A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 19


“No!” Harper screamed in her sleep, waking with a violent jerk, before sitting up and gasping for air. Her body trembled as she gazed around the room, searching for something. Her fear unsettled me.

“I’m here.” I reached for her.

“I know.”

“What’s wrong?” I sat up and wrapped my arms around her. “You’re freezing.”

“It was a dream and not the kind where you and I…” She shook her head. “It was a bizarre dream. A nightmare maybe, but it was vivid and clear.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” I rested against the headboard, taking her with me and cuddling her into my side. She continued to shiver, so I held her tighter, letting the heat of my flesh warm her. I didn’t enjoy feeling her fear. My instincts were to protect her at all costs.

“There was a man, I think. First, he was old, like the Crypt Keeper old, and then he morphed into a younger, stronger man, but he wasn’t just a man.”

“What was he?”

“I don’t know. It’s difficult to explain. His facial features were hard like a statue, and I think he had horns.”

Koradon sometimes had horns but how could she have known that?

“He said that I was meant to be yours.” She rested her hand on my chest. “This is crazy. It was a dream, and I want to forget about it.”

“What else did he say?” I tried to control my impulses, but it was too late. My blood simmered inside me, and my eyes fought to change.

“His voice was raspy, like he had a dry throat. He smelled like you, but it still wasn’t you. I’m not making any sense.” She shook her head. “I was probably smelling you, and it transferred into my dream.”

“Continue.” I needed to hear the message.

“He said you needed me to stand by your side. If you were going to realize your true potential, I’d have to see the truth. He promised that when you let me in, I wouldn’t be able to run.” She held onto me. “I don’t want to think about it. It was too freaky.”

“Okay.” I stroked her hair, trying to calm her. “Try to settle down and go back to sleep. Forget about the dream. It was meaningless.”

“Being close to you helps.” She yawned. “I’m warmer now.”

“Sleep, my angel.” I kissed the top of her head, trying to ignore the scorching sensation building in my throat. “When you wake, I’ll be right here.”

But first, I had some business to deal with. I reached for my phone on the nightstand and shot David a text telling him to meet me in a few minutes. I had a demon to summon.

When I was certain Harper was asleep, I slipped out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants. Quietly making my way out of the room, I found David and Greta waiting for me in the hall.

“What is it?” David asked.

“Koradon is sending me messages through Harper.” My rage scratched from within, digging at my insides, trying to find a way out. “Greta, I need you to stay with Harper. If she wakes up, you have my permission to put her back to sleep. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Angelo.”

I felt her apprehension, but I didn’t have a choice; I needed Greta’s help and her talent. I couldn’t have Harper stumbling in on whatever happened between me and my estranged father.

“I’m trusting you with her,” I added.

Greta had been a sleep demon in another life. Her curse allowed her to inflict sleep paralysis on another and terrorize them while they were stuck between sleeping and waking. The demon, who’d wanted her help, had planned to force himself on a human woman and required Greta’s assistance to make the violation possible. When she refused, they banished her. She never looked back and had never used her curse since.

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t necessary.”

“I know.” She turned the handle on my bedroom door. “Go do what you have to do. Harper will not leave this room.”

I hurried down the hall with David on my heels. Once we reached the patio doors, I flung them open only to be greeted by the mist of the ocean spraying my face. As the storm brewed in the sky, I prepared for battle.

“Angelo.” David placed his hand on my shoulder. “What are you doing?”

“Confronting him.” I made my way down the path and to the beach. “She’s off-limits.”

“You’re giving him what he wants.” He kept pace with me as I moved toward the ocean. “We have to think this through.”

“I’ve let it go on long enough.” I shouted over the crashing waves. “What would you have me do?”

“I’d have you join forces with me.” Koradon appeared in his younger form on the beach in front of us. The waves broke against his back, drenching him in the cool salt water.

“What do you want?” I moved toward him with David by my side.

“Since you won’t listen to reason with me, I had to find another way.”

“You’re going to regret that,” I said.

“Did you think you were the only one who could manipulate her dreams?” His glowing crimson eyes held a hint of amusement. “The difference between us is that I’m not afraid to make her lose her mind. If you won’t negotiate with me, I’ll make her dreams a living hell.”

“The fuck you will.” I waded into the water, rushing to him, but before I could reach him, three large demons dropped down in front of him, shielding him from me.

They were large and muscular. One had horns and the other two scaly flesh and fangs. They were devoid of any emotions, or at least, I couldn’t feel anything coming from them. That told me they were killing machines with no capacity to feel remorse. The worst kind of demons.

“Did you think I would come alone?”

“Do you think it matters?” I stared down each of his protectors, knowing they were no match for me.

The stabbing pain started in my hands but didn’t stop there. I shifted my neck from side to side, cracking it as my shoulder blades contracted and contorted. I fought the urge to drop to my knees, taking a breath, and letting the process complete itself. Biting my tongue, I staved off the scream that ripped through my body as my spine twisted. Although it had been years since I allowed my true form to take hold of me, the sensation was all too familiar and before I could stop it my black, dragon-like wings were fully expanded.

Admiration filled Koradon’s soulless body. His approval infuriated me, and he thrived off that.

“Charge him,” he commanded his spawn.

I lifted my hands, raising the three demons in the air above the ocean. David stepped back because his protection was futile. My feet left the ground as my wings fluttered behind me, taking my three captives higher and further out into the ocean. When I closed my palms, the trio reached for their throats, tugging and pulling at the grip I had thrust upon them. Their silent pleas meant nothing to me. I would kill them all.

“Did you think you could come for me, and I wouldn’t do everything in my power to defend myself?”

I swirled my hand above my head, sending them tumbling over the sea, which carried them further out into the abyss as I flew higher into the clouds. An invigorating sensation overtook my senses when I flapped my wings and soared across the sky. In the distance of what should have been a dark and cloudy atmosphere, a flash of light illuminated the sky much like what I had witnessed in my study a few weeks ago. My curiosity drew me in, calling me to fly closer to the light.

“Magnificent,” Koradon’s voice boomed through the sky, taking me back to the darkness.

Squinting toward the radiance, I took in the brightness that filled me with peace and tranquility, but I had to turn back. I had left Harper unattended, and that could never happen again.

I came down from my high, lowering myself to the ground, and standing directly in front of Koradon.

“Do you see what you’re capable of, my son?” Koradon asked. “The power you have.”

“I sent your demons back to Hell.” I moved toward him, but he didn’t flinch. “I’m guessing there are more?”

“Not with me.” He looked around. “Just us.” He gazed at David. “You can send your bodyguard away. He’s of no use to you now. You’ve more than proved that.”

“I’m staying.” David crossed his arms over his chest.

I nodded.

“As I was saying before you turned into your true form, which was quite impressive,” he said. “You’re not the only one who can find your way into that beautiful attorney’s head.”

I squeezed my hand, trying to raise him off his feet, but he didn’t budge.

“Don’t waste your energy.”

David moved to stand next to me.

“Back off, bodyguard. I’m not going to hurt him.” Koradon motioned toward my hands. “Your powers won’t work on me.”

I concentrated all my energy on trying to use my mind against him, but al it did was exert me. It was as if he was draining me of my power.

“I’m what they consider an untouchable demon.” His gloating sickened me. “I’m unable to be rivaled, which is why you didn’t kill me the first time.”

“What do you mean? I plunged that knife through your heart. I saw you fall to your feet. You’ve been in Hell all this time. How didn’t you die?”

“I’m standing here today, aren’t I?”

“You must have made a deal with him. He’s granted you some kind of reprieve.”

“I did make a deal long ago with Lucifer. The terms don’t concern you, but I was granted immortality. Not even you can destroy me.”

“No.” I refused to believe him. “I was banished to this forsaken place because I killed you. I’ve suffered countless decades among the humans torturing me with their useless emotions. I’ve been stuck between worlds my whole existence, never belonging anywhere.”

“You were banished because you betrayed the demon world by avenging your mother’s death. You chose your side when you pierced that blade through my heart. We cast you out because you couldn’t be trusted. Everyone thought you were destined to be an angel because of your mother’s strong influence on you.” He looked up at the heavens. “When you tried to kill me, we knew your demon side had prevailed, but still, you had to be punished for your actions. We sent you here because humans can make a man more of a demon than Hell ever could.”

“You’re lying.”

“You know that’s not true. Who could lie to you?”

“You’ve kept me here all this time. What did that accomplish?”

“You have so many connections. Humans, demons, shifters, vampires, witches, and even fallen angels. The list is endless. You’re good at what you do. I’ve watched you through the years. I’ve even learned a thing or two about how to get people to do what you want before they even realize they’re getting into bed with you. Pun intended, sex demon.” He winked. “Now it’s our turn to lay out the terms for you.”

“I’ll never give into you, and I sure as fuck won’t be making any deals with you.”

“We’ll be in touch when you’re finished your getaway. I’d hate for your weekend with that sexy, little human of yours to be ruined with business,”

“Stay out of her dreams,” I snarled as I grabbed his throat.

His three demons suddenly appeared behind him, but he held up his hand and waved them off.

David placed his hand on my shoulder. “Angelo, let’s go back to the house.” He gazed around the dark beach. “You’re not going to accomplish anything tonight.”

“Listen to your friend,” Koradon said. “When you get back to Connecticut, we’ll be in touch.”

“Don’t waste your time.” I shoved him to the ground. “I won’t be making any deals with you.” I turned and headed back to the house, needing to get to Harper to quell this dread in my chest.

“Wait!” David yelled as he chased after me. “Where are you going?”

“Where do you think?”

“You can’t go inside like this.”

“What?” I stopped when we reached the back patio doors.

“You look like a fucking demon.” He pointed at me. “Do you think you could tone it down? Get rid of the wings, turn your eyes back to normal, maybe not look like a statue?”

I stared down at my chest and held my hands out in front of me. I glanced over my shoulder and caught a glimpse of my wingspan.

“Damn it.” I rubbed my temples, trying to block out the agony in my muscles as my wings retracted. “Better?”

“I haven’t seen your wings in years. They are spectacular.”

“I’m not sure Harper would agree.” I stretched my aching back, knowing how impossible it would be to keep my demon tendencies locked inside with Koradon on the loose and after Harper.

“That could be a problem.”

“What am I supposed to do about her?”

“We’ll protect her.”

“I won’t give in to their demands. I don’t care how many top-level negotiators they send in. I’ll kill them all if I have to.” I clenched my fists by my side. “This is why I had no business bringing her into my life, but I did it anyway.”

“Fate is a funny thing.”

“Fate could get her killed.”

* * *


I reached for Angelo, but his side of the bed was empty. The stillness of the room unsettled me. Maybe it was the memory of my nightmare that still haunted me in the early morning hours. I didn’t know what time it was, but I could sense the sun would be coming up over the horizon soon.

When I sat up, I caught the most splendid view of him gazing out of the balcony doors. His athletic back was to me, giving me a moment to take in all his rigid dips and brawn as well as his intricate ink. A surge of desire slammed into me when I thought about the chocolate. Before I could stop myself, I was out of bed and standing behind him. He didn’t move.

Did he know I was even here?

I pressed my lips to the top of his shoulder, splaying my hands over his back. His body relaxed under my touch. Trailing my lips to his shoulder blade, I noticed the red indent there. It matched the one on the other side. When I ran my hand over one of the rough patches of skin, he flinched.

“Sorry,” I whispered.

“It’s nothing.” He faced me. “I must have scraped myself at the bottom of the pool or in the ocean.”

“Can’t you sleep?”

“You’re not the only one having odd dreams, I guess.”

“You want to talk about it?” I caressed his jaw.

“Not at all.” His face tightened. “It’s not worth the time.”

“I can think of other ways to settle down.” I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck. “We seem to be good at that.”

“No.” He took my chin between his fingers. “I don’t trust myself right now.”

“Oh.” I gazed down at the floor because I couldn’t look into those harrowing eyes without feeling rejected.

“Sorry.” He gently kissed my lips as if he suspected he offended me. “I mean, I lost control earlier, and I don’t want to hurt you. A little recovery time between our intimate moments might not be a bad idea.”

“I don’t agree.” I shrugged. “How about a walk on the beach? The sun will be up soon.”

“There’s a storm coming in. We should stay away from the beach for a few hours.” He took my hand and led me back to bed. “How about you let me hold you? That’s exactly what I could use right now.”

“Has something happened?” I crawled into bed with him. “Did I do something wrong?”

“What could you possibly have done wrong?” He pulled me to his side. “You’re the most right thing in my life. I’m going to do everything in my power to keep you with me.” He kissed the top of my head. “Protect and make sure you’re safe and happy.”

“This is the happiest I’ve been in a long time.” I cuddled into his warmth, breathing in his woodsy scent. “It’s going to be difficult when we have to go back to reality.”

“We don’t have to go back to reality.”

“Yes, we do. You have an empire to run, and I have to be your brilliant attorney.”

“We can still do that.” He laced our fingers together. “I want you to stay with me when we go home.”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t fathom the idea of you not being in my bed.” He kissed my hand. “I need your face to be the last image I see before I close my eyes and the first one I see when I open them.”

“You want me to, um…” My eye twitched and my heart pounded against my chest. Breathe. “I have my own house.”

“I’m aware.”

“Coming here with you was a huge step for me. Moving in would be monumental.”

“I’m also aware of that.”

“I don’t think… I…”

“Shh.” He kissed my hand again. “I didn’t expect an answer right away. I know you have to analyze this scenario and overthink the possibilities.”

“Are you making fun of me?”

“Not at all.” He rolled on top of me. “I’m telling you that I know who you are. I see you.”

“You might be the only person who ever has.” I gazed into his eyes. “You might be my soulmate.”

“I’d have to have a soul for that to be true.”

“Why would you say that?” I ran my fingers through his hair. “Your emotional energy is spot on. You’re so connected to everyone and everything around you. Your spirit is so pure.”

“You don’t see me as accurately as you should. I’m ruthless and demanding, and I take what I want with no apologies.”

“You’re a driven, determined man, but that doesn’t make you soulless.”

“Well, I don’t know what the equivalent to a soulmate is, but I might like being that.” He shifted his hips against my bare center. “I might also like something else.”

“I thought we weren’t doing that.”

“I changed my mind.”