On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 52


Itie off the front of my oversized shirt as I check myself in my mirror again. It rests over my scarlet red bikini top, giving me plenty of material to fiddle with, but I can’t seem to get it right today. I tie and re-tie it, hoping this time will be cute enough. Never quite gets there, but maybe it’ll fall into place on its own.

Yeah. Sure, Jenna. Because that’s what happens in life. Everything just falls into place without effort, right? I mean, it used to. Hasn’t been that easy for a while now, actually.

I exhale hard as I pull the knot free again. Maybe one more try.

“Are you sons of bitches ready to par-tay?!”

I chuckle at Heidi in my bedroom doorway. An adorable, wide-brimmed hat. A stunning baby blue bikini with an elegant — expensive — sash tied off at her waist. Cute sandals from her own closet, for once. Gotta hand it to my friend. She’s looking good.

“Almost,” I say.

She steps into my room, her brow slightly furrowed as she looks me up and down. “What’s wrong?” she asks.

I shrug as I tie. “Nothing. Why?”

“You’re dressed.”

“Am I supposed to be naked?” I quip.

“You’re wearing shorts,” she says, her eyes traveling downward. “And long sleeves.”


“So, what you usually wear to the beach is illegal in fourteen states.”

I laugh. “Just felt like keeping it low-key tonight,” I say. “Don’t want to give Brad the wrong impression.”

I finish my knot, but it’s still not good enough. How fucking hard is it to highlight my waistline and my boobs?

I pull it free. One more time.

“Aww,”Heidi says as she steps behind me. “Are you actually nervous? I never see you nervous for boys. This is so cute.”

“I’m not nervous,” I say. “I just can’t... get this... fucking...”

“Here.” She steps around me, planting herself between me and the mirror. “Let me.”

I release it, letting her have at it.

Heidi slips the knot out and gently folds it again. “Don’t worry,” she says, smiling. “Brad’s gonna love you.”

I bite my tongue. It’s been nothing but Brad this and Brad that for days now. Honestly, he sounds like a good catch. A few months ago, I would have been salivating over him by now. But now...

“Uh-huh,” I murmur.

“He’s coming with Drew and Seth, so there will be plenty of time for you guys to talk before we get to the beach.”

Oh, goody. I get to spend an hour chatting up a stranger in the very truck your brother fucked me in... while said brother is in the driver’s seat.

“Awesome,” I say.

“There.” Heidi lets go and steps back. “How’s that?”

I peek at the mirror. Hey, boobs. Hey, waistline.

Still not happy, though.

“It’s perfect,” I say.

Heidi lets out a quiet squeal. A job well done. “Yay,” she says.

A truck honks twice outside.

“That’s them!” She hops once before bolting for the door. “Party time!”

I wait for her to leave before exhaling hard. “This is fine,” I tell my reflection. “Totally fine.”

It’s a night on the beach, just like every other one we’ve spent over the last three years. I know the Rose family beach house from top-to-bottom. It’s as familiar as this house on Shanty Row or the Beta Kappa house or even the Delta Xi house. There’s no reason in the world for me to feel so... out of place.

One more sigh, and I shake it off. I put on a smile decked in lip gloss, and I step into a pair of sandals waiting for me by the door.

It’s time to party.

I stop by the kitchen to grab the small cooler full of crackers, cheese, and deli meats before heading toward the chaos of voices at the front door.

“Here she is!” Heidi beckons me over. “Jenna, this is Brad.”

I look up... and up and up. “Oh, wow.” A laugh spills out of me. Tall. “Hello.”

“Brad, this is my roommate and BFF, Jenna,” Heidi says.

Brad extends a thick hand to me. I step forward to shake it and give him a casual look, up and down. He works out. He works out a lot. Stunning eyes. Chiseled jawline hidden behind a well-kept beard. Certainly my type, as Heidi claimed before. If circumstances were different, he might have even starred in my next laundry day beach fantasy.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say politely. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”

He shakes my hand with a soft grip. “You, too.”

Heidi clears her throat as she steps back. “Drew, would you help me with something real quick?”

“Sure,” Drew says before being purposefully spirited away down the hall to her room.

Yes. Really inconspicuous, Heidi.

All alone now.

I smile. “So, you’re tall,” I say.

Brad grins, showing off an admittedly brilliant smile on his handsome face. “I am tall,” he says.

“Six four and...” I tilt my head in thought, “three quarters?”

“Four and a half, actually.”

“Well, I factored in the shoes.”

He laughs, clearly smitten already. “You’re good.”

I shrug with pride. “One of my many talents.”

“Not too tall?”

“Oh, there’s no such thing,” I say. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Okay, I won’t.” He gestures at the cooler in my hand. “Can I take that out for you?”

I glance around his wide torso to the orange truck outside. Seth lingers near the open truck bed, tightening down bungee cables and doing his best to ignore this interaction — if my instincts are as spot-on today as usual.

“Oh, no,” I say. “I’ve got it. Thank you.” I take a step forward, but his wide shoulders block my path. “Excuse me. I need to confer with our driver before we take off.”

“Oh, yeah.” Brad shifts to the side to let me out. “Sure.”

“I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

I flash a quick smile, one that fades away the moment I turn my back.

Seth notices me as I approach, but he pretends he doesn’t. He reaches out and tests a long cable holding two large coolers in place.

I pause beside him. He tests it again.

“Hey,” I greet as I set my small cooler on the open bed.

Seth barely looks up. “Hey.”

“We brought snacks.”

He picks up the cooler and fits it in place with the others without responding. He’s clearly as happy about the Brad situation as I am.

My heart skips twice. He doesn’t want me to see other people. I don’t want to see other people either.

What does that mean for us?

Nothing? Something?

Shouldn’t I just ask?

I clear my throat. “Look, Seth...” I keep my voice low, only for him. “I didn’t ask them to set me up with anybody.”

He shrugs. “Okay.”

“They just did it on their own and I didn’t know how to get out of it without... saying things best left unsaid.”


I wait for more. He gives me nothing. “Okay?”

“Why would I care what you do?” he says, passive... but harsh.

“I...” My voice catches in my throat. “I don’t know, I just—”

“He seems right up your alley.” He tests the same cable. “Big meathead of a fellow.”

“Really? That’s all you have to say?”

“Yeah.” He pulls the same cable. Again. “I’m stoked for you guys.”

I bite down. “What’s up your ass?”

“Nothing,” he blurts.

“Seth, if—”

“Date him. Don’t date him. I don’t care. You do you, Jen.”

I tilt back. Jen?

“Okay,” I say. “I will.”

“Cool,” he says.


“Happy for you.”

“Not as happy as I am.”



I hop back from the curb, eager to get away from him. Unfortunately, I can’t go very far. He’s my ride to the damn beach. Of course...

That doesn’t mean I can’t be petty.

I pull myself up into the truck and hang out the front door. “Hey, big guy,” I say to Brad as he steps down from the porch with Drew and Heidi. “You’re in back with me.”

Brad grins. “All right.”

“Heidi, you don’t mind riding up front, do you?”

She grins. “Nope!”

“Uh,” Seth shifts forward, “the front wasn’t really designed for three...”

“Oh, stop,” I say. “Heidi’s tiny. She can squeeze in. Sit on Drew’s lap. Can’t you, dear?”

Heidi nods, thrilled to be of service. “Of course!”

“See?” I smile at Seth. “No problem.”

I duck into the back, positively delighted.

Oh, yeah.

Gonna have me a good night.