Sheriff Daddy’s Unforgettable Little by Jess Winters













The more I flirted with Celeste, the more receptive she was, and I was getting even more attracted to how she was playing hard to get.  When she mentioned how her place was dangerous, I realized this was the perfect opportunity to show her everything she could possibly have so long as she agreed to be mine.  However, mentioning that I didn't sleep with pajamas, I began to wonder if I had taken everything too far.  What was even more surprising was the fact that she didn't seem fazed by my response at all.  Instead, she just blushed and looked out the window for the rest of the trip, and I realized how close I had come to ruining everything.

The apartment complex was a lot worse than I ever imagined, and I quickly realized she wasn't kidding about the neighbors.  We had always had a lot of issues with people calling in about break-ins and other crimes at this complex, and I couldn't believe that someone as kind as Celeste lived at someplace this terrible.  As she got out of the car, panic filled me, and I grew more cautious as I followed her up to her apartment.  Finally, she stopped at one of the many depressing doors.

"Here we are," she said with a forced smile.  "Home sweet home."  She quickly unlocked the door and flipped on the light, showing off her tiny apartment.

It was a one bedroom apartment with the smallest living room, dining room and kitchen crammed into the same general space.  It worried me how they had cut so many corners, and I started to dread seeing the bedroom and bathroom.  Despite the tiny disaster that passed itself off as an apartment, it was cleaner than I expected, and she kept it simple and neat.  I couldn't believe how well Celeste kept everything at the apartment.  She blushed as she looked around the room.

"Well, it's not much, but it's home," she said as she opened the bedroom door, exposing the tiny room that barely allowed enough space for a dresser and a twin bed.

What made it seem even worse was the fact that the bathroom was attached, and all it had was a toilet, a sink, and a stand in shower.  The disgust must have been evident on my face because Celeste looked even more embarrassed as I looked around the room.  Taking a deep breath, I smiled and turned to look at her.

"If you want, I'll sleep in the living room," I told her, hoping to change the subject.  "I don't want to put you out of your room."  She rubbed the back of her neck as she looked up at me.

"Are you sure you'll be comfortable?" she asked.  "If you'd rather go home, I wouldn't blame you."  That's when an idea came to me, and I shook my head.

"If I'm going to go home, I want you to come over," I told her.  "After all, my guest bedroom would be a lot more comfortable than this."  She looked at the digital clock on the dresser.

"Are you sure?" she asked before looking at me.  "After all, it's almost one in the morning.  I'd be okay letting you have the bedroom while I sleep in the living room."  I shook my head.

"Alright, how about this?" I finally compromised as I smiled at her.  "Just for tonight, you sleep in the bedroom, and I'll sleep in the living room.  I'm off all day tomorrow, so, when we get up, we'll go to my house, and we'll spend the day together.  Does that sound fair enough?"  She thought for a moment before responding.

"If you're sure," she agreed as she smiled at me.  "I guess I'll see you in the morning."  As badly as I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her goodnight, I refrained myself and nodded.

"See you in the morning," I agreed.  "Goodnight."  She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"Goodnight," she told me.  "Sweet dreams."  With that, she released me and went into the bedroom, closing the door behind her and leaving me alone in the living room.

Immediately, I wanted to kick myself for wasting the opportunity to spend the night with her, but I was relieved that she had agreed to spend the following day with me.  As I picked up a pillow off the couch as well as the spare blanket, I set up a more comfortable place to sleep on the floor after deeming that the couch was too small for me to comfortably sleep on.  Once my little improv sleeping area was set up, I quickly realized that I had to use the bathroom and panicked.  I could always go knock on the door and see if it was okay to use the bathroom, but, for all I knew, Celeste was already asleep.  Realizing I couldn't hold it any longer, I bit the metaphorical bullet and quietly approached the bedroom door.

"Celeste?" I called out as I gently knocked on the door.  "Are you still awake?"  To my horror, the door gently swung open thanks to my knocking, and I stopped when I saw the sight before me.

Celeste was laying on the bed in nothing but a baggy T-shirt and panties, she had headphones on, and her hand was at her underparts.  She was red faced and looked like she was going to suddenly combust into flames thanks to the very compromising situation she was in.  Immediately, I grabbed the door and shut it, blocking my view of Celeste as she scrambled out of bed, tripping over the cord of her headphones as she raced out of bed.

"Just a second!" she shouted through the door as I stared blankly at the door.  Within minutes, she opened the door and looked up at me.  "I hate this fucking door.  It never stays shut."  She paused as she processed everything that had just happened.  "Did you need something?"  I nodded absentmindedly as I stared down at her, still lost for words.

"I just needed to use the bathroom," I muttered, and she nodded as she stepped aside.

"Go right ahead," she said as she stared down at the ground next to her.  "I'll wait for you to finish."