Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 23

Submitting to one man while dominating another — it wasn’t the same rush as skydiving, but it was still more of a rush than she’d ever expected from sex, and it was on par with class three rapids.

There was no danger here, no risk of death, so how could it compare?


The word echoed in her head, and it fit. She was vulnerable to Marcus, and Kyle was vulnerable to her.


Yeah, that was the key here: everyone was safe because they cared for each other and had a level of trust.

But why had Marcus looked so sad when he first arrived? She’d be getting to the bottom of that later.

Kyle’s tongue pushed up into her, pulled out, circled, and just generally kept her on a slow burn, while Marcus put gloves on behind her. He’d explained the gloves are important for two reasons with anal — the most important being that you can just take them off when you finish, and don’t have to interrupt a scene to go wash your hands, but also, they negate the danger of a fingernail causing damage to the rectum or colon.

She didn’t care about any of that at the moment, though. She wanted him to get on with it already.

Kyle slid his teeth against her oh-so-sensitive tissues, and she had to work not to hump his face. Without warning, Marcus’s finger was pressing into her asshole, and she jerked up.

“Warn me next time.”

“You looked like you were thinking too hard — none of that right now.”

He pulled his finger out, circled her asshole with the tip, and asked, “Has Kyle got you ready for my finger yet?”


“So, you want my finger in your ass?”

“Marcus, stop fucking around and just do it already.”

He said, “Definitely not submissive,” at the same time he pushed into her ass with what felt like two fingers, and she gasped. It felt wrong, and yet, the dual sensations were perfect, and her eyes rolled back in her head, but she caught the motion of Kyle’s cock twitching, sticking up into the air with nothing touching it.

She didn’t think he needed her whole hand, so she stroked a single finger around the head and asked, “I take it you like seeing Marcus’s finger in my ass?”

Kyle grunted, and she chuckled. “No, don’t try to talk, there are better things to do with your mouth right now.” To which he showed her some of those better things, and she rested her head back on his stomach and let her men do their thing.

She was pretty sure Kyle’s tongue was the only thing inside her, but there was pressure. Was he using suction to give her this feeling? She wasn’t sure, but between his mouth and Marcus’s finger, not to mention the whole power exchange thing, her heart raced, and heat pulsed through her veins.

“How you doing, Spitfire?”

Damn I want to come. I’m close, but it’s not enough. I’m pretty sure I’m ready for three fingers.”

“Too bad you haven’t been trained to orgasm on command, but I’ll see what I can do.”

However, he kept at it with two fingers, and a few minutes later, she told him, “I told you I was ready for three.”

“Someday, we’ll play around with how quickly you can do that, but you’re still new to this, and whether you know you’re sore or not, you are, so I’m progressing at a pace I’m comfortable with. Deal with it.”

She decided to ignore Marcus for the moment. “Kyle, more tongue. Faster.”

Heather forced herself to relax on Kyle. Marcus had made it clear he was in charge, and while it might be frustrating, in this case, he knew what he was doing so she needed to trust him to know how to drive this bus they all seemed to be riding.

A few moments later, he finally added the third finger, and that gave her the friction and stretch she’d been wanting.

This orgasm built quickly and spilled over into spasms. Marcus pressed in and held, spreading her open, and Kyle went crazy with his tongue in her pussy. She writhed on his face, and Marcus alternated using the fingers in her ass to lift her off him and settle her back on his mouth while bliss and pleasure screamed through her body.

And then it was gone, and she was still lying across Kyle, but wasn’t as satisfied as she expected.

She wanted more.

Kyle’s cock wasn’t far away, and she knew what came next.

“That was nice.” She pushed up on her hands, her groin in the same place but her upper body higher. “Out Marcus, so I can turn around.” It came out as an order, and she quickly amended it with, “Please.”

When he didn’t remove his fingers, she added, “Sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound like an order.”

Marcus chuckled and finally removed his fingers. “Under the circumstances, I’ll let it slide. You can’t wait to sit your pussy on Kyle’s cock, can you?”

She’d turned around by this time and was about to do just that, so she didn’t bother confirming.

Kyle’s cock was good and fat, and an unexpected groan escaped her throat when she sank down on it.

This wouldn’t have done anything for her a few weeks ago, so why was it enough to make her horny now?

It was the power of it, and the trust Kyle was giving her. He was bound below her, a little desperate for an orgasm, and whether he got one or not was entirely up to her.

Marcus had walked to the wall, and her gaze went to his hand when he returned, because he was holding nipple clamps.

Her pussy contracted around Kyle’s hard length inside her, and she met Marcus’s gaze. His eyes reflected heat, passion, anticipation.

Kyle groaned below her, and she ran her hand down the center of his chest. Being blindfolded the night before had made her focus more on the sensations Marcus was giving her, and one day she might want to use one on Kyle, but it was best he could see what was happening, today.

Marcus grasped one of the clamps in his right hand and held it a few inches from her left nipple. “You need more sensation Spitfire.”

He wasn’t asking permission, but he also wasn’t ordering her to accept it. No, he was asking for her agreement. She gave a single nod and then looked down and watched him press the clamp open, line it up over her already erect nipple, and then slowly allow it to close. She sucked in air as metal teeth bit into naked skin. It didn’t register as pain, exactly, but she felt the pressure — felt it as something she shouldn’t allow to stay on, even though another part of her felt it as something good. Her clit throbbed in response, the line from nipple to clit pulling sharply.

The second clamp intensified the effect. She looked up to meet Marcus’s gaze, and tried to express how she felt. “It feels. I feel it. Oh, god, I feel it. Marcus, thank you, I feel it. Kiss me? Please?”

She squeezed her muscles around Kyle’s cock while Marcus kissed her, and he didn’t start with his lips this time, but by touching her bottom lip with the tip of his tongue, then lightly sweeping her top lip, and then finally by bringing his lips to hers, spreading her mouth, entering her with his tongue.

The kiss lasted a long time, relaxed at first, and then intense. When he finally pulled away, his voice was huskier than usual when he told her, “I’m going to fuck your ass now.”

All Heather could do was nod in agreement. Marcus expertly rolled a condom on and climbed onto the table behind her. “Lean forward, my little Spitfire, place your chest on Kyle’s torso, please. Unless you tell me it’s too much, I’m not going to stretch you again.”

The nipple clamps screamed at her when she rested her weight on Kyle, and she ground her chest into him so she could feel them more.

And then Marcus’s cock was at her asshole. She used her hands to push herself back, so she was taking in as much of Kyle’s cock as possible.

Marcus pushed ever-so-slowly into her ass, spreading her wide, but she wanted more. She needed movement, friction.

“Marcus, more, please. I’m not going to break.”

Taking her at her word, he pushed the rest of the way in, all at once. Her own groan layered over Kyle’s moan, and she told him, “You aren’t going to come without permission, are you, Kyle?”

His voice was strained, spoken between clenched teeth. “No, my Lady. But this feels so good.”

Marcus pulled almost all the way out and slammed back in, eliciting a gasp from Heather and another groan from Kyle.

Marcus stroked a path down Heather’s back. “You can sit up a little now, if you want.”

Heather pushed up onto her arms, not sitting up, but not quite horizontal — but then put her weight back on Kyle because she wanted to feel the clamps on her nipples.

Marcus found his rhythm. Out and back in. Out and back in. Not exactly fast, but certainly not slow.

Heather didn’t have to do anything because Marcus was moving her back and forth over Kyle’s cock as he pulled out and pressed in. She was literally full of cock, stretched wide in both places, friction in both places, and the pressure on her nipples just added to it.

She recognized the signals of an impending orgasm, and she heard herself saying, “Yes, yes, yes” over and over again, but she couldn’t stop herself. As the orgasm got closer, she got louder. It was like the rest of her body was immobilized, frozen in place, waiting for the orgasm to build up until it spilled over and engulfed her.

Marcus reached around and twisted her left nipple clamp, and everything came unglued. Heather screamed and moved, bucking herself a few inches up Kyle’s cock and then back down on him, over and over while Marcus held her hips and pressed all the way in — still now, while Heather writhed and moved, the orgasm controlling her.

Heather’s pussy spasmed around Kyle’s cock, her ass contracted around Marcus’s, and electricity jolted through and around her lower body, streaking through muscles and nerve endings. Nothing existed except the pleasure and the ecstasy.

She screamed and moaned and twisted and fought to try to let everything happen, but the sensations and feelings were everything in that moment, and she wasn’t letting it happen, it was engulfing her. She sat up, her back arching at an impossible angle, and let out a final, guttural scream as everything she was feeling floated away, and then she collapsed on top of Kyle.

Marcus started moving again, oh-so-slowly. Out, and back in. Out and back in. Heather squeezed her pussy and realized Kyle was still rock hard. She rotated her head so she could look at him and said, “You didn’t come without permission. Very good Kyle.”

“You have no idea how hard it was to hold on, my Lady.”

She squeezed her inner muscles again. “In case I can’t talk during an orgasm, if I squeeze and twist one of your nipples while I’m coming, that means you can come. Both nipples just means I want to squeeze your nipples, doesn’t give you permission for anything.” She put her right hand on his chest, her fingers around his nipple. “But only when I’m in the grasp of an orgasm.”

She spent a few moments torturing Kyle’s nipples, watching his face to gauge how much he could handle. She didn’t let up until he was gasping and squirming beneath her, and then she said, “Marcus, can you maybe stay still for a few minutes, let me move around and experiment?”

He pressed all the way in and held. “Of course.”

Heather pushed herself backwards, further impaling herself on both cocks, then pulled forward, feeling them both slowly pulling outwards. And then she slammed herself backwards onto them without warning, enjoying the sounds that came from both men. She did that a few times, slowly moving forward and then slamming herself back onto both cocks. She found a rhythm and went with it, forward and backwards, two cocks in her, both pulling out, both going back in. Except they were both being still, and all movement was coming from her.

But Marcus only let her have a few moments before he went active again. He remained still as she pulled herself away, but then slammed into her as she pushed herself backwards. A dozen strokes of this, and Heather lost her rhythm, which left Marcus to do all the work again — pulling out and slamming into her. Fucking her like a madman, now — hard and fast. Without warning, he reached around and took her nipple clamps off.

Heather screamed and was suddenly coming again, with no build-up this time, and absolutely no warning. Marcus pressed her down and held her in place as he fucked her ass, not slowing just because she was coming. She felt Kyle squirming below her, his dick moving in her pussy while he tried to hump her from below.

This time, there was no writhing and twisting. Her pussy was spasming and she couldn’t move the rest of her body to accommodate everything going on inside her.

All she could do was scream.

She realized that Marcus had gone in and was growling, and somehow she remembered to say, “Now, Kyle. Now.”

As soon as the words were out she felt him straining to try to push farther into her and he bellowed out his own roar.

Heather would never be able to explain the feeling of her two men coming while she did. She didn’t believe in magic, but if it existed, she felt it in those glorious moments.

When everyone’s orgasm had wrenched its way out of their bodies, no one moved except to gasp in air. She wanted to stay collapsed on Kyle, but when she eventually felt Marcus pulling out of her, she remembered she needed to release Kyle’s wrists and ankles sooner rather than later, so she leaned forward and released the clips holding his wrist cuffs to the table. Marcus was up and off of the table, holding the condom onto his cock and walking towards the garbage. Heather removed the clamp between Kyle’s ankle cuffs and then sat on the table between his legs.

“Pull your knees up to your chest, Kyle, and spread your legs.”

He obeyed, and she rotated the mechanism on the spreading plug so it closed inside him before she carefully pulled it out.