Too Hexy For Her Hat by Susan Hayes



They were strolling hand in hand down the dock toward their floating villa while Luna tried to wrap her head around the fact she was bathed in moonlight and tropical breezes instead of standing in her little apartment.

This wasn’t something she’d ever done. Teleported off to some new part of the world to explore. For one thing, teleporting somewhere you’d never been was a good way to get yourself stuck inside a tree, a wall, or in the path of a speeding car. For another, she didn’t have much to do with the larger supernatural world. If she travelled as a human, that meant being surrounded by them. It would be hard to hide in plain sight when on vacation in the tropics with a raven that you somehow managed to get onto a plane and through all the quarantines. Plus, she didn’t trust Beaker to make that kind of trip unsupervised, and she couldn’t imagine trying to convince the flight crew he was a certified support animal.

She never expected to see places like this, especially not a resort exclusively for supernatural beings. Magic was everywhere. Glass lanterns fashioned to look like sea creatures floated along the sides of the dock, shimmering walls of air screened each villa to give total privacy and soundproofing.

A sprite bedecked in flowers and not much else flew just ahead of them, giving them a brief tour and explaining how everything worked as she led them to their home for the next few days. “The entire resort is enchanted to deflect searching spells and to block all electronics—human and supernatural. We pride ourselves on being reality proof. When you’re ready to explore, I recommend the underwater tours. Just call the front desk to book a time. The bubbles are a delightful and safe way to explore the sea without getting wet.”

“We’ll want to book massages, too,” Chad said.

“Oh of course! We have a full spa here. I recommend seaweed wrap and an hour with Octavia. She’s a very talented masseuse and an octopus Shifter. She can work on both of you at once.”

“Perfect,” Chad said.

“We’re all inclusive. Anything you’d like to do has already been paid for, so be sure to indulge yourselves.”

Luna felt like she was in a dream. Any second she was going to wake up and discover that she was back in her bed and all of this was the result of eating bad sushi… or something.

Only, she hadn’t had sushi today. And Chad’s grip on her hand was firm and solid. So maybe this was real?

Beaker flew out of the darkness and landed on her shoulder. “All clear. So this is how the other half live? Maybe we need to spend more time witching it up because this place is nice! So many things that sparkle, and it’s still dark.”

“Do not steal anything.”

“But she said it was all inclusive,” Beaker muttered sulkily.

“That’s not what she meant. Food and services.”

“Food?” That brightened her familiar up again.

“All you can eat. Enjoy and remember not to get so heavy you can’t fly.”

“I make no promises.”

Chad shot an amused look at her. “Hissy said the same thing.”

“And here we are. Villa six-six-nine. I hope you enjoy your romantic getaway. If you need anything, call the front desk, and if you’re hungry, the midnight buffet will be open until four a.m. Breakfast is served starting at four-oh-one.”

The little sprite took off, leaving them at the edge of their private jetty.

“Midnight buffet?” Beaker and Hissy asked at the same moment.

She looked at Chad and then shrugged. “Shall we let them go eat themselves into a coma?”

“I think so.” Chad conjured a small silk bag with a strap and set it on the jetty. Then he placed Hissy beside it. “You can ask Beaker to fly you over there, or you can make your own way. The choice is yours. Beaker, if you hurt my familiar, I will turn you into a dodo. We clear?”

“A dodo?” the bird asked.

“Yeah. They’re extinct.”

“Point taken. Come on, Hissy. Let’s get out of here before they start with the nudity and moaning.”

“Yes. Anything but that.” Hissy slithered into the bag, and Beaker hopped down to grab the strap in one claw.

They watched the two unlikely allies vanish into the night.

“Alone at last.” Chad tugged her into his arms for another kiss.

She kissed him back and then squeaked in surprise as he swept her into his arms and carried her through the privacy wall and into their villa.

She didn’t get a chance to see much of it. White walls. Brightly coloured cushions and furniture. There were glass walls and doors everywhere, revealing decks with more chairs, umbrellas, a private pool and a jacuzzi.

“This place is amazing.”

“Which is why I thought you’d like it. I came here once a long time ago. It was lovely, but it will be even better this time.”

She felt a twinge of jealousy at the idea that he’d been here before with someone else. “Why’s that? You get us a nicer villa this time?”

He stopped walking and stared down at her. “No. You’re here with me. Last time I was alone. I’ve…” He flashed her a smile that deepened his dimples. “I’ve been alone most of my life, Luna. I’m tired of it. I want someone to share things with.”

“Yeah,” she whispered, her hand stealing up to touch his cheek. “Me too.”

Three seconds later they were standing in the bedroom zapping away each other’s clothes. Their hands and mouths lay claim to naked flesh as they laughed and moaned by turns.

No soundtracks or special effects intruded on this moment. Nothing distracted them from their mutual goal. She wanted him. He wanted her. This was a magic all its own, and she was happy to fall under its spell… at least for now.

The bedroom had curtains instead of walls, and she could hear the soft lapping of the waves. A glowing orb of pale light floated in one corner, casting just enough light to see. It was beautiful… and so was he.

She’d known he was fit. She’d felt that through his clothes. Naked, though? He wasn’t just fit. He was sculpted, complete with lean lines of carved muscle she wanted to trace with her fingers or her tongue. He had the perfect amount of hair on his chest, and a treasure trail that led down to his… damn.

“And that’s why it’s called my wand of wonder,” he drawled, as he caught the direction of her gaze.

“Because women wonder how it’s going to fit?” she shot back, blushing.

He flashed her a grin so superior and smug she briefly wondered if he was secretly some kind of cat Shifter. “Oh, we’ll fit together perfectly.” He cupped her cheeks in his hands. “I think we were made for each other.”

She turned and kissed his fingers but kept her thoughts to herself. Cards or not, she wasn’t ready to say anything that would commit her to this crazy course long term. Instead, she said, “Can we not talk about this until morning? I don’t want to think right now. I want to feel.”

“No more talking.” He tapped two fingers to his chest, over his heart. “Though I vote that the words, ‘Oh, Chad, yes, please, and more,’ should be allowed.”

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “I’m pretty sure you’re going to need a few too. Ready to expand your vocabulary?”

He didn’t answer her aloud. He just unleashed another swirl of orange and gold sparks. The next thing she knew they were on the bed and she was pressed up nice and comfy against his wand and every other gloriously naked part of him.

“Oh, yes,” she parroted his words from a moment prior. “Those were on the list. Weren’t they?”

“At the top.” Chad’s mouth slanted over hers as he rolled her onto her back, his arms holding most of his weight off of her. “Just like me.”

“Please,” she said as drolly as she could manage, given that her brain was melting around the edges.

“Right word. Wrong tone.” He pressed his knee between her legs and then leaned down to kiss her. His tongue and the tip of his wand hit their targets at the same moment. Need shredded through the last of her defenses, and she opened herself to him. Her legs wrapped around his, lips parted, hands on his shoulders as he pressed her down into the mattress.

He groaned in approval and shifted his weight so he was supporting himself on one arm while his newly freed hand slowly skimmed down her flank. He raised his hips just enough to give himself space to move between their bodies and then lowered himself again, pressing fingers and the tip of his magic wand against the gates of her personal amusement park.

She tried to arch her back but only managed a slight wiggle before he pushed her down into the mattress with firm, steady pressure. “Behave. If you don’t, this is going to be over embarrassingly fast. Goddess, I have never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

“That’s just Cupid’s spell.”

“No, my little lunatic. That’s just you.”

He slid a finger inside her and she shivered but managed to gasp, “Or it’s you.”

“It’s us. And if you have breath to talk, I’m clearly doing this wrong. Besides, none of those words are on the approved list. Let’s start from the top. Shall we?” He flicked a finger over her clit and whispered. “Oh.” Then he twisted his fingers and slid them deeper. “Chad, yes.”

He moved his fingers faster, his lips brushing hers. “Do you remember what comes next?”

“Me?” she asked hopefully.

“Nuh uh. Not until I hear the words.”

She stuck her tongue out at him, laughed, and managed to count to three in her head before she gave in. “Yes, please, more!”

“Anything you need, Luna. All you have to do is ask. Remember that.” His words weren’t sexy or playful anymore, but before she could think about the depth of his promise, he gave her everything she’d asked for and then some.

Moans turned to gasps and then to a wild, keening cry as she shattered into itty-bitty bits of bliss. His fingers were so talented there should have been a monument dedicated to them.

Luna was still limp and breathless when he moved his hand away and replaced it with what she suspected would soon become her favourite part of his body.

His muscles flexed beneath her hands as he claimed her, slowly and gently, the tension in his body the only clue that he was fighting to stay in control. Once he was seated deep inside, she released a soft breath and relaxed.

The cocky warlock winked at her. “See? You were made for me.”

She opened her mouth to say something saucy, but then he moved, and she lost the ability to form words. It was like being caught up in a volcanic eruption. Heat washed over her. The ground shook and everything was in motion all at once. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her mouth to his, and held on tightly.

That’s when she learned that her Cupid-assigned lover might be a boyish charmer in the streets but a demon in the sheets. Her demon.

He did things to her that she didn’t know were possible, and she did her best to return the favour.

“Yes,” he groaned, as she flexed her body around him. “More please.”

His mismatched eyes were bright with need, his breath coming in harsh pants as he reached the end of his control.

She could feel it breaking a little more with each thrust and rise of her hips. She tore her mouth from his and buried her face in the crook of his neck, her teeth nipping at his skin as she muffled her scream of pleasure against his body and came again.

This was so much more than lust. She knew that deep down in her soul. It was primal, perfect… and a little terrifying. Everything kept pointing to the same conclusion. Chad was really The One. Capitalized, italicized, and dipped in forever sauce.

Chad only lasted a few more seconds. Then their room lit up in a blaze of magic as gold, black, and crimson magic exploded above them, showering them in glittering sparks that winked out of existence as they landed with a happy sigh and a sizzle.

Lacking the strength to move, Luna let herself bask in the afterglow. Her limbs were limp but still wrapped around Chad. Letting go of him would take more energy than she had. Plus, she didn’t want to. Not yet.

“That was…” Chad murmured a few minutes later.


“It’s never been like that. I mean, I’m good. Possibly great. But that was something else.”

She snorted. “Modesty is not your strong suit. Is it?”

“Facts are facts. I was amazing. So were you. Which means that was extra double plus spectacularly amazing.” Chad kissed her cheek and then rolled off her with a soft grunt of contentment.

“Shower? Skinny dipping in the pool? Sleep?” Chad asked.

“Sleep is overrated, and I’ve never been anywhere that had a private pool.”

“I’ll go anywhere you want so long as we can stay naked. I’m thinking we’ll have all our meals delivered. Less need to dress if we don’t leave the villa.”

“But what about all the activities? I’ve never been to the tropics before. In fact, this is my first trip out of the country.”

Chad blinked at her. “Your first? Well, damn. Then I guess we’ll have to get dressed at least once a day.”

“Twice a day,” she countered.

Chad pretended to pout. “That’s a lot of non-naked time.”

“It is not!” She thumped him with a pillow. She was happier than she could remember and felt like for once in her life everything was going her way. She wanted to hang on to this feeling as long as she could and cherish every moment she and Chad had before it all went to hell again.

She knew it would, eventually, because the wheel of fortune never stopped spinning. The higher it went, the farther you fell at the end. Maybe this time it wouldn’t be so bad, though. Maybe this time she and Chad would fall together.

Goddess, she hoped so.