Sheriff Daddy’s Unforgettable Little by Jess Winters













After we said goodnight, I closed the door and realized that I was unable to contain myself any longer.  I blew my chance to be with Winston tonight, and I needed a release before my body exploded in frustration.  So, as soon as I was in my pajamas, which, as always, consisted of a baggy shirt and shorts, I laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling, debating with myself as to if I really should do this or not.  When the need grew too much for me, I decided to turn on some music and put my hand down my shorts in order to massage my clit.

Never once did I hear the knock on the door.  Never once did I hear Winston call out to me.  Of course, I didn't even hear the door swing open thanks to the music I was listening to.  A sudden chill had run down my spine, and I opened my eyes to see Winston standing at the door, a look of horror on his face.  He grabbed the door and shut it immediately, and I scrambled over the bed to the door, the cord of my headphones tripping me as I reached for the door.  Taking a second to compose myself, I opened the door and looked up at Winston, my face burning in embarrassment.

As soon as he told me he needed to use the bathroom, I let him into the room, and he quickly disappeared into the bathroom, leaving me to fret over my horrible situation.  Right now, he was probably in there, wondering how he was going to politely excuse himself and run away, never to return.  Meanwhile, I sat down on the bed and stared at my bare feet, wondering how I was going to explain this away.  It was going to take a lot more than a few excuses to explain this.  I had just come to the conclusion that there was no recovering from this when the bathroom door opened, and Winston stopped to stare at me.

"So…" he started as he looked at me, and I grew even more embarrassed than I was before.

"I, uh…" I started as I struggled for the words.  "I think I owe you an apology."  He raised an eyebrow at me as he stared at me.

"What on Earth for?" he asked, and I grew confused as I stared at him.  "It's your apartment.  I didn't mean to intrude on your private moment."  He seemed so calm about it, and I began to wonder about him.

Either he was aroused by this, which was even more concerning than the fact that he had just seen me masterbating, or he was just being polite on his way out the door.  Neither of which seemed like a good thing, and I winced as I stared down at the bedroom floor, struggling to keep the conversation going.  Exactly what can one do in order to escape this awkward situation?  Why was I still aroused by the very sight of him, despite everything going on at this exact moment?  I was about to give up when he continued speaking.

"Are you okay?" he asked with a gentle smile.  "You look like you're about to pass out."  I took a deep breath and shook my head.

"I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to leave," I told him.  "I'm so sorry about everything.  I just…  I…"  I found myself at a loss for words, and I was about to burst into tears when he smiled at me.

"I hope this doesn't make me seem too creepy, but I found it erotic," he admitted to me as he closed the distance between us.  My cheeks grew warm with each step he took, and I lowered my gaze.

He liked what he saw?  What on Earth was going on?  It felt like I was stuck in an R rated rom-com, and I still couldn't find the words to say, which was driving me insane.  Once he was within reach, he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug as I finally burst into tears.

"I'm so embarrassed," I sobbed as I shook my head.  "I'm sorry!  I just couldn't take it anymore…"  Much to my surprise, he hushed me by placing a finger over my lips.

"Take it easy," he told me, his voice soft and soothing.  "I understand completely.  After all, you're just a woman with needs, and I want to help satiate those needs."  I sniffed as I looked up at him, trying to determine if he was serious or not.

What was he playing at?  Was he really as attracted to me as I was to him?  With his looks, he could have any woman in the city, yet he chose to spend time with me.  I didn't pretend to understand his strange behavior, but I did feel a pang of guilt for playing hard to get all this time despite how badly I had creamed my jeans.  Taking a deep breath, I looked around the room and shook my head.

"I would offer to let you stay in here with me," I told him, trying to compose myself as I spoke, "but I feel like this would be too small for either of us to be comfortable in."  He glanced around briefly before nodding in agreement.

"I know it's late," he said with a gentle smile, "but let's go over to my house.  It's safer and a bit more comfortable."  Unable to argue with him, I nodded and followed him out of my cramped apartment and down to the abandoned parking lot, where all the cars were parked.  As we walked, I noticed he was watching me, and I blushed.

"What is it?" I asked, wishing I had changed out of the skimpy shorts I wore to bed.  He chuckled and shook his head.

"For the record," he began as he looked me up and down, "if you had told me you needed to relieve yourself of your frustration, I would have gladly offered my assistance."