DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter ten

here. Tonight. Not tomorrow or in a few days. Tonight. Right now. The time of waiting has passed. Four days of flight training with Mordecai, and portal closing practice with Harlen, have passed in a blur. I’ve had days when I’ve dreaded this moment and nights when I have shamefully longed for it. Now it is here I am feeling every emotion known to man, as well as several new ones that have been invented just for me.

Pacing my tiny room is not helping in the slightest, but I can’t get my feet to stop. Seems I have already lost control of my body and it is barely past dinnertime.

Ri has agreed to fight only with Zh and Je and only to lose to one of them. He put on a great air of being magnanimous and benevolent about it, but he agreed. And I can sense that he is compassionate enough to not do anything that will really freak me out. He is not quite as self-obsessed as he makes out. Not that I would push that by asking him not to fly. He has his limits.

So this is the compromise. Either Harlen or Mordecai will be coming to my room, to my bed tonight. In a mere hour or two, I’ll be in the arms of one of them.

A shiver wracks my body. Is it fear or anticipation? I don’t have a clue. I think it is possibly both.

I’ve always loved the idea of sex, the theory of it anyway, but in practice it has always been disappointing. My ex was my first and my last, and he had a ton of experience. He let me know how awful I am at it. He was in the long process of teaching me before we broke up. So I really hope whoever joins me tonight is patient. But maybe all the dragon lust will compensate for my lack of skill?

Oh god, I’m going to be sick. This is going to be mortifying and humiliating.

“Nobody is bad at sex, that is a ridiculous idea.”

“Ah! Ri! Get out of my head!”

“I am not in your head. You are shouting.”

Oh, my god. Ri is right, I am mentally shouting. I’ve reached a new level of panicking.

“Sorry! Sorry! I’ll put my shields back up!”

I take a deep breath and concentrate. Building my mental shields is actually calming and soothing. By the time I am done, my panic is not quite so intense.

“Sorry,”I say to Ri, now that I am feeling calmer.

I sense him ruffling his wings, deep in a cavern under the castle. “I forgive you. Emotions run high on a full moon.”

“Thank you,”I say wryly.

“You will have the most wonderful time tonight Kirby, you will be thanking me in the morning.”

A soft smile creeps across my face. “I hope you are right.”

“I’m always right,”Ri states confidently.

That makes a helpless laugh bubble out of me. Am I hysterical now? Gods, I hope not.

“I’m going to dampen down the bond now, I don’t want your delicate sensibilities scandalised by feeling every small detail of what I am doing.”

“Thanks Ri, that sounds really helpful. Have a good night.”

“You too,” he says, and his mischievousness is so clear it makes me laugh again.

I feel the bond fade and I don’t like it one bit. Who’d have thought, I’d ever feel lonely in my own mind? But I do. It’s startling how used I have become to Ri’s presence. Despite his ego and his vanity, he is wise and intelligent and he has a calming, reassuring effect on me. Something like a protective older brother I guess. Not that I know what it is like to have any family.

Now that I can barely feel him, it’s unsettling.

I walk over to the window. Maybe I’ll be able to see him take flight. But all I can see is the deep Welsh countryside at night. In other words, just an inky black darkness. Since I’m a city boy, the sight is unnerving so I swiftly walk away. I don’t need to see him, I’m just being a baby. He is still there, just not as strong as before. But still present enough that his desire is going to affect me. I can already feel arousal tickling my skin, awakening all my nerve endings.

I guess I should lube up. My stomach does a flip and my cock twitches. My body is just as confused as my mind. At least the two parts of me are agreeing on something.

I open the top draw of my chest of drawers. The sight of the giant bottle of lube Harlen gave me causes me to relive the sheer and utter mortification I felt when he presented it to me. It is a kind and thoughtful gift, I suppose. And it saves me from having to find a pharmacy, but still. Talk about awkward.

At least we don’t need condoms. There are some perks to being a mage, and magic burning away diseases is not usually one I appreciate. But here I am. About to embark on a naughty night. Me. Kirby Taylor. A new shiver runs through me.

Okay, time to get comfy on the bed. My hair is still damp from my shower and it’s going to get hella tangled, but that really is the least of my worries.

Lying in bed does actually feel kind of good. I wriggle around and fuss with the pillows until I am as comfortable as possible. Then I lift up the baggy tee shirt that is the only thing I am wearing. This isn’t so bad. My cock is already stirring. I can’t tell if Ri is flying yet and getting excited, or if it’s merely that my cock knows I’m about to play with it.

I guess it doesn’t matter.

The lube makes a disgusting squelching noise as I squeeze the bottle to ooze some onto my hand. But my cock knows that sound and it gets even more excited.

Closing my eyes, I lie back and take my cock in my lubed hand. Damn that feels good. How long has it been? I shouldn’t neglect myself so much. I’m a young man, it’s perfectly healthy to have needs.

I stroke my cock and bite my lip to stifle my groan. What should I think about? There are a couple of celebrities that usually do the trick. Or my little fantasy about being abducted by aliens who are addicted to my cum and make me spill over and over again so they can drink it.

I try to pull that scenario up but my imagination is not cooperating. It wanders. It starts to picture Harlen and Mordecai. I moan and my hand picks up the pace.

An image plays of Mordecai sneering at me. Then Harlen says I’m a good boy. Oh god. Why is that so hot? My cock is rock hard now.

I top up on lube and abandon my cock. As I sink one finger into myself, I cry out. My body trembles. It feels wonderful. I work quickly, desperate for more. The second finger feels like bliss.

My left hand finds my cock, and I groan. Why don’t I do this more often? This is wonderful. A whisper brushes along my mind. Ri is flying. Ri is having fun. Lust, arousal, desire and anticipation hits me like a tsunami, washing everything else away. My hips are bucking, whimpers are spilling out of my throat, my fingers and hand are struggling to find a rhythm but everything feels so amazing. Every inch of me feels hypersensitive. Primed for sensation and pleasure.

An echo drifts down my back. A mirage of a caress. A warm body is sliding along Ri’s. They are twining and dancing in the sky.

My soul twists in jealousy. I want that touch. That tenderness. That connection. I want hands other than my own caressing my body. A horrid needy sound escapes me as I add a third finger.

A soft noise makes my eyes fly open and I freeze. Mordecai is standing at the foot of my bed. He is dressed in a grey silk robe. His eyes are bright ice blue and they seem to drink in the sight of me.

“Don’t stop,” he rasps.

I swallow and my hands resume their work. Pleasure sparks instantly and my eyes roll back but I know Mordecai is still staring at me. Missing nothing. Observing every tiny detail.

Far, far above us, our dragons’ play intensifies. A wave of Ri’s need and anticipation washes over me.

I need more. I need the warmth of another body pressed against mine. I need the glide of skin on skin. I yearn to be truly filled. Stretched. I want to hear the moans of someone taking their pleasure in me.

“Please!” I whimper.

“No,” says Mordecai sternly. “This might work. You might not need more.”

“I do! I do! I really do! Please!”

I open my eyes to plead at Mordecai. His blue eyes flash green. His dragon is swirling through him. Je is pressed close to Ri now. I can feel it. Mordecai must be feeling it too.

My fingers and hands are frantic now. I’m so close. It feels like every stroke, every thrust is going to be the one that tips me into release. But it’s not. Each one just feeds the fire burning within me. A raging storm of ecstasy that needs to be freed, but it’s trapped within me burning and intense and almost painful.

“Please!” I wail. “If this worked, Dragonriders would do it all the time!”

For a moment I think the growl is one of the dragons’, but it’s Mordecai. His firm body, cooling against my fire, presses on top of me. His lips crash against my own. I yelp in surprise. He is kissing me?

His kiss is urgent. Hungry. Demanding. Yet somehow gentle. He coaxes me to surrender to him and I do. His tongue claims my mouth and I feel every muscle in my body melt in supplication.

I feel the kiss in my toes. It’s incredible. I never knew a kiss could be like this.

His hand is on my wrist, gently pulling my fingers out of myself. I whimper and lift my hips up. I don’t like the empty feeling. The brush of Mordecai’s cock against my entrance feels divine. I throw my head back. He slides into me, slowly, confidently. Possessively taking me until I am his. My legs rise and wrap around his waist, I don’t want him to go anywhere.

His lips move to my exposed neck, and I keen. His hips move and I am nothing but euphoria and ecstasy. Our bodies dance. Our pleasure rises. He thrusts into me and slides out. Each glide makes my body sing with sensation.

Amongst the stars, Ri is joined with Je and they are falling. Wings folded. Spinning through the night together. Their joy bursts through me and I scream as an orgasm erupts within me. Far more than a physical sensation. This scatters my mind. Ignites my soul. Disintegrates my consciousness into a thousand puzzle pieces. Sets me adrift on a dark sea of desire where nothing else exists.

A millennium later. Or maybe days. Or perhaps hours, reality starts to take shape. I’m on my stomach. Mordecai is above me and inside me. Rocking rhythmically. My cock is throbbing. The sheets are soaked. I think I’ve cum many, many times but a lazy lust is still burning through me.

My fingers are entwined with Mordecai’s against the bed. I stare at the sight.

“You need one more, Kirby. Then you can sleep.”

I whine. I can feel he is right. I can feel another orgasm growing. But I’m exhausted and overwhelmed.

Fingers twist in my hair, pulling sharp enough to make me gasp.

“Cum for me, Kirby,” growls Mordecai.

And I do.

Then I let the blessed darkness take me.