Deadly Nightshade by Sem Thornwood

Chapter 9


Mom died a month after my birthday. She died at home. She died surrounded by people she loved. It didn’t change the fact that it hurt, though. It hurt so fucking much.

I cried shamelessly. If Mia was not there, I probably couldn’t even get out of bed. She held me, and hell, she even bathed me. She was really a good friend. I have never seen her cry. Maybe she did when I couldn’t see. I was not sure.

Mia was the one who helped me get dressed on the day of the funeral. A simple black dress. She also put on some sunglasses over my face to cover my puffy eyes. We weren’t supposed to look weak. I didn’t care, though, because even Dad looked weak while they lowered her coffin to the ground. I knew it made Salvatore mad. He was all strong and emotionless. He was good to put on his Made Men mask. Even better than Dad, apparently.

When Alessio hugged me in the church, I thought I would not be able to let him go. He was the one I needed. Not Mia nor Salvatore could soothe me as well as him. It was wrong, but it was the truth. I knew everybody was aware of it, too, because Alessio almost had to rip himself away from me. His eyes were full of pain too, but he was more controlled than me.

After the funeral, Sal drove me home. I could tell he was as mad as he was sad. Maybe it was good that I was not in the mood to talk. I was in so much pain. Going to the mansion only meant remembering memories of Mom. Maybe I should have spent some time staying over at Mia’s. I was not sure my father or Salvatore was going to let me through. After all, it meant leaving me in the same house with Alessio. Both of them were not the biggest fan of that idea, even when it was what I needed the most.

We were not alone at the mansion. The Mazzonis was there, and Brando fucking Panaro too. He might be Consigliere, but he was not family. I did not want to see that man after my mother’s funeral. I didn’t want him there. Yet he was, and worse, he started talking.

After my father flew away to his office, he cupped Salvatore’s elbow. He held him like he was a little boy. “Salvatore,” he said with an arrogant voice.

That earned him an “I will kill you” look from my brother. He was not the type to take shit from anyone, and he didn’t even need to speak in order to make Brando Panaro back away.

When he did step back, his eyes lingered on me. I only gave him my death glare which I carried since my mother died. “I know you are all devastated, including Capo. Maybe you and Isabella should go away to mourn. Staying at home can be hard. I’d know, I lost my wife six months ago.”

Yeah, he did, but he had no right to act as he understood. I knew he couldn’t show his sorrow in front of people, but he almost looked relieved at the funeral. Worst of it all, he almost started looking for a young bride right then and there. He had to wait a year and mourn his wife, but he was eager to put a ring on a girl's finger the day his mourning was done. He needed heirs, and he didn’t care about anything else. The thought made me sick.

“Father needs help. I can’t leave,” Salvatore answered sharply.

Brando had that unpleasant smile. He was trying to look genuine, but I could almost see his horns and red tail. “I will be here to take care of business. You go mourn your mother, son.”

Oh, hell, did he just call Salvatore, son? I really don’t have the energy to take this. I just wanted to go to my room and cry myself to sleep.

“I will stay,” my brother said between gritted teeth. He was ready to blow, but he was keeping it inside. Maybe because he didn’t want to mess with Brando, or maybe because of me. One could never know. “Dad is not in good condition. There is more job for us. We need a meeting tonight. You, me, Rafael, and Antonio.”

After that, Brando didn’t push it. He only eyed me one last time and nodded before turning to my father’s office.

Salvatore’s gaze found mine, all drained from his previous anger. “I hate that fucking guy, but he might have a point, Bells. I think you should be away from us. I want you and the twins to go to the lake house.”

That would be good, actually. I didn’t want to stay here and remember all the pain. Also, I wanted to be away from Dad. So, I nodded slowly. “Can Mia come with me too?”

He cupped the back of my neck and put a long kiss on my forehead. “Don’t worry, Bells. Please just get better.”

Then he turned towards the door where all three Mazzoni siblings were standing. His gaze was on Mia. I didn’t listen. I just wanted to leave as fast as possible. I didn’t even have the energy to get changed. I had clothes and all at the lake house anyways.

When Mia’s eyes widen, I couldn’t understand why, but to be honest, I also didn’t think much. I was just waiting for her to gather Valerio and Verona so that we could leave. She nodded to Salvatore and didn’t hug him before he left with Antonio, even though she looked like she wanted to. That makes two of us, I guess.

She shouted to my twin siblings, so I slowly stepped to the door. I could wait in the car for them, I guess. Only I couldn’t make it outside because Alessio appeared before me. I wanted him to hold me, I wanted to throw myself at him, but I stayed away. I knew if I as much as touching him, I couldn’t get away.

His gaze was sad, but there was something I couldn’t place it too. “Get into my car.” When I frowned, he explained, “Sal told me to come with you. You know to guard you along with Mateo and Emiliano.”

My eyes widen. Sal was the one person who made it his mission to keep me away from Alessio. That was so out of character for him. “But how?”

“I don’t know, Bella. I guess he just tries to make you happy.”

A small, almost invisible smile found my lips. This was probably the only thing that could make me smile at this point. “Let’s go then.”