Daddy’s Girl by Miley Maine



Iraise my eyebrow and subtly glance at James, who nods to confirm my unspoken question. The croupier is scamming us. The question is, why?

The obvious answer is she’s seen a group of rich guys, and thinks she can make a few easy bucks, but something tells me that’s not the full story.

I know her flirting with us and supplying us with free drinks is all part of the act, but something about the young woman seems genuine.

Unless I’m thinking with my dick? It’s true, she’s attractive, and in that low cut blouse and short skirt, it’s not hard to let my imagination run wild. But there’s been a couple of times when the mask has slipped, and I’ve seen something more behind those cat-like yellow-green eyes. Like when she mentioned her father passing away.

And you’d have to be blind not to have noticed the change in her demeanor -- and our luck -- since she came back from her break. Who the hell takes five-minute breaks, anyway? Surely that’s not enough time to eat!

We know Mojave is dodgy, it’s part of the reason we’re here. Yes, my friends wanted to take me out to celebrate the expansion of my business to the west coast, but it was James’ idea to come here, and carry out a little reconnaissance. He wants to take over Mojave, but knows the owner will never sell, so he will have to resort to more underhanded tactics.

Mojave is the biggest and best casino on the strip, and it’s also got a terrible reputation for being corrupt. Lucas has told me the dodgy dealings of the owner, Dimitri Kriska, and how desperate his security firm is to get their hands on Kriska. The trouble is, he and James can’t get anything concrete on the man. Hence why we’re here tonight, hoping to uncover something while we ‘celebrate.’

Now I’m starting to wonder if Savannah Martinez is our path to scoring some dirt on Kriska. But that’s not the only reason the young croupier has caught my attention. I can’t deny I’m attracted to her. Another reason we’re at Mojave tonight is because Lucas mentioned that sometimes the croupiers -- who aren’t paid nearly as much as they deserve -- are open to some extra work. I’m not talking anything sleazy, just companionship and acting as a ‘date’ for social events. If Savannah wanted to take it further though? I’d be game. I saw the way she was checking me out when we first arrived, and I won’t deny I’m quite taken with her petite and curvaceous figure.

But right now, my biggest concern is that between the four of us, we’re twenty-thousand dollars down. I know some losses are expected in casinos, and the odds are always stacked in the house’s favor, but twenty-thousand dollars seems a bit much, and coupled with Kriska’s reputation, I think we’re being played.

The nod James gives me confirms he suspects we’re being conned, too.

But what do we do about it?

We could walk away now. Twenty thousand between the four of us isn’t that much, considering the money we make in our respective fields. But we’re not here to make money. We’re here to dig up dirt, and this seems shady as hell.

I wonder if we got Savannah alone would she betray her boss, or does he have that much of a hold over her?

The only way we’re going to find out is if we make Savannah trust us, and then try to speak to her at the end of the night. And so, it’s time to put on my game face.

“So, have you worked here long? I don’t recognize you from the last time I visited, and I never forget a pretty face.”

Savannah blushes and says, “No, I’ve only been here six months. I must have missed you the last time you came to town.”

“Well, if I know you’re sticking around, I’ll be sure to visit more often.”

“Aww, you’re just saying that” Savannah replies, playfully swatting my arm.

Not wanting to seem too obvious, or desperate, I don’t reply directly, and instead ask, “So, you were offered a junior position with Robb but had to turn it down, huh? I bet it’s when you got a good look at him, wasn’t it?”

We all laugh. Robb is by no means a bad looking guy. While he isn’t buff like me and Lucas, and doesn’t dress in the same flashy, designer outfits James does, he’s handsome and always dresses well.

I’m surprised when, rather than laughing along Savannah looks away awkwardly. Have I said the wrong thing? I remember her mentioning she had to turn the job down because her dad died, but surely that’s not the real and only reason. If she’d told Robb about her circumstances, he would have understood, and there’s no way working at the casino pays better than a junior accounting position. No, there must be some other reason.

Catching my drift, Robb says, “If things are different now, you can always re-apply. If we were interested in hiring you before, I can’t see why that would have changed now.”

Savannah’s gaze darts to a point behind her, where I see the tell-tale blinking red light of a security camera. So, we’re being watched? Interesting…

Trying to draw her attention away from the camera, and whatever I might have said to freak her out, I decide to take a risk and share something with Savannah that I only tell my closest friends.

“I really am sorry about your dad. I know how difficult it is to lose a parent; my father passed away last year. Me and Mom were devastated -- we still are.”

Savannah’s expression softens. “I’m so sorry,” she says. “It’s so difficult, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been through,” I admit, not afraid to let the raw emotion show in my voice. It’s been a year, and the loss still feels like a gaping hole in my heart I’m not sure will ever be filled. Judging by what Savannah has said, her loss is even more recent, and I fully understand the pain she must be in.

Savannah shakes her head, as if dislodging memories, and then plasters a smile on her face, but I can tell by the darkness in her eyes it isn’t genuine.

“So, who wants more drinks?” she asks, sounding falsely cheery.

We all agree, simply to play along with the facade we have going on, and so Savannah won’t become suspicious that we’re here for anything but a guys’ night out. James smoothly takes over the conversation, talking about lighter, more trivial things, and I glance across to Lucas. His eyes are focused on the camera on the wall behind Savannah -- of course he would have noticed it too. I catch his eye, and he nods subtly.

After another thirty minutes of playing, we’re now forty-thousand dollars down, and while the conversation still flows, it’s not as deep or serious as it was before. I don’t know if I’ve pushed too hard, or what, but any connection I felt like Savannah and I had been building has been severed, and more than once, I catch her glancing over her shoulder at the security camera.

Finally, we decide to call it a night. It’s obvious we’re not going to get anything from Savannah, and if we stay at the blackjack table much longer, our losses are going to start impacting us.

As if on queue, Robb throws down his chips, and then the rest of us fold.

“That’s me done for the night,” I say, then swallow down the last of my Krogstad. I reach into my pocket, pull out a hundred-dollar bill and place it on the table in front of Savannah. A moment later, my friends do the same.

“This is for you, as a thank you for a fantastic evening,” I say.

Savannah blushes and quickly shoves the notes in the pocket of her short skirt. “Thank you. I hope to see you all again soon.”

“Likewise,” I reply, our gazes lingering on each other. Savannah opens her mouth as if she’s going to say something, but no words come out, and then she closes her mouth again.

I want to say something, but I don’t know what. Part of me wants to ask when she gets off work, and if she’d like to have a drink with me afterwards, but I’m not sure that’s entirely a good idea -- especially with whoever is behind the security camera no doubt is watching us.

Finally, I turn away and join my friends as we walk to the door.

The moment we get outside, Lucas hisses, “She knows something. Her whole demeanor changed after her break, which is also when our luck changed.”

“I agree, but I’m not convinced she’s the instigator. Did you see how jumpy she was? Someone was watching her,” I say, and Lucas nods.

“So, what do we do about it?” James asks.

“I want to wait for her. I want to speak to her when she gets off work,” I say as we reach James’ Lexus.

“Whoa there loverboy,” Robb teases.

“It’s not because of that--” My friends all give me a pointed look. “Okay, it’s not entirely because of that. Yes, I’d be interested in dating her if she is, but I’m also convinced she knows something about Dimitri. I think we should ask her what she knows -- maybe even suggest we’d pay her to dig up some dirt on him.”

“I agree, but not here. We don’t know whose hanging around,” Lucas says.

“So, what, we follow her home? Won’t that freak her out?” I question.

“Not if you talk to her. She was obviously interested in you, you could feel the connection,” Robb says. While he isn’t as outgoing as the rest of us, he is a quiet observer, and often surprises me and my friends with the things he notices.

“Okay, so we wait here and follow her home?” I ask, not entirely sure it’s the right course of action, but having no better suggestions.

“Yes, but not in the parking lot. If anyone sees we’re hanging around, they’ll become suspicious. We need to park a little further away,” Lucas says.

“Yeah, it’s not like we’ve got long to wait,” James says, glancing at his watch.

I look at my own and see its almost midnight. The casino should be closing now, and I imagine it won’t be more than thirty minutes until Savannah leaves.

* * *

We catch up with Savannah when her battered pickup truck pulls up outside an equally battered trailer, and I feel a pang of sympathy that this young woman lives in such conditions.

“Let me speak to her,” I insist as James parks his Lexus.

“Yeah, so you can get in her pants,” Lucas teases, and James and Robb laugh.

I glare at my friends. While it might be true, that’s not why I want to talk to Savannah. “I’m serious. I felt a connection with her. I think she trusts me.”

In the rear-view mirror I see Lucas roll his eyes, but next to me in the driver’s seat, James nods.

“Come get us if you need back up,” he says.

“Thanks, but I won’t need it,” I reply, slipping out of the car and crossing the gravel lot to Savannah’s trailer.

She must have heard me coming, as she storms out, a pistol raised high, and then lowers it when she sees it’s me. Her eyes widen.

“Erik? What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to talk to you, and judging by the gun in your hands, I think you know why? Can I come in please?”

“I … erm … sure.”

I glance back at my friends to let them know all is well, and then follow Savannah inside her trailer. The interior is tiny and dingy, but who am I to judge? Me and my parents grew up in an apartment not much bigger than the trailer, and one of the reasons we moved to America was so my father could get a better job.

“Can I … erm, get you a drink or anything?” Savannah asks, twirling a strand of curly, dark, caramel-highlighted hair around her finger.

“No, thank you. I think I had enough at the casino.”

“Yeah, about that … I didn’t mean to throw you off your game or anything, it’s just, it’s expected we give rich patrons the VIP treatment, and that includes complimentary drinks.”

“And is it expected that you fix the game so the house wins, too?” I ask, keeping my voice even and free of accusation. I’m certain that the reason Savannah was cheating us wasn’t down to her.

Savannah’s eyes widen, and before I know what’s happening, tears are streaming down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, but I have to. I have no choice.”

“Is Dimitri Kriska threatening you?”

Savannah’s shoulders shake and she nods.

“That son of a bitch,” I yell, and Savannah flinches.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” I say quickly, cautiously inching closer. My instincts demand I wrap my arms around this young woman and protect her from the world, but I don’t make a move in case I scare her off. “What’s Dimitri got over you?”

“I owe him $50,000. That’s why I’m working at the casino. You know how I mentioned earlier I applied for a job with your friend Robb?”

“Yeah, I remember. You know, he’d look over your resume if you want him to. You don’t have to stay at the casino. We can help you pay off the debt.”

“We?” Savannah asks, her tone curious.

“Me and the others who were there tonight. We could help you.”


“James wants to buy the casino--”

“But Dimitri will never sell,” Savannah finishes for me.

“Exactly, and I suppose you know about his ‘reputation’ right?”

At this, Savannah shudders, and I can’t help myself. I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around her. “It’s okay, I won’t let him hurt you.”

Savannah continues sobbing in my arms, and I gently run my hand up and down her back, trying to sooth her.

Eventually, she stops crying, and seems to realize that I have my arms around her. She steps back, stammering, “Sorry, that was inappropriate.”

“No need to apologize. I know Dimitri is into some shady stuff, and I meant it when I said we will help you. I will protect you from him.”

Savannah’s cat-like eyes narrow. “What do you want in return?”

“If you want to do some digging, and unearth some dirt on Dimitri, we’d be eternally grateful. But my offer of protection doesn’t depend on you doing that. I do, however, have another proposition for you, if you’re interested?”

Savannah raises a thin, dark eyebrow. “Yeah, like what?”

“While I’m in the city, I need someone to accompany me to events and stuff. If you’re interested, I’ll pay you for your time and company.”

“I’m no whore,” Savannah grinds out, pacing away to put distance between the two of us.

“I never said you were, and that’s not what I'm about. It would be a business exchange -- I need company for events, you need money. It goes no further, unless that’s what you want?”

Savannah gulps, her cheeks flushing pink. “Unless I want?”

I laugh. “Come on, I saw you checking me out earlier. If you’re interested, well…”

Savannah’s blush intensifies. “I told you, I’m not a whore.”

“I never said you were. And I never meant to imply any of my offers are dependent on the others. You want protection from Dimitri? You got it. You’re interested in earning some extra money by accompanying me to events? Deal. You’re willing to give James evidence against Dimitri? Excellent. You want to come back to my hotel room and let me make love to you all night long?” I let the last offer linger in the air for a moment, before I add, “You can have one of those things or all of those things, it’s up to you,” I say, then reach into my pocket for my wallet. I hand Savannah a business card that states which hotel I’m staying at and my room number. “Think about it. Come see me when you’ve made a decision. Or not. It’s up to you. I won’t bother you again if you don’t come to me.”

With trembling hands, Savannah takes the offered business card. I give her one final, dazzling smile, and then turn and leave the trailer.