Protector Daddy by Taryn Quinn


I hadno intention of eating a third of a bucket of chicken while gossiping with Mickey, since I had no idea if my plans with Christian would involve food. Yet if there was a woman strong enough to turn down freshly fried chicken, it was not me.

Mickey and I split a bucket in a booth while gossiping about anything and everything. As best friends do, we commented on everyone who came through along with whatever good intel we’d picked up over the last day. Which, sadly, wasn’t much.

“You’re still the hot topic. You and Christian and how soon until you ride off in the happily-ever-after sunset.” She mimed having a large belly and I tossed a piece of crispy skin at her.

“Not everyone ends up married here. Some people do date.”

And some people just basically told their brother they’d be okay being a stay-at-home mom instead of a teacher.

“Yeah, who? Give me names and birthdates and astrological signs.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Plenty. You’re a Capricorn. You’re built to settle down. What’s Christian’s sign?”

“I have no idea.”

Mickey rolled her eyes. “Don’t you do any prep work before you hop in the sack?”

I snorted. “Right, like you did so much prep work before you climbed on that teacher’s assistant.”

“For your information, he climbed on me.” She tossed her wavy dark hair. “Thank you very much.”

“I’m just saying. We are just having fun.” Even as I said it, I knew I doth protest too much. I had spent the past week obsessing about the dude and it seemed unlikely that was a temporary affliction.

“Sure. I believe you.”

I threatened her with more crispy chicken and she shrugged. “How about we talk about the new guy? The one who was undressing me with his eyes through the window.” She bit on the end of her straw thoughtfully. “He had his feet propped on his desk.”

“You know that’s an old wives’ tale. A guy can have a massive dick and not have massive feet.”

“How big are Christian’s feet?”

“You didn’t look for yourself?”

“I would not peep on the guy you’re sleeping with.”

“His feet aren’t private?”

“They certainly are.”

I had to laugh. “Fine. I don’t know for sure but they look gigantic. And he’s definitely built to scale. But the Mastersons are all freakishly large. Jimmy is tall but he’s not a brick wall.”

“You’re the freak who is apparently a size queen. I’m good with normal sized males. Especially if they’re growers. Is he single?”

“No idea, but he tried to flirt with me until Christian growled at him.”

Mickey waved a hand. “You’re as good as off the market and looking isn’t a crime.”

“Good thing because you’d have been locked up years ago.”

“I’m far more selective than you give me credit for.” She tapped her long purple fingernail against her mouth. Only Mickey could navigate a busy afternoon in the bakery with those nails. “Did you tell your boyfriend where we are?”

“Maybe.” I grabbed my phone and swiped the screen to find Christian had texted just two minutes ago.


I’m outside.

My head whipped toward the window. “Did you see him?”

“He parked his truck and got out to stare at you through the glass while he talked on the phone.”

“Oh.” I bit my lip as I tried to watch him stride into the chicken joint without making it obvious I was watching him. My hair slipped down over my brow, allowing me to surreptitiously check him out as he pulled open the door and looked around before making a beeline for our table.

“Ladies,” he said smoothly, stopping beside us. “Hope I’m not interrupting.”

“No, she was just killing time with her bestie while waiting for you.” Mickey rose and saluted. “Nice to formally meet you, Christian. I enjoyed Honey’s cliffs notes but it’s always nice to scope someone out in the flesh. Not that we haven’t seen each other around.”

“I haven’t seen you as much as I’ve heard you.”

Mickey’s slim dark brow lifted. “Opening shot fired. I can’t say I’ve heard you as I didn’t even know you spoke. I thought you usually let your bush peeping up at the Lookout do the talking for you.”

I exhaled. “Michaela—”

“Full name again? Jeez.” She held up her hands palms out. “I’m gone. Have fun, you two. Don’t go up to the Lookout.”

“Why, don’t want us to get in trouble?”

“No, I don’t want to see you there. See ya, Hon.” Mickey wiggled her fingers at me before grabbing what was left of the bucket of chicken and taking off.

Christian stared after her. “Couldn’t leave me just a single piece of chicken.”

“You could get a single—”

“Nope. We have plans. You good?”

Since my plate was now empty without even a crumb, I grinned. “Yeah. I just about licked the plate.”

He smoldered at me again, something he was exceptionally gifted at. “Wish I’d seen it. Hope you have some appetite left.”

I dropped my phone in my purse and stood up slowly, making sure my body brushed his on the way. His pupils flared as he licked his lips and it took all my willpower not to grab his face and pull him in for a kiss. “I always have an appetite for you.”

“I didn’t mean for me, I meant for food. But an appetite for me is also appreciated.” He held out a hand and I slipped mine in his, my heart squeezing at the way he locked his fingers so tightly around mine. “Still feel like a hayride?”

I frowned when my gaze snagged on the clock on the wall. “It’s past eleven.” Proving it, Bucket of Love flipped the sign from Open to Closed and started shooing people out the door.

“So it is.” We crossed the restaurant to the exit, well aware the few remaining patrons were watching us go. Christian held open the door and let me exit first, lowering his head to take a sniff of my hair. “You smell like peaches.”

“New shampoo. Like?”

“Love.” He reached down and slipped his hand under my dress, palming one ass cheek so deftly that I tripped on uneven sidewalk and he had to grab me. “I should’ve warned you,” he said, his voice thick with laughter.

“You should have. Now you have to make it up to me.”

“What would you like?”

“A hayride orgasm sounds nice. Though I still don’t know how you managed to get us in after closing.”

“The world holds many mysteries.” He opened the passenger door of his truck and inclined his head. “After you.”

I climbed up into the seat and sat back, wiggling a little to recapture the memory of the warmth of his broad hand on my cold backside. “Enjoy the easy access now,” I warned as he climbed in on his side and immediately turned on the vehicle to bump up the heat. “Bare leg season is officially over. My ass is freezing.”

His gaze swept over me, lingering on my currently knocking knees. Without saying a word, he turned the vent toward me and then placed his broad hand over my knees. “I’ll keep you warm.”

He reversed out of the space and signaled out of the parking lot, quickly navigating through the nearly deserted streets. It was a crisp night as the goosebumps on my arms and legs could attest to and by this time of night, most people were either in their homes or enjoying a round of pool at The Spinning Wheel.

Not going on hayrides in the woods.

I shivered and tightened my suede coat around me. I’d worn it all night because I’d never really warmed up.

“Just give it another couple minutes and you’ll be toasty,” Christian said though I hadn’t said a word.

Was the guy a mind reader along with being a wizard at dispensing orgasms? Wouldn’t surprise me.

It didn’t take long before we were pulling in to the parking lot at the orchard. As predicted, the place was mostly deserted other than a scatter of vehicles parked near the main building that housed the general store and a bit farther away, near the Lodge that had suites for overnight guests. The Taproom and Event stage were a bit more toward the outer reaches of the property.

“Are you sure about this?” As soon as his truck rolled to a stop, I unbuckled my seatbelt and looked around pensively. “I’m not even sure any of these cars belong to customers.”

“They probably don’t. This is a private hayride.”

“So this is where it ends. Mickey will look for my body. She won’t be dissuaded.”

Christian’s rich laughter rolled out of him and I stared at him, shocked to hear such a full-bodied sound come from him. “I guarantee you’re in good hands with me. His hand slipped up my thigh and I shivered for a whole new reason. And I haven’t forgotten your request.”

“Me neither. Just that one move and my panties are soaked.”

“Let’s see.”

Before I could blink, his fingers were slipping between my legs and his groan filled the truck at what he found waiting for him. “You should’ve told me.”

“What?” I asked breathlessly.

“How much you needed this. I thought I was the only one who was bad off.”

“No.” I sucked in air, closed my eyes, and went for broke. “Three times this week I woke up needy in the middle of the night and had to…take care of myself.”

“You never have to take care of yourself unless you want to. You can call me anytime, night or day, and I’ll come to you.”

A breathless giggle escaped me. “What if you’re on duty?”

“Depends how important a call. I’d rather be at your beck and call. Now bring that sexy mouth over here.”

I sidled across the seat and he fisted his hand in my hair to drag me closer. His lips touched mine and almost immediately, he was devouring me, his tongue sweeping in to explore as if he couldn’t get enough of me.

The feeling was mutual.

A sharp knock at the window had us flying apart so fast that I banged my knee on the console hard enough to swear a blue streak.

“Filthy mouth you have.” He licked his lips as if he’d tasted something particularly sweet. “I like it.”

He turned toward the window, rolling it down and plastering an easy smile on his face as if he hadn’t just had his tongue down my throat.

The older woman with a chic silver hairstyle and a heavy barn coat only smiled fondly. “I remember those days. Christian, introduce me to your girl.”

Christian’s jaw locked and he swallowed deeply before he shot me a quick, semi-panicked look. Already I’d learned socializing was never his favorite thing. “Laverne Ronson, this is my—Honey. Honey McNeill, this is Laverne. She owns Happy Acres orchard. And she occasionally can be bribed by hardworking public servants.”

“Aww, she’s your Honey? How sweet. Nice to meet you, lovely.”

I laughed. “My name is actually Honey.”

“Oh! Even better. Though I think you are his Honey.” She winked at Christian and motioned us out of the truck. “Come on. We’ve got heaters on the hayride. You won’t freeze.” She made her eyes wide. “Unless there was another reason you were hiding out in the truck…”

“Nope, we’re good.” Christian hopped out of the truck so fast I had no choice but to giggle to myself.

I didn’t know how he could be so sexy and so cute at the same time. It was one of life’s biggest mysteries.

Hurriedly, I jumped out of the truck and joined Laverne and Christian by the fence where the horse-drawn wagon was waiting for us. I went right for the gray horse, petting his flanks and whispering to him before I did the same with the all black mare beside him. So beautiful.

“Aren’t they beauts?” A guy wearing a black cowboy hat called down to me from the driver’s seat.

“They sure are.”

He flashed me a grin. “You know, we don’t do private rides.”

“No?” I didn’t think so. “My—Christian pulled some strings,” I said glancing over my shoulder to where he was still chatting avidly with Laverne. He was mostly listening. “He had to work earlier but we’d had plans and with the season ending…”

“A beautiful lady like you should be treated special, so I’m all for it.” He gestured behind himself into the wagon, empty save for the bales of hay that served as seating. “Take a seat.”

“Yes, take a seat.” Christian spoke against my ear, making me shiver before he gave me a boost up.

With an added surreptitious ass squeeze I did not object to.

I picked a hay bale in the back and Christian sat behind me, spreading his long legs so I could sit in the vee of his legs. I also did not object to that, even if it brought me against the obviously hard column in his pants.

This might be a more uncomfortable ride than I’d expected.

Laverne came up along the side of the wagon, her arms full of a thick butter soft blanket she handed to us. A little girl with blond pigtails hurried up beside her, sloshing cider over the sides of plastic cups. “This is my granddaughter Avery. Here for the week with her parents for Thanksgiving.”

Avery smiled, showing a gap in her smile as she handed over the cider. “Thank you for taking one of our hayrides. Hope you enjoy it.”

“Don’t forget the cider donuts, Avery.”

Avery produced a white bakery bag from under her arm and held it out to Christian. “Still warm,” she said proudly before running off even as her grandmother called after her.

Laverne shook her head. “First time helping out here. Her father isn’t big on pleasantries either so I suspect she takes after him.”

“I know someone like that,” I commented, shooting a sly glance at Christian as I sipped my warm cider and tried not to swoon. It was perfectly flavored with smoky apples and cinnamon and warmed me up from the inside out.

“Do you? I haven’t met them.” Christian smiled at Laverne. “Thanks so much for all of this. This is above and beyond, Laverne.”

“Our pleasure. I’d say tell your friends but the season is ending soon, no matter what bribes are on the table. Tell them to look us up next fall if they want a hayride.” She laughed and clapped him on the arm before telling the rider that he was all set to start the ride.

The wagon rolled over the uneven ground yet somehow the ride was mostly smooth. I let out a sigh of pleasure as I glimpsed the sliver of moon above between the trees and leaned back against Christian. “This is wonderful, thank you. I have no idea how you pulled this off, but it’s so perfect.” The breeze skittered the remaining leaves on the trees and blew through my hair, bringing on another shiver.

“Laverne pulled it off, not me. I just asked and sweetened the request with a box of Tabitha’s baked goods and a carafe of Macy’s richest blend.”

“They make their own baked goods here.”

He seemed affronted. “Not as good as Tabitha’s.” He wrapped the soft, snuggly blanket around me and nuzzled my jaw. “Or yours.”

“You just like my croissants.”

“I do. Warm, flaky, buttery.” The wagon dipped in a rut, and I jolted back against Christian violently enough to realize his “problem” had not abated. If anything, he was even harder.

“Are you getting aroused talking about baked goods?” I whispered.

His laughter flowed over me, making me smile. I was quickly becoming addicted to his laughter. “No. More like the feeling of your perfect ass snug against my cock.”

“Oh. Okay.” I wiggled against him. “Carry on then.”

“You’re something.” He wrapped my hair around his hand as he loved to do and gently tugged back my head so he could kiss me with only the moonlight and the wind bearing witness, out here amidst the endless miles of trees and every kind of nocturnal creature hiding in the shadows.

His kisses were flavored with a hint of mulled spices and cider and the richness of the coffee he drank at the station. Not quite a Macy blend but not the usual cop shop swill either. I slipped my fingers through his short hair to the back of his neck, scraping my nails over his skin until he hissed.

And I smiled, because I’d never affected someone like I seemed to affect him.

Maybe we were just some kind of magical alchemy together. I’d heard of such things before, but I’d never experienced them.

I’d never cuddled up under a blanket with a man who made me feel…everything.

We rode through the forest and ate delicious warm cider donuts while we laughed about stupid things, and he crept closer and closer to impropriety under the security of the blanket. As I subtly taunted him, spurring him on.

The ride seemed to go on forever, but eventually, we returned to where we’d started. Christian thanked the driver of the hayride and tipped him extra then led me back to his truck. I was definitely chilled now, despite the blanket I hated to give back and the man who’d cuddled with me so thoroughly.

The parking lots were even more deserted now, and out here in the country, the stars were plainly visible in the inky dark sky.

“You up for more?” Christian asked, holding my hand on the walk back to his truck.

I smiled sleepily at him. “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

He unlocked his truck and opened my door for me. “I made reservations for us at The Hummingbird’s Nest.”

After I climbed in, I gazed at him across the front seat as he turned on the engine. “Reservations? Like a room?”

“No. We can spend the night at my house or your apartment. Or alone, whatever you wish.”

“I definitely don’t wish that.”

His mouth curved. “I just thought we could have a fancy meal together, late enough for no prying eyes. If you’d like to.”

“I’d love to.” I waited until he reversed out of the lot and signaled back on to the main road, then I reached over to grip his hand on the gear shift. “Having a fancy meal sounds positively decadent. But you know I don’t need that, right? I’m good with a bucket of chicken.”

“Exactly why you deserve so much more. You don’t expect it, but you’re worth the world.” He squeezed my hand, holding it lightly through the ride back into town.

“You overwhelm me. No one ever has before.”

He rubbed his calloused thumb over my knuckles. “Same.”

“I told my brother tonight I dropped out of college.”

“I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, I don’t think I fully knew I really wasn’t going back until I said it out loud. I always kept the window open though I was pretty sure I wasn’t going to.”

“How come?”

I swallowed hard, staring at the headlights coming at us on the other side of the street as we traveled the dark, winding rural roads that connected Turnbull to Crescent Cove. On the other side of the Cove was Kensington Square and continuing along that route led to Syracuse, the biggest city around here.

“I thought I wanted to be a teacher because I liked kids. I love reading and books and I thought getting to read to kids would be the best thing ever. Kinda a childhood dream of mine. But I realized I just wanted to have my own. Kids, I mean. Probably Presley started me off there. And now Mav is having a baby too.”

“Yeah. Baby fever. It’s common in this town.”

“It never really was with me until recently. Now it’s getting stronger.” I smoothed the hand not linked with Christian over my dress, rubbing out the wrinkles over my thigh. “I don’t have big career ambitions like my mom. I just want to stay home with my kid. Or kids. Whatever happens.” I swallowed again, chancing a look his way. “Do you think that’s weird? I know no one wants to be a housewife anymore. Or can afford to be. I’m not saying I don’t want to work, just I want to have a home and family and really be there for my kids. And my husband.” I let out a laugh. “Says the girl who’s never even had someone serious in her life for more than a minute.”

He didn’t speak right away, leaving the silence to pulse between us like a heartbeat. I had to fight not to fill it with babble, either audibly or in my head.

Just to let the moment be.

“Now you do.” His thumb swept over my skin, over and over. Soothing me without words. “I don’t think it’s weird, Honey. I think any man who gets to build a life with you would be lucky as hell.”


“Really.” He sucked in a breath. “You know I used to watch you feed the ducks sometimes.”

“I believe you said every day.”

“Not every day.”

“You said every day.”

“Anyway,” he cleared his throat, “sometimes I watched you reading to the ducks too. Or at least that’s what it seemed to me you were doing. Were you reading to them?”

“I can neither confirm nor deny.”

“So yes?”

I nodded sheepishly.

“What did you read to them?”

“Usually my spicy romance novels. I fly through them, usually a couple a week. Though I usually skip the really…intense parts so people walking by didn’t overhear.” I frowned. “Guess I’ll have to quit feeding ducks and reading at lunch on the really cold days. Can’t hang out for a half hour on a park bench when it’s subzero.”

“You need something inside.”

I waved a hand. “Couch is good enough for me. Though I do like having the view of the lake to read by.” I shrugged. “Why I like my apartment. Perfect vantage point.”

“It is. I love your apartment.”

“Well, it’s not fancy like your place, but it gets the job done.”

“Fancy isn’t the important thing. It’s home.”

“Yeah. You’re right.” Smiling, I settled back into the seat to enjoy the rest of the ride.

No music. No idle chitchat.

We didn’t need any.

Right before we reached The Hummingbird’s Nest, Jared called. Christian answered it through his in-dash screen. “Chief, what’s up?”

“We have a baby! And he’s the most perfect little boy who has ever existed.” Chief Brooks sounded breathless and so, so happy.

It almost felt as if the universe was giving me a sign that my wanting a family wasn’t crazy, even if none of my friends my age were thinking such things.

Maybe I’d just found my way to my true path early somehow. Just because it was different didn’t mean I was wrong.

I watched Christian talk to the Chief out of the corner of my eye. He seemed genuinely happy for his boss. And maybe a little bit wistful.

I was probably imagining things.

He clicked off with Jared after promising to come see Gina and the baby once she was home and settled. I was still sort of shocked he’d offered to of his own free will.

“If you’d like me to, I’d be happy to come with you.”

His head swung toward me after he parked at the curb near the bed and breakfast. “You’d be willing to do that?”

“Free baby cuddles? Absolutely. Plus, I can try out my new duck onesie pattern I want to make for baby Mavvan.”

“Please tell me they aren’t naming their child that.”

I laughed. “No. Just my couple name for the baby to annoy my brother.”

“Whew.” He got out and came around to my side, opening my door with a flourish then grabbing my cold hands to warm them in his own before he helped me step down. “You’re sure it’s not too late?”

I waited until his arm settled around my shoulders before I lightly dug my knuckles into his disturbingly tight abs. I knew he got good use out of that lap pool in his house, along with the rowing machine I’d noticed in his small gym on my early morning self-escorted tour. It was hard to get the full scope of a place if you didn’t check it out on your own, and I was a nosy bish. “I’m good. What about you, old man?”

“Thirty-six isn’t old.”

“It absolutely isn’t. I just like yanking your chain.”


“I do.” Discreetly, I dipped my hand down to cup his cock. “Especially this one.”

Unfortunately, my timing was epic, because Sage, the proprietress of The Hummingbird’s Nest, picked that moment to pop out the front door to clap her hands at our arrival. And possibly strain her eyeballs at the current placement of my hand.

Quickly, I dropped it and pretended to be brushing nonexistent hay off Christian’s pants.

“There you two are! I was coming out to see if you’d arrived yet.”

“Sorry, Sage.” Christian flashed her a tight smile. “Our hayride went long.”

“Oh, no worries. That’s so awesome that Laverne arranged for you to have your own after hours. I just love going to the orchard. My girls do too.” She patted her softly rounded belly. She’d recently had her second child. “Well, the new one only went via her mama, but I know she’ll love it just like Star.”

More babies. Babies everywhere. Was it any wonder I had them on the brain?

“Star is so cute,” I offered, still mortified to be caught groping. Luckily, Sage hadn’t made a thing out of my latest indiscretion.

“She is. So’s Stella. But I haven’t been making the rounds yet because she’s a tiny little thing. Soon, though. I’ll bring her in to see Tabitha and get an eclair. Okay, maybe the eclair is for me.” She charged up to Christian and thrust her small curvy body into his arms. “Do you know how long it has been since I’ve seen this man?”

“No?” It was a genuine response. I didn’t realize they were old friends. Or old something from the way she was pawing him.

“For-ever. Why don’t you ever come see me, you big oaf?”

I lifted my brows as Christian hugged her back enthusiastically. I mean, she was a very married woman who’d recently given birth, and her husband Oliver was hotter than Hades in his three-piece suits, but still. “Some of us have to work.”

“Oh, please. Maybe I should jaywalk, so you’re forced to give me a ticket.” She stuck her tongue out at Christian, who only laughed. “I dated this oaf’s brother in high school though I gotta say, I had trouble deciding between them. But Moose was too shy to talk to me, so I looked at him as a personal challenge. This one wouldn’t shut up.”

“Christian? Are you sure you have the right man?”

“Very. He only became the strong silent type after high school after he worked his way through most of the ladies.” She patted his chest and gestured inside. “It’s cold as hell—heck, I mean. Still need that swear jar.” She blew out a frosty breath. “Come on in before we freeze our tits off.”

I had to laugh. “Sounds good to me.” But I hung back to grab Christian’s hand as Sage rushed inside. “Worked your way through the ladies, huh?”

His ears were now bright red to go with his reddened nose from the cold. “It was a long time ago.”

“From player to monk?”

“I wasn’t a player. Or a monk.”

I arched up to kiss his jaw. “Saving yourself for me?”

“I didn’t but now that I know what I was missing, I should have.” He grinned. “I’d be okay with pretending to be a virgin if you want to debauch me.”

I wagged my finger at him. “If you’re into roleplaying, I could probably pull off that role more successfully.”

“C’mon, you two! Shake your tails!”

He smacked my ass as I hurried ahead of him. “Let’s start at dinner. When you go in the bathroom, take off your panties.”

“In Sage’s fancy restaurant?” I gaped at him so hugely that he threw his head back on a laugh.

“We’ll save that for another time.”

“Yeah, how about when my legs aren’t shaking from the cold? I need every layer, including my skimpy panties.”

“How skimpy are we talking?” he asked against my ear before he held open the door.

Even when he wanted to debauch me, his manners were always on point.

“More holes than lace,” I said cheerfully before following Sage to our secluded corner booth.

I was officially done with wondering if we were just having fun. Christian Masterson was a forever type of man—and just maybe I could be his forever girl.