On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 50


“God, that sucks.”

I nod from my spot next to Heidi on the couch. “Yeah, it kinda does.”

“I can’t believe she said that,” she says before taking a sip from her wineglass.

“I can.” I shrug. “It was inevitable, I guess.”

“I mean, my parents have never been the most supportive people in the world, but they’ve never full on abandoned me.”

I nod. “I am the current front-runner in the Shitty Parents Pageant, yes.”

She cringes. “Sorry.”

“It’ll be okay.”

“What are you gonna do?”

“The same thing every broke student with a dream does: succumb to the crushing weight of debt to fulfill them,” I quip. “It’ll be worth it, in the end. I just have to keep my head up and think positive.”

“See, now that’s the spirit!” Heidi says. “Hey! Maybe embracing your independence can go on your vision board. It’s not too late to start one for this semester.”

I tilt my head. “I think I’m kinda done with vision boards, actually. You dream and you plan and you set things in motion and then… you just end up disappointed.”

“That doesn’t sound very positive,” she jokes.

I smile. “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ve just had a… weird day.”

“Anything else happen?” she asks. “Other than the unexpected run-in with Mamazilla?”

I hooked up with your brother. Again.

“Nope,” I answer. “Just… that.”

“Well, I say don’t be sorry. Be proactive.” She raises her glass. “Tonight, we imbibe. We eat our weight in carbs. We do a little moping…”

I open my mouth, then quickly stop myself. Truthfully, I’ve already done all the moping I plan to do on this subject, thanks to… well… her brother.

“We get it all out,” she continues. “And tomorrow…”

“We imbibe.” I raise my glass, too. “On a beach.”


We tap our glasses together before taking a sip.

“I’m actually looking forward to a nice, mellow night at the Rose family beach house,” I say. “No pressure. No expectations. Just a night in the sand with moonlight and old friends.”

“Or perhaps a new friend?” Heidi hints. “You know, someone like… Brad?”

“Brad?” I ask.


“Who’s Brad?”

“Oh, Brad is… sweet. And attractive. And smart.”

Oh, god.

I know where this is going.

“And he recently starting temping at Little Black Book and just might be super perfect for… someone I know.”

“Pray tell whom?” I deadpan.

“Someone like… you.”

I chuckle with a shake of the head, surprising myself. Normally, I’d leap at the chance to add new blood to my contact book. I’d ask myself what’s changed, but I already know the answer to that.

I press my lips together; Seth’s kisses from earlier still fresh. “I don’t think I’m in the mood for it right now, Heidi,” I say.

“Really? Because I kinda hoped to segue here from the think positive part…” She screws up her nose. “You know, because we kind of… already invited him.”

I hum.

“But it’s cool!” she says. “He’s not expecting anything. All we told him was that he was single, and you were single and that you two might like to mingle.”

“I am familiar with the concept, yes.”

“No pressure, like you said, but I do think you’ll change your mind once you see him because…” She purses her lips. “He is very much your type.”

My type?

What does that even mean anymore?

The only man I’ve been attracted to recently has never come close to being my type, and yet…


I look up, softly clearing my throat. “Sure,” I say to make her happy. “I will meet this… Brad. You already invited him, so what choice do I have?”

“That’s the positivity I’m looking for!” She pats my knee. “Trust me. You are going to love him.”

I smile to hide my doubt. Or is it guilt?

Let’s just stick with doubt.