Defiant Dodge by Naomi Porter



It’d been a week since I saw my dad. The doctors said he needed another five to seven days before he could go home. Home. Where would that be? I’d ask him what his plans were, but Danny and Storm didn’t want me in Fargo. It’d been utter chaos there, with Cobra’s club turning the town upside down, searching for Rat. They’d found several small cells and eliminated them. Those were Danny’s words. I knew it meant killing them.

But they hadn’t found the leader, Rat, which was a huge problem.

For his protection, Dad had around-the-clock guards. It made me feel a little better. After seeing him, I stopped calling him Justin. It was wrong when he was my dad. I hadn’t fully forgiven him, but I knew I would after we had a conversation. He needed to admit he’d overreacted. And an apology to Danny and me would be nice.

A rumble of motorcycles brought a smile to my face. I’d taken to sitting on a bench with Dante waiting for Danny to come home from work. He’d only started back at the gun shop a couple of days ago when I assured him I was okay. Of course, he called several times a day to check in on Dante and me. He was incredibly protective of his family.

My heart fluttered, watching him remove his shades and throw his leg back, getting off his Harley. He was oh so hot, training his eyes on me. His swagger wasn’t anything to sneeze at either.

“My two favorite people.” He moved in for a kiss. “Missed you, Em.” Then he dropped a kiss on Dante’s head. “You too, Little D.”

“We missed you too. Did you have a good day?”

“It wasn’t bad.” He sat beside me on the bench.

“Hey, Emilee,” Ryder said. “Hey, Little D. Check out your fancy high-tops.” He shook Dante’s foot before going inside the clubhouse.

Danny had bought Dante a pair of tiny Converses. He hadn’t admitted it, but I could tell he liked seeing them on Little D. It was so cute. He was so happy Little D’s first pair of shoes was from him. It made me want to put them on him all the time.

I liked Ryder. When he wasn’t working at the gun shop with Danny and Hero or doing the grunt work prospects did, he enjoyed playing guitar. He’d bought one with his first paycheck. The guy could sing really well too.

“What’d you do today?”

I looked at Danny. “Oh, not much. Just wedding planning stuff with Maddy and Tara.”

“Oh yeah? For Hero and Tara?”

Every day, he asked me if I’d set a date for our wedding. And each time, I told him not yet. Well, today I selected one. “Nope. Ours.”

He shot me a panty-melting smile. “Seriously? When?”

I played it off like it wasn’t a big deal. “Well, Hero and Tara’s wedding is in November. Then the holidays will be upon us. So I thought, why not do it in the middle of August? Made sense to me. What do you think?”

He stared at me. “In like two weeks?”

“Something like that, provided nothing crazy happens around here. There is a gang after our son.”

“They won’t get him. The compound is secure. So, really? This month?”

I’d never seen him so happy. “Yep. I’m hoping my dad will be there. You know I don’t want a big deal. Just a pretty dress, my man, and my son. We can say our vows on the gazebo, and Patch agreed to officiate.”

Danny took Dante out of my arms. “It sounds like you have it all figured out.”

“Yeah? Are you good with it all?”

“It’s perfect, Em.”

I looked at his bike. I’d never been on it before. We’d talked about it dozens of times but never got the chance. Today was a perfect day…

“Let’s go for a ride.” I flicked my eyes toward his Harley.

He studied me. “On my hog?”

I nodded. “Mhm.”

He looked at Dante. “What about the baby?”

Instead of holding onto him with a death grip, I’d been trying to relax and trust my MC family with Dante. Each day over the last week, I had left him with someone new I trusted. Today, Tara watched him while I took a bubble bath. It hadn’t been for long, maybe half an hour, and she was in our small living room. Baby steps, right? It was glorious to have a little time to myself. And no anxiety.

“We can leave him with Storm and Maddy or Raul and Tina.”

His eyebrows raised. “I’m down with it, if you’re sure.”

“I am!”

Fifteen minutes later, I felt freer than ever. My arms were secured around Danny’s waist. His natural scent made me throb while the vibration between my legs nearly made me come. My long hair whipped behind me in the wind. The rumble of his bike was sweet music to my ears.

I’d been on my dad’s bike plenty of times, riding down this same dirt road, when I was a little girl. I used to think of his hog as a magical unicorn on wheels.

When I was twelve, I started to notice boys at school. Not one of them had intrigued me—not like a man wearing a leather cut and scowl when he started up his bike. Dad might have thought he sheltered me well enough from the wild parties, but he hadn’t. I’d snuck out of my room when he thought I was asleep to watch couples having sex throughout the clubhouse. I’d seen it all.

Kittens giving blowjobs and getting taken in the ass.

My “uncles” drunk off their ass and high as a kite.

Fistfights and catfights.

None of it had scared me off from wanting to be an old lady.

I kissed and nipped Danny’s neck. I’d finally got my wish.

He slowed and turned the corner leading into the woods. I wasn’t familiar with the area, but I was intrigued.

We entered a small clearing, slowed to a stop, and he turned off the bike.

“What are we doing here?” I took in the area. There weren’t any outbuildings or a home, not even a deer stand.

“Get off the bike, Em,” he ordered in a deep, husky voice, catching me by surprise.

I didn’t move as I tried to figure out if I’d done something wrong.

“Did you hear me, woman? Get. Off. The. Bike.”

I obeyed with my heart palpitating.

He scooted back on his seat, assessing me from head to toe. “Those shorts are sexy as fuck on you, Em.”

I ran my finger along the edge of them.

Danny licked his lips. “See this place?” He fanned out his hand. “I came here a lot after you left. I’d spend hours thinking about the many ways I would fuck you once we were back together.”

I inhaled a lustful breath.

“Even jacked off, spurting my cum on the ground, calling out your name like a prayer.”

I swallowed, feeling my panties dampen.

“But the one way I wanted you most was on my bike, straddling me as you rode me. The time has come, Em.”

My eyes went wide as I scanned the clearing.

“Take off your shorts and panties, Em.”

His authoritative tone made me exhale an aroused breath. Was he serious? Dodge wasn’t one to joke around.

Oh mercy.

“Did you hear your man, Emilee?” He undid his belt and unzipped his pants. His dark eyes smoldered as he pinned me in place like a starved wolf eyeing his prey.

I nodded and removed my bottoms. This was fucking hot and not at all like the Danny I knew last summer.

I prayed nobody interrupted us.

“Gimme your panties.” He extended his hand, and I dropped them on his palm. He took them and inhaled my scent.

I clenched down low, throbbing painfully. I needed him inside me desperately.

After getting his fill, he tucked my underwear into the inside pocket of his cut. “Now take off your shirt and bra.”

My face flamed red hot. Holy hell, what had gotten into him? It didn’t matter if I was embarrassed. I did as my man said.

Danny groaned, rubbing his crotch. “Fucking perfect, Em. Come here, baby.” He reached his hand out. I placed mine on his palm, then he kissed my knuckles. “So fucking perfect, Em.”

“I’m so turned on.”

“Are you?” His hand went between my legs, and his fingers slipped between my folds.

I leaned into them and moaned.

He quickly removed them. “Not yet. You know I can’t resist your sweetness.” He stuck his fingers into his mouth and sucked off my juices as he rubbed his crotch. “Damn, your pussy is delicious.”

“I might come just watching you.”

He snickered. “Better not, baby. When you come, it will be on my cock. Nowhere else. Hear me?”

“Yes. Just hurry it up!”

He laughed, tugging his pants down. His dick sprang forward. “Come ride me, perfect Em.”

I climbed onto his thighs and let him guide me. We both groaned as we became one.

“This is gonna be hard and fast. I want to get back to our son.” He winked.

“Fine by me. I’m not gonna last long anyway.”

Danny lifted me up, then pulled me down on his steel rod.

Up and down. Up and down.

My tits bounced violently as I held onto his shoulders, chasing my orgasm. I squeaked and yelped over and over. I was sure someone would hear me.

Danny wasn’t exaggerating. He fucked me hard and fast, making me scream his name until we both came. Then he kissed me passionately until we both calmed.

If Danny hadn’t disobeyed my dad’s direct order, had not been defiant because he couldn’t resist me, we wouldn’t be together right now. Little D wouldn’t be here.

I never believed I could get the kind of wild, naughty, unapologetic love I desired with anyone other than a biker. A regular guy like my momma and dad wanted for me wasn’t exciting or dangerous enough.

I had to have a biker.

My biker was named Dodge.