Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 22

When Kyle made it to Marcus’s house that night, he did as instructed, locking the door and stripping, removing his belt from the trousers before he folded everything and put the small stack on the table.

He walked through the house with the belt draped over his shoulders, his hands clasped behind his back, hyper-aware of his rock-hard cock as he walked up the steps.

And then he stepped into the playroom and froze, speechless.

Heather was standing in high-heeled black shoes, black panties, and a black bra with holes so he could see her nipples. She was magnificent.

He’d fantasized about Heather as a Dom, but hadn’t ever thought it would actually happen. It seemed too good to be true, but he’d known Heather a long time, and she didn’t do anything halfway. This was really happening, and his dick throbbed so hard, it moved with the beat of his heart, pulsing in front of him. It felt like a big movement, but a glance down told him it was barely noticeable.

“Drape the belt over the spanking horse and kneel before me.”

“Yes, my Lady.”

Kyle had been trained to be elegant in his submission, and he did his level best to show respect and grace, so he kept his hands behind his back until he reached the horse, and he only moved them to drape the belt over the horse, and then he reclasped his hands behind his back, stepped to Heather, and sank to his knees before her.

He was unsure of where to look, so he focused on her feet in those sexy-as-fuck heels, and his cock pulsed faster.

“Look at me, Kyle.”

He looked up and saw her as he’d always wanted to see her — a sexual being with no doubts or insecurities, telling him what to do, and allowing him to adore her.

Kyle wanted to be her source of pleasure in every way possible.

“I’m going to begin claiming you as mine tonight. Not my boyfriend, or my lover, but mine. If I do something you aren’t comfortable with, or something that hurts in the wrong way, I expect you to say mayday. Understood?”

“Yes, my Lady. Thank you.”

“Give me your left wrist, please.”

He thought Marcus must have given her lessons, because she checked the tightness as if she knew what to check for, and she didn’t fumble with the buckles even a tiny bit.

When both cuffs were on, she ordered, “Put your hands behind your head, please.”

Kyle immediately complied, and she said, “You do not have permission to come. You must use terms of respect if you choose to speak — either ma’am or my Lady will suffice. Do you agree to these rules?”

“Yes, my Lady.”

She smiled. “I find that having you on your knees before me like this is a turn on. Did you clean yourself out before arriving as you were instructed?”

“Yes, my Lady.”

“And what do you think that means?”

Kyle could tell this conversation was doing something for her, and it was sure doing something for him. “It means you’re probably going to use my ass, my Lady.”

“Yes, but before we get to that, let’s clear a few things up. I want you to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, who’s in control here. I don’t want you to have to test me in order to find that out, so I’m going to give you a taste of what a punishment will be if you break a rule. Please stand, walk to the bondage table, bend at the waist, and put your hands on the table. Position yourself so your arms and body are stretched out in order to reach the table.”

It only took a few seconds to move into position, his legs separated, his asshole on view.

“Legs together, and arch your back more.”

Kyle did as instructed, and bit back a groan when she reached for his cock.

A slight squeeze, and then she slowly jacked it. “I’ll be checking in to make sure this stays hard. Your instructions are to stay put, and stay hard. Can you do that for me? Remain in position while I belt your ass? While I whip you with your own belt?”

Kyle’s cock grew impossibly harder at her words. “Yes, my Lady.”

The heat of her hand left his cock, and he saw her moving towards the belt in his peripheral vision.

“First three will be warmup strikes.”

The first strike didn’t really hurt, but if she considered that a warmup then she wasn’t going to mess around. The second and third strikes came fairly quickly, and he thankfully noted she was situated so she wasn’t wrapping the belt.

“Count out loud please.”

The first real strike of the belt felt like a line of fire across his ass. He inhaled and exhaled, and then inhaled again before he could get out, “One, my Lady.”

And just like that, he felt so vulnerable, bent over, not tied down, waiting for pain to land on his ass again. Part of him wanted to stand and walk away, but the louder part of his brain wanted to accept what Heather was giving him. This was the part he’d tried to explain to her as something he needed, but that he didn’t always want. Pain proved the power imbalance beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The second strike landed, slashing another line of fire across his ass, and it was all he could do to keep his hands in place. His back bowed up, pulling his ass closer to the table, but he quickly put himself back in position. It took a moment for him to manage speech, but he finally managed to say, “Two, my Lady.”

He felt her hand on his cock again, still rock hard, “I thought you assured me you could stay still for this. Your feet remained in place, so I’ll give you that one, but you move that much again and the stroke won’t count.”

Damn, she was really getting into this. “Yes, my Lady.” He wanted to thank her for being strict, for demanding he comply, but couldn’t figure out how to say it with the right kind of respect, so he didn’t.

“Three more, and these will be quick. If you can remain still for all three then that’ll be it, for this small demonstration. You can wait until all three have landed before you count them off.”

He nodded, and also arched his back a little more, trying to show her he was hers, doing her bidding, even if it meant pain. He mentally planted his feet and determined to absorb the strikes without moving.

Another line of fire, and he managed to stay completely still.

The next followed less than five seconds later, and his right foot came close to raising straight up, but he managed to keep it in place.

He cried out when the final strike slashed across his naked skin. His back bowed up again, but he kept his feet in place and hoped it wasn’t too much.

“Ohhh, too bad. We’re going to have to do the last one again. Spread your legs for this one.”

Kyle was relieved — he’d have been disappointed if she’d let him get away with the movement. He needed someone who absolutely meant it when she made a rule.

With his legs spread, his balls would be vulnerable if her aim wasn’t right. This was about trust though, and he wanted to give her his trust.

“That was three and four, my Lady.”

“Do you think you can remain still for this strike?”

Would she make this last strike a little less intense, so he could get past it? Or would she make it even harder, to make a point? He didn’t know, but he wasn’t going to disappoint her, either way, so he answered, “Yes, my Lady.”

He tensed, waiting, but the strike didn’t come. He blew out a breath and relaxed his ass muscles, and only then did he hear the leather flying through the air.

This was the hardest yet, and he fought to stay still. He managed it, but barely, and a good ten seconds passed before he could get out, “Five, my Lady.”

Her hand soothed his ass, cool against the heat she’d created.

“Should you ever give me a need to punish you, we’ll begin with ten for a slight infraction. Serious infractions may very well be multiples of ten. Please face me and kneel.”

When he was in place, looking up at her, she held the belt six inches in front of his face. He knew what she wanted, and he leaned forward and kissed it. Her smile made his heart happy. He’d pleased her.

“Climb onto the bondage table. Face up, head near the top.”

Kyle heard Heather gathering things as he positioned himself on the table, but all that mattered was following her orders. Otherwise, his hand would be wrapped around his throbbing, pulsing, engorged dick.

Heather connected his wrist cuffs to the table’s corners, and then put cuffs on his ankles and attached them to the same corners, so his feet were above his head. Other Dommes had made him take yoga, so he was flexible enough and the position wasn’t uncomfortable, but it left his dick, balls, and asshole especially vulnerable.

He lifted his head and watched her place a bowl on the table, but he couldn’t see what was in the bowl — probably by design.

And then she climbed onto the table and sat below him, so his view of her was framed by his legs.

“Are you okay?”

“Perfect, Ma’am.”

She wrapped her hand around his cock, and Kyle groaned when she stroked up and back down once, and then again.

He tried not to whine when she let go, and then his cock twitched when he realized she was putting medical gloves on.

Next came lube, slicking both gloved hands up, and she met his gaze. “You will not come.”

“No, my Lady.”

Kyle sighed as she reached for his cock again, stroking it with just the right pressure.

It took everything in him to stay relaxed and not clench when he felt a finger at his ass, pressing in.

He was helpless to whatever she wanted to do — his feet up above his ears, his hands restrained. All he could do was lay there and let her do what she wished.

It was exactly what he wanted.

“No closing your eyes. Look at me. I want to see you while my fingers invade your ass.”

Her finger penetrated his ass, and it was as if he could feel her sinking into his psyche, into his heart. Not ten seconds later, a second finger joined the first, and he groaned when she squeezed the base of his cock. “You aren’t thinking of coming, are you, Kyle?”

“No, Ma’am. Not unless you give me permission.”

“That’s right.”

She removed both hands, and he lifted his head to see what she was doing, but he couldn’t, so he rested his head back on the leather of the padded bondage table.

He wasn’t certain what’d gotten into her, but he had no complaints, and he probably owed Marcus dinner somewhere nice.

Something was at this ass again, hard and smooth — not a finger. He focused on staying relaxed and accepting it into him, whatever it was. He also held eye contact this time without being told.

Whatever she was pressing into him got wider, and wider, until it was about to pass the point of being uncomfortable, and then it suddenly seated itself in his ass. A plug, then.

It wasn’t so bad — until it started growing. Spreading him wider, and wider.

He closed his eyes and groaned.

“Uh. Uh. Uh. Open your eyes.”

He opened them and looked at her, and she twisted something again, enlarging it even more. “I think that’s enough for now, but it’ll probably get bigger, later.”

The thing about expanding plugs, as opposed to inflatable ones, is that the petals invariably press on the prostate, making orgasm control a whole new level of hell.

He didn’t complain though, and she leaned forward, kissed his nose, and then climbed off the table.

She released his ankles, put his feet on the table, soles down, with his knees bent.

“Your legs will need to be straight later, but if you can bend your knees now then your back won’t start hurting later.”

“Thank you, Ma’am.” Marcus either made his submissives comfortable so they could last longer, or purposefully kept them uncomfortable. Would Heather always seek for his comfort, or would she sometimes want to bind him into contortions?

She walked to his head and lifted herself onto the table enough she could kiss the side of his forehead. “You’re most welcome. This is us, too, isn’t it? Another version of us?” She bounced herself backwards so she was standing on the floor again. “I love you, Kyle. All of you.”

* * * *

Marcus looked in on them from the doorway, and realized he was envious of their relationship. Not jealous, not even a tiny bit — he was happy for them, but he wanted his own submissive to care for, to hurt, and to love.

He had strong feelings for both Heather and Kyle, but he didn’t see how he could be part of their relationship long term.

Heather turned and walked towards him, and he tried to wipe what he hoped wasn’t too pensive a look off his face. “You ready for me, my saucy little Spitfire?”

“Yeah, and we’ll talk about that look later.”

“I just enjoy watching the two of you. It’s the definition of a healthy, loving power exchange.”

“Right, and I’m the Queen of England. Are you okay to do this? If not, it’s okay.”

“If I wasn’t okay with it, I wouldn’t be here. Aren’t you supposed to be sitting on Kyle’s face for this part?”

“I am, but I’d like you to kiss me, first.”

Marcus started to ask if she needed him to prove he wanted to be there, but then decided to simply show her how he felt. He walked to her and kissed her forehead, then leaned to kiss her neck as gently as he could. He pulled back, looked into her eyes, and leaned down to give her the kind of kiss a Dom gives his submissive. Lips controlling lips, hand on the back of her head, tongue pushing in and taking her mouth.

And it surprised the fuck out of him when she completely submitted, her body molding to his, her pulse racing, her hands at her side, not trying to take even a tiny bit of control. Her breathing hitched and he backed off while everything was going well, turning the kiss into the gentlest open-mouthed kiss he could before ending it and standing back up.

The look she gave him went straight to his cock, and instead of readjusting himself in his jeans, he reached for her hand and pressed it to his dick through his dress pants. “That’s what your kisses do to me.”

“Knowing where that will be soon,” she paused, apparently decided not to finish the sentence, and gave him a half-grin. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

“Don’t you need to be back up on the table?”


He watched her excellent ass climb onto the table before telling her, “As interesting as those crotchless panties are, they aren’t assless, so you should take them off.”

“You couldn’t have told me that before I climbed up here?”

He grinned. “What would be the fun in that?”

She stood on the table. pulled them off, and dropped them on Kyle’s stomach before kneeling to straddle Kyle’s head with her knees. Marcus walked forward and helped situate her so her chest was on Kyle’s stomach and her pussy over his mouth, but nothing was obstructing his nose. The way she was laying, Kyle would be able to see Heather’s ass being fucked about as up close and personal as it can get.