Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Nineteen


I followedAnjannette to the top of the rock steps and directed her to the left, then to the left again as we approached a fork in the trail. The Palisades Interstate Park is one of my favorite places to hike. The trails range from easy to challenging, and I’ve explored them all, sometimes alone and other times with my brothers or Trey.

Today, we decided to take Carpenter’s Loop, which is considered moderate. Anjannette is in great shape, but since this isn’t something she’s used to, it seemed like a good compromise. Plus, the view from up here is amazing.

We reached a panoramic viewpoint overlooking the river and I stopped walking and gestured toward the bench and removed my backpack.

“Let’s take a break here. We can have a snack and enjoy the view.”

She placed her right foot on the bench seat and stretched, then did the same with the left before folding at the waist and touching her toes. I pulled out two bottles of water then sat, placing the backpack on the ground at my feet.

“You doing okay?” I asked as Anjannette joined me on the bench.

“Yeah, I feel good.”

She took in the view as she twisted the cap off the bottle I handed her then took a drink.

“Is that the George Washington Bridge?”

“It is.”

“Leo, this is incredible.” She looked over at me. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

I took her hand in mine, lifted it to my lips, and placed a kiss on her knuckles before entwining our fingers together.

“Thank you for coming. And not just on this hike, but to visit in general. I wasn’t lying when I said I was thrilled when you called.”

She looked down at her hands then out at the water.

“I’ll admit, I was a little nervous, but I’m glad I’m here. I’m having a good time.”

When I didn’t comment, she shifted her gaze to me.

“Why were you nervous?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Calling you up and inviting myself to stay with you? Meeting your family for the first time?”

I shifted closer and smiled.

“First of all, you had an invitation. So you weren’t inviting yourself to stay. And as far as my family goes, I know they can be a lot, but they mean well.”

“Meeting them was a little overwhelming at first. In case you didn’t notice, there are a lot of people in your family.”

She didn’t even meet all of them, but she’ll find that out eventually.

“You know, we don’t have to go to my mom’s tonight if you don’t want to. I know yesterday was probably a lot. We can just have a quiet night at my house.”

“I definitely want to go. I’m not sure if I’m more excited about learning how to make baklava or looking through the photo albums.”

I groaned.

“I’m sure my mom will find the most embarrassing pictures to show you.”

“I doubt an embarrassing picture of you exists. You looked perfect in every one I looked at last night.”

“I’ll refrain from commenting. I don’t want to tip my hand before I see what she brings out.”

I let go of her hand and reached into my backpack and pulled out a thermos and set it on the bench between us.

“Are you trying to distract me with food?”

“Would I do that?”

“I think you would,” she said. “But I won’t complain because I know what’s in that thermos and my mouth is already watering.”

“Not a traditional hiking snack, but it works,” I said as I pulled a container of pita chips out of my backpack.

“No, it’s a hundred times better.” She picked up the thermos and removed the top then inhaled deeply. “This is salty, garlicky goodness.”

Reaching for a pita, she scooped up some Greek layered dip and popped it into her mouth. Her groan vibrated straight through my balls. She’s made some sexy sounds in bed, but nothing like that. Now I have a goal.

“I brought some pasteli too.”

“If I lived with your mom, I wouldn’t do anything but eat.”

I finished chewing and swallowed, then took a quick drink.

“That’s pretty much what we do,” I said with a chuckle. “But enough about my gang. Tell me about your family.”

“They were quiet. Especially compared to yours.”

“Most are.”

“My parents were older when they had me and they were both only children, so I didn’t have any aunts, uncles, or cousins hanging around. For the most part, it was just us. Once I met Keera in college, we started spending holidays with her family.”

I grew up surrounded by so many people, I can’t imagine what she’s describing. It sounds lonely. Before I had to comment, Anjannette continued.

“I watched a lot of TV and used to amuse myself by doing little skits. It’s probably how I ended up being a theatre major.”

“That makes sense.”

“My parents really were great though. Even though I was so different from them, they loved me and were always supportive. I still miss them.”

“Of course you do. I imagine you always will. I’m so sorry you lost them.”

“Me too.” She looked over at me and blinked away tears then gave me a wobbly smile. “It was bad when my dad died, but at least I still had my mom. When she died, I felt so alone. Sometimes I still do.”

The last words were said in a hoarse, anguished voice. I moved the empty containers to the other side and shifted closer, pulling her into my arms. She rested her head against my shoulder and I rubbed her back in long, soothing strokes until she totally relaxed. Then I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and just held her close.

We sat like that for a long time, until the moment was interrupted by other hikers. I kissed the top of her head.

“I guess we were lucky we were alone this long.”

She pulled back and nodded then looked me in the eye. My stomach twisted at her serious expression.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“Being so understanding.”

“Who wouldn’t be understanding about losing your parents?”

She shook her head and snorted.

“You’d be surprised.”

I’m guessing she’s referring to her ex, so I didn’t push for more details. We’re having too nice a day, and even though things just got a little heavy talking about her parents, throwing him into the mix would totally ruin the mood.

I pulled the sunblock out of the side pocket of my backpack and handed it to her.

“Your face is getting red.”

While she applied more sunblock, I put the empty containers and garbage into the backpack.

“Is it all rubbed in?”

I reached over and rubbed at her cheek until the white streaks were gone then leaned over to give her a quick kiss.

“Ready to head back down?”

Anjannette took in a deep breath and let it out as her eyes scanned the view, then she looked at me and smiled, the melancholy seemingly over.

“We probably should. I want to shower before we head to your parents’.”

“I need a shower too.” I bobbed my eyebrows. “Maybe we should take one together to conserve water.

She kissed me on the cheek and stood.

That sounds like a great plan.”

“Let’s go.”

After I shrugged into my backpack, we made our way back to the trail and walked double-time back to the parking lot.


The ridefrom the park to Leo’s house seemed to take forever. We didn’t hit traffic, so I’m sure it didn’t take any longer than the drive there, anticipation is just making it seem that way. Leo must have felt the same way because every once in a while, he’d glance in my direction and his hand would tighten on the steering wheel.

After what seemed like an eternity, we pulled into his driveway. We both jumped out of the car and he came around to my side, took my hand, and led me across the deck and through the back door. He paused just long enough to drop his backpack on the kitchen table, then we continued up the stairs and into his room. My heart pounded as he closed the door behind us.

He slowly walked toward me, placed his hands on my hips, and backed me against the wall next to the bathroom door. Lowering his head, he nibbled at my bottom lip before pressing his mouth against mine. Slow and sweet, our mouths melded together and I wrapped my arms around his neck and melted into his hard body as our tongues met.

I matched his tongue stroke for stroke and twisted my fingers into his hair, pulling him closer. He groaned against my mouth and pushed his hips forward, pressing me into the wall. I’d expected him to thrust against me, but he just held me in place and feasted on my mouth.

The man should write a book on how to kiss, or maybe teach a class. He’s truly a master. And those oral skills definitely work well in other places. My pussy clenched at that thought.

He slid his hands beneath my shirt and stroked up along my waist, breaking the kiss just long enough to pull my shirt over my head and toss it on the floor then did the same with my sports bra. Taking a step back, he looked down, his gaze devouring me. My boobs might not win the size prize, but they’re perky as hell and to quote Teri Hatcher in that old Seinfeld episode, “They’re spectacular.” Not to mention super sensitive.

Sensation zinged down to my clit when he cupped each breast and flicked his thumbs against my nipples. My head banged against the wall as I arched my back and let out a long, low moan.

His warm breath brushed my skin and a second later I felt the flat of his tongue drag along the underside of my right breast before he latched on. My knees turned to jelly as his tongue swirled, drawing my nipple further into the moist heat of his mouth. His hand teased the left, pinching, rolling, and tugging and I pressed my hips against him, seeking relief for my throbbing clit.

Shifting his hands to my ass, he pulled me closer and thrust forward over and over as his mouth moved back and forth, giving my breasts equal attention. His erection rubbed against me, but wasn’t hitting the right spot. I wrapped my leg around his thigh and tilted my hips.


My desperate voice echoed through the room and he shifted, pressing me closer to the wall as he lifted me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he moved between my thighs, putting his hard cock exactly where I needed it.

His mouth took mine again, his tongue teasing, hot, wet, and demanding as his hips pulsed, pushing me closer to the edge. It wouldn’t take much more for me to come, but I didn’t want to do that without him inside me.

I dragged my mouth from his, panting to catch my breath.


That single word was all I could manage, but he didn’t need to be told twice. He set my

feet back on the floor and after making sure I was steady, walked across the room and pulled a condom from the top drawer of his bedside table. He paused just long enough to remove his T-shirt and toss it on the floor.

My gaze locked on his tented shorts as he walked back toward me and I enjoyed the view as he removed them and his boxer briefs with one swipe. My hand reached out of its own volition to touch his erection as it bobbed forward. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist, halting my movement.

“Uh-uh,” he said. “You do not want to do that right now.”

I kept my gaze focused on his magnificent cock and bit my lower lip then slowly dragged it between my teeth before looking him in the eye.

“That’s debatable,” I said with a smirk and wrapped my hand around his shaft and stroked.

His sexy chuckle vibrated through every erogenous zone in my body.

“When did you become such a brat?”

“She’s always been there. She was just hiding for a while.”

Before I could think about why I hid any part of myself, he stepped back, pulling himself from my grasp. I was about to protest when he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of my leggings and pulled them down, then did the same with my thong. He stepped back and ripped open the foil packet and I watched, fascinated, as he slowly rolled the condom down his long, thick length. Stepping forward, he pressed his chest against my aching nipples.

“Well it seems she’s back.”

“Is that a problem?”

He kissed his way along my jaw and nibbled at my earlobe before whispering against my ear.

“I told you before, I’ll take you anyway I can get you.”

I don’t understand why that is, but I’m certainly not going to complain. Especially when he lifted me up again and pushed forward, this time filling me with his hot, hard cock. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I held on tight as he moved in and out, each thrust harder and shorter.

“You feel so good.”

Leo shifted me higher against the wall, the movement causing my nipples to brush against his chest. They tightened and tingled as my inner muscles clenched. He let out a low groan and pushed into me and stilled, the base of his shaft pressing against my throbbing clit.

“Hold on.”

His words barely registered when I felt myself spinning. I did what he told me and held on as he lowered us both to the floor while still buried inside me. I looked up at him and smiled.

“That’s pretty impressive.”

“Glad you think so.” He slowly pulled out. “Let me see if I can impress you some more.”

He plunged back inside me with one hard stroke. I braced my feet against the floor as he moved in and out, picking up the pace with each thrust, giving us both what we needed.

I dug my fingers into his ass and arched my back as his every stroke sent zings of pleasure through my entire body.

It was too much. Way too much.

My orgasm slammed through my body and I let out a long, hoarse moan. Some part of my brain registered the fact that Leo had let out his own shout just before he collapsed on top of me.