Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Eighteen


After a quick shower,I got dressed and double-checked that the house looks decent. I usually keep things pretty neat, but Angie is another story. She’s not a total slob, but she has a tendency to leave things all over the place. There are usually glasses and plates on the end tables and now that the weather is cooler, socks can be found scattered wherever she took them off.

If I told her Anjannette was coming she’d clean up, but I didn’t tell anyone. I figured I’d surprise them, especially my mother. If I gave her advance notice, she’d make a huge fuss.

Hell, I still can’t believe Anjannette will be here any minute. When she turned down the invitation to Thanksgiving dinner, I never even thought to ask her if she’d want to come and spend the weekend. So when she called me last night and asked if she could join me, I was thrilled. The fact that she’s also accompanying me to Myrtle Beach is just the icing on the cake. Things with us are definitely moving forward.

I’d just washed the last of Angie’s dirty dishes when I heard a car pull into the driveway. After drying my hands, I walked out the back door just as Anjannette pulled her bag from the back seat and slammed her car door shut. She looked over and smiled at me as I stepped off the deck.

“Let me help you with that.” I took the bag from her then leaned down and gave her a quick kiss. “How was the drive?”

“Pretty good. I didn’t hit any traffic so I just cranked up the tunes, set the cruise control, and cruised along.”

I opened the screen door and stepped aside for her to enter the kitchen ahead of me.

“Oh wow.” She looked over her shoulder. “This is such a great kitchen. I love the mix of old and new.”

“Thanks, but I can’t take credit for any of it. Angie managed the whole remodel.”

She trailed her fingers along the butcher block top of the island.

“Is this original?”

“Yeah, it was sanded down and stained. The base is original too and so are the subway tiles. They just had to be cleaned and regrouted.” I pointed toward the wall and backsplash across the room. “The cabinets are new. The original ones were avocado green and made out of particle board.”

“Sounds attractive.”

“Oh it was. Add in the matching appliances and dark brown linoleum flooring and it was

like being transported through a time warp.” We walked into the next room with its cream walls and warm Earth tones. “This used to be a dining and living room with a big arch between them but I knocked that down and made one big room.”

“Angie decorated your house in Scranton too, right?”

“Everything except the basement.”

“She’s really good. She should be an interior decorator.”

I gestured toward the stairs and followed her up.

“I actually told her that but she just wrinkled her nose and said she’d think about it. So I’m guessing that’s a no.”

We reached the top and I pointed toward my room, which was right in front of us. Anjannette turned to face me after we entered and looped her arms around my neck. I dropped her bag and placed my hands on her waist.

“This is so cozy. I love it.”

“The room isn’t as large as the one in Scranton, but the bed is the same.”

I bobbed my eyebrows then leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. When I moved to pull back, she held me in place and nibbled at my bottom lip. I was happy to follow her lead when she opened her mouth and brushed her tongue against mine.

Sliding my hands down, I squeezed her ass then held her tight as I backed up and sat on the edge of the mattress. She rested her knees on either side of my legs and straddled my lap. Our collective groans echoed through the room when I grabbed her ass again and pulled her flush against me.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I muttered against her lips when I pulled back just long enough to change the angle of the kiss.

She curled her fingers into my scalp and thrust her hips forward.

“Mmm, I can tell.”

I was about to flip around and splay her in the middle of the bed when I heard the front door slam shut.

“Leo, who’s parked in the driveway?” Angie shouted.

I’m surprised she’s home so early. She went shopping with Eleni, Marina, and whoever else and they’re usually out all day.

Anjannette hopped off my lap and looked at me with wide eyes. I stood and gave her a last lingering kiss then took her hand and led her back downstairs.

We found Angie sitting cross-legged on the couch surrounded by shopping bags.

“Who’s parked in the driveway?” she asked again. When I didn’t comment, she glanced over her shoulder. “Anjannette,” she screamed and jumped off the couch. She pulled her into a hug then released her and slapped me on the shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me Anjannette was coming?”

“I figured we’d surprise you.”

She twisted her mouth.

“You didn’t want mom to know and thought I’d tell her.”

I placed my hand on the small of Anjanette’s back and led her to the oversized chair and settled in next to her.

“No, I knew you’d tell Eleni and Marina and one of them would tell mom. Then she would have driven me crazy all last night and this morning.”

“I don’t tell Eleni and Marina everything.” I raised my brow. “What? I don’t!”

“I’m not going to argue with you about it,” I said with a chuckle.

She flashed her pouty lip, but her mouth quickly curled into a smile as her eyes shifted between Anjannette and me.

“So what’s the plan for the weekend?” she asked.

“We’ll go to mom and dad’s tonight and since the weather is supposed to be so nice, I thought we’d go for a hike tomorrow.” I shifted and looked down at Anjannette. “Nothing crazy, but there’s somewhere I think you’ll like.”

“That sounds like fun,” she said with a smile.

“And I figured we’d play tomorrow night and Sunday by ear. I’m sure that even if mom doesn’t plan something, someone in the family will.”

“That’s if they like me,” Anjannette said.

“What’s not to like?”

I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arm around her.

“He’s right, Anjannette. They’re going to love you.” Angie stood and collected her bags. “You might want to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding to prepare her for what to expect.”


I’d chuckledwhen Angie mentioned My Big Fat Greek Wedding, but that movie isn’t far off from what I’m experiencing. I’m doing my best to remember everyone’s name, but there are so many people it’s not easy.

I’m in a sea of tall, dark, beautiful people who all look alike. Name tags would be helpful, but since there are none handy, I’ve focused my attention on Leo’s parents and siblings. They’re easy enough to remember, and thankfully he hasn’t left my side much.

In between trying to keep up with the different conversations surrounding me and answering his family’s questions, I managed to clear my plate for the second time, wishing I wore stretchier pants. Resisting the urge to pop the button on my jeans, I sat back in the chair and rested my hand against my stomach. I noticed Leo’s mom watching me and I smiled.

“Everything is delicious, Mrs. Marakis.”

Every available surface in the kitchen and dining room is covered with platters of food, each dish better than the last. According to Leo, this is similar to the spread his mother makes every Sunday. The only difference is the traditional Thanksgiving fare that’s leftover from yesterday. I can’t even imagine.

“Please call me Annita.”

She’d told me that twice before, but I keep forgetting.

“Annita,” I said with a smile.

“Would you like something else?”

“Oh no, thank you. I’m stuffed.”

“There’s baklava. Leo said you like that.” She smiled at my answering groan and patted my hand. “Take a break. You can have some in a little bit.” Turning her attention to Leo, she said, “Go get some more wine. Your girl’s glass is almost empty.”

“Just water, please,” I told him as he stood.

Aside from the fact I’m so full I’m ready to bust, I’ve already had at least two glasses of wine. I can’t give an exact amount because people kept topping me off through dinner. The last thing I want to do is get fall-down drunk in front of Leo’s family. I don’t even want to get buzzy enough that I say or do something embarrassing.

Leo returned carrying two bottles of wine and a glass of water.

“Thank you.”

He handed me the water and I took a big sip. That drink totally topped me off and I immediately had to pee. I set down the glass and leaned closer to Leo.

“I need to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

I stood and as I walked out of the dining room and made my way toward the half bath in the hall. My hand was on the knob, but before I could turn it, Angie approached and hooked her arm through mine.

“Uncle Markos just used that so you definitely don’t want to go in.” She wrinkled her nose and steered me toward the stairs. “You can use the one upstairs.”

As we walked up the stairs, I was torn between looking at the pictures hanging on the wall and getting to my destination as quickly as possible. My full bladder won and I followed Angie to the top of the stairs and down the hallway. She stepped aside and gestured for me to enter the bathroom.

“Thanks so much.”

I stepped inside and closed the door, then looked around the large room while I did my business. The room is large and bright with a double vanity and huge clawfoot tub. Similar to the rest of the house, it’s neat and tidy, with a style that’s more traditional than modern. I like it. In fact, I like his whole family. They’ve been welcoming and friendly, and even when they were shooting questions at me left and right, it felt more like a conversation than an interrogation.

After washing my hands, I opened the door and barely stifled a screech when I nearly crashed into Angie.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” she said. “But I wanted to speak to you alone.”

“What’s up?”

“Is Clay seeing anyone?”

“I don’t think so.” I smiled. “Are you interested in him?”

“I’ve always been interested in him. But I was only fourteen when we met and he still treats me like I’m a kid.”

“We’re not all that close, but I’d be happy to put in a good word for you.”

“That’d be great, but I was hoping maybe you could kind of play matchmaker. You know, I’ll come to visit and the four of us could go out. No pressure. No expectations.” She shrugged. “I’m hoping if he spends time with me, he’ll see me as something other than Leo’s little sister.”

“I can do that,” I said. “Leo and I are going to Myrtle Beach next weekend, but maybe the weekend after that?”

Her eyes widened.

“You guys are going away together?” I nodded. She squealed and squeezed my hands. “That’s so awesome.”

“He’s in a golf tournament and asked me to go along.”

“You know he really likes you, right?”

I half-shrugged, half-nodded.

“I don’t understand it, but he seems to.”

“What do you mean? You’re awesome.”

“Thanks.” I looked over her shoulder at the wall full of pictures and zeroed in on the large one in the center. “Oh mygosh, look at all of you. So cute.”

Angie chuckled.

“Not a very subtle change of subject, but I’ll let it go for now.”

“I appreciate that. And while I’ll admit I am trying to change the subject, I really am interested in the pictures.”

I turned my attention back to the picture that had caught my attention. Angie is a baby in her mother’s arms so Leo would be around three. I looked at the boys and pointed at the one I figured was him.

“I’m guessing that’s Leo.” She nodded. “I’m basing that totally by age because the three of them could be triplets.”

She named her other siblings and then we moved onto the other pictures. Most are posed portraits, but there are a few candid shots. Once I looked at every last photo, Angie nudged her head toward the stairs.

“There are more downstairs.”

Leo looked over as we descended the steps and joined us in the hallway.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I was just checking out the pictures upstairs.”

“And I was about to show her the rest,” Angie said with a smirk.

“Just be quiet about it.” He groaned when his mother approached. “Too late.”

Annita put her arm around my shoulders and pointed at the pictures, describing any events taking place in the candid shots in colorful detail.

“If I’d known you were coming, I would have gotten the photo albums out,” she said after we looked at the last photo.

“That’s okay,” Leo said. “I think Anjannette has been bored enough for one weekend.”

“Oh I’m not bored at all. I love looking at family photos.”

“Then I’ll tell you what,” Annita said. “You come over tomorrow night and we’ll make a baklava for you to take home and look through some photo albums.”

“I’d love that, but I think Leo mentioned that we’re going hiking.”

I looked over at him and raised my brow. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Annita and Angie doing the same.

“We’ll only be gone a few hours so we can come over if you’d like.”

“I would definitely like.”

“Wonderful,” Annita said. “Oh! I’ll pull out the family movies, too.”

Leo groaned behind me and I glanced over my shoulder and smiled.

“I can’t wait.”