Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Twenty-One


I grabbeda bottle of Gatorade and headed out to the deck to relax while Anjannette finished getting ready. After playing golf in the sun all afternoon, I’m dehydrated as hell. The alcohol that was flowing all day probably didn’t help. Thankfully I’m older and wiser when it comes to drinking so I didn’t imbibe too much. Still, I probably had more than I should have.

Leaning against the railing, I opened the bottle and drank half its contents in one long gulp, careful not to spill any on my crisp white shirt. The weather might be warmer down here but the sun sets just as early, and since it’s a new moon, I’m standing here looking out into the darkness. Still, there’s something relaxing about being near the ocean, even if I can’t see it.

After finishing the rest of the Gatorade, I tossed the empty bottle into the recycling bin then turned to head back inside, and froze in place. Anjannette stood on the other side of the threshold, looking like a fantasy come to life in a midnight blue lace dress, its hemline ending just below mid-thigh, making her legs look impossibly long. Especially in the strappy silver sandals that have her standing at least five inches taller.

Without taking my gaze off her, I stepped inside and placed my hands on her waist. I’d expected the lace of her dress to be scratchy, but it’s silky and I moved my hands around to the small of her back, enjoying the feel of it against her curves. With her high heels, the top of her head is at my nose instead of my chin, putting her luscious lips closer to mine. Her mouth is normally kissable, but coated with a dark berry color, it looks even more full and lush. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to kiss her, but I don’t want to ruin her perfectly-applied lipstick. That will have to wait until later.

“You look beautiful.”

“Thank you.” She looked up at me through impossibly-long eyelashes. “You look pretty handsome yourself. I’ve never seen you in a suit.”

I stepped back and flashed a smile before grabbing my jacket.

“You haven’t seen the full effect yet.” I shrugged into it and put my hands on my hips in a cheezy catalogue pose. “What do you think?”


She stepped toward me and dragged her fingertip along my tie then tugged when she

reached the bottom. Even though it’s not physically possible, I’d swear on a stack of bibles I felt that pull in my dick.

“I like the tie.”

I looked down at my navy blue tie with Waves logos embroidered all over it.

“Chances are, most of the other guys will be wearing something similar, if not this exact tie.”

Her mouth curled up into a smile.

“But none of them will wear it as well, I’m sure.”

I closed my eyes and let out a pained chuckle before opening them.

“I’m trying to be good so I don’t mess you up, but you’re not making it easy.”

“Hmmm, sorry. I didn’t mean to make it...hard.

I reached out and wrapped my finger around her wrist and pulled her to me. After kissing the top of her head then her forehead, I placed my mouth softly against hers for just a second before pulling back.

“You always make it hard.” I bobbed my eyebrows. “I’ll be on my best behavior for this event, but be forewarned that once we get home later, I plan on messing you up good.”

“Mmm, can’t wait.”

Trey had purchaseda table for this evening’s event and we’ll be sitting there with him and Nori, Crispin and his boyfriend Ben, and our teammate Phillip Riddle and his date. So it should be a fun night.

“There’s the hustler,” Jack Reagan said as we entered the reception hall. He turned to Anjannette and said, “He’s talked for years about how much he hates golf and he never wants to play, then he goes to the tournament today and looks like Tiger Woods.”

She looked up at me with a raised brow.

Are you a hustler?”

“Just because I don’t like golf doesn’t mean I can’t play it. My brother Nicky loves the game and you know I’m not going to let him beat me.”

“I stand by my accusation,” Jack said.

“Stop picking on Leo.” Hannah gave her husband a playful pat on the chest then turned her attention to me. “Thank you again for your donation. The whole team has been so supportive. It’s heartwarming.” Her voice wobbled on that last word and she blinked her glistening eyes rapidly. “I’m sorry.” She chuckled. “Please excuse my post-partum hormones. One minute I’m fine and the next I’m a sappy mess.”

“I’m so impressed with this whole event,” Anjannette said. “Especially considering the fact you planned it with month-old twins at home.”

Jack wrapped his arm around Hannah’s waist and kissed the top of her head.

“My wife is a rock star.”

I glanced over my shoulder as a group of people entered the room then turned back to Jack and Hannah.

“We don’t want to hog the two of you so we’ll head to our table.”

“Trey and Nori are already over there.” Hannah pointed to the left. “We’ll catch up later.”

I placed my hand on the small of Anjannette’s back and led her in the direction Hannah had indicated. We’re sitting up toward the front of the room and I made a point of not making eye contact with people we passed as we made our way to the table. This isn’t a meet-and-greet, but chatting with fans goes with the territory. But I did that at the tournament earlier. I’d like to just relax and enjoy myself for a while.

We just sat when Crispin and Ben arrived. I’d met his boyfriend before but Anjannette hasn’t, so I introduced them as the two men sat.

“You’re the one who owns the pole dance studio, right?” he said.

“Yep, that’s me.”

“Crispin showed me some video of your recital and I was impressed. Some of what I saw seemed to defy gravity, but it looked like so much fun.”

“It is fun. I absolutely love it.”

That led to a whole pole discussion and I sat back and enjoyed watching Anjannette’s face shine as she talked. Her love for the sport is obvious and I’m so happy she’s able to run the studio full-time.

Hannah had just stepped up to the podium and asked everyone to take their seats when Phillip Riddle and his date arrived. I’m no relationship expert, but in my opinion, they’re fighting. They both look tense and if looks could kill, he’d be dead at least ten times now with the side glances she’s throwing at him.

After Hannah and Jack thanked everyone for coming, they gave a short summary of their foundation’s purpose then dinner was served. Riddle chatted a little bit but Haley responded to any attempts to pull her into the conversation with one-word answers and pushed food around her plate instead of eating.

The band had been playing dinner music but as the main course was cleared, a singer stepped up to the microphone as the first strains of The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra filled the room. I’m not surprised this is the song that will kick off the dancing portion of the night. It’s Jack and Hannah’s wedding song and from what I understand, it’s the first song they danced to at an event similar to this one.

Our hosts took to the dance floor and some other couples joined them. I stood and held my hand out to Anjannette.

“Would you like to dance?”

She smiled and placed her hand in mine.

“I’d love to.”

We made our way through the tables and I pulled her into my arms as we reached the dance floor. I rested my hand against the small of her back and tucked our joined hands against my chest.

“You were right,” she said as we moved around the floor.

“About what?”

“The ties. They’re all around the room.” She shifted closer and said, “I was also right about the fact that none of them wear it as well as you.”

“I don’t think it’s the tie making me look good so much as the woman on my arm.”

“You’re pretty smooth.”

“Just stating the facts, ma’am.”

The song ended but another slow one began so we kept dancing.

“You’re good for my ego, Leo Marakis.”

“Why’s that?”

“You make me feel…” She trailed off and seemed to search for a word then finally shrugged and said, “Special.”

Even in the dim lighting, the vulnerability in her eyes was obvious.

“You're not special. You're extraordinary,” I said, knowing she’d appreciate the Buffy quote but also because the words are one hundred percent true.

She took her hand from mine and wrapped her arms around my neck. After leaning forward and giving me a quick kiss, she rested her head on my shoulder.

“So are you.”


So many good-lookingmen in one place should be illegal. I’d met everyone here last night at the reception, but concentrated into this smaller space, their presence is magnified.

“Is it part of the Waves’ contract that all the players have to look like models?”

The women sitting with me chuckled.

“Seems like it might be,” Nori said.

Karen Montgomery glanced across the yard where some of the guys were playing corn hole while the others watched and heckled.

“They’re a lot to take in all at once, aren’t they?”

“That’s for sure.”

“You’ll get used to them,” Sabrina McMullen said.

I probably won’t be around enough for that to happen but before I had to respond, Hannah returned from answering a phone call.

“Does anyone need anything?”

“Sit and relax,” Sabrina said. “Enjoy the quiet while the babies are sleeping.”

She settled into the chair next to me and set her phone on the table.

“I wish I had that when Jeremy was a baby,” Karen said. “I had an audio monitor and carried it with me everywhere, but every time he made a noise, I ran to check on him, especially the first couple months.”

I was totally lost until I looked at Hannah’s phone and realized that what I thought was a picture of the babies in a crib was actually a live stream of them sleeping.

“I have video and I do that,” Hannah said with a chuckle. “But enough baby talk. I don’t want to be one of those women who can’t talk about anything else after they give birth.” She turned to me. “Anjannette, how did you and Leo meet?”

“He’s taking yoga in a studio upstairs from my pole dance studio and we ran into each

other there.”

“Pole dance?” I nodded at Sabrina’s question. “Is it as good a workout as they say?”

“It really is and it’s a lot of fun. It’s the first exercise that I immediately loved and have managed to stick with long-term.”

“Are you in New Jersey?” Barbara Chase asked.

“No, Scranton.”

“Oh that’s right. I forgot Leo bought a house there.”

“Don’t mention that to Dale,” Karen said. “He’s obsessed with The Office.

“You should come up for a visit. There’s a huge Dwight Schrute mural you can take his picture in front of. There’s also a smaller mural of all the characters at Coopers.”

“How far are you from New York?”

“A couple hours.”

“I’ll have to take a look at the schedule and see if we can take a detour when the Waves play New York. Unless we can squeeze in a trip before the spring training starts. Jeremy and I have never experienced winter in the north. That could be interesting.” She picked up her phone. “Do you mind giving me your number so I can reach out if we do decide to come?”

“Not at all.”

She handed me her phone and I entered my number. A second later, my phone buzzed.

“Now you have my number so you don’t think I’m a spammer.”

A cry sounded from Hannah’s phone.

“Guess my break is over.”

“Looks like they’re both awake,” Jack said as he approached, followed by Leo.

Jack and Hannah excused themselves and went inside.

“How’s everything going over here?” Leo asked.

“We’re taking good care of Anjannette,” Karen said. “In fact, we’re discussing the possibility of Dale, Jeremy, and me coming up to Scranton to visit.”

“That’s right, he’s a huge Office fan. Has he ever been?”

“I don’t think so.”

Jack came back outside.

“Barbara, Michael just woke up, too. He’s not crying, just kicking his legs and looking around.”

“Guess my break is over, too,” she said as she stood.

Sabrina also stood. “I better go check on Gavin. I’m surprised Lexi hasn’t brought him back outside.”

“Since you’re heading back in, would you mind showing me where the bathroom is?” I asked Jack.

“Follow me,” he said with a smile. “In fact, why don’t you all come inside and you can come see Nori’s masterpiece in the nursery. Once we decided on a design, she worked double-time to get it finished.”

Jack showed me to the powder room in the hallway then told me how to get to the nursery.

“Although I’m sure you’ll be able to find your way there just by following the noise.”

After doing my business, I washed my hands and checked my hair and makeup in the mirror then headed back into the living room. Jack was holding open the front door with a garbage bag in his hand as an older woman stepped inside.

“Mrs. Button, I’m glad you made it.” He leaned down and kissed her. “Let me put this outside. It’s amazing how much crap comes out of two tiny bodies.” After introducing us, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

She nodded at him then turned her attention to me.

“It’s nice to meet you Anjannette,” she said. “How do you know Jack and Hannah?”

“We actually just met yesterday. I’m here with Leo Marakis.”

“Lucky girl,” she said. “That man has the best backside I’ve ever seen.”

“Behave Mrs. Button,” Jack said when he returned and gestured for us to follow him to the nursery. “You’re dating Walter, remember?”

“Only because you went and got married.”

“Are you flirting with my husband again?” Hannah asked as we stepped into the nursery.

She was standing at a changing table snapping a onesie closed on the baby girl. At least I assume it’s the girl since the onesie has pink butterflies all over it.

“Did she poop again?” Jack asked.

“No, she spit up all over herself.”

“You’re a messy girl,” Jack said in a sing-song voice as he picked up his daughter.

“I just saw them last week and they look so much bigger now,” Mrs. Button said.

“I know, they’re growing fast.” Hannah said.

“That’s because all they do is eat and sleep,” Jack said then turned his attention to his daughter. “And poop, right?”

The baby’s eyes widened as he spoke to her.

“Be happy they sleep,” Barbara said as she entered the room carrying a little boy, with his father’s dark, curly hair and her light blue eyes. “This one didn’t sleep more than two hours at a time until last month.”

“I have Mrs. Button to thank for that. She helped us set up their sleeping routine and so far it’s working.”

I walked toward Leo and Nori on the other side of the room and looked around, admiring the mural that spans all four walls.

“Nori, this is amazing.”

“Didn’t she do a great job?” Hannah asked. “Plus she was so patient. It took us forever to decide on a theme.”

“It’s perfect.” I said.

“I love how the bottom of their feet and the inside of their ears are either blue or pink. It really adds something to the design.” Hannah shifted her baby boy onto her shoulder and patted his back.

The babies’ names are written in puffy letters on opposite walls, looking like they’re being spewed out of an elephant’s trunk.

“Aaron and Holly,” I said. “Great names.”

“Thanks. We named them after my dad and Jack’s mom.”

“That’s so nice.”

Voices sounded from down the hallway.

“We don’t have to hold this party in the nursery,” Jack said with a chuckle. “We have a whole house out there to mingle in. And it sounds like the corn hole match is done so the guys are ready for round two.”

“Which is good because I ordered way too much food,” Hannah said.

Leo and I were the last to file out of the room and I took one last look around, admiring the mural. My gaze skimmed over a picture on the dresser and I figured I must be seeing things so I went over to investigate, and blinked. The man holding a twin in each arm looked awfully familiar.

“Is this Aaron Diskin?”

Leo stopped and turned around.

“Yeah, he’s Hannah’s father.”

“Aaron Diskin is Hannah’s father?” He nodded. “That baby is named after Aaron Diskin?” He nodded again. “Oh my God! Aaron Diskin.”

I know I’m sounding like a deranged fangirl, but Aaron Diskin. The man is a legend.

“He’s a really nice guy.”

“You’ve met him?”

“He comes to visit and attends games sometimes now that word is out that he’s her father,” he said. “It was a big story about three years ago. Before that, no one knew they were related. I’m surprised you didn’t see it.”

Three years ago. That’s when I was at my lowest so I wouldn’t have paid attention to anything beyond my own misery.

“No, I guess I missed it.”

“You okay?”

“Yeah, why?”

“You looked upset for a second.”

I refuse to let bad memories of Travis invade my thoughts while I’m making good memories with Leo.

“No, I’m good.”