Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



The hospital allowed only two people at a time to visit Justin. Emilee wouldn’t go in without me, and babies weren’t allowed. Somehow, Hustler flirted enough with the attending nurse to persuade her to turn a blind eye. She told us fifteen minutes, then she led Hustler down the hallway and went into a room.

“You ready?” I whispered to Emilee.

“In a minute.” She cuddled Dante as if soaking him up before seeing her dad. Storm had been honest, not sugarcoating Justin’s appearance for Emilee. He didn’t want her to be blindsided when she saw him, so we’d decided I’d be better off holding Dante when we went in there.

“That son of mine better be wrapping up his dick,” Ben said.

“He’s probably got kids scattered all over the country he doesn’t know about,” Cobra said, razzing his dad. “He’s by far the wildest of us boys. You’re probably a grandpa times ten.”

Ben screwed up his face. “That’s not funny.” He looked longingly at Dante. “If any one of you kids had a baby, your momma and I better know about it. And don’t you be lying. You’re just as bad. All you boys are. Piper is the only responsible kid I got.”

Cobra shook his head. “I’m responsible. If I had a kid, I’d know about it, and so would you.”

“I think I’m ready.” Emilee passed Dante to me.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Storm opened the door for us. Emilee held my hand, squeezing the crap out of it. Listening to Storm describe Justin’s condition had been nothing compared to seeing it up close.

“Oh my gosh.” Emilee hid her face in my chest.

Justin was asleep. He’d gotten worked up while Storm and Uncle Raul were with him, so the nurse had given him a sedative to calm him down. He might sleep the whole time we were here.

I rubbed her back in a soothing motion. “He’s alive, Em. He’ll recover.”

“I know.” She turned around. “I think I’m okay.” She moved closer, pulling me by the hand.

We stood there for several minutes, watching him sleep. Emilee wiped away silent tears. It was damn sad seeing Justin this way. I wanted him to throw a fit, cuss me out for getting his daughter pregnant, maybe threaten to kick my ass. I wanted him to do something—anything but lie there.

If he hadn’t taken her away, none of this would’ve happened. I was sure he’d thought of that too.

“Dad, I’m here.” She went to touch him but retracted her hand. It was the first time I’d heard her call him Dad instead of Justin. “Dante is here too. We’re both safe, Dad. I just want you to know we’re safe so you don’t worry and can get well. You need to focus on your recovery.” She hesitantly put her hand on his leg. “Dad? Can you hear me?”

Justin didn’t stir at all. If it weren’t for the machines showing his heartbeat and oxygen levels, he’d look dead.

“I thought he’d be awake.” Emilee wiped under her eyes.

“I know, baby. Maybe next time.” Although, I didn’t think I’d bring her back, not with the Rat Brotherhood wanting our son.

Dante started to squirm and fuss, eyeing Emilee. He was probably hungry.

She leaned in, placing her hand on Justin’s leg, and whispered. “I love you, Dad.”

It damn near broke my heart.

Storm called church on the drive back to the club. We hadn’t discussed what was said when he and Raul had visited Justin. We all wanted to protect Emilee as much as possible.

She didn’t want to wait for me in the clubhouse, preferring to avoid seeing Misty. So I had Hollywood guard our unit while Sugar and Tina visited her. My girl was skittish and needed to feel safe.

Storm cleared his throat. “This won’t take long.” He hit the mallet to begin church. “Justin owes the Rat Brotherhood two million dollars. That’s why they tried to take Little D.”

The corner of my lip curled. I liked that Prez called my boy by his nickname.

Lynx gasped, running his fingers through his hair. “Fuck, that’s a lot of money. Can’t we just take out the gang?”

“That’d be the ideal solution. Cobra and his crew are still trying to find their nest.” Storm crossed his arms over his chest. “I just wished Justin had come to us first.”

“Me too,” Raul muttered.

“Why’d he need all that money?” Lynx asked.

“To live off, maybe.” Storm shrugged. “Grizz couldn’t find anything on him. If he was working, he was paid under the table.”

“Jeez. And he thought he’d go legit.” Lynx shook his head.

It burned me up that Justin would choose to get in debt with a gang to keep Emilee and me apart. Didn’t he know me at all? I guessed I hadn’t given him a chance to know me. I had avoided him once Emilee and I got together.

Dammit, I should’ve come clean from the get-go.

Storm tapped his fingers on his beer bottle. “If we all contribute, we can pay the debt. Council members can afford to pay more because they got a larger payout. This isn’t only about paying the debt. It’s about protecting the baby.”

“Exactly.” Raul slammed his hand on the table. “Rat Brotherhood won’t stop until they get their money or the baby.”

“Unless we get the motherfuckers first!” I shouted. “Why are we just going to hand over all that money after what they did to Justin? He lost his hand because of them.”

“I agree,” Lynx said. “I bet if you asked Boxer and Hero, they’d choose war. Their money is tied up in building their homes on the property. We all have plans for our money. Let’s take the fuckers out.”

Storm sighed. “We won’t decide anything until Hero gets back and I talk to Boxer.”

Heads nodded around the table.

As a newly patched member, I only received half of what the council got. I was thrilled about it too. It was enough for Emilee and me to begin our life together. I had put some of it in a trust for Dante already.

If I could pay Justin’s debt myself, I would. But I didn’t have that kind of money.

I was sure my brothers would all contribute in the end.