Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 21

Two hours later, Heather was naked and in the Jacuzzi with Marcus when her cellphone finally rang. Marcus turned the jets off as she reached for her phone, so it was mostly quiet when she answered.

“Kyle, I was starting to get a little worried. Everything okay?”

“I’m good, just busy. I did some work on someone a few months ago, and she was involved in a car crash last night. She requested that I come in and sew her up while the other doctors repaired the more critical items. She broke the side window with her head, and I picked glass out of her ear and the side of her head for over an hour. I put well over a hundred stitches into her face, neck, shoulder, and arm. It looks like she’s going to be okay, a bunch of broken bones and a concussion, but everything should heal. So, I slept in and got a late start today. How are you and Marcus getting along?”

Mostly, Kyle dealt with people who weren’t sick, but every once in a while something like this happened, and he had to deal with trauma — and with distraught family members. She wanted to ask how he was handling this emotionally, but it felt as if she should wait and ask in person, rather than over the phone, so she merely told him, “I wish you could be here with us. We’re in the jacuzzi right now, and later he’s going to show me the waterfall on his property. Are you still going to be okay to meet up with us by around four or five? If you aren’t up for an adventure, we can chill out and watch a movie.”

“I think everyone is stable enough I can probably go a few hours away from the phone this evening, and to be honest, I think I could use the escape of just pleasing you and not worrying about anything else for a while.” Once everyone was stable, he could let calls from the nurses go to voice mail, and then deal with any issues all at once a few hours later. In an emergency, the hospital’s doctors would step in, but even minor issues on Saturday night were rare, so Heather expected she’d have plenty of time to help take Kyle out of his own head.

“I love you so much. I’m the luckiest girl in the world. Go finish your rounds, and we’ll see you this evening. Do you want me to text you before we take off?”

“If you can, please.”

“Of course I can. Take care of yourself, stay hydrated and get something healthy to eat, okay?”

He laughed. “Yes ma’am. I love you, too, and I can’t wait to see both of you this evening.”

“I love you more.”

She hit the end button, put the phone down, and folded a piece of the towel on top of it to protect it from splashing water. She and Marcus were both nude, but they were each in a separate seat in the hot tub, several feet away from each other. She flexed her right arm. “I had no idea flogging would be a workout. My right arm feels like it’s been to the gym all by itself.”

“Properly controlling a flogger works your muscles in ways they aren’t accustomed to being used. Once you get them used to it, it’s not so bad.”

She laid her head back and closed her eyes. “I’ll take your word for it.”

“Are you still taking Eric and his friend skydiving next week?”

“Yes, Tuesday. I’ll take them up in the ‘copter and let them jump down to my property in Apison. They’ve paid for five jumps each, and I’ve made arrangements to have food catered out to us partway through the day.”

“Do you plan to ask Eric about any of what we’re doing?”

“Eric’s a good friend, and I’d like to have someone to talk to who isn’t invested in what happens. He knows I don’t feel pain like a normal person, and since he’s a Dom, I won’t have to explain any of that part of it. He’ll already understand.”

“You don’t need to convince me. I think it’s great you have someone else to talk to. Eric’s a great guy, and I’m happy to discover the two of you consider each other a good friend. I’ve only met Kendra once, but they seem really happy together.”

“I’ve met her a few times. We did this really illegal nighttime hang-gliding thing, but there was a full moon and the weather was perfect, and it was magical. We were really safe with it, and we didn’t get caught.”

“Based on your list, I have some ideas for what we should do tonight, with Kyle. Do you want to change anything, now that you’ve had some hands-on experience?”

“I told you what I’d like to do, but I’m not sure I have any ideas for how to make it happen. I’m new to sex, new to the dominance thing, new to the sensations you’ve given me. I’m kind of hiking without a map or a GPS or even a freaking compass.”

“You’re doing beautifully. Okay, my idea is for you to fully dominate Kyle, to see if that alone turns you on, or whether you need physical sensations to be turned on. Either way is fine, but it’s something we should know. If just dominating turns you on, great. If not, then you just order him to do something that will turn you on — like play with your clit with a vibe while he sucks your nipples.”

“How do we do this? Do we plan it all out so we coordinate, or is this going to be my ball game with you observing? You can’t really offer me advice while I work on him, can you? You don’t want to give the appearance of Topping him, right?”

“We start out with a rough draft of what we want to happen, with a few alternate possibilities in case something isn’t working. What may work perfectly one night may flop a week later. Part of being a good Dom is being flexible.”

“How do I dominate him and include you?”

“You’ll probably need some time alone with him to start. I can turn the intercom on in the playroom, so I can hear what’s going on from another room.”

Heather nodded, thinking it would be good for her to connect with Kyle again with just the two of them. “I strip him, then put the cuffs on him—”

Marcus interrupted. “No, you start the buildup long before then. You text him to call you when he has a few minutes to talk. Then you tell him that when he arrives at my house he’s to come in the kitchen door and lock it behind him, and that he’s to strip, fold his clothes, place them in a neat stack on the kitchen table, and come to the playroom. He’ll be hard as a rock when he walks in the door.”