All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Four


"I wantto smack your mother, I'm not gonna lie." Molly, Addison's cousin, and my friend announces as she grabs another slice of pizza from the many boxes displayed before us.

"Who doesn't," Rachel, another friend, says around a mouth full of food.

Being lazy has been my routine for weeks now. Work during the week, and on the weekends I veg out and lounge around in my pajamas. Not glamorous by any means because the tangles in my hair had knots of their own. I've lost the desire to pretty myself up, and on most occasions, I went to school with my hair piled in a bun on top of my head.

"And your sister," Molly adds, tossing the half-eaten piece of pizza on the lid of the box and stretching back to undo her pants buckle. "She is an entitled bitch." After she undid her button, she sags forward and sighs. Yeah, we were most definitely a hot little crew of women, let me tell you. Classy to the core.

"We need to get out more," I jump right past our topic of conversation and look over each of my friends. Sweatpants, ratty t-shirts, and no makeup, our appearances make me laugh.

"We've become hermits, and it's all my fault."

Addison slides in closer and wraps her arm around my shoulders. "Sweetheart, we'll do this daily if it's what you need from us."

"That's what I'm saying.” I make a circular motion with my finger around our tiny little group. "I'm turning us all into monsters. Junk food eating, beer-drinking, don't wash your hair for three days kind of monsters." They each smile, and I adore them all a little more for it. They love me, and when I'm hurting, they stand by me. But something has to give.

"I think we need a girls’ night."

"I thought this was a girls’ night," Molly leans back and covers her stomach with her hand. Engorged on pizza, a little tipsy from the alcohol consumed, she is adorable. "Girls’ night at Dani's place, that's what we said."

"I mean a night outside of our apartments. A night where we listen to music and dance, maybe flirt with guys."

Addison arches her brow as if I've just said something in a foreign language. "What? It's not like I'm married." Each of them looks around at one another, not smiling and appearing a little uncomfortable.

"What, too soon?" Still, they say nothing. "Come on, guys," I was the one nursing a broken heart, not them. "What am I supposed to do? Sit around and pine over a guy I don't believe loved me in the first place. If he had, he wouldn't have done what he did, so I refuse to give him any more of my time."

Molly slowly begins to nod her head as she smiles, "I'm proud of you, Matthew never deserved you."

"True," Addison bumps her shoulder into mine, and I glance over at her. "She's far too good for him."

I'm still raw; I still feel as though I missed all the signs, and somehow I'm partly to blame for the outcome. But the final choice, the one where two people I loved found it so very easy to betray me, it was on them, not me. I'll never take fault for the lines they crossed. However, I will also never be a victim again.

* * *

All dressed up,Addison and I climb into the awaiting Uber and sit back for the ride. Drinking is what I plan to do, so driving is not an option. We've decided to meet Molly, Rachel, and Gina, another friend of ours at Tequila's, a local club downtown. It's been a while since I've been out to a club or dancing in a bar. Considering Matthew wasn't the club kind of guy. He preferred expensive dinners and wine, followed by a nice walk or a movie at home. That's nice, don't get me wrong, but not as an every weekend thing. It's fun to meet friends, let loose, and unwind from a long week.

I'm excited, realizing I've let so many things go when I chose to be with Matthew. I loved the parts that made me who I was, but I placed them aside and became who he needed me to be.

"We stick together," Addison says as we pull up outside the club and climb out of the car. Standing on the curb, we both look toward the red neon sign that says Tequilas. People are standing in line to get in, but we'll be able to skip on through. Perks of Gina's uncle being part owner, we have anytime passes to enjoy ourselves.

Hand in hand, Addi and I walk toward the bouncer, and when he sees us coming, I notice the way he scans over us from head to toe. Kurt is harmless, he is a major flirt, but he is also very married and satisfied. He is playing a part and appreciating a couple of girls dressed up and ready to cut loose.

"Well, look at you," reaching out, he hooks my waist and pulls me in closer. Offering my cheek for a kiss, he doesn't pull back right away. Instead, he says something that surprises me. "The man is a complete fool. You are a catch, Ms. Dani, and I guarantee you he'll come crawling back when he realizes how big he fucked up."

With another squeeze, he releases me and unhooks the cable that blocks us from entering.

"He can crawl all he wants, Kurt," I smirk as I stepped on by, feeling more confident than I had in weeks, months even. "But his sorry ass had his chance. There's no going back now."

"Smart girl," he chuckles. “I know for sure, there will be a line waiting to take his spot, sweetheart.”

His wife is a lucky woman; Kurt has a heart of gold, respects women, and adores her. He wears his ring proudly and talks about her often. They've been together since they were fifteen. Now, if that's not an inspirational love story, I don't know what is.

I allow Addison to lead as I look around while we move through the club. Bodies grinding together, dancing to the music, so many people laughing and having a fantastic time. I can't wait to get a few drinks in me and live a little myself.

"About time," I look up just in time to see a group part as Molly comes barreling toward us. She appears to be well ahead of us in the drinking category, smiling like a fool and shimmying her hips. Her drink is practically sloshing out of her cup in the process; only she doesn't seem to notice. "We were beginning to think you two decided to back out."

“No way," I take her drink from her and toss it back, cringing as the straight vodka hits my tongue. "Blawk," I shiver and give the empty glass back to her.

"That'll teach you to steal my drink." Pursing her lips, she dares me to argue. When she finds I have no intention of doing so, she flips her hair and walks away.

Addison and I join them all near the bar, and after we each have a drink in hand, Moscato for me, we move to a tall table a few feet away.

For the first time in weeks, I feel like the weight of the world isn't pressing down on my shoulders. After I’ve had a few drinks, I persuade them all to join me on the dance floor. Song after song, I can feel my body growing sticky with sweat, only I don't allow it to slow me down.

The thumping of the music made the floor vibrate beneath our feet, and it's exhilarating.

I'm just about to sneak off to grab another drink and maybe place a cool glass to my cheeks to help cool off, but I stop when I feel a hand on my hip.

"Wanna dance," looking back over my shoulder, I'm pleasantly pleased with what I find. The guy is the exact opposite of Matthew, tall with blond hair, alluring eyes that promise a good time. He has a mischievous smile which I find attractive.

"Sure," I attempt to turn around to face him, only he holds my waist and keeps my back pressing to his chest. The feeling of his hips moving behind me makes my already heated skin only feel hotter. He's sinful, grinding against my ass without a second of hesitation.

Glancing toward my friends, I find they have all paired off with different guys, but as promised, Addison keeps a close eye on me.

Winking at her, giving her assurance I'm fine; she allows herself to relax and enjoy the guy who is showing her a great deal of attention. He has dark hair, dark eyes, and an impressive build. There is no doubt in my mind this man attends a gym often. He whispers something to her, making her laugh as they continue to dance around and enjoy themselves.

It's great to see my friends in this element instead of cooped up with me as I lay around and watch my life pass. Tonight is harmless fun, no expectations, no promises of tomorrow, just pure adrenaline and too much alcohol. If only my mother could see me now, she'd be so disappointed. The idea of that alone only drove me more as I lift my hands and hook them around the tall man behind me. The feeling of his fingertips making contact with my stomach as my shirt rises a tiny fraction.

I love the feelings coursing through me.

I am finally free.