Caught: In A Case by C.M. Steele

Chapter 8

The moment I got out of the car, I wanted to get back in and go back to my man, but Mike started speaking, “Miss Elizabeth, please take care of yourself. Mr. Blake has requested that I stay for your safety. There is no real concern, but he cares about everything that has to do with you.”

“That’s fine. There is a guest bedroom that you can stay in.” I showed him to the room and gave him clean linens and went to my room.

I sent a text to Jackson to let him know I was home. I’m home. Mike is staying in the guest room. Goodnight.

Less than a minute later my phone was ringing; it was him.

“Jackson,” I answered the phone quickly because I missed him.

“Elizabeth, I just wanted to hear your voice. I know you wanted to be away from me, but I miss you. I’ll do better, I promise. I just wanted to say goodnight, my love.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, my Jacks.” I hung up the phone with a smile on my face.

The following morning, Mike received a message from Duke, to meet him as soon as he had a chance. “Miss, I have to leave. Jackson will take you to school today. Please give him a chance. He hasn’t been himself since he met you.”

“Thanks, Mike, don’t worry. I have missed him so much. We’ll be okay. By the way just call me Elizabeth.” He just nodded and left.

I showered and dressed in my best outfit. It was May and still a little chilly, so I could still wear this outfit. It was a pair of tight jeans with black boots, and a thin pink sweater. I wanted to look sexy for my man. So funny to call him, my man, but he was. He was my crazy, jealous, possessive, sexy caveman.

Just as I put my hair in a side braid, the doorbell rang. I opened the door to his smile wrapped in a sexy suit. Damn, the man looked hot.


“Good morning, gorgeous,” I said as I grinned at her.

“Same to you, handsome. Come in, I’m almost ready.” Did she have to use the word come? She looked sexy as fuck in her pink sweater and skin tight jeans. My cock was hard as fuck the moment she opened the door.

“I think you look perfect.” She blushed at my compliment. Would she ever get used to it? Probably not, but what the hell did it matter as long as they kept coming. We left the house before I did something stupid like fucking her into submission and forgiveness.

I dropped her off at the school, with a promise to pick her up when her class ended at four. I saw that fuckhead looking right at us and glaring specifically at me. So, what would any grown man do? I grabbed my girl’s waist and quickly stole a passionate kiss. She melted into my embrace and kissed me as I had hoped she would. “I missed you, Jackson.” Now, my world was right again.

“I missed you more than you know, Buttercup. Be a good girl and don’t talk to that pissant today, or I’ll have to gut him.” I was back in full force now that I had her affection again. I had to get it into her head that I was the man and my way was the best way, and to believe my word was golden.

I left her with a peck and a pat on the ass. God, I couldn’t wait much longer to tie her ass to me. Hell, no. It had to be soon as fuck. I can’t let fuckers like her ex get their hands on her.


I headed to the office with a light heart. My girl and I were good again. I already told my parents about her, so this weekend would be a very good entry into my world back home. Thank god that besides my high school girlfriend and her friend, there were no other chicks I had fucked in the area. I wouldn’t want her to meet any of the whores I had been with. I learned a valuable lesson after that incident. Never fuck someone from your small town, everyone knows your business.

Everyone did know when we broke up, and there were rumors circulating that I cheated on her, with her best friend. Stupid bitch spread shit around that not only had I cheated, but I also beat her ass and raped her when she didn’t give it to me. Then her big-ass brother and father came looking for me. I dropped the son within a second, and the father couldn’t touch me, or he’d be fucked. I told it how it was, and that he was lucky that I only dumped his greedy, slutty whore of a daughter. He was lucky that I didn’t sue their ass for the bullshit I had to deal with. It was the other girls that told the truth about the abuse when questioned by the police. My dad and his team were on that shit right away. They cleared my name and turned hers to mud. I hadn’t seen her since. While I was at Harvard, she was killed in a drinking and driving accident, with her drunken lover. The one she was cheating on me with... 

I spent the next few hours in my office and was able to get a shitload of work done. I had to help out one of the attorney’s on a case, about a corporation suspected of money laundering. It was good to get absorbed into a case again. I was about to order lunch when I got a call from Mike. “Boss, Duke and I have been combing through the Homan house for evidence of the bastard’s disappearance and or death, and there is some funny shit going on here. The Mrs. was into some seriously illegal shit. Some of it has to do with your Elizabeth and her father. Sir, it’s not good.”