Foul Pole by Tina Gallagher

Chapter Twenty-Three


“Anyone else have any questions?”Benji asked his players.

Clay and I are at Lackawanna College, visiting our old coach and talking to the team. We each gave a short speech—I talked about my journey from college to the Minor to Major Leagues and Clay told them about his path and how it changed after his car accident. After that, we asked what they wanted to know. Some of them had serious questions and others were more interested in asking about big-name ballplayers I’ve played with and against.

“How did you decide to go into the draft instead of continuing your education?”

The kid who asked that question had a couple other well-thought out ones so it’s obvious he wants to make a career out of the game.

“That’s something you can talk to your coaches about. They’ll tell you where you’re at compared to where you need to be for both the draft and getting into a good four-year school,” Clay said. I nodded when he looked to me for confirmation of what he’d said.

“And don’t wait to talk to them until a month before you graduate, do it now,” I said. “If you’re a Freshman, you can start to work on strengthening any weaknesses, whether that’s your swing or Math class. Even if what you do here doesn’t result in a baseball contract, it can offer you a full ride to a D1 school, and that’s not too shabby.”

“You talked about how you made your decision to quit baseball,” a tall, lanky kid in the back said to Clay. “Did you get to keep your signing bonus even though you weren’t going to be playing anymore?”

“Yeah, I did,” Clay said with a chuckle. “At the time it was cold comfort after losing the career I always wanted, but once I licked my wounds and stopped pouting, it was great having it to help set up my business.”

No one else raised a hand so we wrapped things up, and both Benji and the team thanked us for coming in. As the guys filed out of the gym, Benji ushered us to his office.

“Seems like a good bunch of kids,” I said and I lowered into the chair in front of his desk.

Clay settled into the one next to me as Benji sat in his big leather swivel chair.

“Most of them are. Like always, there are a few that like to disrupt things, but we deal with that before it gets out of hand. We had a couple scholarship kids quit in the fall because they didn’t want to do the work and disrupted everyone who did.” He waved his hand. “But enough about the team. What’s going on with the two of you?”

We gave him the Cliff Notes version of what we’ve been doing since we last saw him. And I’m ashamed to say, it’s been a couple years since I’ve seen Benji in person.

“So now that I’m in Scranton during the off-season, I’d like to be more involved here,” I said. “I owe my career to you and this school.”

“You’re giving me too much credit,” he said. “You both had the talent and the drive to get where you wanted to go.”

“Yeah, but you showed us how to get there,” Clay said.

It was obvious Benji was uncomfortable with the praise, so I changed the subject.

“After the holidays, Clay has graciously agreed to pitch to me and I was hoping we could do it here.”

“Oh yeah, sure. Whatever you need.”

“Let us know the team’s schedule and we’ll try to overlap a little bit so we can give some pointers if they’re interested.”

“They definitely would be. You know you would have loved it when you went here if guys with your experience came in to show you how it’s done.”

“That’s for sure.”

“You know, in my career, I’ve had players go to D1 schools and even enter the draft, but none have had the success that you two and Trey have.” He looked at Clay. “And before you say you didn’t reach the same levels as Leo and Trey, I’m gonna stop you. If it wasn’t for that car accident, you would have been right there with them. Your Minor League numbers were pretty impressive.”

Before Clay could comment, Benji’s phone buzzed.

“Christ,” he said. “I have a meeting with the athletic director.”

“We’ll leave you to it,” I said as Clay and I stood.

“I’ll send you the practice schedule when I have it. They’ll be back from break the second week of January, which will give you more than a month to work out before you have to report to spring training. If you want to get in here between now and then, just let me know. You know I’m always around.”

“Thanks,” I said. “I may take you up on that.”

“Like I said, just let me know.”

We said our goodbyes and left the building. Clay and I had already decided to grab dinner at the diner when we finished at Lackawanna so we got into his car and drove there.

“Trey said you kicked ass at the golf tournament,” he said after we ordered.

“I did all right.”

The waitress walked over with two glasses of water and set them in front of us.

“How was the rest of the trip?”

“It was good. The weather was perfect and Anjannette seemed to enjoy herself. She got along well with my teammates and their wives, which is good. I’m hoping to convince her to come down to St. Pete for a few days or however long she can get away. If she can get away. At least if she does, now she’ll have someone to sit in the stands with that she already knows if Nori isn’t there.”

“Planning events a couple months out. Impressive.”

“Yeah, she’s spending Christmas week with my family and agreed to be my date for Trey and Nori’s wedding, so that takes us into January. So I figure spring training isn’t too much of a stretch from there.”

I’ll be honest, I’ve never made advance plans like that with a woman. I’ve never wanted to. But Anjannette is different. I’d spend all day, every day with her if that was possible.

“So things are going well?”

I took a drink and nodded.

“More so the past couple weeks.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She just seems more comfortable with the relationship and more relaxed in general.”

The waitress brought our burgers and while we ate, I debated whether or not to ask the question that’s been running through my head. I was more than halfway through my burger when I figured I have nothing to lose. I’m not looking for gossip, just an answer.

“Can I ask you something?”


“Keera said something to me and I’m curious about it.”

“What’s that?”

He popped a fry into his mouth and looked at me as he chewed.

“She said Anjannette has been more like herself since we got together. I’ll admit that I’ve noticed a difference in her, but I figured that was just with me, that she’s opening up more as we get to know each other.”

Clay shoved the last of his burger into his mouth and wiped his hands as he chewed. After taking a drink, he rested his elbows on the table and leaned forward.

“I’ve known Anjannette for about six years now, but for a good portion of that, our relationship was strictly professional. I only spoke to her whenever I needed my website updated. But even though that’s the case, I can honestly say, she’s not the same person today that she was then.”

“In what way?”

He shrugged.

“When I first met her, she was very toned down. Not to be too woo-woo, but it was like she didn’t have an inner light.”

“I can’t even imagine that.”

“She was still with her ex-boyfriend and from what I understand, it wasn’t a healthy relationship. I met the guy once and thought he was a tool, so it seemed like a good thing when I heard she left him about three years ago. And since then, she has changed. She’s more confident and that missing inner light I mentioned slowly started to glow. Once she opened her studio, she came to life even more.” He smiled at me. “Then you came along.”

“Hopefully I’ve been a force for good.”

“You seem to be. She smiles more, seems more relaxed.”

“Thanks Clay. I appreciate the conversation.”


The waitress cleared the table and brought our check and we headed back to the studio. Anjannette will be finishing up a class soon, then she’s done for the night so I’ll stop in and see her.

I thought about what Clay said and decided to give Anjannette some more time before bringing up her ex. Despite what Nicky said, I don’t need to know the details if she’s totally moved on. It stands to reason that if she spent five years with that guy and he’s the last person she was with, it would take a little time to expel any bad memories. I just hope that with time, I can do just that.


“Let’sdo it one more time all the way through. If you want to video, now’s the time,” I said.

I had a small beginner’s class tonight, just six people, so we not only managed to get through the whole dance I choreographed, we also got to practice it from beginning to end twice so they’re pretty comfortable with the steps.

After the flurry of activity as the women set up their phones, they stood at their poles ready to start.

“Okay, here we go,” I said and pressed play. The unmistakable first notes of Toxic by Britney Spears sounded through the studio.

They stood poised, hands high on their poles and when Britney sang the first line, they went into a step around then held onto the pole with their right hand and leaned out, raising the left in a ta-da gesture. Then they repeated that on the other side before going into a fireman spin down to the floor.

I stood in the corner, doing my dance-mom routine, miming the next move instead of yelling it out like I did every other time. I’d shortened the song so they’re dancing for less than two minutes instead of the full three and half, but it’s still a longer routine than we’ve done at one time.

They’re coming up on the last moves and everyone is doing really well. Even though they’re not totally in sync, they’re close enough, especially considering they just learned this dance tonight.

I watched as they did one last step around and flowed right into a back spin that they took all the way down to the floor. After landing on their knees, they let their upper bodies fall forward, resting on their palms with their heads down, then did a quick hair flip and shifted into a kneeling position before falling forward again.

With arched backs and high asses, they sexy crawled forward three times and on the fourth, extended their arms in front of them until boobs hit the floor. Rolling onto their backs, they slowly sat up with their arms behind them. With their left legs straight, they bent the right and leaned back on their palms, sticking their chests out, into a mudflap girl pose.

My loud clapping filled the silence as the music ended.

“Oh my God! You guys were so amazing!”

I know my shouting will be on everyone’s video, but I didn’t care. They all looked so amazing. I love it when students let go and really feel what they’re doing. And it’s so obvious when it happens because they look empowered and sexy and comfortable in their bodies.

Waving my hand in front of my face, I said, “You guys were perfect. You’re seriously going to make me cry.”

I turned on a playlist, lowering the volume so it just acted as background noise then pulled on my joggers.

“Anjannette.” I turned toward Sophie Baxter. “Could you get into your elbow stand from your stomach again so I can videotape it?”

“Oh sure.” I said goodbye to some of my students as we walked over to the pole she’d been working on and I got onto the floor then shifted to my stomach with my arms extended, hands wrapped around the base of the pole. “Ready?”

“Yep. Go ahead.”

I slowly pulled my ass up until my toes brushed the floor and my back bumped the pole. From there, I lifted my legs and straightened them, pointing my toes toward the ceiling. I stayed upside down for a couple seconds before reversing the process with my muscles still fully engaged.

“You make that look so easy,” she said.

“You’re doing a good job pulling yourself up from your knees. With practice, you’ll be doing this in no time.”

“Thanks. I’m definitely going to practice at home,” Sophie said as she moved over to the corner and put jeans and a sweater on over her pole shorts and top.

Everyone else had cleared out and I spotted Leo in the open doorway and walked toward him.

“I’m surprised you’re still here,” I said.

“After my session, Clay and I went to see our old coach at Lackawanna then grabbed a bite to eat at the diner. We took his car so he dropped me off to get my truck. I figured your class would be ending, so I thought I’d stop in.”

Sophie walked toward us and said hi to Leo.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and left us alone.

“I saw your handstand,” he said and leaned down to give me a quick kiss. “It was pretty impressive.”

“It was actually an elbow stand.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. “But I won’t hold your error against you.”

“No?” He placed his hands on my waist. “What will you hold against me?”

I’d put on joggers but was still only wearing my pole top so his hands rested against my bare skin. I dragged my fingertips across his chest and shrugged.

“I’m open for suggestions.”

He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath and after giving me another quick kiss, stepped back.

“I’ll make a list and we can discuss it in detail when we’re not standing in your studio.”

Since I was on a sexual hiatus when I opened the studio, the thought of fooling around here never crossed my mind. But right now, alone here with Leo, I can’t think of anything else.

“Do you want to try the elbow stand? I’ll spot you.”

“The thought of going upside down doesn’t thrill me,” he said. “But I’ll show you what I can do.”

He laid down on his stomach and extended his arms out to the side and his legs shoulder-width apart. I watched, fascinated, as he slowly lifted into a plank without using his elbows or knees to push. It looked like he had a string attached to his back, pulling him up. He lowered back to the floor, rolled to his side, and propped his head in his hand.

“That was very impressive,” I said as I sat next to him.

Shifting onto his back, he said, “Come here, I’ll show you what else I can do.”

“I’m aware of what you can do and I am extremely impressed.”

“I’m not talking about that, but I thank you for the compliment.” Holding out his hand, he said, “Straddle my lap.” I raised my brows and smirked. “Just trust the process.”

I stood and placed my feet on either side of his hips before lowering down. He reached out and laced our fingers together.

“Okay now, shift forward and put your feet either on top of mine or on my ankles. Wherever they reach.”

Stretching my legs back, I rested my toes on his ankles. With his arms holding my chest up, it was an awkward position, but I’ll trust the process like he said. Even though I have no idea what either the process or the end result may be.

“Engage your muscles and hold my hands tight.”

I did as he said and held on as he proceeded to press me slowly up and down, like a push

up. It was wobbly at first, but once I felt more comfortable, my body was solid. He must have felt the change because he got more daring with his actions, pushing me higher then lowering me down far enough to kiss me before sending me back up.

“I’m not even going to ask how you got so good at this,” I said.

“It was kind of a party trick back in college.”

“Is that so?”

He chuckled at my sarcastic tone and lowered me down onto his chest.

“That’s so,” he said as he wrapped his arms around my back. “It’s been a while since I did it, but since you’re in such good shape, I figured it’d be easy. And I was right.”

He lifted his head and pressed his lips against mine. I think he meant for it to be a quick peck, but I opened my mouth over his and turned it into something hotter. Shifting his hand up to cup the back of my head, he thrust his tongue inside to tease and tangle against mine and I met him stroke for stroke.

Letting my legs slide down until I straddled his lap again, I pressed against his erection. That kicked things up a few notches and soon I was riding him as our mouths continued to feast on each other.

I needed to breathe, but didn’t want to release his mouth so I took in quick, shallow breaths through my nose but it wasn’t enough. Ending the kiss, I sat back and sucked in big gulps of air and watched him do the same.

“Don’t move.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

I stood and crossed the room to lock the door. We’re the only ones in the building, but with my luck one of my students or Clay would come back and get quite a show.

As I walked back toward the sexy man sprawled on my floor, I pulled off my bra and tossed it behind me. Once I reached his side, I slowly pulled down my joggers, adding an extra little wiggle to my hips before stepping out of them. My pole shorts and thong quickly followed.

“You are absolutely gorgeous.”

I smiled at the compliment and lowered to my knees next to him. I’m getting more comfortable with him telling me that because honestly, he makes me feel beautiful.

Tucking my fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants, I pulled them and his boxer briefs down and watched his cock bob up against his stomach. Way up.

I reached out and dragged the tip of my index finger from the base all the way up to circle around the plump head.

“Oh fuck!”

I snatched my hand back and shifted my gaze to his face.

“Did I hurt you?”

“No. God no. I just realized that I don’t have a condom,” he said. “Do you by any chance have one on you?”

“I don’t.”

I looked around the studio. For what, I don’t know. It’s not like there’s a secret stash here.

Nibbling on my lip, I considered my next words, then figured I have nothing to lose by speaking them.

“Before you, I hadn’t had sex in more than three years, but I never stopped my birth control shot. I’m comfortable with skipping the condom if you are.”

The intensity of his dark eyes as they bore into mine reiterated what a monumental step this is. If I’d really considered that before I spoke, I never would have gotten the words out.

“I get regular blood tests for the Waves. The last one was at the beginning of September and everything was good. I haven’t been with anyone but you since then. So if you’re sure, so am I.”

Instead of answering with words, I straddled his lap again. Leo placed his hands on the outside of my thighs as I positioned myself over him, then let out a long, low groan as I slowly slid down.

“Shit that feels good.”

I would have teased him about both his words and his strained voice, but the feel of Leo inside me, hot and hard with nothing between us has left me speechless.

I’d love to go slow and make this last, but I’m already so wet and achy it won’t take much to push me over the edge. I moved my hips in tiny circles, slowly at first then faster as I lost myself in the feeling.

He skimmed his hands up my sides then cupped my breasts before pinching my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, twisting and pulling, using my own rhythm to drive me wild. I moved faster and faster, my inner muscles clenching him tighter every time my clit brushed against his pelvis.

“Leo.” His name came out as a strangled moan.

I’m close, so close but I want to make it last as long as possible. Leo apparently has other plans.

Releasing my nipples, he gripped my ass, pressing me tighter against him as he lifted his hips to meet my every thrust. I rested my hands against his chest and continued to ride him, my movements shorter and more focused with every pass.

Leo tilted my hips forward, the slight adjustment pressing his dick against that spot. “Right there.” I thrust harder, rubbing him against me over and over. “Oh God, Leo.

Right there.

That last word was said on a long, low moan as my inner walls spasmed over and over again, my orgasm crashing through my entire body. I heard Leo shout my name just before I collapsed against his chest.