Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Eleven


“Where is she?” Stone yelled as he slammed into the clubhouse.

“Up in your room,” Mad Dog said.

Stone stopped beside the guy. “Tell me what happened.”

Mad Dog told him everything from the time the woman showed up until Alicia walked from the room.

Stone wiped a hand down his face. Fuck. She was just starting to heal enough to smile, and now he knew she’d be back in the depression he’d just pulled her out of.

“Tell Striker this when he gets here. He’s just a few minutes behind me. Where’s the bitch at now?”

“Strung up in the back shed. Two of our guys are watching her.”

“Good. God, I’d love a shot at her,” Stone said.

“I know, but the prez is going to want to get as much information out of her that he can, so I doubt he’d let you at her. Maybe after.”

Stone smacked his friend’s shoulder. “Thanks for taking care of her.”

“No problem. She’s one of us now.”

“Yeah, she is.” She just won’t accept it, Stone thought as he walked away and up the stairs. He needed to get to his woman as quickly as he could and hopefully repair whatever damage that woman had done.

His stomach twisted when he got his first glance of her standing by the window with her arms wrapped tightly around her midsection.

He studied her for a moment and could almost feel the waves of pain that surrounded her.

She turned when he shut and locked the door. They stared at each other as he crossed his arms over his chest.

“Do you like me at all?” she asked.

One of his brows rose. Where the hell did that come from? He nodded. “Yes.”

“I need you to let me see the woman.”

He was shaking his head before she finished. “No.”

“You said you cared,” she yelled.

“I do. That’s why. I’m not going to let you around her.”

“Let? What the hell? You’re not my boss, father, brother, or boyfriend. You’ve got no right to tell me what I can do.”

“I’m actually more than any of them.”

“How?” she bellowed. “You don’t even know me.”

“You might not like it, and I don’t care, but I’m your everything right now. I’m your boss, dad, brother, and man, and pretty soon, you’re going to stop fighting it and deal.”

She growled in fury, picked up the first thing she got her hands on, which was a book, and threw it at him, hitting him in the chest.

It seemed to make her madder when he just stood there without flinching, a smirk on his face.

He let her throw a few more things, trying to tire her out and let loose some of the anger eating at her. “If you don’t stop, woman, you’ll regret it.”

“Fuck you!” she screamed and reached for his computer.

In three steps, he was on her and took hold of his laptop, which he set on one of the shelves and held her with the other arm as she fought him.

“Don’t you fucking touch me, you, dirtball.”

He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing because he knew she’d probably try to kill him, and he really didn’t like to see her in pain.

After she kicked him, he sighed and tightened his grip on her when she leaned forward to bite him. “Woman, you’re pushing me.”

She paused for a brief moment and then went wild. “Pushing you? You motherfucker—”

Within seconds, he rolled his eyes, picked her up, and dumped her on the bed, coming down on top of her and with her pinned beneath him. Her hands were above her head and her legs spread as he made a place for himself and prevented her from doing any more damage.

He waited for her to settle. It took longer than he thought, but he stayed patient and kept trying to soothe her, telling her everything would be okay.

She finally collapsed and turned her head away.

He used one hand to smooth the hair from her sweaty red face. “I’m sorry, Al. Mad Dog told me what happened. If it helps, she’ll feel a lot of pain before she dies.”

“But I want to be the one to inflict it,” she whispered.

“No, you don’t. Baby, it’s not in your nature, and every time you hurt or kill anyone, it will eventually affect you.”

“Haven’t you ever hurt or killed someone?”

“Fuck, yeah, but I’m a man, for one thing, and secondly, I’ve spent every day of my life fighting to survive. I had no one to care about me until I found this club. Now, I have a family.”

“Well, I don’t have one anymore.”

“Hell, yeah, you do. You have the club and me.”

She sniffed and turned her head to the side. “After the Demons are gone, I might have to leave.”

“No, you’re staying right here. Unless you hate me or don’t like living here, you’re here forever.”

“You can get off me now.”

He studied her for a moment and let her go. Then he stepped back and stood by the side of the bed to let her sit up. She was still breathing heavily and wouldn’t look at him.

“I need some time alone,” she said.


Her gaze shot to his. “No? You can’t give me some space?”

He crossed his arms. “No. I think it’s the last thing you need.”

She jumped to her feet and yelled. “You have no idea what I need, you asshole.”

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sensing her moving, he looked to see her with her hand raised and headed for the window.

“Fuck.” He jumped and grabbed her before she could put her hand through the glass and rip her skin to shreds. “Goddammit,” he said when she started fighting again.

He growled. “That’s it.” It took a while because she fought the whole time, but he stripped her and then himself. He spread her wide and made sure she was wet enough to take him before lining up his cock and ramming it into her cunt.

She screamed and bowed off the mattress, trying to dislodge him. He wasn’t worried because he knew it was an angry scream, not that he’d hurt her. He knew she hated that he was making her feel something other than anger at the moment.

If he hadn’t felt her cum slide out of her and wetting his cock, he would have stopped. He started riding her slowly and gently and waited for the storm to pass, and for his loving to get through the veil of pain that surrounded her.

He had sweat rolling down his spine as he waited. There was no way he was going to come before her. She wasn’t fighting as much, but she still looked angry. It was going to take more than fucking to get her attention. He pulled out, flipped her to her hands and knees, and drove into her again. She didn’t fight him, but he could tell she was tense with the residual anger. He rode her for a few minutes before he pulled out and pressed the head of his cock to her asshole.

They hadn’t done anything like it yet, but he felt she needed the extra bit of pain to get through to her.

She froze and gasped as he pushed into her.

“Oh, God, what are you doing?” she asked.

“Getting your attention.”

He kept at her, pushing into her tight ass until he bottomed out inside of her, making them both moan. He froze for a moment and gripped her hips.

“I know you’re angry and hurting, baby, but you’ve got to let me help. We’ll get through this.”

She hung her head.

“Tell me if this gets too painful.”

She tried to nod but whimpered when he started fucking her. He started slowly at first before his thrusts became more powerful.

Pretty soon, she was begging as he rammed his cock into her. He knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Baby, come for me.”

Her body shook with the need to orgasm, but she seemed to fight it. He reached under her and started manipulating her clit, knowing that even if she fought it, she’d come.

“That’s a girl,” he said when she tightened on him. “Fuck, you feel so good.”

A scream tore from her mouth as he continued to drive into her until he felt his own orgasm take him, making him groan. His eyes rolled back at the most intense feeling he’d ever had before.

He pumped all his cum into her before pushing her forward a bit, so they were flat on the mattress. Turning them to the side, he lay spooning her with his cock still embedded in her ass. He knew he’d eventually have to leave it, but for now, he was where he wanted to be.

He cuddled her and kissed her head, neck, and shoulder until she finally relaxed against him.

Stone thought he’d won this round, but he knew there would be more to come. He’d just have to stay alert and watch over her because he wasn’t going to let her self-destruct. He cared way too much for her already, and he could just see it getting deeper as the days passed.