Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Nine


Stone jumped on his bike, started it, and moved in behind Striker as they rode to one of their warehouses.

The meeting they’d had earlier had gone well. They came up with several different scenarios and what their best options were.

Striker had already talked to their liaison, Hardy, in the police department about the possible repercussions if they ended up killing twenty to thirty guys.

Although the cop was thrilled to get rid of that group, he said to take extra precaution because he suspected they also had a guy on the force who was helping the Demons, and he was as crooked as they came.

Hardy would do his best to keep an eye on the guy and keep them up-to-date with any investigation that started. One thing about Hardy, Stone had always liked was that the guy actually believed the Viper’s Crew were good men and kept the county clean. Very few people broke the law because they had the club to deal with.

They weren’t angels. They had all murdered several people, but never innocent ones, and Hardy liked that. They were always the scum of the earth, the ones who did hurt the innocents. They also kept drugs away, which was kind of funny because they were the ones who transported them to other places. Or they used to. Since Kristina came into Striker’s life, the prez had started turning to more lawful endeavors.

Although it was working, the gym, bar, garage, and whorehouse they started were making them more money than the transportation of drugs and guns did, it tended to make things boring, which was dangerous for a group of guys who thrived on violence.

One of the first things his prez had done was build a private gym for the club in the back and filled it with state-of-the-art weight machines and bars and a boxing ring for them to fight in.

Stone had to admit he’d never been in better shape, and it did help when he felt the build-up of tension to spend a few hours in the place. He always came out hurting, sweating, wiped-out, and calm.

It didn’t always help, but they were moving in the direction Striker wanted them to, and since they were making money and weren’t in all the danger they had before, Stone knew they wouldn’t be going back to their previous way of making money.

Within an hour, they were pulling up outside one of their warehouses. This one housed their guns and explosives.

Taz unlocked the door and opened it. Striker walked by him and turned on the lights as he made his way over to a stack of boxes.

“How are we going to do this?” Gunner asked.

Striker glanced at him. “We’ll have a few of you sneaky bastards watch them for a few days to see when the best time is to blow their place up with everyone in it.”

“What if there are innocents in the building?” Blood asked.

“That’s another thing they are watching and listening for. I’ve got a few prospects out canvasing the bars to see if they can pick up any information.”

“Alicia told me there have been seven women killed the same way her sister way,” Stone told them.

“What the fuck?” Feral said. “Where are the fucking cops?”

“They’re either pussies or can’t find any evidence to charge them,” Taz said.

“We have to take them out,” Stone said.

“What if we don’t get them all?” Feral asked.

“Or somehow Rock doesn’t get hit?” Blood asked of the Black Demons’ prez.

“We’ve already talked about this. If by chance we don’t kill Rock, most of his guys will be dead, and he’ll have to start over to build his club,” Striker said as he lined up the dynamite they were planning to use.

“But you know that fucker is the one behind all of this shit,” Stone reminded him.

“Yes. Out of all of them, he’s the most fucked up,” Striker said. “Let’s get this going, boys. I want this done as quickly as possible so I can get home to my old lady.”

The group loaded what they would need to move it closer to town so they could get to it quickly. Gunner would organize it because he was the best with explosives.