because of our linage. I thought maybe being a fireman wasn’t my choice, but my inheritance, now I see, that I truly love it and don’t want to leave.”

“Our great-grandfather was a fireman, our grandfather was a fireman, our father was a fireman. Perhaps you thought there was a level of expectation that you’d be one too,” Dean says.

“Yeah, I thought that might be it. I needed to do this, though, to make sure I’m a fireman for the right reasons and not the wrong ones.”

“I can call and get you finished up as of today, if you want. Get you back to work for the next shift. Truthfully, it’ll help our crew,” Dean offers.

“You’d do that?” I ask.

“First, you’re my little brother, and second, I need my crew complete. And it’s not complete without you.”

“Oh my God, you’re so damn sentimental,” Alec says with a frustrated huff.

“How does Serena put up with you?” Dean asks as he turns his head to look at Alec.

“I told ya, I’m the man, and she does what I tell her.” I start laughing way too loud. “What?”

“Our women bring us to our fucking knees, and there’s no use in pretending they don’t,” I say.

Alec scoffs. “Maybe you, but not me.”

“Keep telling yourself that, buddy,” I say. I catch Dani walking over with two plates stacked on her left arm, while holding a plate in her right hand. She places Dean’s down first, followed by Alec’s, then mine. “Thank you.” I grab her hand, and squeeze it before she walks away.

“Thank you,” Dean and Alec both say simultaneously.

Dean picks up his cutlery and starts eating his pancakes. “I’ll call them when I leave here, and let you know what’s happening,” he says before shoving a forkful of syrup-covered pancakes into his mouth.

“Thank you, I appreciate it.” Dean nods, and continues eating. “How’s Serena’s brother doing?” I ask.

“That guy is determined, that’s for sure. He’s what, about six or seven weeks into his treatment?” Alec asks while he’s trying to calculate how long Jordan has left. “Anyway, he’s doing really well. Serena and I are both incredibly impressed with him.”

“Yeah, that’s good. What’s going to happen when he leaves rehab though? I know he’s moving into the in-law apartment, but what if he starts using again?” Dean asks.

“There is so much support for him when he leaves. But, if I’m being honest, I’m worried he’ll relapse. Serena is all about having faith and trusting in the process. We saw him early in the week, and he appears to be doing well. He’s in an environment where he has all the support he needs right there at his fingertips.”

“The outside world doesn’t exist in there, so it could be quite difficult for him when he leaves,” I add. “I hope he sticks to it.”

“I’ll fucking kick his ass if he relapses,” Alec adds in a cold, hard tone. “I’m not letting him destroy my woman the way he did before. She was killing herself just to get the money she needed to send him to rehab. If he relapses, he and I will have problems.”

“We won’t let him fall, Alec.” Dean nods in agreement.

“What about you?” Alec turns to Dean.

“What about me?”

“What’s going on?”

Dean shrugs. “Can’t have kids, but you already know that. Thomas is a good kid, and Tripod is an asshole dog who follows Thomas around.” Dean starts laughing. “The dog will sit at the bottom of the steps and howl for Thomas to pick him up and take him upstairs. Not because he can’t do it, but because he’s lazy.”

“Are you calling the dog an asshole because he was your dog and now loves the kid more than you?” I ask.

“No!” Dean defensively says. “Yes.” Alec and I chuckle. “He’s my dog.” Dean pouts, making Alec and me laugh louder. Dani looks over to us, and smiles at me. She has no idea what we’re laughing at, but she’s happy to see us being happy with each other.

“I have a question,” I start and purposely look at Dean. “Have you thought of a sperm donor? And before you react, I’m asking a serious question, not trying to be a dick.”

Dean slows his chewing down and shrugs. “We talked about it.”


“We haven’t ruled anything out, but maybe it’s just not for us,” his delayed response doesn’t line up with his actual words. “I told you a while back how Hope asked Joanne to open a dessert bar on the main strip in Mulberry Point?” Alec and I both nod. “Well, she’s been seriously considering it. But she’s conflicted too, because she knows I want a kid and we can’t have one.”

“How badly do you want a kid?” Alec asks.

“Like...” Dean lowers his fork and stares down at his plate. “It kills me to know we can’t have them. Kills me to my very soul.”

His face is haggard and it’s clear that being unable to father a child is tearing him to shreds. I wish there was something I could say or do to help them. When he first shared with us he was sterile, I jokingly offered to sleep with Joanne to impregnate her. Now, I think a part of me wants to offer to help. I want to see my brother and his wife happy. But I’m not on my own now, and I need to talk to Dani before I go offering my brother’s wife my sperm. When is a good time to talk to your girlfriend about something so serious? It’s not something you can exactly bring up over dinner. How would that conversation go? Hey, sweetheart, I’m thinking of jacking off into a beaker and giving it to Joanne so she and Dean can have a baby. What do you think? Hmm, I better think on that a bit more.

“Well, you never know. The universe works in mysterious ways,” Alec says as he claps a hand to Dean’s back.

“Anyway.” Dean shelves this conversation. “I haven’t heard from Mom, lately. Have either of you?”

“Yeah, I talked to her yesterday,” I say. “I think she’s happy I’m gone. She told me she wanted to have a swingers’ party.” I shake my head trying to dislodge that conversation we had.

“Mom, at a swingers’ party?” Alec asks. “Our mother? Elise Morgan?”

“You know what, if she wants to have a swingers’ party, then good luck to her,” I say. “But I don’t want to know about it.”

“Again, Mom a swinger?” Alec says louder. “Moms aren’t supposed to do that kind of stuff.”

“Alec the prude,” Dean teases.

“I’m not a prude at all. It’s just...she’s Mom.” He grimaces and shakes his head.

“Who was married to Dad and had three kids. I’m sure that now Rhett’s gone, she’s gonna get her freak on with people,” Dean says.

“Okay, I don’t want to hear this anymore. Change of conversation.” Alec appears quite repulsed.

“How’s everything going?” Dani asks.

“Thank God!” Alec sighs.

“Sorry?” Dani looks to me, confused.

“We were having a conversation about Mom’s sex life,” I fill her in.

“Ah, I see,” Dani says. She leans over to take Dean’s plate. “Any more coffee?”

“No, I’m good,” I reply.

“Not for me,” Dean says.

Alec taps his phone to life. “Crap, I’ve gotta go.” He shoves the little bit of pancake he has left in his mouth, and stands. “See you all later.” He gives Dani a quick peck and takes off out of the cafe.

Dani takes the empty plates into the kitchen, leaving Dean and me. “Your shout today,” Dean says as he stands too.

“Mom said something about family dinner after our next shift,” I say.

“Okay. See ya at work.”

I feel a lot better now. Dean and Alec have my back, and it feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest. I can breathe now, knowing that firefighting is where I’m supposed to be.