Raging Fires by Candace Camp

Chapter Twenty-Six

He kissed her again, his mouth soft and tender on hers, teasing at her top lip, her lower lip, and then settling in to kiss her long and deeply. Kelli’s knees went to jelly. Her hands went to his waist to steady her, but the feel of his smooth, warm skin beneath her fingers made her even shakier. His lips left hers and he nuzzled her neck, his hot breath on her skin sending shivers through her.

“Jake, don’t.”

He lifted his head and looked down at her, his lips quirking up in a half-smile. “Is that a ‘don’t’ don’t? Or a ‘convince me’ don’t?”

Kelli let out soft little huff of a laugh. “Jake…” She curved her arms around his waist and leaned into him. His chest and abs were rock hard, his skin smooth, and his heart was pounding so hard that it vibrated through her, too. He smelled so good, so him. Everything inside her was sizzling. It had been so long. And Jake’s kiss was so tempting, the feather glide of his fingertips up and down her back so arousing. She felt the pulse of his growing erection against her, and that increased the ache deep inside her.

“I can’t. I can’t go through it all again.” It took all of Kelli’s willpower, but she pushed him back a few inches. Enough that she could breathe. Think. Trying to get over him had taken her years. Honestly, she wasn’t sure she’d ever done it. Either way, she couldn’t just jump back in—not now. Not with her home and her livelihood at stake. The Blue was the only thing she had left that was hers. She couldn’t lose it by messing up this fake marriage. Even if it suddenly didn’t feel very fake at all. “We’ve got think of The Blue. The rules. We came up with them for a reason.”

“No.” Jake pulled back farther, fire flashing in his eyes. “You came up with them for a reason. Because nothing matters to you more than Pops’ bar. And you knew you couldn’t trust yourself around me. You knew how wet I make you. That I know exactly the tempo you like. That every time you look at my mouth, you’re imagining it between your thighs. My tongue flicking back and forth until you scream.”

Kelli knew it was written all over her face. He was right. Her mind was going all hazy just thinking about it. She was pulsing inside, and the only thing that would satisfy her was Jake. Jake buried inside her. Jake on top of her. Jake behind her, pounding deeper and deeper.

“Look at how hard your nipples are.” Jake’s gaze was almost a physical touch, and they tightened even more. “You can’t pretend around me. Not anymore. Tell me the truth, Kelli. Tell me you don’t want me.”

“Kelli couldn’t reply. She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to hide her treacherous body.

“Tell me you don’t want to feel me inside you.” He took a small step closer. Her brain told her to pull back, but if anything, she leaned forward. “Tell me you want me to go; tell me that all you want from me is to follow your rules.”

Everything inside Kelli screamed that she didn’t want that at all. The idea of him leaving right now, of having this need go unfulfilled for the next year—just the idea was excruciating. She couldn’t actually imagine living through it for months and months. Would it really hurt this one time to let her discipline slip? Just do what she so wanted to do and forget about the aftermath? But she had to be strong.

“That’s what I want.” She moved to the side so he could go.

“You’re so full of it—and if you think you’re not, you’re lying to yourself. And we both know it.” Jake grabbed his keys off the kitchen counter.

Her stomach and chest were tight. She wasn’t sure if she needed to scream in anger or break down in tears. Maybe both. Or maybe she just needed Jake to scoop her up and throw her on the bed.

“Jake, wait!” He was opening the door already. Another con of a small house. He didn’t close it or even turn back around, but he did freeze in place when she spoke.

God, she was going to regret this in the morning. Kelli ran to him and he turned at the sound. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her up against him as she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him like she’d been dreaming of doing ever since he’d walked back into her life. Wrapping her legs around him, she moved her hips against him. He groaned low in his throat, but didn’t break their kiss. Instead he swung around, pushing her back against the door so it closed firmly. She used the hard surface to push against, grinding harder into him where he was pressed between her legs. Jake broke off their kiss finally and trailed his tongue down her neck.

“If you keep doing that I’m going to take you right here. Probably break this old door.”

“Do it.” Kelli rasped. “I don’t care.”

“No. I’m taking my time tonight.” Jake pulled back to look into her eyes. “You’re not getting out of this that quickly. Who knows what stupid thing you might decide tomorrow morning.”

“Screw you, Jake.”

“Oh, you will.” He smiled, cocky as ever.

His strong forearm went under her ass, supporting her weight easily as his other hand captured her hip, pulling her as close to him as possible. He carried her down the hall and into her bedroom as if she weighed nothing. She may not have liked all the hours he put in at the gym, but it certainly paid off. Kelli had never had another boyfriend who could throw her around like Jake. And he had stamina for days.

All those thoughts flew from her head though as his mouth caught her bottom lip, sucking it into his warmth. His tongue flicked over her lip and he gently teased her with his teeth. She opened her mouth and invited him in. He lay her back on the bed without breaking their hungry, desperate kiss. Jake’s hand stole under her shirt and he groaned against her mouth as his fingers grazed her bra that was pulled tight across her nipples. Kelli let out a muffled cry of pleasure and he released her mouth, whipping off her shirt.

“Good to know you weren’t expecting to sleep with man-bun.” Jake grinned, looking down at her plain satin bra.

“Hey, this is a perfectly nice bra and very expensive, I’ll have you know.” Kelli tried to frown but the amused twinkle in Jake’s eyes was making it difficult.

“But I know you. And I know all the very sexy flimsy lace bras you wore for me.”

“Maybe I’ve matured.” She said haughtily.

“I certainly hope you haven’t matured out of the sexy lingerie phase. Though clearly I don’t need it to find you unbelievably sexy.” His hard pulsating length confirmed his words.

Jake bent his head and sucked one nipple into his mouth, fabric and all. Kelli groaned as the texture of the wet satin against her skin created an amazing kind of friction. He pulled back and the air-conditioned coolness in the room made her nipple spark with a whole other sensation. It was like Jake had run an ice cube over her. But in a very, very hot way. He flicked his tongue back and forth over the bud and Kelli wriggled under him. She wanted to feel him between her legs. Feel his heavy weight pushing into her. She moaned as he teased her.

“I take everything back. This is my favorite bra ever.” There was a grin in his voice but it didn’t make its way to his face. His jaw was tight, his eyes dark with desire. His look was all hunger.

“Please, Jake. I want to feel your skin on mine.” Kelli’s hand went to the waistband of his sweatpants. The light grey fabric was molded to his hardness and she wanted more than anything to release him. “I want to feel you inside me.”

“Not yet. I have too many things I’ve been dreaming about for the last few weeks. I’d like to get at least a few of them in before I lose whatever control I’m clinging to.” He smiled.

“Fine.” Kelli’s face tightened with frustration, but she’d always loved every minute in bed with Jake. Why cheat herself out of any of them?

One of his hands went to her other breast, rolling and teasing her nipple as he kissed his way down her stomach. Heat and tension built in her as he made his way closer and closer to where she was dying to feel him. His tongue traced a lazy circle around her bellybutton as he unzipped her jeans. She lifted her hips, partly to help him remove her jeans, partly in reflex. Her body was searching for him. Searching for what she craved.

As he hooked his fingers in her panties and pulled them down, she grew wetter with anticipation. But she couldn’t have anticipated how good his tongue would feel against her, alternating between a slow and fast pace. Building and building her desire.

“I need more.” She panted out and Jake added his hands to the mix until she was at the brink. Just as she was poised to fall over the edge, he pulled back.

Kelli cried out in equal parts pleasure and frustration, and she pulled on his shoulder. Jake obliged, slowly kissing his way back up her body. They had done this so many times that Jake didn’t need words to know what she wanted. Once they were face to face she shoved on his shoulder again and he allowed her to roll them over so she was on top.

Now that Kelli was in control, she made sure he lost all of his. Her nails trailed lightly down his chest, dancing over his tight abs and gripping him through his pants. He let out a low moan. “You still know just what I like.”

“Like I could forget,” Kelli said as she trailed kisses down him and began to tease him like he had her. Only Jake stopped her again.

“I don’t want to come like that. I want to be inside you.”

Her insides quivered at his words. That was what she wanted too.

“Do you have a condom? Or should I go grab one?” Jake asked, his voice hoarse.

“I’m still on birth control. And I haven’t been with anyone else since the last time I was tested.” Kelli was used to the feeling of his skin against hers from the whole time they were married. She hated to give it up now when she wanted him so badly. “You?”

“I was tested not long ago and I haven’t done anything since then. I can show you proof. I still have it in my email.”

“I trust you.” Kelli smiled.

“You do?” Jake looked somewhat surprised.

“Of course. Even when we don’t get along, I know you’d never let anything hurt me.”

He wrapped a big hand around her jaw, his fingers tangling in her hair. “Never.”

His blue eyes looked so deep into hers that it sent a different kind of shiver through Kelli. Jake had this stare that made her think he could see all the way to her soul. And he still wanted her even so. Maybe more so. It was disconcerting, and sexy and incredibly sweet all at the same time. He kissed her again. Still hungry, but there was something else, too. Something more.

She moved aside and grasped the waistband of his pants, then slid them down his body with excruciating slowness, teasing both of them. Tossing the pants away, she straddled him again, and he wrapped his hands around her hips, guiding her. She slowly lowered herself. He filled her to the brink. She’d forgotten how much. But after a second the shock of it turned to pure pleasure. Slowly, she built her rhythm but Jake held her back from going too fast.

“You’re so gorgeous.” He rasped out. “And I want this to last.”

Kelli luxuriated in the feel of him inside her. The feel of his skin against the sensitive palms of her hands as she rocked back and forth. He rubbed her with his thumb right where her tension was building again. She started moving faster. Jake’s groans grew louder and more frequent. Luckily, no one lived nearby because Kelli was sure you could easily hear them both through the thin walls.

With an animalistic growl Jake flipped them both over again, driving into her with a furious passion. Kelli’s mind lost all normal coherence and all she knew was Jake’s smell, Jake’s mouth, Jake’s skin. She was spiraling up and up.

“I’m close.” Kelli wasn’t sure for a second if she’d thought the words or said them.

“I am too.” Jake’s face was taut with passion. Kelli cried out, her orgasm hitting her like a tsunami as the lines on his face melted away in his own release. He held her as close as they could get. Their bodies trembled with the force of what they had just experienced. Kelli knew only one truth. There was no one who would ever make her feel like Jake did. And the thought filled her with joy and sadness. Because however perfect they were for each other, it would never work out. But she’d think about that in the morning. Right now she just wanted to rest her head on Jake’s strong chest, pretend everything would work out, and drift off to sleep.