Ruthless Prince by Piper Stone

Chapter 2


There were several things I loathed in my life, most of which I refused to tolerate. After all, I didn’t have to take crap from anyone. I was rich. I was considered entitled. And there were those who’d come to accept I was one commanding woman. I held the financial futures of some of the wealthiest and most powerful people in New York in the palm of my hand, carefully molding their portfolios. My expertise was well known, my guidance turning several families into multimillionaires.

I spent my days dealing with people, which is why I enjoyed taking vacations alone. There was nothing like a tropical location to soothe the competitive side of my nature.

I’d chosen South Beach, Miami this time for a specific reason. I was able to avoid the caustic crowds at the popular destinations, enjoying a lavish home all to myself for an entire week. However, I did revel in people watching from time to time, which was why I’d retreated from an afternoon of pool time to a local restaurant and bar on the beach. The selection of gorgeous men to be admired and fantasized about was amazing.

Sighing, I swirled the swizzle stick in my drink before taking a sip, the mojito exactly the way I liked. There were limited clouds in the sky, the gorgeous sun beaming down on the pristine white sands. The day was perfect, only I remained as unsettled as when I’d left New York.

The reason? My father’s upcoming run for president. Personally, I thought he was not only out of his mind but stood zero chance of succeeding. Even though he had powerful backers, other men who controlled the streets of New York, he was a longshot at best.

At least in my mind.

His continued need to have me appear at his fundraisers and other events that allowed him to pontificate his beliefs disgusted me.

I took a sip of my drink, finally easing back in the chair. At least the respite might give me an alternative perspective. I’d turned my phone off, pretending to be someone else while I was here. No one knew where I was or who I was. I was determined to ignore the office, the hundreds of daily emails and the nastiness I’d grown accustomed to.

Sighing, I scanned the beach, enjoying the view and it had nothing to do with the ocean. The men were buff and tanned, providing an excellent series of fantasies. That’s all my life had become as of late. I brushed hair from my eyes, trying to remember all the good things about my life. I’d graduated college early, becoming a financial advisor at twenty-three. By the time I was twenty-five, I’d already secured my place in the world of financial advisors.

Yet I wasn’t happy.

In fact, I was lonely.

I shook my head, refusing to fall into the same self-doubts. I was on vacation after all. As I continued nursing my drink, I couldn’t help but notice the fine hunk of a man walking in this direction. While the majority of other men I’d noticed were gorgeous, the delicious creature heading for the exterior of the restaurant was undeniably the most incredible-looking man I’d ever seen.

He casually slapped a towel over his shoulder, removing his sunglasses as he stepped onto the deck surrounding the outside bar. When he walked into the cabana area, I took a deep breath. Tall and rugged, his midnight black hair and olive skin highlighted his almost perfect physique.

I bit my lower lip, trying to ignore him as he walked in my direction. The vacation wasn’t about frolicking with some local guy. It was about healing my soul. I purposely looked away, sipping on my drink as fleeting thoughts regarding my life shifted into the back of my mind. All I did was work, my earnings proving just how many hours I’d spent over the last two years. I had all the perks to go with my salary including a fabulous apartment and posh furniture.

But life outside of the office meant little.

Grousing wasn’t going to do me any good. This was my chance to find the lighthearted girl who’d been lost somewhere a long time ago.

When I heard the sound of a chair scraping across the tile floor in close proximity, I glanced to my right. Mr. Fabulous had decided to sit at the table next to me. Jesus. I was able to sense his overloaded testosterone from where I was. As he drummed his fingers on the table, I sensed he was the impatient type, likely some rich asshole who assumed the world revolved around him. That turned me off instantly.

Fortunately, a server rushed to his table almost instantly, taking his drink order. A gin and tonic, one of my favorites. However, his order wasn’t what sent shivers dancing down my spine. It was his accent, the lush sound as it left his voluptuous lips. He was Italian, every word he said like sweet music on a warm summer’s day.

I realized I was flushed, my skin tingling. When the girl scurried away, obviously as mesmerized as I’d allowed myself to become, I rolled my eyes. The carved hunk was just a man, not a freaking god. No man would register to that degree.


I continued sipping on my drink, refusing to look in his direction, but the strange electricity flowing from one table to the other was difficult to ignore. After receiving his drink, I heard the waitress squeal, the high-pitched sound forcing me to glance in their direction. He’d handed her a hundred-dollar bill, telling her to keep the change. So, the asshole was on the hunt for a hot lay.

Jesus. He was like the rest of the men in the world. Arrogant.

A full minute ticked by. Two. Then three. Then at least ten and I’d managed to find the self-control to ignore him. He remained quiet and so did I, but I’d grown even more uncomfortable. When I heard the sound of his chair shifting again, I held my breath. At least he was finally leaving. I wasn’t expecting to feel his looming presence only inches away, or the shiver skittering down my arms from his hot breath.

Sei la donna piu bella della spiaggia,” he whispered.

Swallowing, I slowly turned my head. “I’m sorry? I don’t understand.”

“I said that you are the most beautiful woman on the beach. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.”

As he walked away, I couldn’t stop quivering. While his words were spectacular, it was his utter domination in them that was overwhelming. He didn’t wait for my reply, returning to the beach only seconds later.

A moan slipped past my lips as I watched him fade into the sun. Whew. My entire body was still quivering, my nipples aching to the point I was uncomfortable. I could envision one hot, long night with the man.

I finished my drink, constantly reminding myself that I hadn’t come here for a hookup of any kind. That always led to complications even if both parties agreed that the interlude was only for one night of carnal pleasures. Too bad. I would enjoy discovering every inch of his muscular body.

After paying my tab, I walked onto the sand, scanning the beach for any sign of him. Laughing, I realized the long walk to the house I was staying in would help clear my mind.


* * *

The night was humid but gorgeous, stars twinkling in the sky, the ocean shimmering from the crescent moon. While I enjoyed my solitude while on vacation, I also appreciated delicious food, expensive wine, and an incredible atmosphere. The rooftop restaurant gave an excellent view of South Beach, the chef well renowned and the wine menu extensive. As I waited for a table, I ordered a glass of merlot then headed through the crowd toward the railing.

Miami was the kind of city that came alive at night. The music was lively, coming from all directions. The scent of Cuban food infiltrated my nostrils, making my mouth water. And the neon lights highlighting almost every tall building added to the festive atmosphere. This was a party city, a location where all desires were fulfilled no matter how kinky or dark. I licked the rim of my glass as the light breeze tickled my skin. The city was one of my favorite destinations.

I took a sip of my wine, savoring the taste, my thoughts drifting to the man from earlier. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so intrigued by another human being. As I continued to lick droplets of merlot from the rim of my glass, I felt a presence only a few feet away. The crackle of electricity rushing through me was surprising.

The second time in one day.

As I slowly turned my head, I realized it was the same man as earlier. While there was always the possibility for coincidences, I’d been taught early in my life that there were thousands of wretched people prepared to perform horrible deeds. Something about this didn’t seem right. Following my instincts, I started to move away, determined to get as much distance between us as possible.

“I am sorry. Did I scare the beautiful woman off?” he asked, the same delicious accent and husky voice sending a series of chills down my spine.

“I don’t scare easily, and I certainly don’t like being followed.”

He laughed, shifting against the railing so he was able to look at me directly. “I assure you that this is nothing more than a coincidence, although a very desirable one. If I may be so bold, does the lovely woman have a name?”

I debated walking away, leaving the restaurant altogether, but I was a good judge of character. He wasn’t lying to me. “Victoria,” I said, using my real mother’s name. I never used my real name on anything, unless absolutely necessary. I’d gone to great lengths in order to secure a private identity, using cash for almost every purchase.

He held out his hand, inching closer. “Victoria. What a gorgeous name. It suits you very well.”

I hesitated before allowing our fingers to clasp together. The shock as the jolts of current rushed through every cell and muscle in my body stunned the hell out of me. When he pulled my knuckles to his lips, brushing them back and forth, I was unable to breathe, my entire body quivering from our intense connection.

He kept his dark eyes locked on mine, the look on his face like a predator and nothing more. When he finally released his hold, he took a deep breath, a smile curling on his face.

“Perfection,” he said after a few minutes.

I slowly pulled my hand away, keeping a bland expression on my face on purpose. “And yours?”


“You’re Italian.”

“You’re very astute,” he said with a glint in his eyes. “Yes, from Tuscany; however, I find the city irresistible, especially when I am able to take a few days off around my business requirements.”

“And what do you do, Stefano?”

“Shipping. My family exports wines as well as olive oil.”

I found myself drawn to him, wanting to learn more. His words were said with ease, as if he was telling the truth. Sadly, I’d known several conmen in my life, so I remained cautious even if the story was plausible. “Sounds fascinating.”

He leaned over, his grin infectious. “Between you and me, the business portion is nothing but drudgery even if it is necessary. Are you here on vacation?”

“Yes, just a few days of respite.” That’s all I was comfortable enough to tell him.

After lifting his glass in a private toast, he took a sip. I couldn’t help but concentrate on the ice as it clicked against the dense crystal.

“I am curious, Victoria. Would you like to have dinner with me?” When I hesitated again, he laughed. “While I can understand your concern, I assure you that this is dinner and nothing more. Sadly, I must leave for Europe tomorrow, so an early night is required. But I would enjoy the company of such an incredible creature.”

The place was completely public. I could certainly cry out for help anytime. My adventurous side was jabbing me to enjoy a man if only for a couple of precious hours. My cautious side continued to remain on high alert. “I will accept, Stefano, but only if you agree to my terms.”

“A true businesswoman. I appreciate that and of course.”

“I will pay for dinner.”

Giving me a nod, he motioned for me to return to the hostess stand.

“We will have to wait for a table,” I told him.

“I assure you, Victoria, there will be a table ready. Now, please, why don’t we enjoy?”

The man had an aura of power as well as domination. I had the distinct feeling that he was used to getting what he wanted. Maybe he would be fun to play with.

If only for a little while.

* * *

He’d been right about the table, the hostess leading us to one of the most incredible locations on the deck, the view extraordinary. Then he’d ordered a bottle of wine without asking what I’d like. As I studied him, his control over the situation continued, the powerful man comfortable in his surroundings.

Stefano leaned over the table, his eyes piercing mine. My heart fluttered, my pussy aching. When he spoke, I was just as drawn to him as before, the husky tone evocative.

“Tell me, Victoria. Do you believe in fate?”

“I believe that everyone has choices in life, but circumstance often alters our path toward the future.”

He took a deep breath, never blinking. “My mother had a favorite quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Would you like to hear it?”

“Absolutely.” Everything about the man intrigued me, more so than I cared to admit.

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. What are your thoughts?”

I thought about the quote for a few seconds before answering. “I think that the universe can get it wrong, dragging someone to a moment in time that they either can’t handle or refuse to accept. However, there is always a reason for something happening.”

He waited until the waitress opened the bottle, pouring our two glasses before answering. Even the way he swirled the dark red wine in his glass was sexy. “Either we accept what has been decided for us and eventually flourish or we fade into the darkness, never able to recover.”

His words seemed as if they were coming from a place of shadows, as if his life had been decided for him and was one that he had difficulty accepting.

“Agreed,” I half whispered, lifting my glass to clink with his. The quote remained unsettling in my mind, almost as it was a hint regarding the future. While I knew little about the man sitting in front of me, my instinct told me that he was damaged, his life altered in a way he couldn’t accept. However, I was determined to do nothing more than enjoy the night.

Within a few minutes, I realized I was relaxed, being around him pleasurable.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed our time together. Stefano was charming, our conversation light. I learned a good deal of information about the wine industry, which allowed me to enjoy our bottle of Italian wine even more. I found myself not wanting the night to end, but when his phone rang, my instinct told me his business took precedence.

That was something I understood completely. I’d found it difficult to shut my phone off for an entire week, my clients almost as needy as children. What I’d realized over the last few weeks was that I needed time away from the hustle and bustle of New York, trying to wrap my mind around the fact a damn bodyguard was going to follow me wherever I went.

Being able to get away from him had been a feat, the hulk of a man attached to me at the hip. Fortunately, I’d used an Uber driver to get to the airport, requiring the person behind the wheel to wait for me two blocks down the street in the early hours of the morning.

“Unfortunately, I need to take this,” Stefano said as he rose from his chair, leaning over the table and giving me a heated look. “I will be back.”

I tried not to react in any way but as soon as he walked away, I sighed and closed my eyes. He was gorgeous, debonair, and entirely off limits. Even our electricity chemistry couldn’t change the fact he was leaving in a few hours. At least I’d enjoyed some scintillating conversation.

While he’d walked away, I was able to tell that whoever was on the other end of the line pissed him off. He was animated, even shaking his fist during a portion of the conversation. How many times had I felt like reaching my hand through the phone and shaking one of my clients? Chuckling, I took another sip of wine, still savoring the moment. Everything about the evening had been perfect.

When Stefano returned, his expression was pensive. As he slid into the seat, I was easily able to tell how troubled he was.

“Is something wrong?” I asked casually.

“A shipment issue, which I’ve been dealing with for months. Unfortunately, I will need to cut our evening even shorter. I hope you understand.”

“Of course. Business is business.”

Sliding his arm across the table, the moment he touched my hand, I was instantly lightheaded. “You have been an incredible companion, Victoria. I would enjoy getting to learn everything about you. Every. Single. Inch. Perhaps that can happen in the future.”

His words alone sent a thrill down to my toes, my pussy aching. Jesus. He was just a man, nothing more. “Perhaps. It was a pleasure meeting you, Stefano. Safe travels.”

As he rose from the table, I was pleasantly surprised that he was adhering to our agreement, walking away without attempting to pay the bill. When he disappeared into the crowd, I lifted my glass. Perhaps there were chivalrous men left in the world.

After calling for an Uber driver, I took my time finishing my glass of wine, still basking in the afterglow of a night of enjoyment. While my mind remained fixated the image of a wicked tryst, at least I was able to realize that was never going to happen. We’d remained on a first name basis only. The man wouldn’t be able to find me if he wanted to. As I motioned for the server, I bit my lower lip. Maybe it was time to consider dating again.

“I’m ready for the check,” I said as the waitress leaned over.

She seemed confused. “I’m sorry but your companion already took care of the bill with a hefty tip I might add. He did say you are free to order anything you would like.”

Damn him. I should have known. “No but thank you. This was enjoyable.”

“I’m so glad.”

As I left the restaurant, an odd feeling shifted through me.

We would meet again and next time, I knew it would be explosive.

I barely paid attention during the ride, staring out at the lights of Miami before the driver headed into the residential area, clouds shifting over the early night moon making it seem more ominous. When he dropped me off, the sound of the waves crashing against the shore brought another smile to my face. Maybe a late-night swim in the pool would soothe my continued hunger.

Candy Munroe had been a friend of mine since college, her parents both wealthy corporate moguls out of Chicago. We’d kept in touch, although rarely finding the time to see each other in person. She’d been happy to provide her gorgeous residence for the week, the three-story beach house built like a fortress against both weather conditions as well as intruders. Every creature comfort had been met from a lavish lagoon-style pool and outdoor kitchen to a rooftop lounge complete with a hot tub. She’d had someone stock the supplies, including her wine cellar. I could never leave the house and be completely satisfied.

After disarming the security system, I tossed my purse onto the hall table, the sound of my heels clipping on the Italian marble floor almost hollow. I’d been used to spending time alone, locking myself in my room as a child then preferring to live alone whenever possible. Only Candy had managed to bring me out of my shell during my college years.

I yanked off my heels, tossing them to the side before padding into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of water. I’d left the accent lights on under the cabinets, the warm glow giving me a feeling of peace. After taking a sip, I could still feel the touch of Stefano’s hand on mine. I flexed then fisted my hand as I walked into the living room, more peaceful than I’d been in a long time.

Almost immediately an odd series of sensations shifted into every muscle. They tensed, my heart racing, the slow pitter-patter turning into a hard thunderous pounding. As I turned around, I sensed a presence in the room hovering in the darkness. The only weapon that was remotely available was one of the large kitchen knives in the two butcher blocks. And there was no chance in hell I’d get there in time.

“Who are you?” I asked, trying to keep the terror out of my voice.

There was zero sound, not even movement, but as my eyes became accustomed to the dark, I was able to see a hulking figure. My phone was tucked into my purse, which seemed like a mile away at this point.

A slight clicking noise was followed by another sharper glow of light coming from the corner of the room. While I was able to tell my intruder was a man, his features were still shadowed.

Until he eased from where he was hiding, taking careful steps in my direction.

“Hello, Victoria, although I think it’s more appropriate to call you by your real name. Alexandra Starling. The name is much better suited to your beauty.”

There was no mistaking my dinner date for the evening, his thick Italian accent creating a wave of fear given its dark and dangerous tone.

“How the hell did you get in here?”

“Does that really matter?” he asked. When I didn’t answer, he snorted. “The security isn’t as state of the art as I would have imagined. Besides, I have many talents that you will soon discover.”

What the hell was he insinuating?

“What are you doing here? What do you want?” I darted a glance toward the set of doors to my right, contemplating if I’d be able to unlock them and escape outside. It was obvious I’d made a huge mistake. But how the hell had he found me? Had he waited, following the Uber? No. He’d stalked me, the bastard.

I heard his subtle but powerful laugh and even from the distance, it filled me with extreme trepidation.

“You will not be able to escape, Alexandra. That much I assure you of. I have two soldiers waiting outside just in case you try something so rash. As far as what I want, the answer is far too complicated. I’ll start with you. Do you remember what I said about fate?”

The quote came rushing back, the words now holding an entirely different meaning. He’d planned this, hunting me down like some predator, pretending that he wanted to get to know me and nothing more. I’d fallen into a trap. The man was dangerous as hell.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” My defiance was waning as fear swept through my system.

He took calculated steps in my direction, the moon illuminating his sculpted body as well as his chiseled jaw. When I was able to see the smirk on his face, it pissed me off. “You already know my name.”

“As if you told me the truth.”

“I have no reason to lie to you. My name is Stefano Benedetti. Everything I told you is true with one exception. I came to Miami for the sole purpose of claiming you.”

Claiming? He thought I was his property, a possession to be plucked and taken to wherever he wanted? The bastard had another think coming.

My mind couldn’t seem to process his short statement quickly enough, but when I finally realized he’d used the word ‘claiming,’ not meeting, I sucked in my breath. “Get out of here, Mr. Benedetti, or I assure you that I will call the police.” Why did his name sound familiar?

He laughed subtly as he continued walking closer. “With your phone in your purse and no other method of communication inside this house, I doubt that will be possible. Plus, if you try, you will be punished severely. I don’t think that’s what you want on the first night of our new life together.”

What in the hell was he talking about? The trickle of fear increased, my heartrate skyrocketing.

I backed toward the set of doors, hissing as he shook his head with a tsking sound.

“I really would prefer if we would enter into an agreement,” he added, his voice far too husky, his tone dripping with sexual innuendoes.

“I don’t know you or what you’re talking about.”

“Ah, but your father does. Perhaps at some point he can explain in more detail. Let’s just say that he has offered your hand in marriage.”

I had to be hearing things. “What did you say?”

As he dared to inch even closer, my throat started to close, my mind reeling. “I think you heard me, Alexandra. You are a very intelligent woman. In exchange for allowing your father to continue living the kind of life he’s built for himself, he met my demands. You will become my wife.”

“Over my dead body. I don’t know who you think you are, but I’m never going to marry an asshole. And my father would never condone such a horrible thing.” In truth, I had a feeling my father would sell his soul to the devil if it meant getting on another rung of the power ladder he’d climbed.

“I realize this comes as a shock to you, but you don’t have a choice in the matter.”

“You must be out of your mind.” I could tell the man was serious. While I’d heard about arranged marriages in other countries, the practice remained barbaric in my mind. We were in the freaking United States after all.

“To the contrary. I take business very seriously.”

“You’re not who you say you are. Whatever the reason you’re here, I suggest you think again. I’m a formidable woman.”

Stefano took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

That was all the time I needed to shift into action. Within seconds, I’d managed to unlock and fling open one of the doors, racing onto the deck and immediately running down the stairs toward the beach. I hadn’t bothered to acknowledge anyone living in the two closest houses, although in the darkness, I couldn’t make out the outline of the one I was running toward. Screaming at this point wouldn’t do any good. The beach was private and empty, the time of night likely keeping everyone indoors.

But I continued to run, refusing to fall prey to some con artist who’d learned far too much about me and my family.

While I was flying, my gut told me he was right behind me. When nothing happened after a full minute, I took long enough to glance behind me. There was nothing but darkness. I powered forward, knowing I had to be close to the other property.

Fear wrapped itself around me as a form loomed just ahead. Within seconds, a huge hunk of a man grabbed me around the waist, jerking me off the ground as if I weighed nothing. That was the moment I started screaming.

“Shut up or I assure you that Mr. Benedetti will be harsh.”

The man’s accent was rougher, his tone almost guttural. While I did everything that I could to fight him, I had no doubt the breeze was taking my agonizing yelps out to sea. I was lost in a blur of anger and terror, unable to comprehend what was happening. Had my father really agreed to something as horrible as marriage to a stranger?

Nothing made any sense. While I’d known my entire life that my father was unscrupulous as hell, his love for me almost never shown, I never expected he would treat me as an object to be sold like cattle.

As the brute returned me to the house, I fought even harder, pummeling my fists against his chest and legs. He didn’t budge or even make a sound. As he thumped up the outside stairs, taking me inside, I did everything I could to control my breathing. I would need a clear head in order to be able to get myself out of this. He even ripped my phone away, shoving it into his pocket.

“Thank you, Cassis. I can handle it from here,” Stefano said from a short distance.

“She’s a feisty one, boss,” he said in return as he dumped me onto my feet.

I immediately backed away, folding my arms, glaring from one asshole to the other.

“That much I’ve learned already. Just make certain we aren’t bothered. I have a long night ahead of me.”

“Yes, sir.”

As the man called Cassis walked out the same way he’d brought me in, I continued backing away.

Stefano shook his head as he approached, although I could swear his eyes were twinkling as I’d seen in the restaurant. “That wasn’t in your best interest, Alexandra. I don’t think you’re comprehending the totality of what you are facing.”

“Then why don’t you tell me.”

“It’s simple. You belong to me. You will learn to obey my rules both before and after you become my wife.”

“And if I don’t?”

He pushed so close that I was able to gather another whiff of his exotic aftershave. The scent was far too intoxicating, forcing my senses into an explosive state as I tried to figure out a way of getting away from the bastard.

“Then I will punish you severely, which is exactly what I’m going to do right now.”