The Vengeance You Crave by Tracy Lorraine



My heart is a runaway train in my chest as I stare into her silver eyes, watching her internal battle. She wants to tell me her reasons for being here because she wants to get away, I don't need to be able to feel the tremor wracking her body to know that she's scared of me right now, I can practically taste her fear and it feeds some part of me that I wasn't aware needed sating quite so badly.

I knew standing before her, looking into her eyes was going to calm the war raging inside me. But I had no idea her fear was going to be this… addictive.

"Tell me," I demand again as footsteps in the gravel of the parking lot sound out. I have no idea if it's some of tonight's late-night customers or staff, I don't rip my eyes from Peyton's to find out.

I don't need to say anything to warn her against calling out or asking for help. She seems to know that it would be a really bad fucking thing to do.

She swallows once more, her delicate skin rippling against my hand, making me want to tighten my hold to terrify her even more. But I resist, for now.

I still want to address the fact that even in the fucking dark I can clearly see the imprint of her nipples through her shirt and why she thought for even a second that it was a good idea to step outside of the house looking like that, let alone spend the night around the disgusting cunts who spend their Tuesday nights at The Locker Room.

"Fuck you, Luc. I owe you nothing. What I do has nothing to do with you. You made your place in my life very clear five years ago. You don't get to storm back in now and shame me for doing what I need to do."

Her fire makes my cock swell. It always took a lot to rattle her. I think that's one of the reasons we just worked so well. Whenever I'd lose my shit, she'd always been the one to cool me off, to make me see things from a different perspective. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I saw her angry. The worst of those times was the last time I saw her.

Memories of that afternoon still haunt me. But I did the right thing. I couldn't let her poison me with her lies. Even if she had no idea they were lies.

A huge part of me knows that she doesn't really believe it, that she's just putting too much loyalty on those she loves.

What infuriated me back then, and still does now, is that she had the audacity to stand there and make those bullshit claims as if she actually believed it.

What she told me… it was… it was serious.

There's no way… no fucking way…

"What the hell are you doing?" she hisses when I lift my hand once more and gently rub at her nipple through the thin fabric of her shirt with the pad of my thumb.

"Did you even look in a mirror before you stepped out in this?" I ask, my eyes locked on my movements as her peak hardens even more with the sensation.

I'm not the only one who's changed since the last time we saw each other. She was a young woman back then. Now she's all woman. The curves she's developed threaten to fucking ruin me. Sadly for her, the only one here who's getting ruined is her.

I've waited years to finally have this out between us and now she's right here.

My prey.

She keeps her lips pressed into a thin line, refusing to speak after her little outburst.

"So I'll assume you did then and you wanted every man in that place to imagine how they look bare. If your nipples are as pink and rosy as they're imagining. I bet they were wondering just how you would sound if they were to—"

Her gasp of shock rips through the air as I pinch down hard on her sensitive peak.

Her eyes narrow in warning but it's impossible to miss how much they darken at my move.

"You like that, P? Is what you were hoping for? For someone to take away that innocence you seem to be trying to convince everyone of with this little act."

Leaning forward, I brush my lips against her ear.

"Is that it? Have you told them all that you're a virgin?"

A growl vibrates up her throat. I'd miss it if I weren't holding her so tight.

"Just another lie to add to all the others you spill because we both know you're anything but a virgin, don't we, P?"

Her chest heaves as she stares at me. Memories of us together, figuring each other's bodies out all those years ago, are almost visible in her gray depths.

"How much do you think they'd pay you for this?" I ask, switching to the other side which is already at a hard point for me.

She shakes her head, still trying to claim her innocence.

"What about a taste, P? How much does that cost?"

"I don't sell my body, Luc." The plea in her voice only makes me want to push her more. And I realize for the first time just how much I want to break her.

Just like she broke me.

Everything changed for me the day her mom dragged her out of Rosewood. My trust was in tatters, my life imploding on me, and everything I thought I knew was in question.

I've trusted no one with the darkest part of me since that day.

I found a vault deep inside and locked it all down because I couldn't risk anyone betraying me like that again.

Letty thinks she knows everything about me. But she doesn't. There are parts that I've never exposed to her. Parts that even Leon hasn't seen for a very long time.

They both just think I'm a little hot-headed, and I am, I can't deny that. But it's what happens when I lock myself into my room after that outburst that they have no idea about.

Peyton knows it all though. She's seen every dark and twisted side of me and despite knowing that, she fucking broke me.

"You're fucking right there. You've already taken enough from me. It's time for me to repay the favor.”

Releasing her throat, I wrap my fingers around the cropped hem of her shirt and push it up, exposing her bare tits.

They're fucking perfect and everything I've spent years dreaming about but like fuck am I about to tell her that.

Before she has a chance to protest, I lower down and suck one into my mouth.

Her sweetness explodes in my mouth and my cock weeps for her.

I remember the image of her lips wrapped around my length all too well. I remember her hesitation, her nerves. It makes me wonder how much more confidence she might have now. How much practice she might have had.

The thought of her on her knees for some other motherfucker makes my fists clench but I soon realize I've something better right before me to release my frustration on.

"Luc," she cries as I bite down on the nipple deep in my mouth as I pinch the other.

Her fingers thrust into my hair, pulling hard and making my scalp sting as she tries to fight me off.

"And to think, you tried to deny being a whore," I mutter against the fullness of her breast.

"I'm not. Get the hell off me."

"Stop lying to yourself, P. You want this. You're wet for this."

"No. I hate you, Luc. I fucking hate you."

Her words send a tsunami of anger racing through me.

"You hate me?" I roar, forgetting all about where we are and that anyone could hear and come rushing to her rescue. My hand finds her throat once more but my grip is much more brutal this time and her eyes widen in fear. Once upon a time, she'd have every confidence in me never taking things too far, never hurting her. But times have fucking changed and she deserves all the pain I can deliver. "I did nothing, P. Fucking nothing," I bellow, the hurt sixteen-year-old boy inside me rearing his little head. "You ruined everything with your bullshit lies. I loved you, P. I loved you so fucking much and you fucking broke me."

Need, hunger, anger, depravity, it all swirls around me like a dark cloud making me forget who I really am, where we are and what I should be doing.

"Luca, no," Peyton cries as I rip her panties aside. Kicking her legs wider with my feet, I sink two fingers deep inside her. Her velvet heat surrounds me and immediately something settles because I was right.

I was fucking right.

"Fuck, P. You're fucking dripping right now."

"Luca," she whimpers but her body is clearly on a different page than her head because as I bend my fingers inside her, she clamps down on me, a rush of liquid running down my digits and to my hand.

"You enjoy walking around looking like a filthy slut, don't you? Does it make you feel powerful knowing that all the men want you?"

“No," she cries.

"Let's make a deal."

She thrashes her head from side to side trying to ignore what my fingers are doing buried deep inside her.

"We'll let them look… for now. But no one else touches what's mine."

"Luc." Her voice is raspy, her body teetering right on the edge of her release.

The need to push her over. To watch her fall once again because of me is almost too much to deny.


"Oh shit. Luc. No," she cries, sagging against the side of my car as I rip my fingers from inside her.

Her chest heaves, her nipples still glistening from my attention. Her eyes are blown and I know if I could see better her cheeks and chest would be bright red with her almost-release.

Lifting my hand, I make the most of her parted lips and push them inside.

"Suck them clean."

Her eyes widen once more in surprise but whatever she sees in mine ensures she does as she's told.

I damn near come in my pants like a fucking schoolboy when her tongue laves at me.

Grinding my teeth, I rip my fingers away again.

"Good girl.” I take a step back and she sags lower, her knees barely holding her up. "I meant what I said, P. No one else touches you." Bending to her height, I look into her eyes so she can see how serious I am. "Even your cunt of a boyfriend." The word is bitter on my tongue but I can't leave it unsaid after seeing them yesterday.

"My b-boy—" She slams her lips shut, probably realizing that I really have been watching her. She swallows nervously.

"Now, get off my car. You're making it look cheap."

Her jaw drops in shock as I wrap my hand around the fabric of her hoodie and pull her away.

She stumbles back away from me, wrapping it around herself to cover up.

It's a damn shame but I'll let it go. For now.

"Luc, wait. Please."

I take two steps toward the driver's door before I realize what she's begging for.

Digging my hand into my pocket, I pull out her cash, along with my wallet.

"This all you care about?" I say, throwing the bills at her.

She wants to look down, to gather them up, but she doesn't. Her eyes remain on mine, begging me to stop.

She can try that all she wants. What she really needs to realize is that this is just the beginning.

Opening my wallet, I stare her straight in the eyes when I ask my next question. "So how much for the fingerbang?"

A garbled cry falls from her lips and I pull a few bills from my wallet. I have no idea how much is in there but I really don't give a fuck.

I throw the money at her before ripping my car door open and dropping into the seat.

I look in the mirror as I pull out of the lot and find her in a pile on the ground with her head in her hands.

My stomach knots. The little boy within me wanting to go and scoop up the girl who was his entire life. To help her put the pieces back together and tell her that everything is going to be okay.

But he's long gone. The man in his place is nowhere near as caring to the person who killed that sweet boy.