Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Ten


Alicia worked alongside Kristina and Sally as they baked cookies for the club. Although she interacted with the other women, her mind was on what the guys were doing.

“Hey, lady.”

The three looked toward the door to see Snake.

“There’s a woman here for you. Says she’s a friend of your sister’s.”

Alicia looked to the other two girls, then shrugged. “I’ll go check it out.”

Kristina grabbed ahold of her and then looked at the man. “Snake, wait. Can a few of you guys just watch for anything suspicious? I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Sure. I’ll grab a few.”

“Act normal. If it’s a trap, we want her caught alive to answer questions.”

“You got it.”

Alicia watched him turn and leave.

“Take this,” Kristina said and handed her a knife.

Alicia tucked it under her sleeve, so it was easy to get to if she needed it.

“We’ll watch from here.”

Alicia nodded at her and walked out of the kitchen. Right away, she knew something was up. The woman was dressed in a pretty dress and sandals, with her hair curled and makeup on, but it didn’t seem to fit her persona for some reason. She still looked like she’d lived a hard life and enjoyed it.

“Hi,” Alicia said and stopped a few feet away. “Do I know you?”

“Hey, we met through your sister a long time ago. I just wanted to come by and tell you how sorry I am.”

“Thank you. What’s your name?”


“Okay. Thank you for coming by,” Alicia said and then stiffened when the woman stepped toward her and looked around.

Kari looked her up and down. “You’re prettier than I thought you’d be.”

Alicia felt her heart trip in her chest. “I’m not sure what that means.” The woman’s pupils were huge, telling Alicia that she was high on something.

“You look like a princess,” Kari said.

Alicia snorted. “Not likely.”

“I’d like you to come with me, and we could maybe have lunch.”

Alicia shook her head and saw the flash of pure evil in the woman’s eyes before she blanked out her expression. “I’m sorry, but I’m busy right now. Maybe another time.”

Kari stepped close to her and whispered. “I need you to come with me now.”

“No,” Alicia said and tried to step back. She cried out when Kari grabbed her arm and dug her nails in.

“Bitch, if you don’t come, the gun I have in my pocket will come out, and I’ll take out everyone, but you’ll be first.”

“You wouldn’t get away with it. There are several guys here who are probably armed, and you’ll be dead.”

“That’s fine by me. If I don’t take you back, I’ll be better off dead anyway.”


“Because my man likes things done a certain way, and if he doesn't get what he wants, he gets a little pissy. I can’t figure out how they think you could cause them problems. You’re just a naïve little cunt.”

Alicia saw a few of the guys move in behind Kari.

She ignored what the woman said. “How about this,” Alicia said. “You hand over your gun, and they might just let you go.”

“Not going to fucking happen. Let’s go, princess.”

Alicia pulled out the knife and put it to the woman’s neck, shocking the woman. “This is the way it’s going to go. I fuck you up, and then the guys can have you.”

“You don’t have the balls,” Kari said.

Alicia laughed. “Bitch, I took out two of your guys.”

“By yourself?”

“Fuck, yeah, and I’ll keep doing it. That last fucker bled out within seconds. I wish I could have stood around and watched.”

“You fucking whore,” Kari yelled and tried to reach for the gun.

Alicia stabbed her in the shoulder, making Kari’s arm instantly worthless, and the gun fell to the ground.

The woman screamed in pain, sending several of the guys in.

“You know what, I held your sister down so my man could rape her good.”

A burning fury raced through her body as she went to attack Kari. “Stay back,” Alicia screamed at the men who ran toward them. “This bitch is mine.”

One of the guys grabbed the hand that held the knife as Alicia tried to stab the woman again. “Not going to happen, sister.”

Alicia tried to fight him off.

Mad Dog nodded to two of the men. “You two take that whore to the back shed and string her up. I’m sure our prez is going to want to talk to her. Stay with her until the boss gets here.”

Alicia listened as they dragged the screaming woman away.

“Goddamn you,” Alicia yelled. “You had no right.”

The man held her tightly as she continued to fight him.

“Mad Dog, what are you doing to Alicia?” Kristina said from the doorway.

“Just trying to protect her. She wanted to kill that whore before Striker could talk to her.”

“Alicia!” Kristina yelled. “Stop. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”

Dammit. She wanted that woman so bad she could taste it, but she knew it wouldn’t happen, and it pissed her off.

Alicia instantly wilted in his arms. She wiped her eyes off and pushed Mad Dog away from her. “I’m fine now. You can let me go.”

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” Mad Dog asked.

She smoothed down her shirt and shook her head. “No.” She turned to Kristina. “I’m going to go up to Stone’s room for a bit.”

“Okay. Do you want me to go with you?”

Alicia shook her head. “No. I just need … a little time.”

Everyone stood back and let her walk out of the room and up the stairs. They stayed quiet until she turned the corner, and then she heard Mad Dog yell for someone to call the boss and Stone.

At that moment, she didn’t give a shit. She was back in the hole of despair she’d just climbed out of. The thought of that woman helping men hurt her sister made her sick. Women were supposed to stick together, help each other. At least, that was what she’d been taught her whole life. But right then, she wanted to tear her apart and make her hurt as bad as she imagined her sister hurt when they tortured and murdered her.

Alicia closed the door, walked to the window, and pressed her face to the cold glass. She felt the tears stream down her face, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t feel anything but excruciating misery.

Her body shook with the need to scream at the top of her lungs or beat against something. Anything to ease the despair she felt and get rid of the ball of agony that built in her belly.

She didn’t know how to handle the turbulent emotions, so she wrapped her arms around her waist and tried to hold on to herself, thinking it would comfort her, hoping the feelings would fade enough so she could take a breath.