Sheriff Daddy’s Unforgettable Little by Jess Winters













In all honesty, I have no idea what came over me and made me agree to go to dinner with Sheriff Kingsley.  It was eleven at night on a Monday, and practically nothing would be open.  Even then, there wasn't really anything I was hungry for anything but the sheriff, of course.  I was still wet from when I first saw him, and I was still oddly aroused as he followed me out to the parking lot.  We decided we were going to take his car to the diner he decided on.

"You okay?" he asked as he stared at me from the driver seat.  "You seem a bit distracted."  I smiled as I looked over at him, my nerves growing worse and worse by the second.  It was as if my entire body was on edge thanks to how close Sheriff Kingsley was.  After a long, awkward silence, I took a deep breath.

"I'm fine," I lied through my teeth.  "I guess I'm just on edge thanks to what happened.  I'm just really glad you were there to take the guy in.  There's no telling how many people you saved tonight."  He chuckled as he turned his attention back towards the road.

"All in a day's work, ma'am," he told me as he drove.  "If you want, I can have a buddy of mine drop your car off at your house."  I was so excited to get to spend time with him that I had completely forgotten about my ratty old Ford pickup I had driven to the police station in order to file the report.  After several minutes, I nodded, realizing this would give him a chance to drive me home.

"That would be great," I agreed.  "So long as you plan on driving me home after dinner."  He narrowed his eyes as he drove down the road.

"I don't see why not," he told me as he drove.  "After all, I would like to see where the night takes us."  My heart stopped as his silky voice sent chills down my spine.

Did this mean he planned on taking me home and having fun?  Honestly, thanks to my arousal, I was thankful for the leather seats making it easier not to leave a wet spot on the seat.  I was practically floating over here, and I didn't know what to do.  The longer I sat there, the more the wetness between my legs grew.  I had just thought of the perfect way to hide it when Sheriff Kingsley pulled up to the diner.

"Here we are," he announced as he unbuckled his seatbelt before looking at me.  "I hope you like pie.  This place is famous for it."  I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and smiled at him.

"That sounds pretty amazing," I told him as I quickly wrapped my sweatshirt around my waist.  He frowned as I climbed out of the car and into the chilly night.

"Are you sure you don't want to wear that inside?" he asked as he made his way around the vehicle towards me.  "Aren't you cold?"  I blushed as I clasped my hands against my arms.

"Cold?" I asked, sounding skeptical.  "No, of course not!  It's nice and breezy put here.  I like it."  He stared at me skeptically for a moment, but, after a moment, he shrugged and nodded towards the diner.

"If you say so," he stated as he started towards the diner.  "Come on.  I'm hungry."  Relieved that I hadn't given myself away, I followed him into the diner.

Before long, we were seated at a booth with coffee and a slice of pie each.  We talked and laughed, sharing awkward Monday stories, and I realized how nice he was, especially when he asked me to call him Winston rather than Sheriff Kingsley.  He was about to pay the bill when the waitress shook her head.

"It's on me," she said with a flirty smile.  "Consider it my way of thanking you for keeping the city safe."  Jealousy reared its ugly head as I watched her flirt with him until I noticed that he didn't even seem to notice.  He shrugged as we got up and headed out to the car.  As soon as we were alone, he looked at me.

"Well, that was a lot of fun," he stated as he started the car.  "Should I take you home?"  I tapped my finger to my chin, pretending to think over my options.

"What if we went to your place?" I asked, and I saw him sit up straighter in his seat.  "After all, it seems like a bit of a waste if we let the night end here.  Besides, my apartment complex is a lot more dangerous this late at night."  He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Would you like me to take a look around?" he asked instead.  "Maybe I can scare off anyone who would try to break into the house…"  My heart stopped dead in my chest as I stared at him in surprise.

Him in my house?  Sheriff Winston Kingsley walking into my tiny apartment and scaring off my druggie neighbors?  It made him seem like a dream come true, and I couldn't wait to get him home.

"Alright," I agreed.  "Do you plan on staying the night?  I don't know if I have anything that will fit you."  He chuckled as he put the car into drive.

"Oh, I don't wear pajamas to bed," he said as he pulled out of the parking lot.  "I like to sleep in the nude."