Rhett by Margaret McHeyzer




I feel so bad. I thought this was what I wanted. I’ve been working as a paramedic for two weeks now. It’s not what I expected it to be.

I park my car, and walk across the front, up the two steps, and unlock the front door. I can hear loud music playing, which means Dani doesn’t even know I’m home. I look in the smaller bedroom at the front of the house for Dani, but there’s nothing in here but a few boxes and a bunch of trash. I walk down the hallway, to find Dani leaning over the kitchen counter, reading something as her hips move to the music. She’s kind of singing and humming to the music, and I cringe at how bad her voice is.

I quietly place my backpack on the ground, and walk up behind her. She’s just so perfectly angled that I could easily take her right now. Fuck it, that’s exactly what I need. I snake my hand around the front of her shorts, and dip them inside her waistband and panties, finding her pussy eager for me.

“Oh, hello,” she says as she straightens and looks back at me over her shoulder.

“I’ve missed you so much.” I push her face down, lower her shorts and kick out her legs.

I reach around for my wallet, and take the condom out of it. “Have you now?” Dani asks as she reaches around, and strokes my hard cock. “Well, yes, I guess you have.”

I roll the condom on, and slide straight into her. Dani gulps, while my eyes roll back and shut. I’ve missed her so much. Bending, I stretch my arm around the front and rub at Dani’s clit as I use her for my own release. “This’ll be fast,” I whisper as I kiss the back of her neck. “I need you.” Dani comes around my cock and fingers quite quickly, surprising me. But, with everything going on in my head, I fucking go soft. “Shit,” I say as I pull out of Dani and rip the condom off.

Dani turns, looks down and scrunches her brows. I step away from her, embarrassed and truly ashamed. “Hey, it’s okay,” she tenderly says.

“I’m sorry.” Tucking my now soft cock back into my work pants. “Fuck.” It feels like a truck is sitting on my chest. My jaw is clenched and my head is in an unsettled state. My gaze bounces, unable to look Dani in the eyes. I roll my shoulders, while shaking my head. “I’m sorry,” I repeat.

Dani steps toward me, but I step back and hold my hands up to her. She gradually brings her hand up to stroke at her brows before she clears her throat and holds her head high. “It was a mistake, wasn’t it?” she says in a shaky voice.

I blink several times and without saying a word I slowly nod.

Dani sucks in a deep breath and steps backward again. She clutches at her chest, and nods. “Okay,” she whispers.

“I don’t know what to do?” There’s a heaviness is my body. “What do I do?”

Dani’s eyes redden and she can barely look at me. She feels my hurt, and I hate having her go through this. “There’s only one thing to do,” she offers.


She bursts into tears. “I understand. We moved way too fast, Rhett.”

“What?” I shriek. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re not happy, and you don’t want me here.”

“Where did that come from? No. That’s not it all.”

Dani wipes her eyes. “What are you talking about then? For the last week or so, you’ve been quiet, and distant. I thought you wanted out and didn’t know how to tell me. And, just then.” She points to where I took her over the counter. “You...didn’t finish. Not to mention, you’ve barely touched me in the last few days. You’re having doubts about us.”

“What? No! Sweetheart, no. No, no. Come here.” I open my arms, and hold her close to me. “No way. Being with you is the one thing I’m one hundred and fifty per cent sure about.”

“Is it the house? You didn’t want to move in with me?” I sit on our new sofa, and position Dani so she’s on my lap.

“I’m sorry I’ve made you feel like that. I’ve been caught in my head, and I’ve been feeling like I’m drowning,” I admit.

“What is it, Rhett?” Her soft brown eyes stare into mine. The way she’s looking at me, makes me feel like I’m her entire world. I love that so much, because she’s my world.

“I thought what I wanted was to be just a paramedic, but now I know, I’m a firefighter first and I always will be,” I admit.

Dani throws her arms around my neck, and nuzzles into me. “I’m so glad it’s not me,” she says.

“You’re perfect for me.” I kiss her on the lips while petting her hair.

She pulls back and smiles. “Talk to your brothers. Tell them how you feel.”

I shake my head. “I can’t do that.” The knot in the pit of my gut grows with anxiety.

“You can, because you’re unhappy where you are. If being a paramedic isn’t really what you want to do, there’s no reason to stay just for the sake of it. Don’t be embarrassed to tell them. They had your back when you told them you wanted to try it, and they’ll have your back when you tell them it’s not for you.”

I let out a long breath, and slowly nod. She’s right, but I’m so ashamed for even thinking I’d love another job more than I love being a fireman. “I think you’re right.”

“Talk to them, Rhett. They’ll understand.”

I hug my girl tight. “I’m going to take a shower.”

She lifts herself off me, and heads back into the kitchen. I tried to carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, and my girl reminded me, I don’t need to.

I feel for Rhett. He’s unhappy in his one-month paramedic trial, and it was killing him. For the last week I could feel there was a barrier between us, but I thought it was a reaction to me. I only wish there was something more I could do for Rhett to make him feel better.

A knock on the door disrupts my thoughts. Opening the door, I find Penelope holding a large pizza box. “Penelope,” I say. Rhett didn’t tell me she was coming over.

“Hey Dani!” She walks straight in, and heads back to the kitchen. Okay then. “I thought, considering you’ve only moved in here, you’re probably not settled in enough to start cooking yet. So, pizza!” she says with enthusiasm.

“Oh, awesome.” Penelope and I were never really friends at school. I mean, we didn’t hate each other, but I spent most my time with Brent, so I never really got to know her.

Penelope leans up against the counter, and looks around. “Still unpacking, huh?”

“Yeah, something like that.”

“Where’s that loser boyfriend of yours?” She cranes her neck to look toward our bedroom.

I head down the small hallway toward the back of the house, and close the door just in case he walks out in the nude. “He’s in the shower.”

“Ah, okay. Well, I brought dinner!” Penelope looks toward the pizza box.

There’s awkward tension between us. Somehow, I feel like I’m the other woman. I love how much Rhett loves her, but at the same time, it’s hard not to be worried. “Sure, that’s great. Thank you.”

Penelope shuffles from one foot to the other, and she chews on her nail. “Look,” she starts. “I know you might be worried about the relationship Rhett and I have.”

“I’m trying not to. But I know you two go back a long way, and there’s a part of me that completely understands and loves that, but there’s another part of me that questions how close you both are,” I say trying to be as honest as possible.

“I love Rhett like he’s my own brother. Actually, if I had a brother, I think I’d love Rhett more.” She smirks. “There’s never been a moment that either of us have thought what we have could be anything more than what it is. I’ve made myself scarce from his life since you two got together, because I know I’d be envious if my boyfriend had a female best friend. And I refuse to make you feel uncomfortable with our relationship.”

I can feel it in my heart she genuinely means her words. “Thank you, Penelope.”

“My friends call me Pen,” she says and smiles. “I just don’t want you to worry that I’m going to step in and try to claim him. I’ve known Rhett for twenty-three years, and I’ve never wanted more than what we have. To be clear, I doubt he’s ever wanted me, either. But, to be completely fair, we did make a pact that if we aren’t married by thirty, we’re marrying each other.” She wrinkles her nose and balks. “But I’ve seriously reconsidered that, and couldn’t imagine doing anything with him. Gross.” A shiver tears through her. “I don’t have a lot of female friends, and I know women look at me and think I’ll steal their partners, but that’s not me.”

“I appreciate you telling me this and being so transparent.”

“Besides, I’ve got news, but I’m not telling you until Rhett’s here too.”

“Okay. I’ll go see where he is.”

Pen walks over to the fridge and grabs three beers. Okay, she’s really comfortable with being here. I walk into our room, and stick my head into the bathroom. “Hey, Penelope’s here with pizza,” I say to Rhett.

“I’ll be out in a minute,” he replies. I stand, staring at him while he washes out his hair. He turns to look at me, and smiles. “Are you staring?”

“No. I’m ogling. Totally different.” I cross my arms in front of my chest as I lean on the door frame.

“Is it?” His hand slips down as he grabs his cock and starts working it. “Are you sure?” His hand increases as his cock grows harder by the second.

“I mean, you could keep going.”

“Could I?” With his other hand, he grabs his balls, massaging them. Rhett groans, and I try to swallow the dryness in mouth. Fuck, he’s hot when he does that. Rhett’s breathing increases, and I’m loving it as he expertly works his cock. He’s so beautiful.

I find myself drifting closer to him as his speed increases. The sensual noises coming from him are making me tighten my thighs together, trying to find my own release. My hand slips into my shorts, discovering my pussy is wet and ready for Rhett to make me come again.

He opens his eyes, watching me watching him. “That’s it,” he says. He pulls his cock and moans as ribbons of his cum spurt out.

“Fuck,” I whimper, on the verge of my second orgasm for the day.

“Didn’t you say Penelope is here?” he asks completely cock-blocking me.

“You asshole,” I spit as I remove my fingers. “You’re in for it now.” I quickly wash and dry my hands before heading out to our forgotten guest. Rhett’s laughing as I close the door of the bathroom. I hope Pen doesn’t notice my flushed cheeks from watching Rhett pleasure himself. “He’ll be out in a minute.”

“God, he’s worse than a woman in the shower,” Penelope complains. “I’ve never known a man to take that long in there, unless they’re...” Her eyes widen and she starts laughing. Holding her hands up, she shakes her head. “Never mind.”

I feel the heat exploding through me. “What kind of pizza did you bring?”

“Pepperoni, mushroom, and extra cheese.” She opens the lid, closes her eyes and takes in a big sniff of the delicious aroma.

I’m still stuck with the image of Rhett with his cock in his hands. That man can bring me to my knees. Literally.

“Loser,” Rhett slurs as he walks out of our room.

Both Pen and I look to him. “Stop talking about yourself,” Penelope responds.

He walks over, and grabs one of the three beers. “You brought pizza.”

“And beer,” Penelope says and winks at me not to say anything.

Rhett looks at the bottle, then at Pen. “God you bullshit, don’t you?” He catches her out on her lie.

“Can we eat, or what?” Pen asks. “I’m hungry.” We sit around the dining table, and Pen flips the lid open.

“I should get us plates, shouldn’t I?” I say.

Rhett already has a slice folded in half as he stuffs it into his mouth. Pen scrunches her nose. “Why? That’s something extra that needs to be washed.” She grabs a piece, and shoves a good amount in her mouth. “So, how’s being a paramedic?”

Rhett’s shoulders tense as he slows his chewing. He looks to me, then back to Pen. “Let’s just say, I won’t be leaving my job.”

“Ouch, really? Jeez, we’ve already replaced you.” Rhett shoves her upper arm. “Knew you wouldn’t like it.” She chuckles.

“Yeah, why?” Rhett asks.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Pen looks to Rhett, then me. “Help me out, sister.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say as I slowly lift my shoulders.

“Because I’m not there.” She rolls her eyes and tsks. “Considering I’m the best person on the crew, and the one who keeps you in line, you couldn’t last without me. You need me.”

“Like a fucking hole in the head,” Rhett retorts.

“It’s okay, Rhett.” She leans over to condescendingly pat Rhett on the forearm. “I understand you need me in your life.”

I’m chuckling to myself, but I see it now. There really is only a sibling kind of love between them. “She’s figured you out.”

“See, even your woman knows.” Pen juts her chin out toward me.

“I’m so asking for a transfer out of Mulberry Point,” Rhett murmurs.

“Anyway, I have news,” Pen continues. “Dane and I are doing really well. We’re getting married, and next week I’m buying a new car,” she says in a flat monotone.

“What?” Rhett and I both look at each other then back to Penelope.

“Back up a second. You’re getting married?” Rhett asks.

Pen places her half-eaten pizza slice on the box, and holds up her left hand, showing off a sparkling diamond.

“Oh my God!” I yell. Jumping to my feet, I run over and wrap my arms around her. “Congratulations!”

“Eeeek! Thank you so much,” Penelope screeches with happiness.

“Wow. So, it’s finally on then?” Rhett asks. I can see his reservation, which unsettles me, because I was starting to feel completely comfortable with their relationship.

“It’s on, alright.” Pen picks the pizza up, and eats some more. “It’s so on.”

Rhett doesn’t appear too happy, and I’m starting to question everything. “Pen,” he starts. “Are you sure?” What the hell is going on here?

Her face softens and she stares at the box for a few seconds. “Dane and I have broken up and gotten back together so many times that I’ve lost count, Rhett.” Oh, wait. Hang on, is this what Rhett’s worried about? “But I know here.” She places her hand to her stomach. “And here.” She shifts her hand up to her heart. “For me, there’ll never be anyone else.”

Oh, right. Rhett’s worried. “If you’re sure, then I’m happy for you,” Rhett says as he reaches across and grasps Pen’s hand.

“He’s the love of my life, and I can’t imagine a day when we’re not together,” she says in a soft, and incredibly vulnerable voice. “He sets my heart on fire, and I love him.” She looks to Rhett, then me. “A lot like how you love each other.”

Aww, how sweet. Damn, she really loves Dane. “If this makes you happy, then it’s the right thing to do,” Rhett replies.

“Oh, and you have to be my maid of honor,” Pen says to Rhett.

He crinkles his brows and slightly tilts his head to the side. “I’m not entirely sure how that’s going to work, Pen. I mean, the whole dress thing.” He waves a hand over his body.

Pen looks over, her face completely stoic when she says, “I’m letting you choose the color.”

I clasp my hand to my mouth, chuckling. “I think I have a pair of heels that’ll fit,” I add.

Pen laughs. “Seriously, though. It would be an honor for me if you’d stand beside me.” Tears prickle my eyes, and I look away so I don’t cry. Pen turns her attention to me. “As long as you’re okay with it?”

“I’m fucking emotional, and I have no idea why. Thank you for asking, but you really don’t have to.”

“Huh,” Rhett snorts. “It would be my honor to stand beside you, Pen.”

Pen jumps out of her seat, and throws her arms around Rhett. He gives her a hug, and kiss on the cheek. She sits back down again, with a smile so wide it’s impossible to wipe off her face. She grabs another piece of pizza, and starts eating it. “How’s Elise handling you leaving?”

“I think she’s happy to get rid of him.” I gesture to Rhett with a jerk of my head.

“No wonder. He’s so high maintenance. Using all the hot water in the shower.”

My eyes widen as I purse my smiling lips shut. Rhett chokes on the food in his mouth, and Pen is laughing hard.

I really like this journey I’ve started on. “Oh!” Rhett says as if a thought has just popped into his head. “We’ve both got a doctor’s appointment on Thursday afternoon with Dr. Allard.”

Um, does he have to have this conversation with Penelope here? “Okay,” I reply with a strained voice.

“Finally getting that discharge looked at, are you? Good idea, you don’t want it swelling up any more than it already is,” Pen says without missing a beat.

“Did you get to see the doctor for your worm situation?” Rhett shoots back.

“Yeah, remember, when you went for that rectum issue you have?”

“My God!” I say as I laugh. “You really are like siblings.”

“What? Did you really think we...” Pen makes an O with her left hand, and sticks her finger in and out of it. “Eww.” She holds a finger up. “It’s like if I was to have sex with my father.” She bloats her cheeks out and pretends to dry heave.

“I think I’ve lost my appetite,” Rhett says as he casually tosses the slice of pizza he has on the table. He turns to me, waving his finger. “And just so you know, you were going to get lucky later on, but now...”

Pen nearly spits her beer out. “You’re an asshole,” she says to Rhett. “She has needs, and if you can’t get it up for her, then she’ll take care of it herself. Hell, next day off, you and I are going to buy some toys. Just so we’re clear, not for each other. I’ve got your back, girl.”

I sit back and cock a brow. “I already have a good selection of toys, thanks.”

Rhett starts coughing, and Pen giggles. “You do?” Rhett asks between his bouts of coughing.

“Hey, I was single for a long time. I had to take care of business myself.”

Pen leans across the table and holds her hand out to me for a high five. “Girl power.”

I give her a high five, then look over to Rhett. There’s a gleam in his eye, and I can only imagine what he’s thinking. “When are you and your guy getting married?” I ask trying to avert Rhett’s attention.

“You and I need to have a conversation,” he says into my ear. Rhett grabs the leg on my chair, and drags me over to him. He drapes his arm on the back of the chair, then leans in and gives me a kiss.

“Eww, get a room.” Penelope scrunches her nose. “We haven’t set a date yet. I’d like a fall wedding; he wants a summer wedding.”

“Well, I’m there for you, Pen,” Rhett says.

“You know, you don’t have to wear a dress if you don’t want to.” Pen smiles cheekily.

“Oh, I think he’d kill a tight red dress,” I say to Pen.

Rhett pokes me in my waist making me jump. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

“I am, that’s why I suggested a tight red dress.”

He pokes me again, but this one doesn’t startle me. “I’ll wear a suit, or a tuxedo.”

“Suit!” I nearly yell. Penelope slowly turns her head to stare at me. “I mean, come on. How hot will he look in a suit?”

“I guess,” Pen responds with a shrug. “Hang on.” She lifts a finger. “He can’t look better than me. I’m the damn bride.”

“Battle of the gorgeous people. What a problem,” I say sarcastically. “If only there wasn’t so many genetically beautiful people.”

“You think I’m gorgeous?” Pen asks.

“You’re freaking hot, Penelope.”

Pen pulls her shoulders back and smiles widely. “I knew I’d like you. Can we be best friends?”

“Great. Great.” Rhett throws his arms up. “I’m being replaced. Yeah, fan-fucking-tastic.”

I sit watching how Pen and Rhett interact, and it fills my heart with so much love that I’m able to slot into their dynamic, without feeling jealous. Because, there really is no reason for me to feel like that. Pen and Rhett undoubtedly have a special bond, and they’ll be in each other’s lives forever. That fact is crystal clear. I’m glad Pen came over tonight, because it’s given me a chance to see how they are together, and to see they truly are like siblings.

I lift my leg to drape over Rhett’s thighs, and he instinctively begins to massage my calf while the three of us continue to enjoy our night together.

Yeah, life is pretty perfect.