All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Twenty


"That is so cute,"Molly says over my shoulder, admiring the swimsuit wrap I've found on the clearance rack. I'm the ultimate bargain shopper. "It would look perfect with your red suit or the blue one."

"My thoughts exactly," tossing it into my shopping bag, I begin sifting through the remaining clothes on the rack and find a few more pieces I decide I must have.

"Have you ever been to Anthony's house?" Rachel asks, stepping up opposite me and looking over the clothing rack.

"No, but Addison says it's secluded and amazing."

I think of how secluded Jonah's house is and fight the smile as I remember what had taken place in his garage and many other areas throughout his home. Then there was last week on his living room floor, which initially started on his couch. Who needs to work out when you have Jonah as a sexual partner? He is very acrobatic and explorative.

"All I know is he has a pool and a hot tub. The yard is huge, and she got lost her first time there trying to find the bathroom." I remember her calling me, telling me she stumbled into his bedroom and was fighting the urge to snoop through his things. She wanted me to talk her down, but honestly, I was as curious as she was, so I wasn't much help.

"I just hope there are some good-looking guys at this cookout." Out of all of us, Gina has to be the most forward. She has no problem flirting with any man, and she's had her fair share of one-night stands and hookups. The idea of keeping things casual between Jonah and myself stems from the examples I've seen from her. She never gets attached. She lives without the drama, and if a man gives her more complications than she is willing to handle, she moves on to the next. She's the guy in the relationship.

A few hours later, and with way too much money spent, I step out of my apartment wearing my favorite summer maxi dress over my new blue bikini. I have foregone doing too much with my hair due to the heat and the idea of just getting it wet in a pool. Instead, I left it alone, and the natural wave I have makes it seem fuller than usual.

I plug in the address in my GPS, and I set out to Tony's feeling good about the day and evening ahead. I know Jonah will be there, which I'll admit I like the idea of having someone of the opposite sex I know in a crowd of strangers.

I'm surprised to see so many cars lining the street and the long winding driveway which leads to Anthony's house. After driving a little ahead, I find an open spot and slip into it before someone else beats me to it. Just as I step onto his driveway, my phone begins to ring, and I dig through my purse to find it. Addison's name is lighting up my screen. I can already hear her, where are you?

"I'm walking up the drive as we speak," I don't give her the chance to ask.

"Hurry." Nothing more before she hangs up. She's so impatient.

Parked just beyond the garage door at the front of the drive is a very familiar Audi. I have fond memories of the sleek car. I pause for a few seconds, my body reacting to the visions in my head.

I shake away the lust that tries to consume me and look away from the car and proceed to the front door. It's unlocked, with a note pinned to the door which reads, everyone is out back.

Stepping inside, I look over the foyer and into the sprawling living room, in awe of the beautiful home. A vast wrap-around couch sits in the center of a sunken living room with more pillows than any one couch needs. It looks unbelievably comfortable like you can sink into the cushions and feel like you are on the softest cloud.

Addison's right, the house is gorgeous.

Proceeding ahead, following the loud voices and the music, I find my way to the French doors that overlook a sprawling backyard. So many people, mingling and laughing, crowded in different areas around the space. A pool is out about a hundred or so feet, with several people already enjoying the water. Others are lounging in the chairs that line the pool. Some are sitting on the edge with their legs hanging over the edge and dipping into the water.

Addison is the first to notice me, excusing herself from the couple she is talking to and walking in my direction. With pursed lips, I can tell without asking that she is pissy about something. "It's about time," she huffs, grabbing my arm and dragging me off to the side away from anyone who may hear us.

"What has your panties all tied in a knot?" I laugh at my joke when she glares.

"Very slowly and so it is not so obvious, look toward the pool house." I don't look right away, thinking maybe it is one of her exes or something. She is acting like a jealous girlfriend or a frantic spaz. "You can't miss the sleazy red bikini and the jet black hair."

Okay, so I'm now looking for red.

Casually I begin looking around but remain hidden behind her, and her squared off tense shoulders. I'm about to find Tony and tell him to take her inside to a quiet room. Maybe he can relieve some of this stress when a flash of red catches my eye.

"Her name is Reece," the woman is tall, thin, and her ginormous boobs seem so out of place on her petite body. Honestly, they only manage to make her head appear super small. The tiny red bikini is cute, but I think it's her fake tits that make it appear as if it is ten sizes too small. And her tan, wow, it's only another thing that makes her stand out from everyone else; it is perfect.

"Well, at least she's covering up her nipples." It's about all I can manage. Honestly, what am I supposed to say about any of it?


I look away from the silicone-filled girl and find Addison looking at me like I've lost my damn mind.

"Who is she, Tony's ex or something?"

"No," she huffs, throwing her hands up in the air. "She's Jonah's."

And my heart feels like it slams against my breast bone, it hurts, and I fight the urge to rub over the very spot. Immediately I glance back at her and then quickly look away again.

"They dated several years ago. She broke it off with Jonah because of her job." I only nod my head, refusing to look back at her even though at this point, all I want to do is stare and analyze every little thing about her. None of this should bother me at all. Honestly, it's none of my business, but it does, which is only making things more difficult.

"Dani," she grabs my arms and shakes me.

"Why in the hell are you freaking out?"

"Why aren't you?" We stare at the other, waiting for the other to explain but again, I have nothing. Casual, that's all he and I are. I don't have the right to be jealous or even curious. "That woman is back in town, she shows up here per an invite from a mutual friend, and she's already zoning in on Jonah."

At the mention of his name, it's like my body gravitates to him, and I glance back in the direction of the pool house to see not only the black-haired ample boob ex, but the back of a fit and shirtless man. A man I'm able to pick out of a crowd in an instant. He's facing the one I now know as Reece, her hand on his arm and her head tossed back as if he's said something funny. The move only thrusts out her massive cleavage, and I can't see his face, but the first thing I find myself wondering is, does he like big boobs?

Why would anyone want boobs that big? It's easy because they are an attention whore and—

Quickly, I look away, feeling wrong for even judging her just because of Jonah and I. I have no hold on him, and nothing is saying he can't do whatever it is he wants to do or who. I hope he's being honest with me. I may not want to be in an intense relationship where there is a possibility of all the hurt and drama that can go with it. Still, I also don't want whoever I'm sleeping with to be sleeping with other women too.

"Danielle," Addison says my name once again, and I arch my brow, forcing a smile as I stare back at her once more. "Tell me you don't want to walk over there right now and claim him as yours. Put her right in her place with one kiss to his gorgeous lips."

"I don't. Jonah's not mine," if there is ever a time in my life I need to hide my truth, now is that time.

"So you don't care if he gets back with his ex?"

"We aren't a couple." She crosses her arms over her chest and cocks out her hip, holding my stare. "However, I do have to say after being with her and palming those." I look down at my boobs hidden behind my dress. "I'm surprised he can even locate mine. Talk about overgrown watermelons to oranges." I laugh. Addison does not.

"Will you stop being such a drama queen," I jump to her side and bump my hip to hers, trying my hardest to lighten her mood. "The way you're acting, you'd think it was Tony who dated Dolly and not Jonah. You need a drink." Honestly, I'm the one who needs the whole damn bottle, but I'm entirely comfortable with blaming the need on her instead.

I move across the yard, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Jonah look up in my direction. Pausing near the bar, with Addison at my side, I focus on the bartender attempting to guess what I drink. He isn't trying to hide his flirtatious mannerisms either. Of course, I know it's not only me who has gotten that treatment today; it's all part of his act.

"Rum and Coke," a blond man to my left says as he moves in a little closer to my side. His skin glistens, and water beads over his chest. There are a whole lot of shirtless good looking men at this party, that is for sure. It's truly impossible not to feel a little overheated by their presence.

"Nope," I smile, and he rests his elbows on the bar top, allowing his gaze to roam over me. Not that I have a whole lot on display, not compared to most of the women running around here, but my dress does cut low in the front and was giving a peek of my bikini top and a little cleavage below. I feel overdressed compared to everyone else.

"Don't tell me you're a Tequila girl?" I turn my body to face him. He isn't a bad-looking man, but he is no Jonah either.

Stop it! I mentally scold myself.

"So what if I am," I challenge him and wonder if I should even be flirting when I have no interest in taking it further. I told Jonah I want casual, but that is only with him. I'm not comfortable bouncing around from guy to guy, sleeping my way through life. I have no intentions of finding another hookup, I wasn't even looking for one when Jonah stumbled into my life, but he is impossible to resist. I would have been a fool not to jump on that ride.

And oh, what a ride it is.

I'm unable to stop my body from reacting to the many memories that hit me. My nipples harden, and I feel the heat rise in my neck.

"She prefers wine over any hard liquor," my stomach tenses at the sound of his voice, but I try my hardest not to react. "She'll drink beer," Jonah adds, and it's then I look back to find him standing with his arms defensively crossed over his chest. His jaw tense, his shoulders square. "But usually only with pizza or barbecue."

"Jonah," the blond man who was flirting with me swivels around, and immediately I'm invisible to him. "I see Reece is back in town. She's looking good."

If you like that top-heavy look, I guess.

Shifting back to face the bartender, I take the Moscato he is offering and then move away, not wanting to overhear the rest of the conversation.

I'm just about to the area where my closest friends sit near the pool when I feel a tug on my dress and pause. "Well, damn," Greg, a friend of Matthew’s, stands and instantly wraps me in a hug before I have the time to be prepared for it. "I never thought I'd see you here. What a surprise!" I've always liked Greg. He's one of the few friends of Matt's I can stand.

"Addison's dating Tony so," I shrug, knowing that is a good enough explanation for me being here. She and I are a package deal. Anyone who knows us knows that.

"How have you been?"

"I'm good," Addison looks back over her shoulder when she finally notices I'm no longer by her side and her eyes shift to the man I'm standing near. She gives me a slight nod before continuing, knowing I'm good with Greg.

"Listen," I feel the tension start in my shoulders, knowing he's about to bring up the wedding, and I'm not sure I'm ready to have this conversation with anyone, let alone a guy who is friends with my ex. "He's an idiot," I press my lips together, taking in a deep breath. "I know she's your sister, and I don't mean any disrespect, but honestly, Dani, there is no comparison. What he sees in her, I don't get it. You're," he pauses as if trying to find the right word but can't. "Well, babe, you're just you, and that's a whole lot of good, right there."

I laugh at his words, and he hooks my waist and pulls me in tight. "You ever wanna make the dumb ass jealous, find me. But just so you know, I won't be dumb enough to let you go once I‘ve got you."

Greg is sweet. He always has been. But there's no chance of anything happening there, even if Jonah wasn't in the mix. Greg isn't my type.

"It's good seeing ya," I lean in and kiss him on the cheek, and then he slowly releases me. He's had a few drinks and lingers a little before ultimately allowing me to step back.

"He's already regretting his choices," he adds, and I know Greg's talking about Matt, but I don't ask what he means. Honestly, I don't care. There is no going back; there never will be.