On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 54


No pressure,Heidi said.

It’ll be fun.

He’s not expecting anything.

Yeah. Sure, Heidi.

I soak my hands, letting the water run over them for longer than necessary while the toilet flushes. Afterward, it goes quiet. Wind from the lake blows in through the open window curtains, drowning out the voices downstairs on the deck.

I embrace the silence of the upstairs master bathroom for just a moment longer before re-entering the obvious mating ritual Heidi’s set me up on.

So much for a night of no pressure fun. I could barely shake Brad off long enough to get a private moment alone to use the damn bathroom.

I open the door and startle at the face lingering in the doorway. At first, I assume it’s Brad. It wouldn’t be too far out of character based on what I’ve seen so far, but I sigh with relief at those familiar golden eyes.

“Seth.” I touch my chest with a gasp. “How long have you been standing there? You didn’t hear me pee, did you?”

Seth ignores the question. “Don’t sleep with Brad.”

I take a breath. “Is that a request or a command?”

“Just...” He bites down. “Please.”

Okay. Request it be, then.

“Why not?” I ask, curious.

“You know why.”

“Why not?”

“Because...” He exhales. “He sucks.”

“He sucks?”

“Yeah. I mean, sure, he’s ripped. And charming. And he’s got that rugged barbarian throw you over his shoulder and claim you thing going for him.”

I raise my hands. “Hey, man. You want him, he’s all yours.”

“He’s a tool,” he says. “You can do better.”

I pause, taken back by the sincerity in his eyes. “Better meaning you?”

Seth scoffs. “Come on, Jenna—”

“For god’s sake, Seth, just fucking say it!”

“What do you want me to say?” he asks. “That seeing you smile at him makes me sick?”


“That I can’t stand the thought of you sleeping with someone else?”


“That you’re beautiful,” he says, nearly choking on the word, “and I want you to be with me.”



Oh, fuck me.

I stand still as the words travel throughout every inch of my body. My soul. My heart.

“Yes,” I say, my voice barely there. “Yes, all of those are... very good options.”

Seth closes the gap between us. He places his hands on my cheeks, his gaze fixed on me in the dark. “Jenna,” he whispers, “I don’t—”

“Shut up,” I say. “Just shut up and kiss me.”

“Are you sure?”

I nod. “Yes.”

He obeys, pulling in me until our lips touch.

I nearly fall to pieces right here. I reach out as my ankles sway, taking hold of him as he wraps an arm around me. His kiss is firmer than before, full of relief and desperation, as if he really wasn’t sure we’d ever kiss again.

We hold each other close. We kiss again. And again. I kiss him until I struggle to breathe. Even then, we linger. We hover so close, yet too far away.

“Jenna,” he whispers, his breath warm on my cheek. “We should—”

The door opens. Light fills the room and we startle, bolting backward as Wilder’s inquisitive eyes fall on us, though… maybe we were quick enough? Maybe our embrace wasn’t as obvious as it appeared to be?

Maybe we can still get out of this?

Wilder gasps. “I knew it!”


Maybe we can’t get out of this one.