All the Wrong Choices by C.A. Harms

Chapter Thirty-Eight


"Maybe stoppingby isn't the best idea," I pause outside of Jonah's office and step off to the side. "He's busy, and I can always just text him."

"Hello," Addison rolls her eyes. "Why shouldn't you stop by unannounced? As if he's going to care. Besides, you can't just text him if you need to know now."

Addison, of course, doesn't wait for a second longer. She pulls open the door and walks inside like she owns the place. I have no choice but to follow her.

As we enter, I glance around his office and find the decor clean and simple. Primarily throughout the entire space is black and white with touches of gray. But there are a few splashes of reds and yellows that honestly pull it all together quite nicely. A few people sit around in the waiting area, and they look up as we step inside and the door closes behind us.

The woman behind the half-moon desk looks up and offers a kind smile. She is older, maybe my parent's age, with much kinder eyes than theirs. "Good morning ladies, what can I do for you today?" I'm about to tell her I will leave a message for Jonah, but of course, my pushy friend jumps right in, not giving me the chance to say much of anything.

"My name is Addison, and this is Dani, or Danielle," I notice the way she immediately looks at me and ignores Addison. "We were hoping to get a second to talk to Jonah, or should I say, Dr. Brooks."

"You're Danielle," the woman ignores the question; she stands walking around the counter.

"Dani?" I swivel quickly to find Jonah stepping out into the waiting area while a younger boy walks past him toward a woman waiting in a chair a few feet away. Jonah closes the distance between us and rests his hand on the small of my back.

He leans over and presses a kiss to my temple.

"Addi," he nods in her direction before tugging me along toward the hallway. "I need a few minutes with my girl." He doesn't wait for a reply before practically forcing me into an office at the end of the hall. Instantly my back is pressed to the door, and Jonah's body is firmly pushing up against mine. "Hi," he smiles before kissing me softly, "I like this surprise."

"Yeah?" Circling my arms around his neck, I tug his lips back to mine.

He cups my ass beneath my dress and growls. "You think you can be quiet?"

Shoving him against his chest, he laughs before squeezing my ass once more and then steps back. "A guy can try. But you know what seeing you in a dress does to me."

He walks back to his desk and adjusts himself, which makes me laugh. I take a step toward him, and he reaches out to take my hands in his before sitting down on the edge of his desk. I'm more his level now. "What are you ladies out doing today?"

"Tony is meeting Addison and I for lunch," I widen my eyes because Tony and I still haven't really had too much time together since Jonah and I had our fallout well over a month ago. His feelings toward me are still unpredictable. I honestly think if he could choose anyone for his best friend, it wouldn't be me.


"In about forty-five minutes, it was a last-minute thing."

By now, he's released one hand, and with his free one, he is casually running it over the outer part of my thigh. I'm not even sure he comprehends he's doing it. I, of course, can't control my body's reaction to it. I can feel my nipples hardening, and when he looks down and smirks, I know he understands what he's doing.

"Am I invited?"

"Yes," using my thumb, I wipe off the lipstick he has smeared on his lip.

"Leave it," he smacks my hands away playfully, which makes me laugh. "Keeps the ladies away."

"Oh, the ladies, huh?"

He nips at my finger and stands, being sure to kiss me once more on the way up. "I have two more patients before I can sneak away. Can you wait for me, and I'll drive?"

"I can tell Addison we'll meet them at the restaurant."

"Perfect," He spins me around and pulls me toward the door. "Did you meet Betty?"


"Yes, my receptionist," he's already dragging me down the hallway with a smile on his face. He's happy, and that, in turn, makes me happy. We've already had so much stress on our relationship, and seeing him playful and smiling, it's how I want him to be always.

"I was in the process of meeting her when you interrupted us."

He stops walking and turns around, taking a few steps backward, and I walk toward him. "I needed a few minutes alone with you." It is the only explanation he has to offer and to be honest, it's good enough for me.

I wait for Jonah to finish up with his patients, sitting behind the counter where he strategically placed me. Betty has some fun stories to share with me since she's known him long before she started working for him. It's fun to get the chance to hear about the boy before the man. She talks of Avery, his sister, and how fiercely protective she is of her brother. That alone gives me a rush of nervous energy because I assume if she knows of our past, she'll be another person who will believe I'm not good enough for her brother.

When he walks his last patient out and comes around the counter to gather me up, he doesn't shy away from leaning over me and kissing the corner of my mouth. "You ready, baby?"

I feel my cheeks heat when it hits me, Betty is only a few feet away from us. "You were right, Jonah; she is sweet and beautiful," Betty pats my arm. "When are you going to introduce her to your mother and Avery?" My chest tightens at the idea. "They'll love her."

"Soon," he assures her, linking his fingers through mine. "I want her all to myself a little longer before they dig in. You know how monopolizing my mom can be. I'm not ready to share her yet." Holding onto me from behind, he rocks from side to side and nuzzles my neck.

The sound of the door opening gains all of our attention, and the brunette who walks in wearing a pale yellow pair of scrubs looks around with purpose. She pauses in the doorway crossing her arms over her chest, and arches her brow. Immediately it hits me that this gorgeous creature has to be Avery. That can't be mistaken. She resembles her big brother and his mannerisms to a T.

"So this is the reason you didn't answer your door this morning?"

He chuckles, and I attempt to step away, but he holds on to me tighter. "This is Danielle."

His sister comes closer, leaning over the counter and offering me a smile. "Nice to finally meet you, Danielle. This big goof has been hiding you from us. I think he's afraid we'll run you off."

I could feel intimidated by her, feel as though I need to act a certain way or maintain a shy vulnerability to her forwardness. That is what I would do before, being introduced by Matthew to anyone in his circle. But this is Jonah, and if she's anything like him, which I presume she is, well, then being myself is who I decide to be. "Not a chance," I reach back with confidence and place my palms on the side of his legs. "I sorta love this goof," I notice the pleased surprise in his sister's eyes.

"Love you too," He whispers near my ear before biting the side of my neck. Wiggling against him, he bites more aggressively, which makes me laugh. All while his sister happily observes our exchange.

"What brought you by before eight in the morning anyway?" Finally releasing me, he walks toward his sister and leans on the opposite side of the countertop.

"Oh nothing," she places her elbows on the counter opposite him and wiggles her hands in some weird way before laying them flat in the open space between them. "Just thought I'd tell you the news before mom or dad do, and then you'll be all mad you are the last to know."

"What news?"

Again she lifts her hand, and the light from above reflects off her ring, and before I can compliment her on how pretty it is, Jonah practically pulls her over the tall desk when he grabs her hand. "Holy shit."

"Mouth boy," Betty warns him, but neither of them seems to be paying her any attention.

"Tucker finally found the courage and decided to do right by my little sister. Hot damn!" He hurries around the tall desk and grabs her up in a big bear hug, her feet dangling as he spins her in a circle. She laughs, throwing her head back in the process. She's beautiful, and even her smile reminds me of her brothers.

It is adorable to watch him with her.

"Dinner," she says as he finally lowers her to the floor, "you and Danielle, me and Tucker. Sometime very soon?"

I'm already nodding my head before he has the chance to ask. When he looks back to ask me and finds I've already agreed, his smile grows wider. "Just let us know when."

We all remain where we are, watching his sister practically skip out the door happily, and a part of me wishes more than anything I had a relationship with my sister, even half as unique as Avery and Jonah's.