A Demon’s Touch by Ella Jade

Chapter 20


The next two days were calmer and more low key. Harper and I stayed close to one another, enjoying each other’s company and getting to know one another better. I’d never been so open and honest about my feelings with anyone before. With her, it came naturally. I allowed my mind to wonder the what if’s.

What if I could tell her who I really am? What I am?

She’d run screaming in the opposite direction. That wasn’t my goal. I wanted her with me always, especially with Koradon lurking on the Earth. When he had only been in my head, I didn’t have to worry about him being a threat. I wasn’t afraid for me, but Harper was a different story. My father was delusional if he thought being supposedly unkillable meant that I couldn’t find a way to destroy him. If he came for Harper, there would be no place for him to hide.

I dove into the ocean, crashing through the waves and popping back out. The early morning swims cleared my mind. The further I swam out, the stronger the current became. I liked the challenge. I allowed the undertow to pull me down as far as I could go before coming back to the surface for air. The cold ocean was a dark and deep environment many feared, but all it required was respect.

I found it peaceful.

When I first was banished to this place, swimming became my solace. I could be alone with my thoughts as the water cooled my heated flesh. The oceans, rivers, streams, and lakes had always been my escape. Only now, I wasn’t trying to break free from anything. Ever since I’d met Harper, I’d wanted to be seen for who I was—the man who could bring her endless joy and pleasure. I wanted to be hers.

When I emerged from the ocean, the clouds surrounded me in a menacing darkness. The violent water slapped against the surf. Harper stood in the distance, willing me to her. I’d sensed her worry before I saw it in her expression. Silly girl, nothing’s going to happen to me. My fate had been decided the moment she stumbled into my arms. My demon be damned. It was her. It always would be.

As I made my way to the beach, Harper walked toward me holding a towel. How thoughtful. I could get used to this.

“You go out too far.” She spread the towel open for me. “It scares me.”

“I’m an extremely skilled swimmer.” I took the towel from her. “Thank you.”

“That’s what you think until you drown and then where does that leave me?”

Alone and abandoned.

I saw her point.

“You don’t have to worry. I can’t leave you.” I wish I could tell her why and reassure her. “Have you given my proposition any more thought?”

“It’s all I’ve thought about since you asked me to move in with you.”

“And?” I took her hand as we walked back to the house. We were leaving for the airport in a few hours, and I couldn’t stand the thought of her going back to her house. “What is your answer?”

“I don’t know.”

That won’t do. “I simply cannot have you leave me.”

“Can I have more time?”

“On one condition.”

“Are you sure you weren’t a lawyer in another life? You’re always negotiating and arguing your point.”

Too bad I can’t tell you I also have a law degree from Yale. The dates wouldn’t add up. “Do you want to hear my condition?”


We stopped walking when we reached the house. She looked into my eyes, waiting for me to tell her my terms.

“You don’t have to make a decision today or even tomorrow.” I twirled a strand of her hair around my finger. “But when we get home, I’d like for you to stay with me tonight.”

“Just tonight?” She arched an eyebrow at me.

“Tomorrow night too and the rest of the week.”

“How is that different from moving in with you?” When she put her hand on her hip, I couldn’t resist her.

“Come here.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and tugged her to me. “You don’t have to make a decision yet, and if at any time you feel like you need your space, you can go home. Just give me a chance to let you see things my way.”

“It’s a big step, Angelo.”

“I know, my love, and I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t absolutely sure it was the right thing for us.” I needed to keep her close, so I could keep her safe, but that wasn’t the only reason. I wanted her in my house, so she would be with me.

“I’ll stay with you tonight.” She kissed my cheek. “Beyond that, I’m not sure.”

“I’ll accept that.” I trailed my fingers along her arm.

“Just like that?”

“I’ll have to spend the rest of the day convincing you why you can’t go home.” I gazed up at the threatening sky. “We have about twenty minutes before this storm is over us.”

“How do you know that?”

“I can feel it.” I shrugged. “Do you know what I’d like to do in those twenty minutes?”


I scooped her up in my arms.

“What are you doing?” She giggled. “Where are we going?”

“The outside shower.”

“Is this part of your convincing methods?”

“Absolutely.” I kissed her as I carried her across the pool deck and to the shower.

“I like it.”

“I thought you might.”

* * *


The time we spent in California brought me closer to Angelo and helped me see him in a different light. While he worked at his desk, I sat across from him trying to concentrate on my laptop screen, but my mind kept wandering to places it shouldn’t have. Sexy and erotic places. Every time I thought about the sex we had while we were away, Angelo gazed up at me and smirked.

How does he freaking know?

“How are things looking with that California deal?” He got up from his desk and stretched his back. “Are we ready to sign?”

“You could have negotiated this in your sleep. It’s classic you.”

“What do you mean?”

“You got everything you asked for and then some, and you paid far less than what they were asking for.” She looked over the papers. “In a seller’s market, no less. How do you do it?”

“I can read people really well.” He stood behind me, lowering his head to my ear and inhaling deeply. “If you can find the vulnerability, you can exploit it.”

“What was the vulnerability with this buyer?”

“He’s gearing up for a nasty divorce and had to unload the property. He put it in his brother’s name before selling.”

“So, he wouldn’t have to claim the sale as a marital asset. How devious of him.”

“It would have been if I hadn’t found out, but when I did, he had no choice but to see it my way and give me what I wanted. Either that or I tell his wife about his plans. That one wasn’t the only property he had planned to sell off without her knowing.”

“Remind me never to get in your way.”

“I’m not worried about that.” He kissed the side of my face. “I can teach you more about vulnerabilities and when to use them to your advantage when striking a deal.”

“I look forward to it.” I twisted in my seat and gazed up at him. “I consider anything you can teach me an advantage.”

“Anything?” He trailed his hand down the side of my neck and to my throat, gripping it hard enough to set my panties on fire. “Let’s wrap this day up and start our evening.”

“It’s only three-thirty.” I tilted my head and focused on his mouth, biting the corner of my bottom lip. “That would be a long night.”

“I can think of plenty of ways to fill the time, and none of them include contract law.” He kept his grasp on my throat, bringing my lips to his. “They don’t include clothes either.”

A soft tap at the door interrupted us just as his mouth connected with mine. He released me from his hold and looked in the direction of the doorway. Did he just growl?

“David?” He sighed. “How can I help you?”

“Harper has a visitor.” David moved out of the way and in barreled Kiki.

“There you are!” She hurried toward me, getting in between me and Angelo.

“What are you doing here?” I stood and hugged her.

“Making sure the hottie didn’t kidnap you.” She waved at Angelo. “Are you holding her hostage in this massive castle of yours?”

“Kiki?” I let go of her. “I’m fine. I told you I was staying here for a few days.”

“Hello, Kiki.” Angelo leaned against his desk. “It’s a pleasure to see you.”

“How was California?” She looked me over. “You got some color. Did you spend a lot of time in the sun?”

“Yes.” I stared into Angelo’s eyes, recalling every moment we spent together in and out of the sun. “We had a fantastic time.”

“Angelo,” David said. “You have a guest as well.”

“Do I?” When Angelo smiled at me, I knew he was thinking about our getaway too.

“He’s waiting on the back patio.” David pointed to the hallway. “He doesn’t have an appointment, but I made an exception.”

“Very well.” Angelo retrieved his jacket from the back of his chair and slung it over his arm. “Harper and I would very much enjoy it if you could join us for dinner, Kiki.”

“Is David joining us too?” Kiki winked at David. “I’d enjoy that.”

“I’m sure I can arrange that.” Angelo took my hand and lingered a few moments, allowing me to take in his beautiful expression. “I won’t be long.”

“Okay.” My response fell from my lips in a breathless whisper.

Kiki must have noticed because she couldn’t stop staring at me. Once David and Angelo exited the room, she placed her hand on her hip and shook her head.

“What?” I poured a glass of water from the pitcher in the room's corner. “What’s transpiring in that head of yours?”

“You slept with him.” It wasn’t a question.

“Several times.”

“Oh my God! Why didn’t you call me immediately?”

“He kept me really busy.”

“Was it amazing? Is he huge? Does he make you come first? Is he sensational at oral?”

“Kiki? Seriously.”

“Come on, don’t be a prude. I need all the details.”

She would just keep asking me, so I answered her questions. “Yes, it was amazing. Yes, yes, and yes to your other three inquiries.”

“You little slut!” She hugged me. “I’m so happy for you.”

“I’m happy for me too but I’m scared to death.”

“What? Why?” She plopped down on the couch and patted the spot next to her. “New relationships, especially when the sex is fantastic, should be fun and exciting. They aren’t supposed to scare you.”

“I know.” I sat down next to her and rested my head on her shoulder. “He’s wonderful but so intense. Spending time with him these last few days gave me the chance to learn some things about him.”

“Did you learn he was more than great sex?”

“Yes, but he’s still a mystery to me. There is so much I still don’t know about him.”

“Can he be more guarded than you?”

“I’m not guarded.”

“Have you met yourself?”

“I know exactly who I am, thank you very much.”

“Then you know you’re afraid to get close to anyone. You know you’re afraid to take a chance on a relationship. You’re also scared of being left alone and heartbroken.”

“That’s not true.” I tried to deflect, but it was hopeless. After all, my sister knew me better than anyone.

“Which part?”

“Maybe I was afraid to take a chance, but I went away with Angelo, didn’t I? And for your information, he backed off and let me take the lead. I went to his bedroom and initiated the intimacy.”

“You did?” Kiki’s jaw practically hit the floor.

“Don’t sound so shocked. I’m young and healthy, and how could any woman resist him?”

“I’m not going to argue that. He’s definitely a candidate for the sexiest man alive, that’s for sure.”

“Sexier than David?”

“Mmm…” She licked her lips. “He’s the stuff wet dreams are made of. I wish he’d invade my dreams, but if that isn’t possible, I’d let him invade my panties.”

“Kiki!” I pressed my hand over my face. “You have no filter.”

“In front of you, I most certainly do. If you could hear the thoughts in my head, you’d die from embarrassment, especially when it comes to your new boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” I did like the sound of that.

“Isn’t that what he is?”

“We haven’t really discussed that, but he asked me to move in with him.”

“Are you going to?” Her eyes widened as she glanced around the study. “Who wouldn’t want to live here? This place looks like it came out of a magazine. The angels are a little freaky but other than that, it’s phenomenal. You have everything you could need here, including the guy entirely too perfect to be real.”

“He is awkwardly perfect, isn’t he?” I pressed my thumb to my mouth and chewed on my nail. “I’m not sure what I want to do. It feels right, but I don’t want to go too fast and mess this up either.”

“You won’t mess anything up. But if he does, I’ll kill him.”

“That’s a little extreme.”

“Not when it comes to you. I’m going to tell you it’s time to put yourself out there. Take a risk. If your heart and your gut say he’s the one, then you can’t miss this chance.”

“I don’t want to miss this chance. He makes me ridiculously happy despite his oddities.” I meant everything I said. Yes, Angelo was odd, but he brought me joy. Sure, he had some issues to work through, but didn’t we all?

“You don’t think he’s a serial killer, do you?”

“Not at all.”

“And we ruled out the sex demon thing, didn’t we?”

“I think so.” That night I drank too much crept into my head. “I might have asked him, but I was too drunk to remember if he denied it.”

“I think we can safely check paranormal beings off the list.”

“You’re probably right.”

“Well, there you go.” She smacked her thigh. “He’s not a serial killer or a demon. You can work with anything else.”

“A brooding, reclusive billionaire with a past full of stunning women. Despite all of that, he terrifies me in the most arousing way.”

“I thought he got rid of the harem.”

“He did, but how can I compete with that?”

“I’d say there is no competition, and Angelo knows it.” She grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “Stop trying to talk yourself out of something you really want.”

“I’ll try.”

“Besides, you don’t have to give up your house. You’ll always have a place to go back to until, one day, you realize you don’t need it because you have everything you need standing right in front of you.”

“I should take the leap.”

“Absolutely.” She glanced around the room again. “I fucking would.”

“Kiki, I don’t know what to—”

A shattering crash startled us both as we jumped to our feet and stared at one another.

“What the hell was that?” Kiki ran to the door and pointed. “It came from down there.”

“That’s the way to the back patio.” I peered out into the hallway. “What do you think it was?”

“Only one way to find out.” My sister grabbed my hand and yanked me down the hall.

“Where are we going?”

“To investigate.”